

It was the look in Misty's eyes that caused a painful crack in Jason's heart. It was her withdrawing her hand from his that caused the crack to bleed. Why did doing what was right have to hurt so badly? He wanted to reach out to her. Touch her face. Hug her. Tell her it was going to be alright. Tell her that he never meant to hurt her. That he really did have feelings for her. That she was going to be okay. That he was still here for her whenever she needed him. But even as all those words collided in his mind, he knew that letting them spill forth would only cause more pain. He'd said what he needed. To say more would just make more of a mess.

His eyes fell as he swallowed hard. He didn't want to leave her like this...but he would respect her wishes. After all, if he were in her place, he probably would have reacted with much more emotion, and would have wanted him gone, too.

"Okay." Jason's voice was still quiet. Still gentle. But oh, how it hurt. He slowly rose to his feet and turned to leave, but paused for a moment, only to reach down and give her shoulder just a soft squeeze. He opened his mouth while trying to find an appropriate close to their time together, but nothing seemed to fit. So it was silence that followed him to the door.

He looked back one last time, his fingers fiddling awkwardly with his keys. "If you need anything..." It sounded so trite, but it was all he had now. "I'm still around." And that was that.

Driving through town a few minutes later, Jason aimed for TJY. Work wasn’t usually his haven, but he just didn’t want to go home yet. Maybe doing some paperwork would at least get his mind off things for a while and he could postpone the inevitable meeting with his tangled thoughts.

Once at work and inside, he pocketed his truck keys and wandered across the main floor. It was dark, and though not having scanned the parking lot, he assumed the only other people here were Hal and Ty. So when he saw an extra light on in one of the cubicles, it caught him by surprise. Nearing, he realized it was Katie. What was she doing here at this hour? He wouldn’t bother her – she was probably just catching up on something quick before leaving.

But just as Jason reached the hallway, his feet seemed to stop on their own, and he glanced back over his shoulder. Since that one stakeout, the awkwardness had seemed to dissolve a little more every day, and working together hadn’t been so hard lately. Even so, it wasn’t like they were really friends anymore…were they? A strange little pang made Jason’s stomach quiver. He’d come here to work, but all of a sudden, it was the last thing he wanted to do. He didn’t know what he wanted. But being alone at the moment just made him feel depressed.

Before he could stop himself, his feet were in control again, and in a matter of seconds, he was standing out on the main floor. He leaned his arms on the top of Katie’s cubicle wall and looked down at her, just like he used to. Tonight though, the twinkle in his gaze was absent. There was no teasing grin. No cute wink. Not even a smile. A strange silence was his only greeting.

For the longest moment, all he could do was just look at Katie. Not even sure why he was here, finding something to say wasn’t easy. It wasn’t as if they shared much conversation anymore. And for the first time in a very long time, he wished words weren’t necessary. His emotions were churning, and instead of being able to share and release them, they were just bottled up underneath the surface. But she didn't want to know about all that. She had her life and he had his.

“Aw, Katie…” He groaned and leaned his forehead on his arms, hiding his face. He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t talk to her about his problems. But tonight…right now…he had no one else. “When…?” He sighed and lifted his head again, but left his chin resting on his arms. His eyes were dark…strained…fighting back tears. He found her own eyes and searched them. “When did life get so complicated?”

Clint gave a little scoff, but didn’t stop Ashlee from helping collect the tools off the floor. “Both. I’m too busy to be hungry.” He really wasn’t sure how much truth there was in that though.

He picked up a hammer and put it back where it belonged. “Actually, I’m just not feeling much like socializing.” There was little point in denying how he felt. If Ashlee told anybody…so be it. “Unfortunately, work in here isn’t going well, so I’m quickly running out of options.”

He tossed a wrench into a pile of other wrenches before glancing at the younger girl and shaking his head. He wasn’t sure why she was talking to him or why she wasn’t hungry for dinner, but maybe she had her own unspoken reasons, just like he did.

A sigh surfaced, showing that his temper had calmed down. Now he was just back to being depressed. He moved to the nearby refrigerator and retrieved a can of Pepsi. Pausing, he looked at Ashlee again and held up a second can to ask if she wanted one, too.

To: Chad
From: Rosalyn
You’re still a flirt…but I miss it. 

Every day, I miss you more. I try to forget, 
but I can’t. I try to escape this mess, 
but I can’t do that either. Dad’s worse, 
and all I want is to be in your arms again.

A tear fell from Rosalyn’s eye. Everybody else was eating. She was alone in the living room, having slipped away unnoticed. Sitting on the couch, she stared at her phone. She was miserable. As much as she tried not to think about Chad…to forget…to convince herself that he’d never be back and she was better off without him…the aching in her heart only grew. She’d give anything to get a hug from Chad right about now. And he was on the other side of the world…whether in England, or even right here, as long as her dad had anything to do with it.

I visit our tree almost every day when 
I feel lonely.

She'd promised herself she would pull away from Chad. That she wouldn't express to him how much she missed him or act like it was a big deal. There was too much at stake. It was too risky. But here she was anyway, spilling it to him through her text message. 

