

Karla could tell Kip really was hurting, even finding words to describe it were hard. But hearing he didnt want her to go, was enough to make Karla stay even if she didnt know what to do for him.

"Ok I'll stay."

Going over to the bed and sitting down Karla puts her arm around Kip and pulls him a little closer to him. Moving up slightly on the bed Karla just holds him. She didn't know what else to do, and maybe she couldn't find the words that would fit. But holding him and letting him know she was there was imporant too.

"It's ok to cry when your hurt. I wont tell anyone."

Karla leans her head against Kip's and closes her eyes. Two wounded souls coming to gather, offering the help and love to heal even if they thought they were doing no good. Two friends linked, helping each other the only way they new how.

Giving a laugh and a nod Dalton lets Dani up so if Carson did happen to look out, he wouldn't have a fit.

"Sounds like a good date to me. I'll be by around...9:30 to get you?"

Dalton smiles as he puts his money on the table. He didnt want to go back to work, but he new he probley should.

Looking at her brother Ryan laughs at Leo's comment. Giving him a look of innocents the michef glimmers hiding in her eyes.

"I have no idea what you talking about!"

Finally not being able to hold it in Ryan lets out a laugh. Poor Eli, he wasnt use to having the tables turn and him being the one to be picked on. It was fun when it happened though.

Entering the barn Faith looks around wondering if Sparky would still be in the barn. Her Dr apt had been long than planned. Seeing him over in one of the stalls cleaning she walks over to stall and leans on the door giving a tired smile.

"I thought I'd find you were. Sorry I am later than planned."

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