

Medridge listened intently to Victoria, showing little to no emotion...until she delivered the news of Garret's death. His eyes darkened and his grip on his cane tightened. He refrained from standing, though, until she'd finished. 

Rising, he wandered to his map on the wall where marks and notations would make sense to no one but him. He leaned on his cane and sighed deeply. "Aaron was not much of an asset. I trust your judgement, so if he was a weak link, I'm glad to be rid of him." He was quiet for several moments before he turned back around. "But Garret..." He shook his head. "I had great plans for that man. Never have I had someone in the ranks who fit the profile so perfectly for someone to be my partner in running this empire." 

His eyes narrowed. "He had skills to take out a mob - so if they killed him, I can't imagine what he must have looked like. The Elite...they will pay." Anger laced his tone. "They took the wrong man to make a point. An eye for an eye...an agent for an agent." 

He turned again and ran a finger over his map. "Go and rest. You must be tired. You are free for three days."

Glancing up from the floor, Garret was surprised it was Nate, and even more surprised at being asked to join him outside the cell. Nate wanted to show him around? What for? Why? Just listening though, he was hesitant to believe Reese had changed his tune. The stipulations...they made Garret bristle, but he held his tongue. 

He remained silent for the entire tour. Some things he'd figured out on his own, and others were new. Being allowed access to so many things though...it was almost too good to believe. The rec room brought on a bit of interest. It might be nice having somewhere other than his cell to try and work off some energy.

Turning to Nate, he folded his arms, his eyes still dark and hollow. "Too bad Reese didn't  change his mind before Victoria left." 

He aimed back towards his cell and went back inside to sit on the cold floor again, but left the door open. His gaze remained out in the hall though, still watching Nate. "Thank you though," he mentioned just loud enough for Nate to hear.

Eric could hear someone coming up behind him, but knew it was Stacy, so he didn't move. Her soft voice...her touch...her words...they were all strong enough to help soothe his soul.

He remained quiet for just a little while, though his hand reached over to find hers and hold it. His eyes remained on the countryside surrounding them, but his mind was so very far away.

Eventually, he found his voice. "Results came back." His tone was soft, almost timid. And it was another long pause before he could continue. "I...I'm a father." Just saying out loud made it even more terrifying, and before he could stop them, tears filled his eyes, one of them tumbling down his cheek. He cleared his throat and shook his head. "Wow..." He forced almost a chuckle. "Kinda hard to say that, ya know?"

Dark Days

Sitting across from her grandfather Victoria was silent for a long moment. She was composted as always little emotion shone in her face, but inside, inside there was term oil. So many thoughts, so many reasons, so many unanswered questions. It hurt knowing Garret was not here, but she would never turn him in. She just couldn't.

Not wasting anymore time before someone thought something was wrong Victoria started her briefing. She told everything about finding Garret to Aaron's insubordination, but the ending...it was much different.

   "...Garret was found dead when we got there. It looks like put up quite the fight but whatever happened was just to much."

It was hard acting like Garret was dead but she had to. For his safety, and her own sanity now that he wouldn't always be here. She would always have her memories. The ones that she couldn't share but held so close to her heart.

   "Aaron went off the deep end after I told him to stay put. It was me or him, and I choose to stay alive. Killing him was to good for him, but I had no choice. He was a weak link, and to much of a danger for what we stand for."

Standing Nate just continued to look at Reese for a moment as a small smile spread across his face. At least Reese really did care and it would seem he was trying. That's Nate wanted himself was to see he was at least trying.

Leaving the office Nate makes his way across the floor and down to where Garret was being held. Seeing the door was still open Nate knocks before stepping inside and giving a small smile to Garret. He was pretty pleased with his meeting with Reese and hoped this would be a step in the right direction.

   "Hey Garret. Follow me I want to show you around."

Nate motioned out into the hall before starting to walk with Garret. As they walked he gave him the low down on some of the things he had talked to with Reese and some of the stipulations that he was under. He new maybe it would be a little harsh but at least he wasn't going to prison and it would be a good start to gaining his trust. 

Getting to the break room Nate stops and gestures to the inside. It was on the smaller side but it was nice, and always felt like the next best thing to his own kitchen.

   "This is the break room and you are aloud here any time you want. Most of the time the fridge and pantry it pretty stocked. Anything is free game unless it has someones name written on it. If you need to go to the store for anything just let me know. Slap your name on it and no one will eat it."

Exiting the break room Nate shows Garret a few more places on the main floor that might be important for him to know. Moving down the hall again to where Garret's holding cell was they continue to walk past and down a few more steps. Stepping into the dark room Nate turns the light on revealing the reck room. 

   "And this is were most of us like to take out our frustration after a long hard day. Almost anything you can think of is here. There are cameras down where that are kept an eye on when someone is down here but not because its you. Promise. It's more of a saftly thing for anyone. Accidents happen and we'd rather not wind up with a dead body."

Stepping back Nate just let Garret take everything in. He new it was a lot at once but at least he new his bounds and a place to take his energy out. He hoped it would be enough, and Garret could just let loose here.

   "So, I'll let you be now. You're free to roam. No more cuffs, no more locked cell as long as you can maintain control. The more trust you gain, the more you'll be able to do, and than finally we will go about finding you a place to live other than here, and a job. It wont happen over night, but in time it will."

Stacy had got a glimps of Eric as he wondered into the near by field. His demeanor told her so much with not even knowing anything. She wondered if it was best to just let him be or see if he needed someone. Changing her rout Stacy ends up going after him. Seeing him on down on the tall grass she slowly sits down next to him her legs crossed.

   "Sometimes the toughest part of life is dealing with questions like What if, What will, and How?"

Laying her hand on Eric's back Stacy just rubs it for a moment as a small smile spread across her lips. Eric would be ok. She new it would be no matter how scared and worried he was now.

   "But you want to know what...everything will be ok and God wont give us anything we can't handle even on the darkest day...because trust me..there will be some, but it makes those sun shines even better."



Reese nodded slowly at Nate, understanding the flip side as well. "I know. But if a tiger loses his mate and decides to lash out, I'd still put bars between us." He studied Nate's face for a moment before sighing. "Whatever ideas you have...run with them. And...I'll inform the others to give him a break. A small break, but a break nonetheless." 

He turned his attention back to his paperwork as a dismissal, but then stopped Nate before he left the office. "Nate..." He thought for a moment. "When...I lost Wyatt's mother... that was probably the darkest time in my life. So if Garret really is in love with that woman...keep an eye on him. I'd hate to see him slit his wrists like Carson did when he was here." He shrugged then waved Nate out, but it was apparent that underneath his concern for his agents and for safety...he really did care about Garret's well-being.

Down in his cell, Garret had reverted to pushups on the floor after he'd been unsuccessful at keeping his tears at bay. But even in his meager attempt to distract himself, his mind took him to places he'd rather not visit. The Agency had stolen Victoria from him...but it wasn't the first time they'd taken from him what he valued.

He'd been eight years old. He'd only kept the little dog hidden out back behind the facility for a week, but had already formed a bond. Then his handler had found out. And after finding the rope cut, he'd heard the shot, and knew. But despite him attacking the armed man for what he'd done, he was still forced to dig the grave.

He stared at the concrete floor as he did another pushup. He wished he'd forgotten. Yet it wasn't even the worst of what the Agency had done. 

Fourteen and already trained to kill. There was only one other boy there his age who he associated with, and the only other person he'd formed any kind of friendship with since being at this new basecamp. Then it was early morning when he'd heard the commotion. He'd stayed in his bunk, knowing full well not to interfere with whatever was going on outside. He'd later find out that Matt had tried to escape and had been shot and killed before he'd made it over the wall. 

Another pushup. Garret had shed no tears then. And he refused to now. He wasn't sad. He was angry. Angry that it had taken him so long to see what the Agency really was. Angry that he'd refused to recognize the truth all these years. That he'd ignored his gut, his own heart, simply because he knew no other kind of life. It was safer for him there than out in the world. But even as cruel as the world could be...nothing could ever compare to the cruelty of the Agency. Nothing. And today...today it still held his beloved in its grasp, despite all he'd done. For as much power as he'd always thought he had...he truly was powerless. 

Another pushup. But they weren't doing any good. He finally stopped and simply resumed his usual seat on the floor, his eyes staring dimly at the open door. Any minute now, someone would be here to close and lock that door, just like always. He'd desperately wanted to avoid prison. But was this really any better? Maybe he'd been wrong about everything.

