

Angel sat in shock for several moments. Lane had a son? She was an Aunt? So many more questions popped into her head, thoesugh she new right now none of them would be answered. There was more going on than finding that out. They had to figure out what was going on, get down deeper so they could help.

   "Lane...who has your son? Is that where the wounds on your back came from?"

Her heart broke for her bother in a million peaces. He wasn't a bad guy and they new that. Whatever was going on was because he had no other options. Sanding Angel goes over to Lane at the window and slips in front of him. Seeing his tears she couldn't help the few that escaped her own eye. Not even asking she wrapped her around around her bother and pulled him into a big hug.

   "Please Lane....please....we all want to help you, but we cant if you wont talk to us. "

Looking down at the paper that Levi slid over to her Karla couldn't help the bit of surprise that flashed on her face. Any amount would have been fine with her and would of helped a great deal but this was more than she expected. She was thankful but hoped Levi wouldn't get in trouble either.

   "Twenty hours a week is more than I could ever ask for. You are beyond generous. If you set me up in a closet I think I would still be thankful."

Taking the pen and signing the paper Karla couldn't help the bit of excitement she felt. She was really going to be starting something new. Even if it wasn't full time it was stable, and it would be a new adventure.

   "I can't think you enough, you have no idea how much this means to me. I wasn't expecting this at all but I am happy I tripped over that bucket your dad left out. Also, I'll never turned down a home cooked meal. I miss my mom's cooking so much so it will definitely be nice. Thank you."

Beth looked around the house. This was all crazy, and she was nervous. Even if Jamie and Pete were there to keep them safe she felt like if she didn't move she'd jump out of her own skin. The dogs were ok for now laying down so she didn't need to worry about them.

Wondering into the kitchen Beth watched Lydia for a moment before coming in more. She just wanted to do something other than sit there.

   "Lydia....do you need help with anything? I can't just sit her and do nothing. The more I sit the more nervous I get."

Hearing Jared's phone ring Nate stiffens and looks to Reese and than back to Jared giving a nod. They had to have something to go on and the only way to do that was to take the call.

As Jared answers the voice on the other end can't help the cocky grin that forms on his lips. He new he would answer. Actually he was counting on it.

   "I'm hoping by now Jared you've talked to your brother. Now let me talk to him."

The voice waited till hearing Justin's voice. Pacing back and forth the voice talked.

   "Ahh...Justin...good....Did you think you were immune to The Agency? Untouchable? No one is untouchable. Someone will die....Grace or someone else. The choose will be yours. Time is ticking...your going to need to deiced soon. I'll be in touch."

As the line goes dead Nate looks over his shoulder at Dalton who had worked quickly to try and locate where the call was coming from. Looking back to Nate his sighs a little.

   "Good and bad news. There wasn't enough time to get an exact location, but the good news is I got a general range. Across town where there are a bunch of abandon buildings. He could be in one of them."