

Giving a soft chuckle Faith makes her way to the horse where Sparky told her to stand. Letting the horse sniff her and than scratching her next Faith smiles at Sparky listing to him closly.

"Hey there girl, your such a pretty horse arnt you."

Looking over the horses neck at Sparky Faith just continues to watch him. His movements, the simple way he turned his head it all seemed so graceful to Faith. She couldnt help but be mesmerized by him.

Seeing his motions for her to come by him Faith does so. Being positioned in front of him she didnt mind, and feeling his arms around her wasnt nice ether. Following Sparky's instructions Faith gentily brushes the horse enjoying ever moment of it.

Feeling Sparky so close to her again Faith cant help it that her heart starts to race one more, and a tingle shoots down her spin as Sparky's breath brushes her neck. His arm wrapped around her she felt so sacure and safe, something that hadn't been felt in a while.

Leaning back into Sparky for a moment Faith seemed to get lost in his own sweet smell and the smell of apple oats as well. Tilting her head just a little to rest aganst his, she moved her head up and down to rube her skin on his in a soft mannor. Her other hand letting go of the brush and slipping out of the leather strap letting it rest on the horse back for now. Bringing her free hand up to Sparky's arm that was across her Faith lets her fingers run up and down his arm lightly.

"I've never felt this way before Sparky. It's like...I get lost but in a good way."

The words slipped from her mouth before she could even stop them. What was said, was now said she couldnt take it back. She only hope it didnt freak Sparky out to much.

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