
Prove yourself....

Looking to Garret Nate studied him for a long moment. If anyone was going to help them it really should be Garret. He new better than anyone how the Agency thought and what to expect and what not to. He also new though that tough shell he just wanted to help and prove himself. Sooner or later they would have to let him or they would never know whos said he was on.

   "Actually to me your job is more than that, so if I was you I wouldn't assume we all feel that way. Come on follow me."

Heading twords Reese office Nate just assumed that Garret was following him. Stopping as he saw Reese coming twords him he went to speak but feel silent as Reese went by. He seemed in a hurry but now that he was gone he couldn't even ask if it was ok if Garret helped him. He was on his own though and when Reese got back he'd tell him.

Turning again it was Sapphire he almost ran into this time.

   "Oph...sorry I guess I should watch where I am going better. Any idea where Reese was going?"

Giving a small smile at Nate Sapphire was happy she wouldn't have to go hunt him. Looking down at the papers and than up again she takes note to Garret behind him and gives a small smile to him as well.

   "I'm not sure. He got a call from Mick at the R/M ranch and than took off. He said to get these blue prints to you so you and the guys could look them over."

Nate thats the blueprints and nods, before rerouting himself and heading for Jason's office. They better get to it so they can figure out what to do. Calling over his shoulder he hoped Garret was still following.

   "Well come on, its time to prove yourself."

Still sitting with her brother Angel let out a small sigh. She new the others were right. There was more to this story than what was said. It was hard to think about but she couldn't ignore the signs or the red flags.
   "Lane, how come you know so much about us when you haven't been around that much?"

Angel looks at her brother with much question in her eyes. She hoped he wouldn't feel hounded but it really was important to know everything he had to offer. Had he been watching them? Had someone else been watching them? While no one thought they were safe from the Agency it raised concern of how, they had so much more info on them. 

  "I know you want to find Travis and we will, but for our safty its important you are telling us everything."

As Mick was on the phone Rosetta stood close by. She hoped someone would be able to help them. It would be nice to have the Elite backing them up.

Once Mick was off the phone she looked at him hopefully.

   "Are they going to send someone?"