

Victoria rubbed her wrists after Garret took the cuffs off. She'd been in them before but this was so different, they felt tighter, but maybe it was because of this whole situation. Everything felt wrong.

As Garret took her hand Victoria soaked up the warmth. If anything at least Garret was here with her at the moment. But for how long? How long could she really handle this. She'd thought about staying and that was another reason she had saved Susanne, but now....

   "I hate it here Garret. I don't want to stay. I want you to come back with me while there is still time. But if you wont, I'll go alone and just tell my grandfather I found you dead so he wont hunt you down. I can't stay though...I dont belong in this world."

Her eyes were sad as she looked at Garret and for him it would be easy to see her heart breaking. She didn't want to leave him, but she really didn't belong here and if she stayed she'd just make things harder for him.

Smiling down at Susanne Katie bends down to help her up again. She couldn't help how bad she felt. Susanne had never been through something like this before and though it never got easier it did get better to deal with in time.

   "Chuck knows and he is waiting for you back at the Elite. He's pretty worried sick. If I do say myself Susanne I think hes in love with you."

Slinging Susanne's arm over her should Katie helps Pete lift her up again and walks slowly back to the car. She didn't need to stay here any longer, and the sooner they got her to a safe place the sooner she could start feeling safe again.

Giving a small nod Stacy new that was the next thing. Eric was nervous about everyone knowing. Even if he did know that they supported him it still had to be hard.

   "They do, and she does. She is absolutely in love with them. The twins are pretty adorable with there cute little chubby cheeks."


Garret didn't reply to Nate immediately, still trying to calm himself down. Never had he felt so out of control so many times in such a short period of time. At least not in many years. He finally stood up straight and folded his arms before he shook his head. "I don't know. Yeah...yeah, I'm fine." Physically all he had was a scrape on his arm from when he'd taken Susanne down. Mentally though...he was not alright.

He glanced to where Katie was making Victoria get back into the vehicle. He understood why they might be upset - Susanne could have been hit if Victoria had missed. Granted, Garret knew she was too good of a shot for that, but the others didn't know that. And Garret himself was not happy Aaron had been hurt. But even so, he didn't like the way they were manhandling her.

He finally looked to Nate. "I know I've already asked too much, but please make sure Aaron is taken care of. I know he's your enemy but..." He sighed. "He and I have been through a lot. I don't want him to suffer because of the choices I've made." 

He then started for the SUV door, but stopped and glanced back over his shoulder. His tone was colder this time. "And I won't tolerate cuffs again. Whoever tries has been warned." He meant it, too. He'd done all he could not to really hurt anyone, but he would not continually be treated as a prisoner when all he was trying to do was help.

Letting himself back inside the vehicle, he didn't wait for anyone else. Even now, he could easily drive away and take Victoria with him - but he didn't. 

Easing in next to her, he eyed the cuffs and felt his irritation burning hotter. Nor caring anymore about Elite protocol, he reached into the front seat and fished for just a moment before finding a paperclip. After that, he'd picked the handcuff locks within seconds to free Victoria's wrists, and tossed the cuffs up onto the dashboard. 

Still having not said anything, he simply took her hand and brought it up to his lips to kiss. He was upset with what she had done. He'd had it handled, and by drawing a gun, she'd caused even more distrust, and now Aaron was hurt as well. Yet at the same time, he couldn't blame her, and refrained from chewing her out. This was a different world...and he'd dragged her into it - and that was his fault, not hers. 

"Thanks for the warning," he mused. "I hope Aaron can walk again...but I'm glad the woman is safe. This whole thing is my fault."

Back outside, another vehicle joined them, and Rick emerged to see to Aaron - first sedating him, then tending to his wound enough to have him moved safely at least. 

Pete was still with Susanne, but waved Katie over for assistance. Susanne looked up as she approached, the fear still in her eyes. The sunlight showed her black and blue face, and scrapes from fighting back with Aaron. She had no serious injuries, but emotionally she was struggling to hold it together. "Has...has Chuck... I mean, does he know? I need to tell him I'm okay." She tried to stand, but cringed as she out weight in her ankle, and sank back down before looking up at Katie. "Guess I twisted my ankle..." 

Deep down, Eric knew Stacy was right. He knew he had support here - more than most people had. Yet the weight of responsibility was still his to bear...and right now, it felt awfully heavy.

"Thank you... I'm glad you're here." If she wasn't, he didn't know what he'd do. "Everyone knows, right?" That was the worst part...that everyone else had heard before even he did. And it still might not even be true. "And...Ash? Does she know what's going on?"

One Day

Being pulled up by Katie Victoria was once again in handcuffs. She'd just saved that womans life and she was being handcuffed again. She could of turned that gun on them, any of them but instead she shot the man that held there Agent prisoner.This was stupid, they would never be trusted and she hated it here. 

   "This is the thanks I get...really? I could of shot you all and taken you back to my grandfather but I didnt."

Not even responding Katie pulls Victoria back to the SUV and puts her inside before slamming the door shut and joining the others to see if they needed to help.

Watching all the happened Nate himself was pretty honored that Victoria saw a threat, and saw that Aaron was going to shoot and took her opportunity. She could of done nothing and let Susanne die but didnt. That had to mean she had at least a little bit of good inside her.

Seeing what unfolded after that though sent his head for a spin. Reese's reaction made his blood boil. He still wasn't trusting them. He had a really good reason to now because Victoria could of done far worse. Seeing Garret walk to the SUV Nate followed. He was worried about his friend, and hoped he was ok.

   "Garret, dumb question I know, but all things considered are you ok?"

Returning Eric's kiss Stacy smiles down at him before resting her head on his chest once more and letting her free hand stroke his face softly. She was silent for a moment after his question just letting it hand in the air before replying.

