

Gunner continued to fiddle with the paperclip as Hope talked. It might look like he wasn't paying attention...but he was. He shrugged once at her question about him filling the space, or spending time with friends. He really didn't have a social life outside of Bree and JT. An occasional pizza with Con was about it...other than a few "friends" on social media.

Hope's last question brought about a long pause before he shook his head. "No...not this. I just..." He shrugged again and reached over to put the paperclip on her desk. "I've put her through enough, ya know? I... I don't want her worrying about anything else. I promised her my crap was over, so..."

He cleared his throat and stared at the floor for a few moments before eventually glancing back up at her. "Yeah. Not such a good idea, huh? The whole 'secrets never helped any relationship' kind of thing?" He sank a little further down in the chair. "I just... I turned my back on all of it, ya know? But actually walking away... It's like the first eighteen years of my life are haunting me. The memories are gone, but they're constantly trying to pull me back and trying to make me remember. It sometimes physically hurts."

He rubbed his forehead wearily. "I just don't know how to completely let go, and I don't know how I can not, if I'm gonna have a future. And if I can't even figure that out, having a social life is like...telling a dog to go make friends with the local cat neighborhood. I just...don't fit."

A little grin surfaced as he gave Hope a sheepish look. Here he'd planned on hardly saying anything. So much for proving he didn't need these sessions anymore.

Garret's eyes narrowed slightly at Sapphire before a new smile coaxed his lips to turn up. "There are far worse things than a woman who speaks her mind."

He concentrated on downing some more of the queer concoction before he glanced back at her. "And I hope you're right." Was there really enough of his own self left underneath it all, to truly be...himself? And yet the burning question still lingered. Who was he, really?

Another swig of the smoothie, and he shook his head. "Is it bad that I don't find this so horrible after all?"

Clint's hand was on the doorknob, ready to push it open, when Angel's words stopped him again. He looked back at her for a long moment, knowing full well he was doing a poor job of hiding how he really felt.

His eyes dropped as he swallowed hard. He knew she was there for him and he could tell her anything, and he was grateful. It was just hard. "No..." Everything else was not okay. "But its nothing anyone can fix." He shrugged and forced a half a smile. "Life just sucks sometimes, that's all. But it has nothing to do with Wendy or the kids, so don't worry." He held up his hand. "Thanks for fixing me up... I'll see you later."

Without letting the conversation continue, he left the office and aimed back towards the garage. His sister was gone, his dad was a wreck, and he was barely keeping the auto business afloat. That's what was wrong. 

Swept up in Chad's embrace, the world seemed to no longer exist. All Rosalyn cared about was this moment, in which she knew he forgave her. And maybe...maybe for the first time, she honestly believed his words that he'd always be there for her. Maybe, just maybe this wasn't some fairytale, but a reality that she could actually have.

With her tiptoes back on the ground, she closed her eyes and leaned into his hand as he moved her strand of hair. Oh how she'd missed those rough but gentle hands. His next words though, brought her eyes back wide open again to stare into his. Had he just hinted at... no... surely he hadn't...

His gentle kiss sent a warmth all the way through her, and she reached up to rest her palm against his cheek. "You mean the world to me too," she whispered. "I'm sorry I pushed you away. There was just so much..." New tears surfaced. "I just couldn't..." Her voice quivered, and instead of trying to continue, she pulled him in for another kiss. A deeper, longer kiss, letting that speak her feelings for her.

Back inside the house, Hannah tugged at Lizzie's shirt sleeve. "Come on," she whispered. "Quit spying."

"I'm not spying," Lizzie defended quietly as she stood a ways back, staring through the open door. A crooked grin curled her lips. "I'm just enjoying the show."

"Perv!" Hannah hissed.

Lizzie's jaw dropped as Rosalyn went in for her kiss. "She's the one that denied he was her boyfriend!"

"Keep it down!" Hannah finally yanked her around the corner into the living room.

Pulling away just a little, Rosalyn lowered herself from her toes, as her fingers toyed with the back of Chad's neck. "I missed you so much." She looked up at him and tear trickled down her face. "Thank you...for not giving up on me."