Medridge sat behind his desk, his mind far from the papers laid before him. His one hand fiddled with his cane, while his eyes roamed the spacious office. His granddaughter had returned from the United States alone. No Garret. No Aaron. And that could only mean one of two things. Either the men had been captured - which Medridge deemed highly unlikely - or they had been killed. And if Garret was dead...that changed everything. 

He glanced to the door as movement caught his eye, and he offered Victoria a small smile. "Ah, my dear, you return. I'm glad." He cocked his head as his fingers stayed busy on his cane. "So...tell me why you have come back alone."

Alec’s eyes slowly opened, all of his senses lethargic and muted. He didn’t know where he was, or why he’d been asleep, or even for how long. Gradually, his eyes brought his surroundings into focus. He was lying on his back in a bed. The room was stark. It smelled sterile. But the lights were dim. His left shoulder and chest hurt, and he was finding it just a little hard to breathe.

“He’s awake.”

The voice seemed muffled and far away. Alec tried to sit up, but only then did he realize his wrists and ankles were restrained, strapped to the bed. Feeling a prick in his arm, he turned his head just in time to see a man in a white lab coat giving him a shot. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out before he drifted back into unconsciousness.

The next few days at the ranch were tense…at least for Eric. Stacy had given him a sense of assurance that helped him face the others, but he avoided any and all talk about the babies. Instead, he threw himself into work in the barn and spent quite a bit of time on the phone trying to sort through the logistics of the truck run he’d passed on to the other driver. One thing he refused to do though, was see the twins. He’d catch glimpses of them from a distance at Angel’s or Mick and Rosetta’s, but he avoided contact at all costs. Not until he knew. Not until he got official word one way or the other…

“…so you gotta be real careful when buying a horse at an auction.” Eric brushed one side of the horse tied in the barn, while he let Ashlee brush the other. It was a quiet afternoon and after exercising some of the horses, he’d wound up here to relax and spend time with Ashlee, too.

He opened his mouth to say more about the art of finding good horses, but was stopped as Mick came around the corner.

“Hey, Eric.”

Eric nodded at him. “Hey. What’s up.”

“Um…got a second?”

Eric quirked an eyebrow at Mick’s serious tone, then threw Ashlee a wink. “I wanna see this coat shining by the time I come back,” he teased. He set his brush aside and followed Mick out near the barn entrance. “Something wrong?”

Mick didn’t answer, but simply handed him a piece of paper.

Eric took it, but his brow furrowed in confusion. Looking over the text, he realized it was a fax. From Rick Johnston. And as he read the words, he honestly didn’t know what it was that he felt. Perhaps shock was the only close enough word. He slowly folded the piece of paper, dodging Mick’s eyes.

Mick cleared his throat. “I, um… Is there anything…” He let his own sentence drift off as Eric simply walked away. Sighing, he wandered back into the barn to make sure Ashlee wasn’t abandoned completely.

Eric tucked the paper in his back pocket as he headed out behind the barn where no one else was. Leaning on the top rail of the fence, his cowboy hat shielded his eyes from the sun…or anyone who might try to read his face. Tears stung his eyes but he held them back as his stomach turned and twisted. Even breathing seemed hard to do.

After a few minutes, he climbed the fence and wandered into the back pasture, his boots rustling softly through the grass that had been allowed to grow. He stopped a distance away from the ranch yard and slowly dropped to his knees. There were so many things he’d faced in his life. So many family tragedies. So many hardships. So many bad things. And he’d pushed on. Survived. Continued to function. But this…had thrown him for a bigger loop than anything else. It should be a good thing…yet it felt like the most impossible mountain to climb. Dana hadn’t lied. For once. And now…the future had become more uncertain than ever before. How on earth was he going to handle this?

The Note

Finished Nate was interested in what Reese had to say. They had been at odds the last few days and Nate had hated it. The feeling of not being with Reese just seemed wrong and he didn't like it. But now he wondered if had cought up to him and if he was going to get reemed out about Reese. 

Once he was finished talking Nate still didn't agree or think everything he said was right but he did see his side, and he did agree with a few things. There was a lot Garret was going to have to work on, and he new it.

  "I do agree that Garret can't always be threatening people, and he cant get in huff when things are not going his way. We also have to take into consideration that Garret has been living in the grips of the Agency since form what I gather a very very long time. He is bound to slip up, and its going to take time for him to be completely how we want him."

Nate searchs Reese's face for a long moment. He got why Reese didn't like Victoria here, but Nate couldn't help think how much worse it would be without her. Garret's whole reason got being here just walked away,

   "And than also something else we have to remember is the woman Garret loves, the reason he did all this just talked away to go back into the situation he was trying to keep her out of, and he will now no longer know if he is ok or not. Thats a lot to take in and I know how I'd be if it was Laura and i'd be in pretty rough state. All in all though I agree, and I have a few ideas on how to help Garret direct his frustration else where."

Smiling though Susanne could not see him Chuck gave a nod. He cared so much about Susanne he would do anything for her.

   "I can stay as long as you like. But instead of cooking why dont we order some pizza and get it delivered. I think we both could us a little less work tonight and....I'll also they you pick the movie. Anyone you want....even a sappy one. Just dont laugh at me if I cry."

Chuck was hoping maybe to get some kind of chuckle out of Susanne, even if it wasn't much, just a little something to see her smile.

Everything seemed to pass quickly. From her getting into the taxi, to calling for a plan home, to getting back to the mansion. Walking through the halls to her room it seemed darker here, quiet, and just...didnt feel like home knowing Garret wasn't here anymore.

Getting to her room and putting her bag down on the ground Victoria just sits there for moment. She needed to get changed, and she needed to go meet her grandfather for a briefing. She wasn't looking forward to that but she did know what she was going to say.

Looking over at her bag a piece of paper cought her eye. Pulling it out and skimming it Victoria was surprised it was from Nate.

 He'll be safe you have my word to do all I can. Also if you should ever change you mind or need help you can call me. You might not think you have any friends but you at least have one. Take care of yourself. Maybe some time you can give us a heads up too if anything to bad ever comes out way for his sake.


Victoria couldn't help but shake her head at Nate's letter. It was cryptic enough that if anyone but her got it they wouldn't understand the gibberish, but she did. Going into the bathroom Vicotria holds the paper over the sink and lights it on fire with the matches near by washing the ashes down the drain. Now she'd better get dressed and go meet with her grandfather before he thought she was stalling.


A lot to say

Reese was busy with some paper work when Nate entered is office, and he looked up, unsurprised. Leaning back in his chair, he fiddled with his pen as he listened. There was some agitation in his eyes, but more tiredness than anything. One eyebrow arched at Nate’s statement about Garret, but he simply didn’t respond right away. Instead, for several moments, all one could hear was the ticking clock on the wall. He hated the tension between himself and Nate – that had never happened before, and it didn’t feel good. Nothing felt good about any of this. Ever since Garret had arrived, it had been one disaster after another.

“Okay. I’ve got a lot to say, so please, just hear me out. First, I know you and I disagree about this morning’s events, but what’s done is done. We could speculate and argue all day long about how it could have been handled better, and then we could invite everyone else in for an additional list of opinions. I’m not happy about how things went down, but Susanne’s safe and we caught our guy, so I’m not going to revisit the subject.”

He set his feet up on his desk and grabbed his half-bottle of coke to wash down two pain-relievers for his headache before returning his attention to Nate. “Second, I gotta be honest – I’m glad Victoria is gone. She and Garret are dangerous, plain and simple. Which leads me to your thoughts on how Garret should be dealt with. See, here’s the thing – he can’t stop threatening. It’s like having a tiger on the loose. Every time there’s something he doesn’t like, he shows his teeth and growls, and everyone is forced to jump back because he’s ready to pounce, and no one can take him. I’ve seen him lose his temper more than once, he has injured multiple agents…” He pointed to his own face where his eyes were still slightly black and blue from the hit to his nose. “Pete not only had stitches to his head once, but today has a bruise the size of Garret’s boot across his chest. Jason’s still gimping around from that one fiasco, Hal is ready to start carrying his shotgun wherever he goes, and Gunner…” Reese rolled his eyes. “Well, he’s always half-cocked anyway.”

He sighed and shook his head. “I’m not trying oppose you at every turn. But even you have to look at the facts. If I’m gonna believe Garret really wants to be here and change sides, it’s gonna take more than intel and a botched rescue mission.”

