
Crack of Dawn

Moving a little at the feeling of the bed moving Karla's head snuggles into Kip's chest a little more. Deep into sleep she wasn't even sure where she was, but it was comfortable like she was on a cloud.

As Erik bursts through the door Karla gives a jump thinking she was back home and someone just broke into the house. But all to soon she remembers where she was, and what happened last night. Trying to pull away from Kip a little bit she felt his arms tighten around her and all she could do was lean into his chest a little more. It was a bit embarrassing to be caught like this even if her and Kip hadnt done anything just the thought of someone thinking so.

Just letting Erik and Kip going back and forth for a moment Karla trys to choak back her tears. Till the room goes silent and Erik's last question hands in the air. Searching for her own words to talk She can feel a few tears slip out of her eyes. Just thinking about it hurt all over again.

"La...last night I woke in the middle of the night and my....my apartment was on fire. I love everything...everything I owned even if it was hardly anything. Even my best friend if gone now. Kip...He's telling the truth. I...fell asleep on him I guess why he was comforting me."

Looking up and seeing David Angelica's smile widens. She would be picking up David later but seeing him now was just as good. Giving a shake of her head thought at his mention to walking.

"Well I'll be, I guess a lost puppy can find his way home sooner or later. You nincompoop you still should of called."

Standing and clearing off a spot of her desk for him to use to place his stuff on Angelica also grabs an extra chair pulling it up to the opposite side of the desk.Her office here was small but she didn't mind, and if they needed the extra room she was sure Reese wouldn't mind if they used one of the interrogation rooms.

"Sit down take a load off, this is my office small, but comfortable. And don't worry I wont tell you I was up at the crack of dawn. So we can work now tour later, or tour now and work later, but not to much later. I leave the choose to you."

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