
Hot Date

Carson nodded as he backed away and let Misty return to fixing food. He wanted to hold her again. He wanted to turn her around and feel her kiss in his lips. But as he desperately tried to read her, he knew he couldn't move too quickly. She wanted slow, he'd give her slow. He'd never moved slowly with anyone in his life, let alone her. And he wasn't even sure how. But he'd try his best. 

He returned to sit at the table and fiddled awkwardly with a napkin. "I've...I've been spending more time with Mackenzie lately..." It felt a rather lame start to conversation, but he might as well let her in on what his life was like lately. "We usually go to the park or something since the restaurant isn't all that interesting." He grinnned a little, although deep down, living at Mom and Pop's was pretty depressing. It's where he'd started out, and he was right back there again. "Justin...he suggested still seeing her to help her get..." He bit his tongue. "...get through losing Alec."

He cleared his throat and stood back up again. He couldn't just sit here and talk like an idiot. "Can I help do anything? I'm no better at sitting still than I've ever been."

Tal watched as Ryan pulled out her phone and sent a text. Her turning him down threw him for a little loop, and he couldn't help his look of disappointment, even though he tried to smile. "Oh, okay." He wanted to out his arm back around her, but suddenly it felt like there was an invisible wall between them. He couldn't explain it - it was just...there.

"Yeah...yeah, I can do lunch tomorrow. Just name where." He cocked his head and quirked a teasing grin. "Got a hot date tonight or something?"

Aaron wasn't outwardly fazed by Victoria's authority, even if on the inside, he knew good and well he was walking a very fine line. She could have him dead before he hit the ground and he knew it.

Bravely turning his back to her, his eyes traveled the surrounding area. "We all have more than one secret. But the one I'm referring to has something to do with what's really between you and our missing man." He tossed a glance over his shoulder at her. "You have no reason to kill me though. I don't care who's invovled with who, as long as it doesn't jeopardize our missions. Who you choose to have a love affair with isn't any of my business."

He looked back out over the shooting range. "But...call it a hunch, but I'd bet you know more about Garret's movements than anyone else. Your grandfather wants me to find him. If you help me, I might move up in the ranks. I guess all you'll get out of it is getting Garret back for yourself, but I think that would be worth it to you. I can also request you be on my team - in that case, Medridge might let you off the property and you can come with me. Otherwise...you'll continue to be stuck here with your hands tied."

Fifteen Minutes

Feeling Carson's hand on her face Misty leans into a little bit. Oh how she'd missed those rough yet soft tender hands. No matter how mad she was, or how much she really tried to deny it She really had missed it. Whipping the rest of her tears away for now Misty steps back from Carson and turns to the salad that had made it's way all over the counter starting to pick it up.

   "Let's start with dinner, and than go from there. Maybe we can set up some date, or times to get together and do coffee."

Misty's emotions still churned but she tried to keep them at bay for now. She hoped this would work, and she wouldn't regret it. There had been to much of that already and she didn't want anymore of that. She just wanted to make things right again.

Feeling Tal's arm around her shoulder Ryan smiles a little looking at him. She was happy Tal was there but at the same time she felt kind of strange. Maybe thats why Alec wasn't.  Feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket Ryan breaks away from Tal pulling it out.

Sorry babe wont be able to make it after all, maybe later after the race we can talk ok?

Alec wouldn't be there after all. That was a slight disappointment but maybe a good thing too.

Yeah that sounds good to be. I should be home around midnight.

 Registering Tal's invitation Ryan slips her phone back into her pocket and looking at Tal once more.  Shakes her head before replying.

   "Sorry I wont be able tonight. Maybe tomorrow we can do lunch or something?"

Entering the shooting range Victoria takes a quick look around to make sure it was just them. If things went south she really didn't want other people to know, see or hear and have anything get out of hand more than it already might. At least this here was controlled and she was in charge.

Coming up to Aaron Victoria locks eyes with him for a long moment before saying anything. She studied him, wondered about him, wondered what he new, and what he wanted from her. She wouldn't give in though, or let anything slip that she didn't want too.

   "Well aren't we quick to be asking questions. Fifteen minutes or not, I can always order whoever shows up away again and they will listen. So how about you start off with telling what secret you think you know about me."