

Spending the rest of the morning with Sparky helping him brush out Twilight and do a few other things around the barn Faith really did enjoy herself. It was nice to find odd things to do and learn about stuff around the barn not to mention being close to Sparky at the same time.

As the day moved on, both of them took there separate ways. Faith knowing Sparky had something to take care of that she wasnt able to help with. So heading out once again she had done more exploring. Around the ranch, in the woods just trying to get bearings. Finally finding herself back at the bunk she was shairing with Annie around the time of supper.

Cleaning herself up takes up what little time she had left. Her hair neatly tied back in a pony tail on the side, a tiny bit of nude colored eye shadow was applied but not much. Faith some times used it to bring out her eyes more, but liked the natural look better knowing she didn't need make up. Finding a good pare of her form fitted jeans, and a light blue shirt Faith was ready for dinner.

Grabbing her jean jacket before exiting the bunk Faith makes her way to where she new Sparky would be. In a few quick strides she was stepping into the barn. It was quiet as most people were to dinner now. Wondering up and down the isles finally Faith found the one she was looking for.

Giving a grin she folds her hands in front of herself rocking gently on her heels before stopping and looking at Sparky. A twinkle, and a hint of laughter was in her eyes.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me. There was this gentilmen I met this morning who said he wanted first dibs on the seat at dinner next to me. I cant seem to find him now, perhapes maybe you would like to take that seat?"

Faith's smile grew as she took a few more steps twords Sparky.

Laughter comes from the dinning hall as Rosetta and a few others set up for the nightly meal. As the door opens letting the cool air in Rosetta looks up. Not reconising the woman who entered first Rosetta was about to make a greeting but stops when she see JT.

It hadn't been to long since the last time she saw him, so it was easy to tell who he was. Other than the dirt and grim that said he was having a rough day.

"Good heavens JT, whats going on?"

Going over to him it takes a few moments to notice she was carrying someone but seeing the tuffs of blond hair from underneath the blanket Rosetta's eyes widen just a little. Still not knowing what was going on it dosn't take her long to react though knowing JT.

"Follow me, let me give you some place to lay her down."

Direction the visitors to follow she heads across the dinning hall and to the bedroom that was connected. Giving a nod to the bed for Bree Rosetta goes to the closet to grab a few extra blankets that had been cleaned to put over top of Bree.

"First, should I phone Angel?"

She new it might seem like a silly question to ask seeing as JT was a Dr. but she new he probley didnt have any of his things here.

"And next..what on earth is going on are you guys ok?"

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