

Continuing to watch Alec Ryan stays mostly quiet. Her own mind reeled with questions. So many that she didn't know where to start. Giving a small smile Ryan watches as Alec goes for the door. Part of her wanted him to go, to have his freedom, not be caged anymore...but part of her was releaved when he stayed as well. But seeing him not make a move again as if still trying to figure out what choose he should make.

"Stay or go Alec you need to make the choose...like now. If I have to face Reese wrath I'd like to do it sooner rather than later. Though I am going to face it no matter what because we already are late."

Turning a little to see him Ryan raises her eyebrows as she looks at him. That strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. The lack of understanding was there, she wanted to be able to walk away from Alec and not look back but now...now she didn't know if she really could.

"Whats holding you here Alec?"

Giving a loud laugh Libby can't help but throw her head back as she dies to Ty once again. He was right there were tied now, and one more game sounded like a great plane.

"Alright alright...one more ga...."

LIbby's words are cut off s she hears the house door slam making everything on her room walls shake. Spinning her head to the side where her dresser was Libby looked at the same. Almost four hours had passed and it only felt like fifteen minutes. Everyone would be home now, and all Libby could do was hold her breath hopping they wouldn't know they were there.

Looking to Ty Libby's eyes widen a little bit as she holds her finger to her lips as a signal not to make a sound. But with no amount of luck in a few moment's Libby's bedroom door flys open and her mom stumbles in. Her eyes glossed over, and a beer in her hand one could tell she had just gotten home but was already tanked.

Seeming to sky away into a sell Libby can feel the heat come to her face. One the inside hoping and seeming to plead that this wouldn't happen now.

Looking around Libby's room her mom's gaze was glossy and she could hardly stand up straght finding her daughter face though her eyes still remained vacant.

"I...told...yous...to do...do..house work."

Glancing back at her mother Libby's cheek turned red as she looked up at her mom again.

"It was Brad's turn to clean today Mom."

Taking a step forward her mom stumbles bit grabs for the wall steadying herself. In the process she rips one of the posters.

"I...I don't care who...t...turn it is...."

Libby's mom's eye dazed look to Ty.

"Who's that?"

"A friend.."

"A boy friend..."

"No, he's just a friend."

Hearing another should from the other room Libby cringes. She wished they were somewhere else. She wish she had payed attachen to the time better.

"BRENDA why isnt this house clean."

Her mom turns yelling back to her step father as she leaves the room. More commotion can be hurd, a lot of screaming and things breaking.

Libby jumps as a few more things break, keeping her eyes closed before looking over at Ty.

"Lets get out of here. We can have the try breaker another day, ok?"

Once Trent was gone Thirteen's face seemed to change. She tried to be so strong in front of him, not wanting to cause any more pain than it obviously already was just reliving a few of these things. Now she still wanted to be strong but her shoulders just didn't seem to sit as high.

Feeling Ryder's arm around Thirteen leans into him. Welcoming his comfort, his warmth soaking it all in while she could.

Turning her head a little to look up at Ryder Thirteen gives a little smile. She felt alot of things right now twords her dad, twords life..she had been hoping talking with her dad would of given her closure but now she just had more questions and a wish to know her mother. But it was something that would never happen so she would have to accept it.

"I'm...the best I can be. I've just gotta accept things now."

Thirteen lets out a long sigh.

"I guess...thats gonna be the hardest part. How come you think he still doesn't want anything to do with me? I can feel he doesn't, he didn't even ask me to come with him."

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