He cocked his head, thinking as he studied Nate’s face. He'd been angry and frustrated this morning...more like the last few days, and he just wanted to get back to running a smooth operation. “I trust you more than just about anyone else here. Probably even more than Wyatt, but don’t tell him I said that.” He quirked a wry grin. “I just don’t trust Garret. All I see is him using fear tactics to maintain control. Maybe he really is trying. I know this is a different world, and if he’s telling the truth, his actions are commendable. But I want the threats to stop. He has to learn – and learn fast – that if he’s upset about something, he can’t just go and beat people up. We’re not a pack of dogs where he gets to try out for alpha male. This is why I’ve kept him in cuffs. He’s demonstrated he can still take people out – but it at least gives us somewhat of a fighting chance.”

He set his feet on the floor again and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his desk. He was no longer upset. Only concerned. “If you want him out of cuffs and to run free, I’m not going to oppose you. I made you his handler and…I’ve probably interfered more than I should already, and I’m sorry if it frustrated you. I only did it because I was worried for my other officers. But if he's going to behave, by all means, start integrating him - slowly. Make sure he's got access to the showers and the break room food. But if he physically lashes out one more time…” He held up his finger to emphasize. “Then it’s back to the locked cell, cuffs and shackles. He’s too valuable to send to prison, but I cannot tolerate any more outbursts. And he better stop with the threats. We know he can make good on them. But I will not allow him here if everyone avoids him just because they’re scared of him. And right now…they’re scared.”

A pause brought on a deep breath that he let out slowly. “I trust Garret’s intel is sound – I don’t trust that he’s not going to hurt anyone here again. Which is one reason I want Justin to remain involved so he can continually assess Garret’s mental and emotional state.”

Reese pursed his lips and nodded. “And that…has been churning in my mind all day. I just want you to know we’re still on the same side here. The future of the Elite is unforeseen… and I don’t want to face that future without my best men to back me up. That means you. And I hope, one day, Garret as well.” He managed a tired smile. “I don't want to break the tiger's will…he just needs some new targets.”

Garret wasn’t sure how long he stayed outside. There was a part of him that really did want to walk away. It would be dangerous on his own, but he could disappear if he really wanted to. But…what was the point? Without Victoria, he would just be wandering aimlessly. At least here he had some sort of reason to stay...at least for the moment. He’d given his word he would help with Carson's case and he didn’t want to betray that – and there was still Aaron to figure out. As far as Nate warning him about his threats, it didn’t set well with him. How else was he supposed to get someone’s attention? Asking nicely didn’t seem to work around here, and even begging got him nowhere. Not only was this a different world, but people seemed to speak a different language, too.

Eventually, he did wander back inside. It felt strange, not having someone leading him, dragging him or directing him. And from the looks he got, it felt strange to everyone else, too. Partway down the hall, he stopped and glanced into the infirmary.

Rick looked up from his work and came closer, his guard immediately up. “Garret?” His eyes asked why in the world Garret was walking around by himself.

Garret folded his arms. “Just wondered how Aaron was.” His eyes roamed the front end of the infirmary, landing on Misty for a moment before returning to Rick.

“Mm.” Rick thought for a moment, then figured there couldn’t be much harm in telling him. “I got the bullet out, and he’s going to be fine, but there was permanent damage. Only time will tell how much.”

“Is he awake?”

“No. I have him sedated at the moment to make sure he doesn’t move. I…just had the feeling if he woke up too soon, he wouldn’t find his surroundings very appealing and might do more damage to himself.”

Garret smirked a little. “Yeah.” Without much else to say, he simply turned and kept walking. Down the hall, down the stairs and into his own cell. It felt a bit like a dog going to his own kennel, but where else was he supposed to go? He wasn’t welcome anywhere but here.

Flopping down on his cot, he glared up at the camera before rolling onto his side to hide his face. He didn’t want anyone to know about the tears that were threatening to spill over. Losing the most important person in his life was not something he’d planned on. And right now, he couldn’t even fully process the depth of his own pain. He had to focus. He had to find something else to occupy his mind. He needed work to delve into. Something. Anything to keep his mind off what he'd just lost today. 

Susanne sniffed again and sighed, but was thankful for Chuck's words of encouragement. She didn't know what she'd do without him here right now. This house...it felt very big and very scary all of a sudden. 

"Can...can you stay a while this evening?" she asked quietly. "I don't know what I have in the fridge but...we can find something for supper and...and maybe watch a movie or something?" She just wanted a distraction from the nightmare she'd just experienced. It would be a miracle if she could sleep tonight at all, but at least if she wasn't alone for a little while longer, maybe she'd feel better.


   "You dont need to threaten me Garret and by know you should know that. Keep doing so though and you will lose all my trust. As for what happens next, I have no idea. Guess I'll have to talk to the boss."

Turning around and heading back for the door Nate stops one he gets there. One hand on the door he looks over his shoulder. He really didn't know what was going to happen next. Maybe they could turn one of the cells into a room like they had with Alec till they could find a more permanent place.

   "Letting go is hard, specially when its the reason you get up every day. Take all the time you need and come back in when you are ready."

Going back inside Garret makes his way over the main floor to Reese's over and goes in. Sitting down in the chair across from his desk he is silent for a moment before finally letting Reese in on what was going on.

   "Victoria is gone. She wanted to leave and I let her. There was no point in keeping her here. She didn't do anything wrong except shoot someone who was going to shoot Susanne. If she hadn't I would have."

Nate continues to make eye contact with Reese. He was tired, he was frustrated and just sick of this whole situation. Everything had gone too far and had been handled so badly.

   "As for Garret, I dont want him cuffed anymore, and he dosn't need a locked cell. We need to start reforming him like we have with the others."

Chuck continued to hold Susanne and just let her talk. His heart ached more and more with every word she said. He himself was angry that he had not been there to keep her safe. There were so many different emotions involved.

   "You went weak...you were actually pretty strong. You didn't break under the pressure, and you did all you could to stay alive."

Placing a kiss on the top of her head before leaning his on top of hers. Letting out a small sigh he absentmindedly rubbed her arm.

   "Strength is not always measured by muscle. Mental strength is harder to come by."  


Now What?

Garret was surprised, to say the least, by Nate’s actions. Not only was he letting them go without a fight, he was actually helping? Why was he so different than everyone else?

Outside, Garret felt as if someone was squeezing his heart. The one thing in life that had given him purpose and made sense, and he was losing it. Was this really it? He couldn’t believe it. He just couldn’t. It couldn’t be over. Not forever. But it felt like it. And it was still his own fault. 

He couldn’t say anything as Victoria walked away. Nothing seemed to fit. Nothing seemed enough. She knew how he felt, and he could add nothing to it, unless he were to get down on his knees and beg her to stay – and he knew that would only cause her more pain. All he could do was watch as she got into the taxi. 

At Nate’s words, Garret’s head snapped in his direction, his eyes betraying him with raw surprise. He looked back at the car driving away, then back at Nate. He knew? How? And why had he still let her go? Straightening a little, he tensed, trying to figure out if Nate was suddenly hinting at blackmail, or if he just wanted to let Garret know he wasn’t stupid. His training wanted him to believe this whole thing had been some sort of trap or setup. But his recent experience wanted him to believe Nate was truly being honest and helpful. 

“I just lost…everything,” he hissed. “My entire purpose for coming to this hell just walked away. If that information leaks to the wrong person and is used against her, so help me…” He gritted his teeth as his hands turned to fists. He didn’t like threatening Nate. But he knew no other way to communicate how he felt. He had just destroyed everything in one move, and felt more stuck than he had since coming here. 

He didn’t finish his threat, but simply turned in time to see the taxi cab finally disappear. It was over. And now he was here in a bar-less prison to serve out his time. And he’d really just walked into this willingly? How stupid could he have been? 

Walking away from Nate before he lashed out, he took his anger out on a nearby recycling bin instead with an anguished yell, and a swift kick that sent tin cans and plastic bottles flying. A second kick sent the bin itself clattering across the parking lot. Breathing heavily, he turned back to lean against the brick building, squeezing his eyes shut tight. “So now what? I go back to my cell? Aaron goes to prison? That would make my entire screw-up complete.”

Susanne nestled into Chuck, so thankful for his warmth…his comfort. Just burying her face against his chest, she cried – all her emotions from the last few days spilling out all at once.

