

Hearing about Garret, a look of horror came to Laura's face. She sank down on the couch next to Nate, feeling as though she'd just been kicked in the gut. She could not even begin to imagine being a child brought up in the Agency, let alone being there because their parents had sold them. Actually sold them. Not even abandoned them, but taken money for them. How could an innocent child's parents do something so despicable? "That's...that's awful," she whispered.

Drawn into Nate's lap, she wrapped her arms around him and put her head on his shoulder. She had felt for Garret before, knowing he'd had a rough life. But now she had a completely different perspective, and one that was full of compassion...and an anger for how he'd been treated. Several tears escaped and she nuzzled even closer into Nate. 

Learning of Justin, it made more sense now, why Garret had appeared so upset. It must have been a horrible experience today, bringing to light what must have bee one of his greatest hurts. "You were right to bring him here," she assured softly. "No wonder he's acted so awkward around us... I mean, I imagined he hadn't had much of a family life, being in the Agency and all, but I didn't realize how severe it was." She drew back to see Nate's face, and gently wiped away his tear. "I lost my parents when I was seven...but I had a brother who fought with all his might to keep me, and an aunt and uncle who have always been there. Maybe I've just always taken family for granted. I thought Garret was awkward playing UNO last night just because he probably hasn't played many games. But I never stopped to think that half of it was probably him just trying to figure out how a loving family functions. It must be so foreign to him." 

She leaned back into Nate and sighed. "He needs to be loved so badly, but...he has so many walls. I understand more of why now, but...there's got to be a way. He probably thinks if he trusts us, we'll just end up abandoning him too. If his own parents did..." A fresh tear came to her eye. "No wonder he was so upset when he lost Victoria. She was probably the only good thing he had to hang onto for who knows how long." Another sigh. "Do you think he'll join us later, or is it bad enough he's gonna be hibernating?"

Adison's comment about being married made Kirk's eyes widen, and for just a split second, his laughter stopped, before resuming again. "Uh-huh. Either that, or she'd probably just believe the married part. You're here often enough." He slid his foot over to nudge her leg. "Not that I mind," he assured quickly. Too quickly. His face grew hot and he was glad the lights were off. He cleared his throat. "Let's avoid any more couch escapades though." And his face grew even warmer. "That didn't sound...oh... I didn't mean..." 

Standing quickly, he grabbed the pizza box. "I'm gonna go put this away before pizza crumbs get all over," he announced as he headed to the kitchen.


Thinking about to the time when that happened Adison couldn't help but start laughing too. That silly old woman across the hall had things so wrong in her head she felt bad just letting her just believe it. But it was impossible to try and write her mind when she wouldn't take two seconds to listen to either of them. 

   "She might have been right and I might have screamed a little. I didn't mean to flip the couch over and it scared the crap out of me."

Seeing the whole thing in her head Adison couldn't help but laugh herself along with Kirk. The whole thing had been silly and she didn't even know what it had started over. It was more than likely something silly that was very unimportant.

    "Oh my...that lady has some wild imagination. One day we should just tell her we are married, but I still dont live here. Watch her head explode."

Coming in the house and seeing Laura Nate new she would be able to see by the look on his face the day had not been good at all. Going into the living room and sitting down Nate ran a hand over his face and threw his hair. He didn't even know where to start with this.

   "I don't even know what fully happened. Justin was in a session with Garret, and Justin completely snapped poking and proding, taunting Garret. Finally Garret had enough and...I new he had come to the agency young but..."

Nate was quiet for a second a tear rolls down his cheek. He didn't know how to take this whole thing, and he felt...terrible. He new all he could do was be there like he had been for Garret, but he wished he could take that pain away.

   "..this. His parents sold him to the Agency. He lived, breathed the agency since he was way younger than I thought. He didn't have a choice, he never had a family...he was just thrown there and told to survive."

Nate shook his head and leaned back pulling Laura into his lap just holding her. He didn't know how parents could do that to there child. The little people they were meant to protect, be there for and love. He just didn't get it. Not to mention the whole thing with Justin he just didn't understand.