Normal Life

Sapphire couldn't help the small laugh as Garret took the sip of Justin's concoction. Whenever Justin was here he always made some kind of smoothy that looked and smelled bad. She was sure they were good for you but she'd never try one. 

    "Even if someone is built to be something, there is more underneath. No one can take away free will, or the ability for another person to feel emotions. It's just not possible no matter how much they try. A person can hide it, or mask it but it's still there. After all it's free will that lead you here, and emotions the deiced the past. I bet underneath everything you are a pretty amazing guy."

Shying away a little Sapphire new sometimes she talked to much. She just hoped she hadn't offended him. She liked getting along with everyone. It was just in her nature to be friends with even the out cases because she was so use to being on that end anyways.

   "No disappointment here, as long as you dont mind my loud mouth just blurting things out."

Hope gives a nod as Gunner talks. He felt empty and after chasing a dream for a long time she could see how that could be. Going from doing something none stop to not doing it at all could have that affect on anyone.

   "Have you tried filling that empty with something new? Trying to do something new, spending more time with friends? Sooner or later you are going to need to fill it."

Thinking again for a long moment Hope taps her pen on the pad of paper before looking up at Gunner again.

   "I doubt life will ever be normal for you, but I dont think Bree would mind much. Have you tried talking to her about things?"

As the door opens Chad straightens only to be met with a girl that looked to be Rosalyn's age. Going to say something he was cut off by her reaction, and than quick departure. She seemed to know who he was so that really give did give him hope Rosalyn would be happy to see him.

Waiting a few moments longer Chad felt his heart start to race as he saw Rosalyn. He'd missed her so much, and had been so worried about her. To see her now and know she was ok it was so over whelming that tears sprang into his own eyes.

As Rosalyn fell into his arms Chad wrapped his own around her picking her up in the process. Nuzzling his face into her hair and taking in the sweet smell. His grip grew just a little bit tighter as he wanted to keep her close.

   "I will always come for you.  No matter the time of day, no matter the reasons, I will always come for you till the day you look me in the eyes and tell me to stay away. I will always be here for you."

Pulling back just a little bit, and holding her with one arm still Chad brings his other hand to move a strand of hair from her face. Smiling down at her his eyes twinkled with everything he had to offer, with as much love and enthusiasm as when he first met her. Nothing had changed except for the greater amount of love he had grained.  

   "I love you Rosalyn, from the moment I met you, I loved you and it's only grown stronger. I know now is not the right time, but when it is the right time I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are the world to me."

Leaning in closer to her Chad places a soft kiss on her lips before pulling away again and leaning his head against hers.

Angel gave a smile to her son in law. Something was different even if she didn't know what it was. She new things at home for Clint and Wendy were alright or she would of heard that. But there was something even if she couldn't put her finger on it.

   "We'd like that. I'll talk with Luke and see what is a good time for us to come over. I know he'd like to see the kids again too."

Giving a smile and studying him again and just couldn't help herself. She cared so much for her family, and he son in law was part of that. He meant the world to her and if something was wrong all she wanted to do was help.

   "Is everything else ok Clint? You know you can always talk to me about anything." 

Sorry to disappoint

Gunner shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he glanced back at Hope. He recognized her subtle warning...and he really was trying not to give in to his obsession. Some days were harder than others though.

Her questions made him sigh, and he reluctantly sank back down in the chair. He should have known he wouldn't get away with such a short session. "It's all...good...I think." He shrugged. "Me and Bree are good." Although he still hadn't committed to a wedding date. "Friends are alright." Although he rarely hung out anywhere other than work. "I guess life's about as good as I can expect, right? I mean...for a guy whose mental half the time, and the other half is spent feeling..." He shrugged again. "Empty." It had nothing to do with Bree. Or friends or work. He just constantly felt like there was something he was missing. Especially since he'd been trying so hard not to investigate his past.

His eyes darted about Hope's office, and he leaned down to pick up a stray paperclip to play with. "Otherwise..." His tone had become significantly more subdued. "I'm great."

A smile tugged at the corner of Garret's mouth as he looked back at Sapphire. He avoided her question though, and paused to take a sip of Justin's concoction. He grimaced a little as he swallowed. "Man...you sure this won't kill me?"