Eventually, her tears slowed, her trembling stopped, and she just closed her eyes, remaining in his embrace. She swallowed hard and sniffed, her one hand coming up to fiddle with a seam in Chuck’s shirt. “I was so scared,” she admitted quietly. “I just…I couldn’t stop him. I tried. I just…I wasn’t strong enough.” She sniffed again and nuzzled in closer. “I thought I could…could take care of myself. But he was just so strong…”

You can

Looking up at Victoria and Garret Nate could see the saddness that was written on both there faces. Even if they had emotions of stone, and walls for days there eyes gave away much and Nate could see it. His own heart broke just a little bit for them both as well.

   "Ok, hang tight here for a few minutes. I'll grab a few things you might need for the trip."

Getting up and disappearing for a few moment Nate returns with a backpack. In side was a few things like paper, pens, food, and water. There was also a generic burner phone so in case she needed to call anyone to get her. A note was nicely tucked into one of the pockets for her to read later.

   "Here you go. Just in case you need it and also..."

Nate takes a piece of paper from his desk and writes down a phone number before handing it to her.

 "In case you ever need anything thats my cell and you can call any time."

Not saying anything else Nate leads them through the main floor to the door that leads outside. Stepping out with them a taxi was waiting. Staying at the door he let them say there goodbyes.

Victoria looked at the taxi for a long moment before looking back at Garret again. This really was goodbye?

  "Don't forget me. I love you...always."

Turning Victoria starts to make her way to the car. Her heart hurt more than anyone would every know, and her head pounded as she thought of what was to come. Life was going to be harder now without having Garret around.

Stepping up next to Garret Nate puts his hands in his pockets and watches Victoria walk away. He wished things could of been different and they both could of gotten the trust they deserved. It could of been so much different.

   "You can go with her you know! Than she wont have to lie to her Grandfather about what happened."

Nate gave Garret a side long glance. He new who Victoria was. Though he hadn't told anyone because it was not his secret to tell.

Feeling Susanne start to cry Chuck wraps his arms tighter around her. What was on the tv was longer important and the only thing he cared about was Susanne. Turning on the couch to get more comfortable he pulled her into his lap and ran his fingers though her hair.

Words did not come as he held her because what was there to day? You are ok, everything is alright now...these were all things she already new. It was just her tears and fears that needed to come out. So softly while he continued to use one hand to rub her back and the other to run through her hair he started to hum softly, quiet, and slow.


Having Victoria sit on his lap, Garret wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. Why did he always have to say goodbye to her? Why could they never be together? It was as if destiny had decided they were never meant to be. It didn't matter which side Garret chose - he would always be without her. 

He rested his head against hers and just held her for the longest moment. His lips found her neck to kiss her softly several times before moving to her lips where he let his kiss linger, deepening at the same time his heart cracked. 

Finally, he let her go though, knowing that if he didn't now, he wasn't sure he could watch her walk away at all. "Come on," he coaxed. "I'll help you leave." 

Standing by the door, he looked up at the camera. "Hal, I know you're watching. Send in Nate. Please."

It was only a few moments and the door opened, but it wasn't Nate. It was Reese. 

Garret bristled, and put himself between Reese and Victoria. "I asked for Nate."

"So you did." Reese cocked his head. "Why? Because you can get your way with him?"

"Because he's the only one who trusts me."

"Mmhm...." Reese thought for a while, then shrugged. "Come with me." 

Garret took Victoria's hand as he followed Reese, half expecting to be led back downstairs. But instead, they aimed for the main floor. A lot of eyes stared at them as they walked through the cubicles - no less than normal. Maybe more. Especially since Reese hadn't restrained them - surprise number two. Number three came when they stopped at Nate's desk.

Reese cleared his throat. "Nate, Garret here wanted to see you. I'm going back to my office so...do whatever it is you have to do, and... I'll expect a report later." And turning his back, he walked away.

Garret knew Reese had heard the conversation in the interrogation room. Yet he was still leaving it up to Nate and not making a stink? His grip on Victoria's hand tightened and he glanced to Nate. "Victoria's not staying." Saying it out loud stung. "I'm asking that you allow her to walk. You have my word she won't sabotage the Elite after having been here. Please let her go." He knew full well no one could keep her here. But it sure would be nice to do his without a fight.

Susanne nodded and opened the door, letting Chuck in with her. She remained quiet - quieter than normal - as she fed and watered her birds, then started a pot of coffee. Joining Chuck on the couch, she leaned against him as the television comedy projected laughter which she did not feel.

It was a long span of silence before tears started to trickle down her face. Only a few at first, then as they became more, she started to tremble. Turning her face into Chuck's shoulder, her walls finally came tumbling down, leaving only her vulnerable fear which has gripped her so tightly as she'd been held captive.

Stick with

Victoria couldn't help the emotions that churned inside. Leaving was hard, saying good bye to Garret was like death, but staying...what would saying be like? Victoria couldn't help but keep coming back to that.

   "I like Nate, he seems pretty trustworthy. Sick with him Garret and I think you'll be ok."

Standing and going over to Garret Victoria sits down in his lap. This might be there last moments together, maybe forever and she didn't want to wast them. To be in Garret's arms, to take in the warmth and try to hold it forever.

   "I love you too Garret, with all I am. I will always love you, and only you. If you are ever in trouble I'll come running."

Walking with Susanne Chuck stayed close. Susanne was strong he had no doubt about that but still he was there for when she needed him and he new it would come sooner or later. Getting to the door and pausing for a long moment Chuck can feel the fear that Susanne felt. It must be terrible to come back to the place you call home, but it no longer feels that way.

  "Of course I can, and I can stay for as long as you need me too. You don't gave to be alone."


Garret wanted to argue. He wanted to beg. He wanted to stay in here as long as it took to convince Victoria to stay with him. To give it a fair shot. To give it more time. But that look in her eye...he knew she'd already made up her mind. And he knew that once that happened, there was no changing it, not even by him. Further words might just cause more damage. And again, he felt the hard consequences of his decisions. 

His eyes dropped, along with his shoulders. And when he glanced up again and saw her tear, his pain deepened. Tears were not something she normally allowed to happen. He reached out and gently brushed it from her face.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "For everything." He knew he could still return with her. But what about his word? What kind of man was he without it? Then there was Aaron. If he didn't stay, Aaron would surely go to prison and Garret needed to somehow make sure that didn't happen. It was his fault Aaron had been here in the first place, and if it hadn't been for him, Susanne never would have been taken. So how could he just leave Aaron for the wolves? Loyalty to anyone but a commanding officer was not something taught or encouraged within the Agency. But something in Garret's heart knew it was right, and for once, he wanted what was right.

"If you're really going to go, you should do it quickly. Wait until someone comes, and if it's not Nate, I'll ask for him, then tell him to let you go." He knew it would be hard for her to do it this way, but for their sake, he didn't want violence. And he knew Nate was probably the only one who wouldn't appose...and might even stand up for them. "I'll go with you outside, then... You can go your way."

His hand returned to her face. Emotions churned under the surface, enough so, that he instinctively closed the door on them as years of training had taught him to do. Breaking down was not an option. This was simply a consequence of what he'd chosen.

"I love you. And should we meet on opposite sides...know that I'll never be able to betray you. I'd take a bullet to my heart before harming you." She had always been his weakness, and that wasn't about to change. He swallowed hard. "And should you ever change your mind... I'll still be here."

Falling into Chuck's embrace, Susanne burried her face against his chest and just breathed in his warm scent. Oh, how she'd been waiting to feel his strong arms around her again. She'd fought tooth and nail against her feelings for him since the beginning, but she couldn't deny all she'd wanted while in that dark basement was just to be held by him.

After a few moments, she pried herself away so Misty could take care of her, and in the end, she was sporting just a few small bandages and a wrapped ankle. Assuring everyone no other harm had come to her, she asked simply to go home so she could rest, and was grateful Chuck was willing to take her. 

Once they were at her house in the driveway though, Susanne's emotions were getting closer and closer to the surface. She'd been so strong this entire time, and even though scared, she hadn't broken down once. But as she stared at her front door, new fear gripped her heart.

"Would you...walk me inside?" she asked quietly. "And maybe...maybe stay just a little while? I...I don't...feel like being alone."


   "But we will never be together here. I'm surprised they even let us in this room alone."

Victoria looked at Garret and leaned her head into his hand. She would miss him dearly and her heart hurt thinking about not having him anymore. But if they went to prison they wouldn't see each other anymore anyways.