   "Justin was just different today too...he didn't bring the information out of Garret, he ripped the wound open. I'm happy Garret came home with me. I didn't think he would, but I think at the moment this was the best place for him at the moment."

Too much

Though it didn't show, Garret was just a bit surprised Nate was asking him to go home again. He'd maybe said it earlier, but it hadn't registered. He would still allow it? 

No...no, he was far from ready to go with him, but that was his only other option right now. Without even looking at Nate or responding, he simply started for the parking lot and got into Nate's car. The whole ride back to the house, he remained completely silent. It was a different silence than his usual rebelliousness though. It was a silence that was completely necessary if Garret was going to maintain any control at all. His mind was far away - too far for anyone else to see. Over and over and over again, he saw himself in that dark place, screaming as his parents left without him, not understanding anything that was being said, and leaving behind that stupid teddy bear.

As soon as Nate parked the car at the house, Garret got out before he'd even shut off the engine. And as he stepped up on the porch, the first tear escaped. The dam was collapsing and he wasn't strong enough to hold it together any longer. Not when this house represented safety, where walls naturally came down. Going inside, he made a beeline for the bedroom and shut the door. 

Having been straightening up the living room, Laura looked up in surprise as the door opened, and was about to say hi to Garret, but the look on his face made her stop. Not that she had time to say anything anyway - before she could hardly blink, she heard the bedroom door being closed. Wandering cautiously forward, she waited for Nate to appear, giving him a look of confusion. "What.. was that...?" There had been no mistaking the look of tears in Garret's eyes, which rather frightened her. "Is he okay?"

In the bedroom, Garret hadn't bothered taking off his boots, and was already lying in bed, curled up tightly on his side, his arms wrapped just as tightly around the pillow that muffled the sounds of his sobs. He couldn't stop it...he just couldn't stop it any longer. Thirty years of not being allowed to mourn, and it was finally too much to bear. 

Kirk snorted and finished stuffing the last bite of pizza in his mouth. "Why should I clean under there? Nobody ever sees it. I mean...other than that time we tipped it over." The memory made him laugh. They'd gotten just a bit rowdy and had totally flipped the couch over. Thankfully nothing had been broken. Although the one corner leg had wobbled slightly ever since. 

His laughter increased. "Remember the crash was so loud that Mrs. Trindelmire came over and pounded on the door until I answered? She swore she heard screaming and was gonna call the cops." His eyes started to water and his face grew more red as he laughed. "Then the...the look on her face when she saw you...peeking up over the upturned couch... I never want to know what she was thinking really happened."


Watching Garret leave the room Nate looked back to Reese and Justin. Giving a little shake of his head he new it was best to take Garret home now for everyone sake. He couldn't help the feeling in his stomach he had though. All Garret had been through, he'd never asked for it, he never wanted it, he never had a choice. It made Nate's heartache. 

Passing his desk Nate grabs some paperwork and heads outside. Seeing Garret leaning against the wall. Heading over to him his face was soft, not angry. This was wasn't Garret's fact and even if he hadn't reacted the way he did, Nate didn't blame him.

   "I wont ask if you are ok, because right now I can't imagen you are. So I'll just ask if you are ready to go home? Laura should have lunch ready for us, and Maggie wont be home for a few hours so we can just relax."

Draping her arms over Kirk's legs Adison just sits there for a moment a giggles. She had to harass him every once in a while about his cleaning skills. If she didn't he'd think something was wrong and she just couldn't have that.

   "Maybe a little of both? You know..."

Throwing the pepper at him she laughed again ducking out from under his feet and jumping back to her spot on the couch. She was going to tell Kirk if he had a woman in his life maybe they would clean for him but she though maybe it better if she didn't. Kirk might get an idea, and than there friendship would be different.