Justin laughed and held up his own glass before taking a long drink. "Mm. Nah. You'll get used to it." Though he turned his attention to Jason to engage in small talk, his ears remained tuned to what Garret's answer might be to Sapphire.

Garret took another sip before he glanced back at this rather intriguing young woman. Getting to know someone. Sharing of information. Seriously? He wasn't cut out for this. "When a man has been specifically built for the brain and brawn...there's not a whole lot of room left for anything else." He thought back to the night when Nate had found him downstairs. He'd admitted he didn't even know who he was. And it was still true.

He took another swallow of his smoothie - it wasn't quite as bad the second time around. "I'm afraid I was made one hundred percent Agency." What about his early childhood? What about his parents? Had he been born just to be sold? Had they meant that for him all along? Had he just been conceived to make money?

"I guess that means there really isn't a whole lot underneath. Sorry to disappoint."

"Eh..." Clint shrugged. "Got in a fight with a pickup and it won the first round." Though he winced as Angel worked on his hand, he didn't complain - he never did when she was helping. It was his own stupid fault after all. 

Grateful for the help and the pain killers, he was ready to leave, but stopped and leaned back against the doorframe and cocked his head. Had they really neglected her lately? He'd been avoiding family for obvious reasons - and Wendy was gracious enough to not complain about keeping to themselves more recently. He hadn't thought about anyone else noticing though.

"Things are good." He gave Angel a small smile. "Just getting into a new routine with four of us now." His eyes dropped for a moment as he thought about all the reasons he'd been less than sociable lately - none of which he wanted to discuss. But he didn't have anything against Angel. "If, um... If you and Luke wanna come over for supper, you're more than welcome. I know Wendy would love it, and that way you'd get your grandkids to yourself instead of sharing with the whole gang." 

The offer was genuine - just because he wanted nothing to do with his own immediate family, he wasn't going to keep Wendy from hers. After all...they did all live on the same property. It was frustrating that he couldn't retreat to his own place somewhere else...but he couldn't take Wendy away from the home she loved. 

Clint tried to smile again. "So if you want to, just let me or Wendy know."

"Ack! Not again!" Lizzie tossed her cards into the pile and groaned. She sat on the living room floor with Hannah and Rosalyn playing a card game and munching on popcorn. They didn't usually have the same days off work, but when they did, they usually ended up doing something fun. 

Rosalyn grinned and picked up the cards to shuffle. "I told you, almost every night at the ranch turned into a card game. I've had plenty of practice."

"Not fair. Plain and simple." Lizzie sprawled out on the floor. "Any game you're not good at? Pick that one "

Hannah whacked her leg. "You're just a sore loser."

"Am not! I'm..." She sat up as someone knocked at the door. "Expecting company?"

Rosalyn frowned. "Not me. Clint's not coming til tomorrow."

Hannah shook her head. "Nope."

Lizzie sighed as she looked at the other two. "What? Does that automatically make me the doorman?" Without an answer, she rolled her eyes and got up. "Fine, fine. Deal me in again," she called over her shoulder. "And no stacking the cards!" 

Getting to the door, she opened it and looked around before her gaze fell on Chad and her eyes widened. She'd seen pictures. She'd heard descriptions. And there was no doubt in her mind. "Ohhh boy." She bit her lip. "I'm...gonna take a wild guess that you're not here to see me." She blinked. "Although I wouldn't complain."

"Hey, who is it?" Hannah yelled from inside. 

Lizzie still looked at Chad, ignoring her friend. "Just, um...don't move." She turned and trotted back to the living room. "Rosalyn...you better go to the door."

"What? Why? Who's here?"

"Just...just go." Lizzie pulled her up from the floor and gave her a shove.

Rosalyn cautiously wandered ahead, curious as to why she heard whispering behind her. Getting to the open door herself, she stopped dead in her tracks. "Chad?" He was here? Even though it was a warm day, her skin rippled with goosebumps as her pulse quickened. 

She stepped out on the porch and just looked at him for several long moments as tears filled her eyes. She didn't have to ask why he was here. Almost a month without contact...and she knew.

Moving quickly, she closed the gap and fell into him, standing on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around him, burying her face. "You came..." Her words were muffled against his chest. "I...I was hoping you would. I'm so sorry."