  "I thought about staying but that Reese guy hates us and wont even try to give us a chance. What kind of life will that make for us? I see where you are coming from Garret, I honestly do. But I was born into the Agency, that is my life and at least there was freedom there,and respect. You stay Garret. Have your freedom and show them who you are. I wont hold that against you."

A slight tear ran down Victoria's face. Thinking about leaving Garret hurt more than anyone could ever understand. He was everything to her, and what kept her gowning.Garret was the bright spot in her dark days, and the figure that always kept her safe. What would she do without him.

Watching from behind the glass window Nate lets out a long sigh and shook his head. He didn't understand anything that was going on with Reese, and because of it, two people were being torn apart when they just wanted a chance. 

Leaving the room Nate makes his way back to his cubical before sitting down. He was torn from doing what his promised, and following the boss orders. It was something he'd never face before and it was definitly not easy.

Seeing Susanne Chuck stood and came over to her quickly. Wrapping his arms around her he just held her close. She could cry if she needed to, it was ok by him. He was just happy to be holding her again in his arms. He'd feared the worse and felt so helpless.

    "It's ok, I got you now."

"It will be fine, you will do great, and you'll be able too. I promise."

Sitting up again Stacy places another kiss on Eric's lips before pulling away and just looking down at him. She new in her heart everything would turn out the way it should, and she trusted that in the end everything really would be ok.


Victoria's words were exactly what Garret had been afraid of all this time, and it put a knot in his gut. He opened his mouth to respond, but stopped as the door opened. It was Pete, and he was with Katie and Susanne. 

Pete immediately took note that handcuffs were missing, but opted not to say anything. Truth be told, he was just a bit afraid to. This was the second time Garret had taken him out, and it was making him more than nervous. All he could do now was hope for no trouble on the way back.

It didn't take long for everything to be wrapped up and have both vehicles headed back to headquarters. The drive was quiet - Susanne still nervous, and Garret refusing to speak in front of anyone at this point. Reese's angry quietnes only added to the tension, making the ride feel longer than it really was. 

Once they were back at the Elite, Gunner and Rick took Aaron to the infirmary where Rick immediately started work on his leg in the back room. Susanne was also brought hobbling in so Misty could help patch up any cuts or scrapes, and check her ankle. Arriving at the infirmary though, the first person Susanne saw was Chuck, and tears instantly rose in her eyes. There had been more than once she wasn't sure if she'd ever see him again. But here he was...waiting for her. Too overwhelmed with everything, she couldn't even find any words to say.

In the interrogation room, Garret sat with Victoria. They'd been left in here alone - most likely just to keep them somewhere until someone decided what to do with them after this morning's events. It wasn't ideal, but at least now Garret could finally respond to what Victoria had said earlier, and amazingly, they'd been left free of their restraints.

"Please stay," he begged quietly, taking her hand. "It can be better... I know it can. It will just take some time." 

His eyes pleaded with her, and it hurt, seeing how sad she was. He'd done this. All of it. "I can't go back... I can't be a part of the insanity any longer. I can't be ten feet from you all the time and not allowed to touch you. I can't keep killing innocent people just to give your grandfather more power." His grip on her hand tightened. Could she understand him at all? "I believed in the cause once. But since knowing you, I have realized there's more to life than being behind a wall that locks out the world." 

His free hand went to the side of her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. "If you can't stand it here, lets just run away together. Disappear." It was a nice thought, but he knew good and well that would only mean they'd be on the run their entire lives. At least here they'd have the Elite watching their backs...eventually. He'd given his word to Nate and Reese that he'd stay, but if Victoria would run with him, he'd go. But in his heart of hearts, he knew it would just make things harder, and she knew that, too.

"I just don't know what I'd do without you," he whispered. "All I wanted was for us to finally be together. But it looks like I made the wrong choice."

Eric felt as if he should smile at Stacy's comment about the babies, but it just wouldn't come. He was glad they all thought the twins were cute, but...there was still a chance they weren't his. And it would be a couple days before they knew for sure, one way or the other.

"I always wanted my own famiy," he admitted. "But now... I don't even know how I could provide enough for one. If all this is true, I can't be on the road weeks at s time...but without driving, I've... I've got nothing."

Old emotions of feeling stupid crept into his mind. He had so little to offer in the way of good work. All he'd been for so long was just a driver. So what, that he loved horses? What could he really do?

"I'm not so sure I could give two kids the best chance anyway..."



Victoria rubbed her wrists after Garret took the cuffs off. She'd been in them before but this was so different, they felt tighter, but maybe it was because of this whole situation. Everything felt wrong.

As Garret took her hand Victoria soaked up the warmth. If anything at least Garret was here with her at the moment. But for how long? How long could she really handle this. She'd thought about staying and that was another reason she had saved Susanne, but now....

   "I hate it here Garret. I don't want to stay. I want you to come back with me while there is still time. But if you wont, I'll go alone and just tell my grandfather I found you dead so he wont hunt you down. I can't stay though...I dont belong in this world."

Her eyes were sad as she looked at Garret and for him it would be easy to see her heart breaking. She didn't want to leave him, but she really didn't belong here and if she stayed she'd just make things harder for him.

Smiling down at Susanne Katie bends down to help her up again. She couldn't help how bad she felt. Susanne had never been through something like this before and though it never got easier it did get better to deal with in time.

   "Chuck knows and he is waiting for you back at the Elite. He's pretty worried sick. If I do say myself Susanne I think hes in love with you."

Slinging Susanne's arm over her should Katie helps Pete lift her up again and walks slowly back to the car. She didn't need to stay here any longer, and the sooner they got her to a safe place the sooner she could start feeling safe again.

Giving a small nod Stacy new that was the next thing. Eric was nervous about everyone knowing. Even if he did know that they supported him it still had to be hard.

   "They do, and she does. She is absolutely in love with them. The twins are pretty adorable with there cute little chubby cheeks."


Garret didn't reply to Nate immediately, still trying to calm himself down. Never had he felt so out of control so many times in such a short period of time. At least not in many years. He finally stood up straight and folded his arms before he shook his head. "I don't know. Yeah...yeah, I'm fine." Physically all he had was a scrape on his arm from when he'd taken Susanne down. Mentally though...he was not alright.

He glanced to where Katie was making Victoria get back into the vehicle. He understood why they might be upset - Susanne could have been hit if Victoria had missed. Granted, Garret knew she was too good of a shot for that, but the others didn't know that. And Garret himself was not happy Aaron had been hurt. But even so, he didn't like the way they were manhandling her.

He finally looked to Nate. "I know I've already asked too much, but please make sure Aaron is taken care of. I know he's your enemy but..." He sighed. "He and I have been through a lot. I don't want him to suffer because of the choices I've made." 

He then started for the SUV door, but stopped and glanced back over his shoulder. His tone was colder this time. "And I won't tolerate cuffs again. Whoever tries has been warned." He meant it, too. He'd done all he could not to really hurt anyone, but he would not continually be treated as a prisoner when all he was trying to do was help.

Letting himself back inside the vehicle, he didn't wait for anyone else. Even now, he could easily drive away and take Victoria with him - but he didn't. 

Easing in next to her, he eyed the cuffs and felt his irritation burning hotter. Nor caring anymore about Elite protocol, he reached into the front seat and fished for just a moment before finding a paperclip. After that, he'd picked the handcuff locks within seconds to free Victoria's wrists, and tossed the cuffs up onto the dashboard. 

Still having not said anything, he simply took her hand and brought it up to his lips to kiss. He was upset with what she had done. He'd had it handled, and by drawing a gun, she'd caused even more distrust, and now Aaron was hurt as well. Yet at the same time, he couldn't blame her, and refrained from chewing her out. This was a different world...and he'd dragged her into it - and that was his fault, not hers. 

"Thanks for the warning," he mused. "I hope Aaron can walk again...but I'm glad the woman is safe. This whole thing is my fault."

Back outside, another vehicle joined them, and Rick emerged to see to Aaron - first sedating him, then tending to his wound enough to have him moved safely at least. 

Pete was still with Susanne, but waved Katie over for assistance. Susanne looked up as she approached, the fear still in her eyes. The sunlight showed her black and blue face, and scrapes from fighting back with Aaron. She had no serious injuries, but emotionally she was struggling to hold it together. "Has...has Chuck... I mean, does he know? I need to tell him I'm okay." She tried to stand, but cringed as she out weight in her ankle, and sank back down before looking up at Katie. "Guess I twisted my ankle..." 

