

Laura gives Nate another hug. "Thank you. Won't take me but a minute to get my jacket."

It ended up being more than just a minute with all the greetings that had to go around, but eventually, Laura is with Nate in the car on the way to town. It wasn't the shortest drive, but she didn't mind. She rather like it today. The length, that is. It gave her more time to think.

Though having been enthusiastic starting out, now butterflies in her stomach were bothersome. She'd become quiet as well and her mouth felt dry. Looking out the window, her hands fidget in her lap.

"Oh, turn here," she suddenly directs Nate. "It's a different way." Nodding, she points down a back road. Eventually though, she makes him take another few turns, then says they might be lost. Seeming to be just a little flustered, it's not surprising that she might be lost, but having Nate slow, Laura waves him down. "Oh, oh.... stop here."

They were in the middle of nowhere.

Grinning, she unbuckles and gets out of the car before Nate can stop her and she gestures for him to follow her. Waiting for him to join her, she takes him by the arm and almost drags him to a stand of trees. Then right on the other side is a wide valley hidden from view from the car.

Laura just stands and closes her eyes, breathing in the air. "I'm sorry," she apologizes. "I didn't think you'd come if I told you we were going out in the middle of nowhere."

She looks up to give her husband a sheepish smile. "Con and I... we used to come here when we were younger. If we had a fight or had something important to talk about, we'd come here. Our voices could echo off the rocks and bounce back in our faces, but no one else could hear. This is where our hearts were shared."

Slipping her hand down into Nate's, her fingers have started to tremble.

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