

Wandering around the ranch for most of the afternoon Faith had let Sparky sleep in peace giving him his own space for a little bit. Many of her thoughts revolved around Saprky while she found herself in one of the pastures sitting on a large rock.

How quickly she had taken a liking to him, and how much fun she enjoyed being around him. There was just something about the way he carried himself that seemed to draw Faith in. It was a feeling she had never felt before and though it was a little scary only because it was unknown it wasnt enough to keep her away.

Sparky was older but she didn't care. Age was a number that defined nothing. He'd already proven he could be witty, smile and move just as quick as anyone her own age. She couldnt help but wonder though if they went past friendship how would people react?

As the time slowly passed Faith found herself wondering again enjoying the cool air. Finding herself at the barn she makes her way inside. It was quiet except for what sounded like soft music, and maybe the faint hint that Sparky was here.

Wondering quietly twords the back Faith does her best to move undecided. Standing in the door way she listens to Saprky for a long moment, just listing and watching a smile forming on her face. As his poem comes to an end Faith steps a little father into the room for a moment feeling bad she has eased droped, but than felt silly for thinking that.

"I thought you had a nice voice the moment I ment you. Its soothing, calming...and well I think you just confirmed it. Sorry I couldn't help but listen in."

Leaning aganst one of the posts near Sparky Faith continues to watch him. Taking in the sights of him, and the pretty horse. It felt good nice, so good here, every moment was something special.

Looking down at JT and Bree Amanda was happy they were only a few hours away. JT needed some searous sleep in a nice bed alone with Bree. She was tired as well but was less worryed about herself than the other two. They had been though heck and back, and there bodys needed time to recover.

Feeling her uncles hand on her face she leans into it just a little bit but doesn't look up. Her mind still felt so dark, and lonly, like her mind was lost in the dark stop. As peaces of what happened to her started to come back in dream form and they scared her even more though she didn't say anything. She wasn't sure how to feel, or what to do other than miss Gunner terribly and fear she would never see him again.

Looking up at her uncle finally at the mention of the apple juice and the worried tone. Just looking at him for a long moment. Finally sitting up slowly Bree reaches for the cup and takes a few sips before handing it back to him.

Smacking her lips together at the tangy taste Bree sits back as her stomach grows. She didn't feel hungry and she didn't want to eat though her stomach told her otherwise. She just wanted to get to where ever they were going and get into bed to sleep.

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