

   "I'm not sure how you did, I am pretty amazing after all."

Stacy gives a small smile as her eyes dance. Eric wasn't only the lucky one, she was too. She'd all but given up hope that she would find anymore to spend her life with and figured it would just be the girls together. But than out of no where she life changed, and it changed for the best.

Looking over her shoulder at Eli Ryan gives her head a shake as a tear ran down her cheek. No she wasn't ok, she wasn't ok with this whole thing at all. But it seemed so hard to try and express how she felt.

   "No I'm not ok, once this all blows over and people can stop pretending."

She hated feeling like this. Angry, sad, confused it made her head hurt more and more. But no one would understand not even her big brother and it hurt.

Looking out across the vast field Ryan shuttered a little. Maybe tonight she'd race. That always cleared her head and helped her think better. She'd figure something out to get through this, she just had to so she and Alec could be together again.

  "Can we just go home now? I dont want to be here anymore."

Just holding Carson's hand reminded Misty about how much she really did miss it. After all they had been through, after all her hateful words to him there was still something there, and holding his hand proved that. She could fell it still even if she wanted to deny it.  Looking at Carson again and searching his face Misty's eyes just lingered before there was a slight lull and she whispered to him.

   "Do you want to get coffee tonight...and...maybe....talk?"

Maybe Misty owed Carson that at least to hear him out. They'd lost so much already if anything else happened and they hadn't cleared the air...Misty didn't know if she'd be able to take it. So many things had happened, and she was so....so angry at Carson, but she wasn't sure if she really was mad, or blamed him anymore.

Angelica cocks her head at Reese for a long moment. She wasn't sure what he was talking about preparing, or what he might want to do at the office today. Everything was hitting everybody hard, and Angelica only worried a little but still she wasn't sure with so many emotions floating about how people might react out of hast.

   "What did you need to prepare? Did you want me to come with you or go home and start dinner?"

Though they hadn't been married for long Angelica fit into the house wife roll nicely. Nicer and faster than she thought she would. Even though she still had her stongwilled ways, and didn't always agree with Reese she was really enjoying being married to him.

Leaning against the wall in the hall way Victoria let out a long breath. Garret was gone and they still couldn't find him. Where was he? She worried, and a little more than normal the words from the ball still ringing in her ear. Had he found something? Was he taken? Would he ever be back? So many things went through her mind. She wanted to go find him, but now she was grounded from going anywhere. But still she had to do something, and than many convince her grandfather go...this couldn't be the last time she'd ever see her love.