Deep down, Eric knew Stacy was right. He knew he had support here - more than most people had. Yet the weight of responsibility was still his to bear...and right now, it felt awfully heavy.

"Thank you... I'm glad you're here." If she wasn't, he didn't know what he'd do. "Everyone knows, right?" That was the worst part...that everyone else had heard before even he did. And it still might not even be true. "And...Ash? Does she know what's going on?"

One Day

Being pulled up by Katie Victoria was once again in handcuffs. She'd just saved that womans life and she was being handcuffed again. She could of turned that gun on them, any of them but instead she shot the man that held there Agent prisoner.This was stupid, they would never be trusted and she hated it here. 

   "This is the thanks I get...really? I could of shot you all and taken you back to my grandfather but I didnt."

Not even responding Katie pulls Victoria back to the SUV and puts her inside before slamming the door shut and joining the others to see if they needed to help.

Watching all the happened Nate himself was pretty honored that Victoria saw a threat, and saw that Aaron was going to shoot and took her opportunity. She could of done nothing and let Susanne die but didnt. That had to mean she had at least a little bit of good inside her.

Seeing what unfolded after that though sent his head for a spin. Reese's reaction made his blood boil. He still wasn't trusting them. He had a really good reason to now because Victoria could of done far worse. Seeing Garret walk to the SUV Nate followed. He was worried about his friend, and hoped he was ok.

   "Garret, dumb question I know, but all things considered are you ok?"

Returning Eric's kiss Stacy smiles down at him before resting her head on his chest once more and letting her free hand stroke his face softly. She was silent for a moment after his question just letting it hand in the air before replying.

   "You will become a father quickly, and its ok to be scared. That is normal, but it will be ok. You have a lot of people here who love you, and will help you all they can. One day at a time is all we can take, but you wont have to take it alone."


Garret slowly, slowly continued to close the gap between himself and Aaron as he spoke, stopping only when he was near enough to see Aaron's finger twitch on his gun's trigger.

From across the field, Jason muttered under his breath. Aaron had moved Susanne just enough that he no longer had a clear shot. He couldn't see Aaron's gun hand anymore, and could no longer see his face...which meant he could no longer gauge the threat. 

Garret's hands were still held up and out to the sides in an attempt to appear less threatening, but by now, Aaron was too suspicious. "Aaron...don't do this..."

Hearing Victoria yell, Garret's instincts kicked in, and he didn't hesitate. He immediately knew exactly what Victoria was doing, and was not going to risk an innocent woman's life. Not this time. Not anymore. 

It only took two strides then a leap in Susanne's direction to reach her and tackle her to the ground the same instant he heard the shot. Susanne screamed as Garret brought her to the ground, but couldn't even fight back, with her hands still bound. Not intending any harm, Garret rolled out of the way and into a crouch position, his eyes sweeping the entire scene. 

As the bullet ripped through Aaron's flesh, he instantly dropped to the ground, losing both Susanne and his own gun. Crying out in pain, he clutched at his right knee. Had he seen it correctly? Had Victoria actually shot him? Had Garret actually helped save Susanne? His world spun as the pain caused him to writhe on the ground. What was going on here?

Taken completely off guard, it took Reese a moment to realize what had just happened, as Katie took down Victoria. Despite Aaron being shot, when Reese saw Garret now still so close to Susanne after tackling her, he drew his gun. "Garret!" he thundered. "On your feet, now! Move!"

Garret, seeing Aaron on the ground, ignored Reese's command, and started for his fellow agent instead. Kneeling next to him, he saw how badly Aaron's knee was bleeding, and cringed. 

Aaron glared up at him, trying to speak through the pain. "You're a...a traitor....you ...of all... all people..." 

Reese had come up behind Garret, and now had his handgun pointed at his head. "On. Your. Feet. Now."

Garret gritted his teeth as anger built within him. And his adrenaline took over. Moving with trained stealth, he sprung to his feet, spun around and disarmed Reese, to turn his own gun in him before Reese could even react. 

Pete, after seeing Katie had Victoria under control, had started for Susanne and had just gotten her blindfold off, when he saw Garret threatening Reese. Not having his gun anymore, he lunged for Garret, only to be met with  strong boot to his chest, knocking him to the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of him. 

Garret growled in frustration and hurled Reese's gun into the field. "When will you people learn?!" Without being asked, he stalked back towards the others, on guard and angry. All he wanted was to make sure Aaron was going to be okay, but obviously he was not allowed such a luxury. 

Stunned and angered, Reese let him go, and retrieved his cell phone to call in Rick and Gunner. It would seem they had a new prisoner that needed more immediate medical attention than Susanne. 

Susanne's eyes were wide as Pete managed to right himself and catch his breath enough to resume helping her out of her bonds, but for right now, all she could do was sit and shake. 

Getting back to the SUV, Garret refused to look at Victoria or Nate. He leaned on the hood and took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself, but it was apparent he was still quite upset.

Eric continued to look at the ceiling as he was bombarded with a whole new set of emotions. She was...willing to stay with him? To help? Even before they knew the truth or not?

His eyes finally drifted down to hers as he reached up to cradle the side of her face. "Thank you..." He tugged her shirt sleeve to bring her back down close again, drawing her in for a kiss. He'd only been gone a week, but it felt like a year, and he showed how much he'd missed her by the passion he gave in his kiss. 

Drawing back, he hugged her close, burying his face in her hair. "I'm scared, he admitted softly. What if it really is true? What am I going to do?"


Being pulled in so close to Eric Stacy loved every moment of it. She loved so safe she felt in his strong arms. The moments were few, but it made her enjoy them even more. His words were soft even if they held lots of emotion.

  "I think calling you was the right thing. Your family was just worried and they were not sure what to do. I could see the doubt in there eyes when they were told, and the hesitation to agree to anything. They didn't want to take the chance just in case."

Sitting up a little to look Eric in the eye Stacy smiles softly. She could see the fear, and part of her wondered if some of Eric's fear had to do with her? Did he think they the twins ended up being his she would run?

   "I guess after the test comes back we will know for sure, and if they are...I'll try and help all I can."

Victoria felt herself stiffen just a little as Aaron held the gun to Susanne. He was a loose cannon, she'd told Reese that and he didn't listen. There was no telling what he would do and seeing that poor woman caught in the middle twisted her stomach.

As Garret starts to walk over Nate stands strong. Glancing at Reese he shakes his head. Garret would be fine, he wasn't going to run, and if Reese didn't believe that it wasn't his problem.

  "Be safe Garret. Let them go Reese."

Continuing to watch the exchange Victoria didn't like how Aaron was acting. He was going to shoot Susanne, and who new who else no matter what. She couldn't sit back and just let this happen. Not for anyones sake but her own.

Moving quickly now that she was out of the cuffs Victoria side steps to Pete and grabs his gun before rolling away from him and standing once more aiming the gun right at Aaron.


Was all she had time to yell hoping Garret would get Susanne in time before any bullets could hit her. Pulling the trigger the gun goes off loudly. Lowering her hand she bends down to set the gun on the ground only to be met by strong force.

Katie's dosnt wait even a minute before reacting. She wasn't sure what was going to happen next but she was on top of Victoria in no time.

Having Katie on top of her Victoria dosnt even try and get free. She could if she wanted to but what would that do?

   "He was going to kill her if I didn't do something. I just saved your Agents life."



Eric was a little surprised Stacy decided to stay, let alone join him. He felt so...lost. He had no idea what to do or say...so he simply remained quiet. It was a long five minutes or so until he finally rolled over onto his back. He tucked Stacy in close to his side, and let out a long sigh as his fingers ran slowly through her hair. 

"It's not true, ya know," he mentioned quietly as his eyes glued themselves to the ceiling. "Any of it. They shouldn't have called me home."

Garret caught Nate's look, and recognized that he disagreed with Reese, but was respecting orders anyway. It was commendable, really, as far as loyalty went. But would he and Victoria ever stand a chance? More than likely, the answer to that question hung on today's events, which was not a reassuring thought. He gave Nate a little nod before getting in behind Victoria. He understood. And he had chosen to cooperate.

The drive only took about half an hour. Another Elite vehicle had followed, but stopped about two miles back to keep its distance. Inside was Gunner and Rick, in case Susanne needed medical attention onsite. But they wouldn't venture nearer until the trade was complete...

The rarely used dirt road appeared abandoned, which was good on a day like today. Reese drove the Elite SUV slowly, keeping his eyes wide open. Despite Garret and Victoria both saying Aaron was the only other Agency operative out here, he wasn’t going to take any chances.

