
Big Softy

They'd been there for a few hours now, seen people come and go and it almost seemed hopeless. But right as she was going to give up and get something to eat the door opened once again and Garret stepped out along with another rather large guy. Victoria's heart races as her eyes fell on him as a million questions ran through her mind. Garret seemed....to not even care he was there or caught. Now he was outside as well and yet he wasn't trying to get free?

Victoria didn't even answer Aaron's question, she forgot he was there all together for a few long moments. This just all didn't make sense at all. It was confusing, shocking and just not right at all. Remembering that Aaron was there Victoria turned to him with confusion all over her face.

   "I dont know what the heck was going on but I need to get in there as soon as possible. This is not like Garret at all. He could take that guy down no problem and yet, he hasn't. Something is not right, and I dont like it."

Bringing Garret out again Nate was happy himself to get out of the office. It was stuff in there, even for him. Looking over at Garret Nate just let him walk about, and find his own spot to bask. He had little worry that Garret would run away even though he was on alert anyways.

Standing in the sun Nate lets out a small sign looking around. There really wasn't much of a view here, but it wasn't the worse either. Hearing Garret as him a question Nate looks to him for a moment. Reese had let this all up to him it was a great honor, and an even greater responsibility. 

   "I think you are on a pretty good path the way it is. Keep it up, and I think it will be right around the corner honestly."

Shifting a little Nate turns so the side that has still been in the shade was now in the sun too. It was to nice out not to enjoy it. Days where getting shorter now so he might as well enjoy it while he could.

Nate really did have a good feeling about Garret. He couldn't explain it, and he didn't even fully understand it himself but there was just something about him.

   "Reese can seem pretty hard at times but its only because he wants to keep us all safe. I can't blame him for that. Once you get to know him though, and he trusts you he's a good guy, with a good heart and hes a big old softy. "