   "...You know I like to do that. So yeah..clean under your couch" 

Out of control

Kirk rolled his eyes as Adison went hunting for the topping, and purposely kept himself in the way just to be a pain. "Hey, what's under my couch is my own business...not that...I even know what's under there." Because no, he never cleaned underneath it.

As she sat up, he shifted around quickly and draped his legs over her shoulders like a roller coaster harness, locking his ankles to hold her in place. "You dissing my cleaning skills? Huh?" He wriggled his fingers on her head. "Or are you just looking for a fight?"

Garret didn't even hear Nate's first order. He increased the pressure on his arm, his eyes still glaring at Justin as he started to choke him out.

Justin tried to break free, but without any training, he had no recourse, and was completely at Garret's mercy. His eyes were angry and frightened both - he'd made a mistake and he was paying for it now.

Suddenly realizing Nate was there and talking to him, the words finally got through to Garret. He could finish what he'd started...or walk away now with at least a slight chance he wouldn't pay too dearly for this. Though his emotions were out of control, he finally released Justin.

So close to passing out, Justin crumpled to his knees, gasping for breath. Reese had been right behind Nate, and now went to Justin to make sure he was alright.

Garret took a step back and looked down at them before swinging his gaze to Nate. And he knew. Not only had the most vulnerable part of his soul been revealed, but Justin hadn't been the only witness. Reese knew, and so did Nate. It was public now. And that made the wound even more raw. Keeping a lid on his hatred for this place, he said nothing, but stalked out of the room.

Reese knelt next to Justin on the floor. "You okay?"

Justin managed a nod, though he was still coughing. "Yeah," he managed hoarsely. "I think so."

"What in the world were you doing?" Reese shook his head in bewilderment. "I have never seen you go at someone like that - and Garret, of all people! Did you want to die?"

Justin finally sat up to lean back against the wall, regaining most of his breath now. "I dunno." He shrugged lamely. "I didn't want to be in here in the first place - I told you that - and I'd just had enough of this whole thing."

"Well great, but what about Garret now? That wasn't just anger I saw." Even Reese had recognized that. He'd never forget that look in Garret's eye. It had been so...painful. "Is he alright?"

Justin caught Reese's eye. In reality...he didn't know. "I hope so." He knew good and well that the emotional scab he'd just ripped off hadn't been ready. Just like a physical wound that wasn't ready to be picked at, Garret was bleeding...and bleeding badly. Justin had seen it in is eyes, and it was no one's fault but his own. "I messed up...you'll be lucky if he ever trusts anyone around here again, and...I take full responsibility. I just...got out of control."

Reese was not happy, as shown by his facial expression while he stood and offered Justin a hand up as well. "Who needs the counselor today?"

Justin recoiled slightly, gaining back his composure. "I'm done here, Reese. I told you that. I'm not going to risk any more lives just by being here." He might have wounded Garret today, but he was wounded himself, whether he wanted to admit it or not, and the only reason he got mad was because Garret had pushed his own buttons first. But he never should have allowed that to happen. He was better than that. And he'd failed.

Garret didn't break stride as he headed for the main floor and aimed for the door. There was no way he was going to stay here today. On top of everything else, in the pit of his stomach he knew he'd pay for this day. Reese was going to be furious that he'd physically acted out again. He would be lucky if he didn't get put back downstairs in the cell, and he'd even be luckier if Nate let him return to his home. That wasn't the worst thought though. This little episode could be the last straw, having him eliminated from the Elite scene altogether.

Once outside, he finally stopped to breathe. He couldn't remember when he'd felt so emotionally out of control. Without warning, his legs felt like they would give out, and he turned to lean against the wall, only to find that his hands were trembling as well. He couldn't shake the images from his mind...the images of that day so long ago. He'd always been able to keep them buried and locked safely away...until today. Until Justin had so brutally ripped it all to the surface. Why had he done that? And why did it hurt so much? Only now did he realize that he was short on breath as his subconscious desperately tried to remain in control. He couldn't break. He was stronger than that. But the crack had been formed, and there was little he was going to be able to do once that dam broke.