

Somewhere along the way, Sparky's hat gets knocked off, but he ignores it. He joins Faith's passion, totally overcome by the feeling of her kiss and her embrace. Letting her retreat then come back for more, he continues to give, not caring about time or where they are.

Though time seemed to stand still, in reality it does pass, and Sparky finds himself slowly pulling away, his breath catching in his throat. His heart racing as the kiss is broken, reality seems to come back to him, along with his senses.

Still breathing heavily, his eyes dive into Faith's once again, looking for the same feelings that he felt right now. And he found them. It had happened so fast. Only yesterday had they admitted their feelings... today, this... was this too fast?

Swallowing hard, Sparky moves his fingers a little bit, feeling the saddle behind Faith and realizing that when she'd moved forward, a space had been formed. He discovers it's difficult to find his voice and it comes as a hoarse whisper. "You need a smaller saddle."

As Sapphire leans over and gives Gage a kiss, his hand finds its way to the back of her head, enjoying the surprising moment. He lets restrained passion through, happy with the fact that these moments were now allowable with Sapphire.

When she pulls away, he's smiling a little, a faint spark in his weary eyes. "You're pretty good at that," he teases. Her compliment of his aftershave scent creates just a bit of color in his cheeks.

Buckling up, his hand slips into Sapphire's just as natural as if they were walking down the sidewalk. It was a good feeling. A feeling that he was accepted. A feeling that he was liked and that there was something beyond the dim life he saw every day.

Hearing about Scott, he nods. "Let me know when he's back in town. Since I'll be learning how to drive, I might be able to get some of my hours cut."

Once arriving to the little restaurant for lunch, Gage looks around the parking lot. "Are... are Con and Jamie here already?"

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