
Alone no more

Not say anything in reply to Alec Ryan could feel a strange feeling that fluttered inside her stomach. Flutter? Nothing ever fluttered with her. But Alec's words they were, different sharp edges that stung the soul, but a soothing after burn.

As they made there way back to TJY Ryan couldn't help the faint grin that was on her lips. It wasnt as big as before, but it was there. And getting to TJY a whole new rush entered her veins. She was actually scared to go in there least be thrown behind bars herself. Hearing Alec's words though Ryan gave a small nod. They were admiral, they were pure and it was nice he would take the bunt of it all.

Finally her nod turns into a shake as she turns to look into Alec's eyes. She words came out strong as she felt what she meant in her soul.

"Your not alone anymore in this world Alec. We will go in and face it together."

Taking her seat belt off Ryan reaches over to turn the car of, and take the keys back from the ignition. She was going in there with Alec, Because he wasn't alone now. She was just as much at fault as he was.

Libby gives a nod taking Ty's hand to stand. She still felt horrible even if the look in Ty's eyes hadn't change though it did bring a little relief that this didn't change his mind about her.

"Yeah, its in the laundry room just down the hall. Follow me."

Poking her head out of her bedroom Libby can still hear the yelling, and crashing from the other end of the house. It was distant enough that she figured her mom and step father were in the bedroom.

Not wasting time and still holding Ty's hand Libby hurry down the hall before slipping into the laundry room on the right. Slipping out the door and heading right for the truck Libby gets in and lets out a long sigh. Leaning her head back against the seat she just breaths heavy for several moments.

After a few moments pass she new it was time to go least someone come out seeing her leaving, and start a whole new chain of events she had been through before.

Driving in silence for a few moments Libby finally glances over at Ty, giving him half a smile. She hated he had to see that, but she was happy she wasn't alone as well.

"I'm sorry you had to be a part of that. We could of avoided it but I..lost track of time because I was having fun."

Drawing silent again Libby's fingers just tap on the wheel. Where were they going? She didn know! Could they just drive and never stop? She only wished.

"So, where should we head now?"

Just leaning her head back into Ryder's chest Thirteen enjoyed just sitting there. Hearing his heart beat it was calm and almost hypnotic. Thirteen was so happy he was here with her.

"Time..when that time comes, I think its gonna feel mighty nice. I've never had anyone tell me they loved me before."

Finding his hand with her own Thirteen interlock hers with his own. Just stairing at his fingers there hands together a smiled formed on her face. Maybe, one day.

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