
Hot and Sweaty

Giving a smile to JT Amanda gives a small nod. Being inside so much she was starting to get cabin fever and feel cooped. A walk would defiantly be nice.

"Yes, I thought you would never ask."

Standing her hand still in JT's Amanda's grin holds. These last few days with JT and Bree had been full of stress and worry but at the same time she had gotten to know JT a little better and pick up on small things. He had such a big heart that not the normal person could see. She felt so comfortable with him now.

Hearing her brother's laugh next to her Ryan gives him a quick jab to the ribs turning her head to look at him. Her own smile shone on her face she wanted to laugh too but not at Leo only the whole situation and how silly she felt.

As the production continues Ryan watchs intently her eyes on Leo most of the time the shock finally had worn off and she was able to enjoy the show now. If asked what it was about maybe she could give someone a rough idea but mostly she just watch Leo and his dancing. It was amazing and everything he was doing she could only wish she was that limber.

When the curtains come to the close Ryan can't help herself but stand and clap. She really was proud of Leo and everything he had accomplished here.

When the people start to file out of the auditorium Ryan takes Eli hand almost pulling him along as it was aparent she was excited. Eather that or she just wanted to get of the dang shirt she had on.

"Come on Bro, lets go find Leo."

Finally making it out and through the people Ryan finally straightens out her shirt brushing it down. Standing up right again she looks around till her eyes spot Leo. Giving another large smile Ryan walks through the people the best she can to get to him. Even if he was hot and sweaty she was going to throw her arms around him.

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