
As long as you want

Leo tinkers with the car he was fixing and without even missing a beat, he answers Ryan. "Ohh.... lunch at the sandwich shop, then a date tonight so Eli can stay home with his beloved new television."

He throws Ryan a sidelong glance with a silly grin, knowing good and well she'd been referring to work, not the personal agenda for the day.

Scott flops back on the bed, relief washing over him. He just lets the silence reign on the phone for a moment, trying to pull himself together. His voice was weak after the traumatizing thought that had taken over his mind.

"I... I just... I..." He swallows hard and closes his eyes, his head throbbing. "No, I'm not okay," he admits. "I had one of the most real nightmares I've ever had and... I thought... I thought I finally cracked... the Agency got into my head and... and I betrayed everybody."

His voice rises with emotion, a despair clinging to each syllable. "I cracked... I knew I would and.... and I couldn't help myself! My mind was just all..."

Scott stops, catching his breath as his pulse begins to race again. "I have to talk to Carson... just lock my account out of the system for now, Dalton, please?" His tone was desperate - that of a man who wanted so badly never to harm those he cared about. "Don't tell me the password until I know I won't... won't do something terrible... please?"

Dylan doesn't turn his head, but lazily lifts an eye to see BJ sitting across from him, mimicking his position again and staring at him. His gaze narrows. "It's not a good morning," he grumbles, "because I'm here. And I'm not your big brother."

Moving his head again, he turns his face from BJ, every vibe a negative one.

Mick smiles and Rosetta hugs her back, returning her kiss. "Mmm... I slept like a baby."

Drawing her down into the chair next to him, he cocks his head, just looking at her for several moments. For no real reason other than to admire her and take in all he could after being away.

"Thought I'd go out and give Remington some attention after breakfast - Jim said he's been a beast. Then if I could come to the office and look through the books just to see what's been up... if that's okay with you?"

Sparky smiles gently, his eyes so full of a longing to just make Faith happy. "Well I can cover the first three all in one, then the fourth can come tonight." His smile widens. "If you get some food together that will fit in a saddlebag, I'll get a horse and we'll ride double up the foothills then have a picnic."

He cocks his head, the brim of his hat casting a shadow over his eyes. "Then tonight we can get dibs on the living room couch and watch a movie..."

He moves a little closer, his hands moving down around Faith's waist. "...and you can sit with me... in my arms..." His voice quiets to almost a whisper. "...for as long as you want."

Jade looks out the window at the passing scenery, then back to Dan, giving his hand a squeeze. They'd been on the road an hour already, but this time she didn't have to sit on a crowded bus. They wouldn't get back to the ranch until tonight, but she didn't care. Just being with Dan the whole way was worth it and she was going to enjoy every minute, spending the hours with him. There was only one little raincloud.

Her fingers curl around his a little tighter, though she tries not to distract him from driving. "Dan... I don't know when it'll be but... but my dad's gonna be back sometime and..." She hadn't yet broached this subject with him. "...well... how are we gonna tell him... about us?"

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