
Not really a surprise

Kip closes his eyes tight, wishing the world would just go away. Somewhere though, Karla's words lingered as something he could hang on to. Feeling her behind him with her arm around him, and feeling of warmth washes over him, despite his tears. She was the one in need of help, and here she was helping him instead.

Finding her hand, he locks his fingers through hers and just lets his head sink farther into his pillow. He really didn't care what time it was or how long they would lie here. It was what he needed...

Kip's muscles tense as he prepares to roll over, but something stops him. Something was different. Opening his eyes, they're met by sunlight streaming in the window and he squints. It had to be late for it to be that bright. As far as he knew though, no one had come to wake him up - that was probably Erik's doing. He could be a slave driver, but he usually did a good job of looking out for his younger friend.

Kip then realizes that he's cozy warm and that someone else's hand is in his. Then he remembers. He must not have moved all night, and his body's stiffness confirmed that. Yawning, he just lies still for a few minutes, trying to wake up. The night was over... last night was gone. It was a new day and he could forget about what had happened.

A female voice at the door makes Kip jump. He was just as glad he'd locked his door last night.

"Kip... Kip, are you awake? Is Karla with you?" It was Twila. She'd just come from Karla's room, finding it empty and worrying.

Kip sighs. All he needed was to get a tongue lashing from her too. But he couldn't lie. "Yeah," he calls to her. "Whatcha need?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to make sure she was okay?"


"Alright. See you later."

Kip quirks an eyebrow. No questions. That was nice. Maybe Twila trusted him more than Erik did. Knowing surely Karla was awake now, Kip wriggles his hand around. "Hey, sleepy... sun's up."

JT grins and shakes his head at Bree. "You can eat with your knife for all I care. Come on." He pats her leg and stands up, stretching with a yawn. The stress of this whole thing was wearing him down and he knew it. But the papers had been faxed to Angelica and David. Bree would be safe. And that was the entire point of this thing. He hoped Gunner was fairing as well as he was though.

"Yes." Jason nods to Katie. "Food would be a good thing right about now. You're driving though. I'm getting lightheaded." He knew good and well that he should have eaten sooner, but he'd gotten busy. Better late than never, and his emotions to Katie ask nicely not to give him a bad time about it.

Once they're off and to the little Chinese restaurant, Jason relaxes, being able to eat and bring his blood sugar back up. Settling in after a little chatting, he cocks his head at Katie, a crooked grin on his face. "So, um... I got some vacation approved with Reese... for both of us." He glances at his watch. "By this time tomorrow... we should be halfway to Texas on the TJY jet... what do you think?" 

Enveloped in Faith's kiss, Sparky returns his own, his hands sliding down to wrap around her slim frame. His hat gets tipped back farther on his head, but he ignores it. Life was short. Sometimes shorter than anyone wanted. And he couldn't pass up the opportunities to love, no matter the outcome. 

After a few moments, he finally draws away, a smile lingering on his lips. "You look tired... let me finish up here and I'll meet you inside for supper?"

"So...." Jade swivels around the broom as she pauses her work sweeping the barn aisle and looks up at Dan with a flirtatious look. "If I gotta leave day after tomorrow I thought tomorrow night we could celebrate Christmas?" 

She sweeps a little more before stopping again. "What do you wanna do, hmm?"

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