
Tea Though...

About to turn away Misty stops at the mention of Wyatt and getting into it with Jason. Her cousin was so proactive Misty didn't mind though it made her feel good he cared. Misty just continued to listen before turning around. Deep down she new Jason didn't mean to hurt her, and she understood why he had broke things off and she couldn't be mad about that either. It was an extremely honorable thing he did, but still on top of everything else she was still hurting.

   "You never lost my friendship Jason. We always have been and always will be friends."

Turning Misty walked to her desk and sat down taking a sip of her tea that had now gone cold. She didn't mind though. Sitting down she let out a small sigh and looked at Jason for a long moment, She wish she felt better, she wished things were better but the truth was they wernt.

   "Thanks for the off but I'm not really feeling up for doughnuts at the moment...I could go for more tea though."

Karla held up her hand to Kip and entered the room. She didn't want to small talk much. She just wanted to get to the point. This was going to be hard for every one involved and it was better to just get it done and over with than.

   "No I'm good thank you anyways."

Pacing for a long moment Karla had her arms wrapped around herself. This was so hard for her and she had no idea what to say first. It took all she could to not just turn into s big ball of a mess right here.

    "Kip....I,,,I did a lot of thinking and I do forgive you, but I cant forget what you did."

Karla turns to Kip and searches his face. So much emotion was on her own. She'd been thinking a lot, about different things and one thing just seems to keep running into the other that she couldn't get over.

   "What we had...it doesn't feel special anymore. Its not just you and me, its you me and someone else. I dont know if that makes sense but to me it does. I know you can say you will never let it happen again but the fact is it did happen. You were unfaithful, our bond broken, and on top of all that...I dont feel special to you anymore. I wasn't good enough to have you call me and tell me what was going on,"

Everything Karla said made sense to her, if it did anyone else she didn't know. It was a hard thing to swallow to look at Kip and know he'd been with another woman. 

   "I'm sorry but I just can't be with you anymore. I cant be in a relationship where I cant trust the other person, where the sacred bond is broken. I..just cant."

Karla turned and headed out of the room. If she stayed there she'd change her mind, or shed break down and cry in front of him. This whole thing was hard to swallow. She only friend, one of the last few people she had, was now gone. Things were just...different.

As Jared shifted Grace just let him. She new how bad everything was for him right now, and he new it was hard. Just resting her one hand on his solder her other hand just absentmindedly ran her fingers through his hair. She was comfortable just siting there with the cool wind blowing.

    "You know, I don't really feel like doing anything today myself. How about we just sit here and enjoy each others company? Sometimes that really is the best therapy."