   "You will become a father quickly, and its ok to be scared. That is normal, but it will be ok. You have a lot of people here who love you, and will help you all they can. One day at a time is all we can take, but you wont have to take it alone."


Garret slowly, slowly continued to close the gap between himself and Aaron as he spoke, stopping only when he was near enough to see Aaron's finger twitch on his gun's trigger.

From across the field, Jason muttered under his breath. Aaron had moved Susanne just enough that he no longer had a clear shot. He couldn't see Aaron's gun hand anymore, and could no longer see his face...which meant he could no longer gauge the threat. 

Garret's hands were still held up and out to the sides in an attempt to appear less threatening, but by now, Aaron was too suspicious. "Aaron...don't do this..."

Hearing Victoria yell, Garret's instincts kicked in, and he didn't hesitate. He immediately knew exactly what Victoria was doing, and was not going to risk an innocent woman's life. Not this time. Not anymore. 

It only took two strides then a leap in Susanne's direction to reach her and tackle her to the ground the same instant he heard the shot. Susanne screamed as Garret brought her to the ground, but couldn't even fight back, with her hands still bound. Not intending any harm, Garret rolled out of the way and into a crouch position, his eyes sweeping the entire scene. 

As the bullet ripped through Aaron's flesh, he instantly dropped to the ground, losing both Susanne and his own gun. Crying out in pain, he clutched at his right knee. Had he seen it correctly? Had Victoria actually shot him? Had Garret actually helped save Susanne? His world spun as the pain caused him to writhe on the ground. What was going on here?

Taken completely off guard, it took Reese a moment to realize what had just happened, as Katie took down Victoria. Despite Aaron being shot, when Reese saw Garret now still so close to Susanne after tackling her, he drew his gun. "Garret!" he thundered. "On your feet, now! Move!"

Garret, seeing Aaron on the ground, ignored Reese's command, and started for his fellow agent instead. Kneeling next to him, he saw how badly Aaron's knee was bleeding, and cringed. 

Aaron glared up at him, trying to speak through the pain. "You're a...a traitor....you ...of all... all people..." 

Reese had come up behind Garret, and now had his handgun pointed at his head. "On. Your. Feet. Now."

Garret gritted his teeth as anger built within him. And his adrenaline took over. Moving with trained stealth, he sprung to his feet, spun around and disarmed Reese, to turn his own gun in him before Reese could even react. 

Pete, after seeing Katie had Victoria under control, had started for Susanne and had just gotten her blindfold off, when he saw Garret threatening Reese. Not having his gun anymore, he lunged for Garret, only to be met with  strong boot to his chest, knocking him to the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of him. 

Garret growled in frustration and hurled Reese's gun into the field. "When will you people learn?!" Without being asked, he stalked back towards the others, on guard and angry. All he wanted was to make sure Aaron was going to be okay, but obviously he was not allowed such a luxury. 

Stunned and angered, Reese let him go, and retrieved his cell phone to call in Rick and Gunner. It would seem they had a new prisoner that needed more immediate medical attention than Susanne. 

Susanne's eyes were wide as Pete managed to right himself and catch his breath enough to resume helping her out of her bonds, but for right now, all she could do was sit and shake. 

Getting back to the SUV, Garret refused to look at Victoria or Nate. He leaned on the hood and took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself, but it was apparent he was still quite upset.

Eric continued to look at the ceiling as he was bombarded with a whole new set of emotions. She was...willing to stay with him? To help? Even before they knew the truth or not?

His eyes finally drifted down to hers as he reached up to cradle the side of her face. "Thank you..." He tugged her shirt sleeve to bring her back down close again, drawing her in for a kiss. He'd only been gone a week, but it felt like a year, and he showed how much he'd missed her by the passion he gave in his kiss. 

Drawing back, he hugged her close, burying his face in her hair. "I'm scared, he admitted softly. What if it really is true? What am I going to do?"


Being pulled in so close to Eric Stacy loved every moment of it. She loved so safe she felt in his strong arms. The moments were few, but it made her enjoy them even more. His words were soft even if they held lots of emotion.

  "I think calling you was the right thing. Your family was just worried and they were not sure what to do. I could see the doubt in there eyes when they were told, and the hesitation to agree to anything. They didn't want to take the chance just in case."

Sitting up a little to look Eric in the eye Stacy smiles softly. She could see the fear, and part of her wondered if some of Eric's fear had to do with her? Did he think they the twins ended up being his she would run?

   "I guess after the test comes back we will know for sure, and if they are...I'll try and help all I can."

Victoria felt herself stiffen just a little as Aaron held the gun to Susanne. He was a loose cannon, she'd told Reese that and he didn't listen. There was no telling what he would do and seeing that poor woman caught in the middle twisted her stomach.

As Garret starts to walk over Nate stands strong. Glancing at Reese he shakes his head. Garret would be fine, he wasn't going to run, and if Reese didn't believe that it wasn't his problem.

  "Be safe Garret. Let them go Reese."

Continuing to watch the exchange Victoria didn't like how Aaron was acting. He was going to shoot Susanne, and who new who else no matter what. She couldn't sit back and just let this happen. Not for anyones sake but her own.

Moving quickly now that she was out of the cuffs Victoria side steps to Pete and grabs his gun before rolling away from him and standing once more aiming the gun right at Aaron.


Was all she had time to yell hoping Garret would get Susanne in time before any bullets could hit her. Pulling the trigger the gun goes off loudly. Lowering her hand she bends down to set the gun on the ground only to be met by strong force.

Katie's dosnt wait even a minute before reacting. She wasn't sure what was going to happen next but she was on top of Victoria in no time.

Having Katie on top of her Victoria dosnt even try and get free. She could if she wanted to but what would that do?

   "He was going to kill her if I didn't do something. I just saved your Agents life."