

Watching Scott Hope gently rests her hand on his leg where he can see it. This couldn't be easy for Scott at all and she new it. Eveything that had happened to him, and the constant mess his mind was in. It was a prim example of PTSD, and only someone else who suffered from it could understand it.

   "Hey Hey....its ok you don't have to ever go back.  You are safe here, and you always will be. I can at least promise you that."

Sometimes it was hard for Hope to know what to say but shed always at least try and hope it made Scott feel better even only even a little bit. Her heart ached for him, and she wished he didn't have to deal with this. but since he did at least he had people to turn too.

Hearing the soft strum of the guitar Misty opened her eyes. No one needed to tell her who that was in the room she could tell. His hums, his smell, and the way he just strummed on the guitar. There was no way to confuse Kyle with anyone else. She wanted to smile that he was here, but it just wouldn't come. She wished she could tell him how happy she was to see him but the words were not there.

A tear ran down Misty's cheek as she continued to listen. She kept her back to him though and just let her tears fall. She'd messed up so many things in her life. She'd hurt so many people, took so many wrong paths. Maybe...maybe she deserved all this now. The past had caught up, and now it was her time to answer.

Slowly waking to the slobber of Zidan Ryan rolls over opening her eyes. Her head was pounding, her eyes hurt and last night felt like a nightmare. A nightmare that was all to real. She didn't want to believe it was real, but the words Eli spoke ecoed through her head.

Getting up and growing into the bathroom Ryan new she looked like crap. Maybe she'd call into work and just go back to bed. She didn't really feel like doing anything. Splashing some water on her face Ryan hears her phone go off in the other room and her heart races. She dared not hope, or think there was even a chance Eli could be wrong.

Going back into the bed room Ryan grabs her phone and just sits on the bed holding it, not turning it on right away. Looking at Zidan after being nudged Ryan just shrugs before turning back to her phone and turning it on.

   I'd never leave you babe!

Seeing Alec's text message Ryan just smiles to herself before holding a look of confusion. Why would Eli tell her he was dead if clearly Alec was not. Maybe everyone thought he was, or it was just a cruel joke they were playing on her. Either way though it was hard to keep her excitement to herself that Alec was really alive.

 Ashlee looks down for a moment digging her toe into the rocks. It really did seem like Eric was sorry, and slightly upset that he might of done something wrong. Now that she had the opportunity to talk about it with him she felt scared though. What if he just laughed at her, or she didn't like his answer. That would only make it worse.

   "If you love it here so much, why do you have to keep leaving?"

Ashlee runs her hand along the horse before turning so her back was to Eric. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at her own self. Running her fingers through the horses main and softly stroking the heck she couldn't help the sniffle that came out, and the slight tears that rolled down her cheek. She didn't know where these emotions came from, but she new she sure did hate them.

   "Is it because of my mom and I? I heard someone say in passing that you never use to go away like this but than we showed up...and now...it like you dont want to be here. Just like my dad left before I was born. He didn't want us either."