
If you ask..

Faith gives a small giggle as Sparky fumbles with his words not realizing she would of have that affect on him. She could feel her cheeks continuing to grow red themselves.Looking down for a moment Faith trys to process what she had just done. He had just been there, trying to find the right words, being so cute, and looking incredibly handsome as the sun shone through the windows. She couldn't help it, and she didn't regret it ether.

Feeling Sparky draw close again Faith looks up coming face to face with him. Just searching his eyes Faith could feel her heart start racing, his blue eyes seemed so deep, She could get lost in them. Reaching up for Sparky's hat Faith pushes it back just a little bit so she could see his eyes even better. Her voice was a soft whisper now that Sparky was this close to her.

"If you ask me kiss you again....I will. I wont mind postponing my lesson for that."

Faith's hands find Sparky's arms as she gentily runs her fingers tips up and down his arm. Her touch very gentile and soft.

Giving a small laugh as she hangs up her phone Sapphire waits in the car for Gage. Turning the music up and just singing to the song on the raido.

In record time Sapphire catch sight of Gage coming twords her car. Turning down the raido and giving a smile as he gets into the car.

"Hey you!"

Leaning over Sapphire press her lips to Gage's as she takes in his sweet smell of aftershave. Letting the kiss last for a few minutes Sapphire finally pulls away giving a smile and just looking into his eyes for a long moment.

"You smell really good. I like that aftershave you have."

Sitting up and starting out of the driveway she takes Gage's hand in her own free hand holding it as they start down the road.

"Oh Hey...my brother said he would be more than happy to teach you how to drive. So when you have some free time we just have to let him know. He's gonna be out of town for a few days but after than he said he would have no problem."

Sapphire gives a small smile. She new her brother had been a little hesitant about it and she couldn't blame him but she was happy when he finally said he would. She new that would make Gage feel good as well and he would be excited.

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