
Thank you

Angelia beams not being able to give a little laugh. She was happy David was thinking like she had on Bree seeing a Dr. Even though she was one step a head at least she new it was bring thought by someone else.

"There is already someone on there way to see Bree. As soon as she knows anything she will be contacting me, and sending me her paper work."

Taking a sip of her lemon water for a moment Angelica just swallows it whipping her mouth. She could feel her mouth going dry already from rambling so much but that's what always had made her a good lawyer. Her ability to talk and talk on the same topic but never repeat herself.

"We pretty much need to take this thing one step at a time. Get Bree safe from going back to Crescentview is the first step. Than from there maybe we will be able to get our hands on stuff to do with her parents. I am not quite sure where to start looking though. People with a lot of power like them tend to hide well. I wonder if I could get on the inside some how...what do you think? I could always try and see if my friend can do some more digging of his own. Only thing is, I don't want him to get caught and pulled into this mess ether."

Angelica felt so concentrated on this work that she didn't even realize er hand brushed David's resting there for a moment before reaching back for her briefcase again to pull out more papers. Most of them talked about Bree's parents, and what they owned, where they eat at...even down to what shampoo they used. It really wasnt much but Angelica was thankful for anything Dalton had dug up. Who new if they looked through everything maybe there was something.

" So do you know anything more maybe I left out or didnt know?"

Continuing to look up at the sky Bree gently moves her fingers against the sky. The sides of her face still wet as the small tears over spilled them Bree doesn't turn her head to look at JT continuing to look at the sky she finally whispers trying to keep her voice from shaking.

"I'm looking...for the palm of Bree. I have to find it....Gunner's hand is not far from it, our fingers lock together, and I want to hold his hand."

It was hard fighting her emotions, her heart acked, and even though she was surrounded by people who would be her friend at the ranch Bree felt so alone without him.

Not being ablut to hold the tears back as she felt so frustrated not being able to find the starts her sniffles grow..turning her self into JT's lap her shoulders shake from her tears.

"I cant find it....I cant find his hand."

Her fists softly pound the ground, not to hurt herself but from her own pain and frustration, she just wanted to talk to Gunner, to hold him..she missed him so much.

Standing in the stall with Twilight Faith gives a small laugh as the horse takes the apple from her hand. The small whiskers on her chin, and her toung tickling her palm.

"I figured you deserved a tear after your work out. I bet you liked stretching your legs huh?"

 Scratching the horses chin Faith didnt even hear Sparky come up. She was lost in a wold of her own with the horse. The soft coat, the gentle sounds of the barn. Faith had become so use to them she found them more than soothing. Leaning her face against Twilight's nose she give her a gentile kiss, her words were soft.

"I better not feed you to many apples I dont know when I will get to give you a work out again. I know Sparky cares for me, and likes me a great deal but...I dont think his family does. Maybe he is going to change his mi...."

Faith's words are cut off as she gives a small jump not expecting the stall door to open. Turning around quickly and seeing Sparky standing there a small smile forms on her lips as her heart starts to race. Was it from worry and wonder what would happened next, or could it been from just the simple sight of him, and the longing for his arms to be around her and his lips pressed to her own.

Seeing the flowers being held out to her Faith can't help it as her smiles grows even bigger, and her eyes that had filled with a little worry seemed to twinkle now. No one had given her such a pressies gift before. Stepping forward Faith takes them from Sparky and holds them for a long moment before finally bringing her face down to them and putting her nose in. Taking a big long whiff she in hails the sweet smell and a small moan would conferm to anyone she liked them.

Looking up at Sparky again Faith trys to study his eyes but cant get a good enough view as his hat was casting a shadow over his face. Taking a few more steps closer she brings her finger up to the brim like she had so many times before and pushes his hand up a little. Now being able to see those steel blue eyes she had fallen so deep into she searching falling once again. Finding her voice her words come on in a soft whisper like a song on the summer breeze. Wrapped in emotion she didn't even realize she didn't use english words for thank you.

"Vi tackas Tyler, the flowers are beautiful."

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