The plan was simple. Make the trade, and as soon as Susanne was clear, Garret and Victoria would turn back. The only wild card was whether or not Aaron would be returning with them or left to go crawling back to the Agency with an unbelievable story.

They had to drive a few miles down the designated road until another vehicle came into sight. Reese slowed even more, and parked about twenty yards away, cutting the engine. Aaron was leaned casually against his car, arms folded, sunglasses shielding his eyes from the bright morning light. He remained motionless until Reese exited the SUV.

“Where is she?” Reese demanded loudly so his voice would carry the distance.

Aaron took his time opening up the back door, then reaching in and pulling Susanne out. Her wrists were tied with rope behind her back, and a blindfold kept her from being able to see anything. She stumbled forward and gave a little cry of pain as her ankle twisted.

Reese’s heart gave a start, but he didn’t move. “Susanne? You okay?”

She recognized his voice, and nodded. “I’m alright,” she assured, even though she hurt all over, and everything inside was screaming for her to run.

“Now show me mine,” Aaron called over.

Reese motioned to the car, and inside, Pete nodded to Nate. “Time to dance.”

Across the open field, Jason kept watch on the scene through his rifle scope. He was well-hidden in a large oak tree, sprawled out on a thick branch, his legs his only security from falling. It had been a long time since he’d been in a position like this, and despite the dangerous situation for Susanne…he couldn’t deny a small part of him liked being back to what he was good at.

Garret was first out, and kept a close eye on Victoria as she followed. He eyed Nate as well, hoping this whole thing went down the way they all wanted. He would do his best, but could make no promises.

Aaron set his sunglasses up on his head and squinted at his fellow operatives. They seemed unharmed – typical of the Elite to go easy on their prisoners. They were always so weak. “Uncuff them,” he called.

“That wasn’t part of the deal,” Reese returned. “They’ve got keys on them – you can take the cuffs off later.”

“And I’m calling the shots.” Aaron retrieved a handgun from his back and pointed it at Susanne’s head. “Apologies for the pun.”

Reese bristled, and turned to glance at Garret.

Garret nodded. “Do as he says. I’m not going anywhere – you know that.”

“No…I don’t.” Reese neared anyway, and uncuffed him first, then Victoria, giving her a warning glance. He was being forced to trust them both on Susanne’s life, and he didn’t like it one bit.

Watching what was going on, Aaron was sure that Garret and Victoria would take down the Elite agents as soon as they were free, but…they just stood there. No one was even pointing guns at them. Why didn’t they take them all out? It was child’s play for them. It was as confusing as when Aaron had seen Garret try to help that other agent…wait…was that the same guy with them now? He hadn’t died after all. Something wasn’t right here. He grabbed Susann’s shoulder, and put the gun closer to her head. “Send them over,” he barked. “Now.”

“Let her start walking first,” Reese countered. “Meet halfway – that’s what we agreed to.”

“Do you think I care?!” Aaron gripped Susann’s shoulder tighter, making her wince. “Send them over. Now. Or she dies, and it’s on your hands.”

Garret gave Victoria a sidelong glance. He had a bad feeling that even if they went the whole way, Aaron was going to kill Susanne anyway. “He’s starting to panic,” he spoke quietly. “Let me go first.” Not waiting for Reese’s permission, he held up his hands and took a couple steps forward.

“Garret,” Reese hissed. “Get back here.” Being ignored, he threw Nate a new look of warning.

Garret called to Aaron. “Just send the woman over first, Aaron. Victoria and I are on our way.”

Aaron’s eyes narrowed. “What is wrong with you? First you helped that agent, now you’re going all soft. Did they brainwash you or what?!”

“No, no they didn’t. But there’s more to this than you realize.” Garret took another step. “There’s more at stake, but I can’t explain until this is over.” He glanced over his shoulder to make eye contact with Nate, before looking back to Aaron. “Stick with the deal you made with Reese and let Susanne start walking. Then they’ll let us walk, too.”

“What’s stopping you?!” Aaron grew more nervous. This was all wrong. Everyone was focused on Garret, and now even Victoria wasn’t acting. Why? What were they really doing? “Both of you get over here now, before this whole thing goes south.”

By now, Pete had exited the vehicle with Katie, standing nearby, ready to draw his sidearm if need be. How unstable was this guy? Would he make good on his threats, or was he just a bunch of hot air?

Garret shook his head and took one more step. “Aaron, listen to me. I know you trust me. If you don’t let Susanne start walking, they’re not gonna let me or Victoria cross the distance. Reese will stick to his word – stick to yours and we’ll make it out of here alive.”

“Are you joking?” Aaron shook his head. Susanne whimpered and he threatened her by pressing the gun harder against her head.

“No, I’m not. Just trust me. Please.”

Please? Garret was asking and not ordering, and that was not right. Not right at all. Aaron suddenly became afraid that he might be the target here. He didn’t know what was really going on, but out of nowhere, he now sensed that his own neck was on the line. And it felt like he was being betrayed by Garret.

Pete stepped closer to Nate and Reese as he saw Aaron shifting his weight. “We gotta let them go,” he mentioned quietly. “He’s gonna kill her.”


Entering the bunk Stacy just stands at the foot of the bed for a long moment. She new Eric was shocked, angry, and hurting. Though she didn't know all the details, her heart still ached for him. Coming around to the side of the best Stacy sits down before laying back and draping her arm around Eric just holding him.

   "We don' have to talk than, just as long as I can just be close to you."

Katie gave a nod at Reese request. She wasn't to sure what to think about this whole ordeal, but she was happy to help. It had been a little bit since she had been in the field and missed it.


Looking at Reese Nate gives a nod. Everything that happened a few hours before still fresh in his mind but he'd at least been able to push it aside at the moment for the sake of the mission.

Shifting Nate moves twords Garret and Victoria his eyes said so much and how sorry he was. He felt terrible that he had gained Garret's trust and now it seemed runed. He really had been trying so hard for him.

  "I guess its now or never."

Victoria rolls her eyes before jumping in the SUV. Everything here was so strange. The way they talked to each other, the slight worry she just didn't get it.east been able to push it aside for now. He just wanted everyone safe and he needed his head on straight to do that.


Hearing Stacy at the door, Eric was tempted to tell her to go away. But he couldn't. No, he didn't want to talk, least of all about the current mess he was in, and least of all with Stacy. What must she think now? Some guys would lose their girl over something like this. What about Stacy? 

He finally groaned before mumbling just loud enough for her to hear him. "No...but you can come in."

He didn't move, leaving his face hidden in his pillow. It was rare he wasn't open with Stacy, but at the moment, he was too hurt and confused to even try expressing how he felt. Not to mention, his head and back hurt enough that he didn't even want to move. 

Hearing her enter, he sighed. He knew he was being childish, but he was just miserable enough not to care. "Surprise, surprise," he muttered into his pillow. "I'm home."

Reese watched Nate walk away, not even trying to reply. His words stung. It wasn't often Reese had this kind of disagreement with one of his officers...one of his friends.

He leaned back against the wall and looked up at the ceiling. "What am I doing wrong?" He wondered aloud. 

It was an hour later when he was with the others in the parking lot as they prepared to get into the Elite SUV. He hadn't discussed anything further with Nate, which was creating a tense atmosphere, but there were more important things at stake. 

"Okay. Everybody know what they're doing?" 

Garret stood next to Victoria, both in cuffs, but at least their feet were free. Along with Nate, Reese also had Pete and Katie as backup and help with Susanne if necessary.

Pete glanced around and nodded. "All set." 

"Good." Reese nodded to Nate. "Load them up. Let's go."

No More

Leaving the room with Reese Nate hooked his thumbs in his pockets. Hearing what Reese was saying Nate couldn't help but be a little irratated himself. This was very unlike him, and he didnt like it at all.

  "They don't think you are stupid or naive. A little respect is all they asked for and yes they are Agency agent but they still deserve a little more than what you are giving them."

Nate didn't unsally talk to anyone this was but he'd really had enough at this point. Enough of everything. Looking back at Reese Nate searches his face for a long moment.

 "I've never once gone against your orders before so I'm not sure why you are acting like I know. All I know is you put me in charge of Garret and you are making my job a whole heck of a lot harder. So I don't know what your problem is but if you dont start trusting them, and letting me do what I need to do than I dont want to be Garrets handler anymore, and than good luck getting anything from him. But I just can't do it if you are going to be pulling the other way everytime I make a good step forward."

