

Getting out of the taxi and paying Karla looks up at the Tou Hans sign for a long moment. It was still hard to believe one chapter of her life had ended yet again and now another one was starting so far. She feared free time, down time, to much time to think but God had provided her a new door to open. Among all the sadness there was a little bit of excitement now too. Maybe a new job, something she'd never thought of before, a real job.

Finally going inside Karla gives a smile and nod to the hostess before making her way over to the table that Levi was at. Sliding in actoss from him she gives a smile before setting her purse next to her. Ordering and Iced tea she finally turns her attachen to Levi.

   "Hi, I hope I'm not late. I didn't have your number to call and let you know that my taxi was taking forever to get to me. You haven't been waiting long have you?"

Feeling Justin's hand on her face Beth leaned into it a bit. Just feeling his touch and his soft words made her feel safe. He'd always been so kind with her, so slow and caring. She never thought he'd ever do anything to hurt her. His words of concern and protecting her only proved that even more.

   "Ok, let me get a few things together I wont take to long."

Disappearing down he hall Beth grabs her bag and starts putting some stuff in it she might need her mind racing. She hoped everything would be ok, and Justin's brothers girlfriend would be fine. She couldn't imagen all the emotions that must be involved.

Coming back out with her bag she was ready. Looking at Justin she tried to give the best smile she could consider the circumstances.

    "I'm ready when you are."

Seeing her brother come into the office a smile spread across her face. It hadn't been all a dream and he really had come back. Looking closer though and seeing a strange look on his face she smile slowly faded. Something was wrong and she didn't like it one bit. What could of happened? Her heart raced as she stood to come closer question written on her face.

As Lane turns and lifts his shirt though Angel stops dead just looking at his back. What on earth had happened? Those didn't look fresh like he'd tumbled off a horse this morning and it sent a cold chill through her.


Pointing to the table Angel wanted him to lift his shirt again and lay down. He didn't just need something to take the edge of he needed those cleaned, and something put on them. He really didn't want her to ask what happened? How could she not this was her brother.

   "You might not want me to ask what happened, but I do want to know. Also you are not leaving this office till I clean you up and put some ointment on those they look terrible."