

Having wondered over seeing Axel was awake again Misty gives a small nod at his mention of hurting. Normally she would give pain killed if one hurt right after surgery but for now she couldn't. She needed to know how long the pain would continue in his hand, and in a few hours if he could feel anything at all in not pain. At this point in time she could not give him anything that would mask that.

"Thats a good sigh Axel."

Looking up at Misty and than back at Axel Jess couldn't help the wave of happiness that passed through her. Weather Axel had one hand, or two she wouldnt care but to him he thought having two was important so for him she was so happy.

"I'm so happy your ok. I think once your a little more with it I am going to buy you a BIG slice of cheese cake."

Leaning down to Axel's level Jess gives him a gentile kiss on the for head just letting her lips linger for a moment. She was so happy he was ok, she had been worried and scared but now he was awake and she new he would be ok.

Just staring at her brother as he talked with the waitress Ryan didn't know what to day. Her brother had always been the lady killer in the family but this...this was rediculate. Finally she cant do anything else but give him a swift hard kick under the table.

"I know your not the smartest in the family, but I would suggest you leave her be."

Looking down at the menu Ryan shakes her head again. Scanning what she wanted everything looked good.

"How about...I dont know. Everything on the menu looks good today why dont you guys pick."

Looking up from his meal Dalton eyes the man at the table to the far right. He's seem him hitting on Dani, and how flustered she was getting. I irritated him but he wasn't sure if it was bothering Dani or not. It didnt look to much like it so maybe he wasn't bothering her all that much.

Seeing the younger girl who was at the table with them Dalton could guess it was someone related to him. She looked just like the man did. Dalton can't help the smile that spread on his lips when he saw her kick him. That was satisfaction enough for him right now.

Entering Kip's room Karla makes a bline for the bathroom. She'd looked around when she was in there yesterday looking for something for a headache so she new what he had. Opening the little medicine cabinet she pulls out some ibuprofen he had and took a washcloth as well wetting it with warm water. Putting the ibuprofen inside Karla crushes it up letting it deslove into the cloth.

Coming back out with the washcloth in hand Karla sits down sideways on the couch. Putting one leg behind Kip and the other hanging over the edge of the couch on the ground. Leaning forward she gently cleans the wound on his face, before retreating the cloth and folding it finally holding it over his eye.

"Its just watch and some crush up ibuprofen. Your pours around you eye will suck it up, and it will take the swelling and some of the color down more than just ice will."

Still leaning close to Kip and holding the cloth on his eye Karla searches his other. Seeing the pain, and the anger she felt so bad. She couldn't remember what it was like when he parents left, but the sicking feeling she got in her stomach just trying to remember was enough to tell her it wasn't good. She could only imagine it was worse for Kip.

"You wanna talk?"

"If I thought she belonged in a hospital we wouldn't be talking right now and I would of already called the cops."

Hope gives a soft smile to JT and her eyes say she in fact they were talking now, and she hadnt called anyone. Bree was a normal girl, with a different look at life. Though her eyes, it was more fun to do things in a strange mannor, then the normal every day drone.

"She doesn't need to be in a hospital, let alone one like what she was in. They did more harm to her than good that's for sure. Crescentview is for people who are beyond help, not for someone who just looks at things in a different light."

Standing again Hope holds up her papers and gives a nod.

"I have everything I need here and this should help in keeping Bree safe. I want to get it to Angelica as soon as I can so I am going to see if Rosetta will let me fax it to her. Its going to be on JT."

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