
Why on earth...

Looking up at Eli again Ryan just looks at him for a long moment before shaking her head. She would of figured he'd guess him first, it really wasn't strange thing. She wasn't sure why she felt irritated though.

   "No It's not Tal, just a...friend."

Ryan didn't like hiding who she was talking to, to Eli but if she told him...what stunt would they pull next to get Alec away from her? She didn't like living in fear, she didn't like this whole situation and she really hadn't had a chance to talk to Eli yet either.

   "If you must know I am talking to Alec. We are trying to figure out why on earth you guys would all tell me, and play that he is dead. I know everyone dosn't think highly of him, but really all this just for me to stay away from him. Did you not think he would text me? Because he is clearly not dead."

Holding her phone up for Eli to see Ryan shows him the text to Alec phone that was only her. She was confidante though, and hurt at the same time that Eli would do this.  After everything it was still hard for her to understand why.

Just listen to Justin Beth just nodded letting him continue. It was hard for her to really say anything seeing as she didn't know everything, but she could see that Justin really was torn on this one. For him it really must be harder than she could imagen. He'd always known the right path to go, and right from wrong. To be pulled now in two different ways it couldn't be fun at all.

   "Well, no matter what you deiced I know it will be the right thing. For all the time I have known you, you have been one of the most honest and upfront people with me. You've got a good heart Justin, and a talent for seeing what most people can't. So many really having those secrets is what makes people trust you."

Beth gives Justin a soft smile before putting her fork down and taking a sip of her ice water. Setting the glass down Beth is quiet for a long moment. Justin always delt with so much, and on top of that he delt with her too. Every since that day at the restront she'd regressed not doing much outside the house. Justin never complained but Beth felt bad anyways. Maybe, it was time to try again?

   "Maybe tomorrow morning before I go see my sister, you'd like to go for coffee?"

Returning the miss Stacy smiles up at Eric. Keeping a light on she would. In her window every night would be a candle that flickered for Eric to see when he returned. Maybe it was an old tradition but Stacy remembered her mother doing the same thing for her father when he was away. She said it would guide him home, and remind him someone was waiting for him. Just watching as Eric walked over to Ashlee, Stacy smiled. She was so happy things with them were ok. It was important to her, and important to there relationship that Ashlee was on bored too.

Getting that reassurance from Eric Ashlee smiles through her tired gaze. Just getting that little bit of reinsurance made her heart leap for joy. To most it might not be much but to her it was everything. Stepping forward Ashlee wraps her arms around Eric giving him a tight up. It was going to be a long long month without him and she hoped it would go fast.

   "I'll be waiting, so...you better."

Looking out the window as the clouds passed by Victoria was happy to let Aaron drive to where they were going to set up base. Her mind wondered to so many different things as each image of a new passed by the window. She'd never been in this area of the world if it had been under better reasons she might be a little excited. But Garret was gone still, no word, no contact, and no more leads. All she had to go on was the alias he had used. 

   "So were do you want to start once to make base?"