

Leo returns Ryan's kiss, ignoring the fact that Eli was cocking his head and staring at them. Smiling, he drapes his arms over Ryan's shoulders as she leans back against him. "Pizza it is then. I just gotta wrap up a few things back here, then I'm ready to go."

Eli thumbs to the door. "Ait. I'll get the car and..." He smirks a little. "Never mind. I know Ryan will want to ride with you, so I'll meet you guys at Mom and Pop's."

Leo gives a little wave, then sets his chin down on top of Ryan's head, rocking her a little. "Mm... I'm glad you guys decided to stay even when I didn't show up. I was afraid Eli would make you leave."

"Hey, Leo!" Another one of the dancers/actors comes up, to give him a hearty slap on the shoulder. "This your girl."

Leo grins and pulls Ryan away to turn her around. "Sure is."

The man smiles, his eyes twinkling as he extends his hand to Ryan. "Great to meet you. You're all Leo talks about."

Leo's face reddens a little. "Ryan, this is my pal Joe. He's the one that got me started in all this."

"Good thing too." Joe nods, setting his hands on his hips. "He's one of the best we got."

Leo rolls his eyes. "We got pizza going on. But I'll help clean up back here first."

"Nah." Joe waves him off. "Go have fun. We got it."

"You sure?"

"Yep." Joe grins. "Would you rather clean up or go on a date with this chick?"

Leo laughs. "Mmm... I'd have to take the date."

"My point exactly." Joe waves them away. "See ya later."

"Yeah, yeah." Leo slings his arm around Ryan's shoulders and heads towards the hall. "All I gotta do is get on my own clothes and I'll be ready."

Within minutes, he had reemerged and was walking Ryan outside into the night air. Getting in his car, he starts for Mom and Pop's. "So I know tonight wasn't really your thing but... did you enjoy it at least a little bit?"

Kip nods thoughtfully, trying to understand where Karla was coming from and thinking maybe he did. "We're just hanging out in the living room tonight... pretty low-keyed."

Offering the best smile he could, he guides Karla from the room, leading the way downstairs. He knew now she felt awkward and he didn't want her to, but he also realized now that he needed to be a little more careful than he had been.

Getting to the living room, the others are chatting while they eat, and they greet Karla with smiles and waves. It was subs tonight with potato chips and other side dishes - a casual meal. Kip invites Karla to sit with him on the couch near the coffee table and joins in the conversations, letting Karla take part as much as she felt comfortable with.

It wasn't twenty minutes later that Shirley taps on the doorway. "Kip?"

He looks up in surprise after taking a swig of pop. "Huh?"

"Someone is at the door for you."

Kip furrows his brow. "Who?"

Shirley hesitates. "It's your father."

Erik gives Kip a look and shakes his head, but Kip stands anyway, setting his napkin aside. "I'll make it quick."

Erik sighs. "Kip, just stay and finish eating."

"I'm almost done anyway."

"Just - " Erik stops as Kip disappears through the doorway. Sighing, he returns to his conversation with Kyle about self defense, giving up on stopping his friend. He never could get through to Kip about this.

At the front door, one could see through the glass to outside where Kip stood on the porch to meet his father. From inside, nothing could be heard, but anyone could see that his father was yelling angrily at him. Kip did not take part in an argument, but stood slouched, hands in his pockets, and his head bent against the verbal attack. It was the picture of a whipped puppy if there ever was one, and he took the attack without a fight... as always.

JT chuckles as the conversation is turned in his direction. "Hmm." He leans on the fence next to Amanda, contemplating his answer. It was hard enough trying to figure out what she meant by not knowing what she was looking for, if she was looking for it, let alone trying to explain why he didn't have a woman of his own.

"I guess because the right one hasn't come along. Oh, I've had some take interest in me, but it didn't take long for me to realize they just thought I was a rich doctor. Once they found out the excess went back to charity, they were gone."

He shrugs lamely. "I suppose I gave up looking... but on the days Bree's not around, it gets kinda lonely. I used to like the quiet... but now the silence just reminds me that I'm alone."

JT pauses, clearing his throat. He wasn't sure if it was good or bad he was sharing intimate details about how he felt. But it wasn't hard to talk with Amanda about it. Thinking in the quiet for several moments, he finally gives her a sidelong glance. "It's gonna be a while 'til it's good enough weather for camping... I'd be a fool if I didn't ask you out before then."

He bites his lip before a laugh slips out and he shakes his head. "That was lame."

Axel follows Misty's instructions, knowing he was at her mercy. The garb wasn't very comfortable, but he knew a clean environment was best, even his clothing.

Once he's settling down, he sits on the edge of the bed with a clipboard to scan through the pages. He did trust Misty, but he'd been in the hospital a few times to know that paperwork was always a part of it, whether it was TJY or not. Writing with his left hand he did pretty well, having not been able to use his right for so long.

Starting to fill things out and sign where needed, Jess' voice makes him look up. A thin smile spreads on his face and he stands up to give her a hug. "Car trouble? You should have called me. I could have come over before coming here and taken a look."

He taps her nose with his finger. "Glad you made it though. Thought Misty might put me under  and I might not get to see you before I drifted off to dreamland."

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