Not giving Reese time to answer Nate turns around and heads down the hall. He needed to get ready for the whole exchange, and he needed to calm down. He'd said what was on mind and that was that. It was time to get his head in the game and do what needed to be done.

After Eric leaves Rosetta gives a nod to her husband. It was clear as day what he said was true and Eric was scared. Being a single father Rosetta didnt know what he would do. But they would all be there to help him.

   "Can't say I blame him. I guess I would be too."

Giving a small smile to Jeff she rested a hand on his arm before continuing her way to Eric's bunk. She'd seen he was back and had been happy. She really had missed him. Even now when he seemed in a fowl mood she still missed him.

Knocking on the door Stacy stands for a moment before knocking again and just opening it a little bit.

   "Eric? I saw your truck outside. Want to talk?"


Feeling Victoria's hand on his, Garret glanced down at it before interlocking his fingers with hers and taking a deep breath. He knew she was trying to calm him down, and truth be told, she was probably the only person here who could. 

He finally sat back down in his chair as Nate talked, though his eyes now remained glued to the table. He felt stupid for ever coming here in the first place. How had he ever expected this to work at all? He knew what he wanted but had he been so foolish to think he'd ever get it? Especially by coming here? He felt as though Reese wanted to break his will before allowing him to stay...and he was getting closer to the brink of giving up. 

"I guess I have little choice in the matter," he finally answered through gritted teeth. "You want to risk your agent's life, go ahead. We'll do what you want." He had to believe Victoria would play along, if only for his sake.

Reese quirked an eyebrow. That easy? "That's more like it." He straightened up as the room calmed down again. "We will play it out just like I described. As far as a backup plan..." He glanced at Victoria, then Nate. "...or getting a hold of Aaron, I'm not actually as dumb as I look. I've got it sorted...on a need-to-know basis. And you two," he gestured to Garret and Victoria, "don't need to know. All you gotta do is fake a trade like I just described."

Garret had a very hard time not standing up again, as his anger bubbled under the surface. "You're not planning on harming Aaron, are you?"

"Says the Agency assassin." Reese smirked. "Aaron kidnapped an innocent woman, has done who knows what to her, along with threatening her life, and what? I'm supposed to take it easy on him?"

"If you just give me a chance..." 

"That topic is closed. We leave in an hour." Reese nodded to Nate. "A word, if you don't mind." 

Once the two men were out in the hall, Garret bent forward to rest his head on his hands. At least he now was alone with Victoria...and he was too mentally exhausted to even act on it. "I'm sorry," he mumbled. "For dragging you in on this. It's what I wanted...not what you or Aaron wanted." 

He lifted his head again and took her hand once more. "Help me get their agent back like they want...then after that you can do whatever you need to do. Just don't hurt anyone...they're a little dense, but they mean well."

In the hallway with Nate, Reese tucked his hands in his pockets as he thought. "I've already called Jason," he admitted. "I know the old road, and there's an adjoining field before a treeline. Jason's going to be there, out of sight, with his long distance rifle. If Aaron tries to pull anything, Jason's got orders to take him out. If he tries to run, Jason's got orders to stop him. And if Garret and/or Victoria try anything...they're going down, too. I'm not willing to take any more risks." He knew Nate wouldn't necessarily like that last part, but he'd made up his mind. "They can think I'm stupid and naive all they want, but it's their necks on the line out there, too. And no - I do not want them to know about Jason. Garret is too keen on keeping Aaron safe for some reason and I don't want him warning Aaron and having the whole thing blow up."

He looked Nate in the eye. "These are my orders. Got it?"

Eric blinked at Rosetta, disbelief mixing in with the shock. "Wait, so...you guys actually think this could be the truth?" He held up the letter. "Coming from Dana?"

“You mean that they’re yours?" Mick shrugged. "Trust me, this was all quite a surprise. We might have taken the babies in regardless, but yeah…assuming they probably did belong to you…that’s why we thought you should come home. We just didn’t want you driving back upset.”

Eric’s jaw muscles tightened. Tossing the letter onto the desk, he shook his head. “Naw… heck, no. You can’t expect me to take this seriously.”

Mick cocked his head. “So…it’s not even possible they’re yours?” 

“Dana is a conniving, devious liar.” Eric’s eyes turned into a dark glare. “And you two – and anyone else around here – fell for her little ruse. I cannot believe you called me back for this.”

A bit surprised, Mick glanced to his wife, then back again. “Well…it…seemed rather important.” 

“Only if it were true.” Eric’s voice had become angry. “I lost out on a huge job because you guys fell for a scheme where Dana wanted to ditch her kids! As much as you didn’t trust her, I’m amazed you're actually considering believing her now.” He threw up his hands in disgust. “Looks like you’ve got your hands full the rest of the week or however long it is now. Me, I gotta go look for a way to make up for the money I just lost.” He spun on his heel and aimed for the door.

“Do you want to see them?” 

Eric stopped at the door and took a deep breath, his back still to them. “Why? They’re not mine.”

Mick pursed his lips. “How sure are you?” 

As much as Eric wanted to, he couldn’t say he was a hundred percent sure. But it just couldn’t be true. 

“You two were married a few days, right? And, you never…?” Mick cleared his throat. As much as he disliked Dana, she just wasn’t stupid enough to do this without there at least being a good chance. “I mean, I assume you two…”

Eric’s face turned at least three shades of red before he threw a glare over his shoulder. “Shut up! Intimate details of my incredibly brief married life are not up for grabs!” Especially in front of his own sister. “I was told…” He bit his tongue. “Well, that’s none of your business either. I’m not the father. End of story.”

Mick wasn’t convinced. “We did talk about a paternity test, but that’s not our call. We’ll have it done if you want to be sure.”

“What I want is for people to stop trying to run my life!” Eric’s words were spat out in anger. More than that though…he was afraid. He wanted to tell Mick and Rosetta to forget it. No tests, since all of this was just a bogus trick. But he knew as slim as the chances were…this could be real, whether he wanted to admit it or not. And he did need to be sure. “Have ‘em tested. The Elite has my DNA already and I don't trust anyone else. Let them prove I’m right, then at least I can walk away with a clear conscience and people will stay off my back.” Forcing the conversation to a close, he stalked out the door, letting it fall shut behind him with a bang.

Mick let out a low whistle as he looked to Rosetta once again. “Is it just me…or is he terrified those babies really are his?” 

Eric’s stride was one of purpose as he went back to his truck and grabbed his duffel bag. Slamming the door shut, his next destination was his bunkhouse. He was angry he’d been called home. Angry at Dana for being so heartless. Angry that he was out a chunk of money he’d planned on. And angry at himself for feeling so angry. 

Suddenly a strange sound caught his ear and he stopped for just as moment, turning to look over his shoulder. His eyes spotted Becky just outside Angel’s office, rocking a crying bundle in her arms. And for just a moment, his heart was torn. Starting back towards his bunkhouse though, he caught sight of Jeff out of the corner of his eye, and he held up his hand and kept walking. “Not now,” he growled. He was in no mood. He was too upset, confused and embarrassed. All he wanted was a hot shower and something for his worsening headache. 

Jeff had been ready to greet his brother, but clamped his mouth shut as Eric stormed by. He turned back around and almost ran into Stacy. “Whoops, sorry,” he apologized. “I better get those eyes in the back of my head looked at.” Though he smiled, his eyes were full of worry, and he glanced to where Eric had just disappeared into his bunkhouse. “Just a wild guess, but I think that bear is actually Eric in disguise.”  

Getting inside, Eric threw his bag in the corner and tossed his ball cap on top of it. His heart was racing, and his hands were shaking. He had so many mixed emotions right now, that he didn’t even know how to sort through them. Not only was he possibly facing a very real and very dramatic change in life, but old wounds were being ripped open as well. He knew his family loved him, but it felt like his life was being laid bare for everyone to gawk at – including the reminder of his stupidity with Dana, leaving everyone’s imaginations to run wild about their short-lived relationship. It was upsetting, and it was embarrassing. If the ground could open up and swallow him right here, he’d let it. 

After slipping off his boots, he shed his suspenders before pulling off his t-shirt and throwing it towards the laundry basket. But instead of hitting the shower, he flopped down on the bed to lie on his stomach and bury his face in his pillow. His head as pounding, and his back ached something awful. Maybe if he stayed here long enough, he’d find all of this was just a bad dream.