
Some coffee...

Seeing a grin from Jason even if it was small made Katie smile too. Continuing to listen to Jason Katie was slightly surprised by the news of Jason and Misty. When she'd seen them together even if it was only from a distance she always thought they looked happy and nothing could split them. But hearing this it only made her slightly more confused.

   "I do have to say I am a bit surprised. I mean in a way I understand where you are coming from, and I don't think what you did was wrong. We all have our own convictions, and if you think this was right than who is to tell you differently?"

Putting her pencil down and just looking at Jason for a long second Katie turned in her chair. She could see how hurt he was. While yes this was an awkward situation she couldn't fault Jason for that. He needed a friend to talk to, and she did know him pretty well. Even if it was hard, and it did hurt she wanted to be there for Jason.

   "You're not bothering me. I needed a break from going over these older cases and making sure everything was filled out on the forms right anyways. I was thinking about going to grab some coffee and a bite to eat. Want to come along?"

Hearing Alec's motorcycle pull up Misty didn't even hardly move. She new he'd be home soon, and she new He's be worried if her saw her like this but honestly, she lacked the energy to care, or even try to clean herself up. Everything was still fresh and new, maybe she was in a little shock, or a state if denial, but deep down she new it was true.

Knowing he was now in the same room as her Misty let out a long sigh before sucking in her breath again. Slowly looking up at Alec she blinks a little trying her best not to cry again. She felt alone. Even though Jason said he still wanted to be friends, it just wasn't the same.

   "Jason broke up with me. He said he didn't feel right being with me as long as I was married to Carson still."

Just saying those words stung Misty's heart even more. Tears started to fill her eyes again as she looked down at her hands that were pulling apart a tissue. She'd didn't like being seen like this but she couldn't help it. She felt to many things at once to help it.

Hearing everything JT had to say Hope leaned back in her chair. A lot of what he said made sense. It was surprising but it made sense with some of the behavior he was showing. It still was a difficult situation to deal with, and she wondered if there was a right way to handle it.

   "Well, I do think these are some good things to know definitely. It's just how to go about it all that has me stumped now. I really think Gunner should know...its the how to tell him."

Standing and pacing for a few moments Hope thinks deeply. Before stopping and looking at JT. If Gunner was like family, maybe it was best if family told him.

   "Gunner is coming here tomorrow, maybe we can tell him together. I think maybe if you told him it might be a little easier. What do you think?"

To: Rosalyn
From: Chad

:-D I look forward to it more than anyone will
ever know. Have a good dinner my sweet.
Till we can talk again *hug and kiss*

Putting his phone down after sending the text he gives a little smile. Maybe there was hope after all. Even if no one else believed it he did.

Getting up from his seat he grabs his jacket and heads out the door. Maybe if he hurried he could still catch breakfast with the others.

Taking a sip from her own can Ashlee gives a little laugh as a slight bit spills from the can onto the ground. Giving a sheepish look she pulls a tissue from her pocket and bends down to wipe it up. Catching the door open Ashlee look up seeing Eric. Standing again she stuffs the tissue into her pocket before shifting a little. She'd missed him, but she had been trying to avoid him. He was just going to leave again and the though hurt just thinking about it, without getting attached first.

   "I'm...not to hungry at the moment."

Ashlee's stomach growled in protest.  She'd hoped no one heard it though.

   "You can go ahead. I might be in later. I'm going to help Clint..if he needs it for a little bit. Thanks though."

Trying to give her best smile Ashlee took another sip of her pop before looking down.  Even if she tried to hide it she new he look gave her away, and maybe even one could tell she was disappointed in herself for saying no.