I miss feeling wanted. 



Chinese food was good but something was just not right. All day something had been different. At work, dinner, and now. Misty couldn't help the feeling she had in he pit of her stomach. Something bad was going to happen. She didn't know what, when, or why but she couldn't shake the feeling that lingered, and her feelings were almost always right.

Now settling down on the couch and having Jason become a little more serous the feeling was back, and Misty didn't like his tone, how he said they needed to talk, the way he held her hand. Misty didn't like the start of this at all, already.

As Jason talked her fears came true. In a way she understood what he was saying. She might not agree, and might think differently but she couldn't condom Jason for what he though was right. Though it confused her why he started this in the first place if it was just going to end in heartache. Did she believe he loved her, yes she did, and she new he cared. Maybe thats what made this whole thing even harder.

Misty stays quiet as Jason continues to speak. Looking at him, away from him, down at there hands, and back at him her eyes couldn't focus on one thing and though the tears filled her eyes she did not allow then to flood over, and though the food she eat now felt like it might come back up, she didn't let it. Opening her mouth two or three times to say something Misty closed it each time without saying a word. She didn't know what to say. Her emotions were all over the bored, and she wasn't sure how to feel. Finally moving her hand from Jason's Misty places them in her lap and lets out a sigh before looking at him and giving a half smile.

   "I guess that's that than."

Looking down at her hands for a long second Misty didn't know how to feel. She wasn't mad at Jason, but she did feel anger. Just with someone else. With Jason she was sad, disappointed, and heart broken.

   "I think it would be best if you left for now, I just need time."

Coming in to the work room more Ashlee didn't take her eyes off Clint even when he looked at her long and hard back her eyes didn't waver. They didn't talk much but she'd seem him around the ranch. Sometimes alone, and sometimes with his family. Tonight something was different, and maybe it was just the thought of having someone who didn't want to be in a group of people like herself.

   "I could ask you the same thing."

Bending down and helping Clint pick up some of the tools Ashlee is quiet for a second looking at them before placing them down and looking at him again.

   "Wasn't to hungry yet. What about you? To much work or just not hungry."

Getting Rosalyn's message again Chad couldn't help but smile as a little laugh slipped out. He reply was not what he expected and the talk of weather was slightly strange but he didn't mind. She replied and thats what really mattered.

Nice weather is always a good thing :)
I've missed you over the last few weeks.
Though I hold you smile close to me.

Chad closes his eyes for a second picturing Rosalyn's face again in his head like he had so many times before.

And so the wind blows,
and the days seem to never end.
A sap I am around you, I shall
be. How do you do this to me?

   "Hey, corny is good sometimes you know. Depending who your talking to anyways."

Getting outside and looking up at Scott Hope smiles. It was like old times, but not old times all at once. A bit of sadness lingered, but a new start was nice too. She didn't want to get a head of herself, or push to hard she wanted Scott to take the lead on this when he though he was ready, but this was a start. A new bit of hope she could hang on to.

   "I'll see you at work. Good Night Scott."

Turning Hope heads to her car but stops. Turning around to Scott again and just looking at him for a moment before smiling again and letting the twinkle in her eye glow. Brighter than it had in a long while.

   "And Scott...thanks for tonight. It was nice."


So Sorry

“Hungry? You kidding? I’m starving.” Eric grinned as he walked with Stacy to his bunkhouse. “I think I had breakfast this morning, but that was it. Wanted to get back here so bad, I didn’t bother stopping for lunch.”

He came to a halt in front of the little porch, and turned to look down at her once more. Setting a gentle finger under her chin, he bent to give her a tender kiss on the lips. “Save me a spot at the table…I’ll be cleaned up in five minutes.”

Hearing her phone quietly beep, Rosalyn then felt her heart give a little jump. She’d set a specific tone for any texts from Chad, so she knew he was replying. Right in the middle of finishing up the rest of supper preparations though, she had to wait several minutes before finally being able to look and see what he’d said.

Seeing the picture, she smiled. His job seemed like such a romantic one, with him being able to travel the world. She wondered if she really could be with him, if she actually would make it “better” or if she’d just be in the way. Not that it was an option anyway, but it did make her wonder.

Anything new with me? Of course not.
Same old story. Different day.
Housework & cooking. Guess I cant
say I dont do what Im good at right?
So boring. No guests right now. Nice
but too quiet.

She wanted to say more. She wanted to confide in him and tell him how withdrawn and sullen her father had been lately. How bitter he seemed to have become in such a short time. She wanted to tell Chad how much she missed his company, and how much she wanted to see him again. But doing that would just make her hope, and hoping meant disappointment in the end.

At least the weather has been nice.

She rolled her eyes. Weather. Such an interesting topic. She sent the message anyway and pocketed her phone. Unless she wanted any negative attention, she probably wouldn’t have a chance to text more until after supper. But deep down, she secretly hoped he’d hear back from Chad anyway.

Still leaning his hands on the workbench, and still angry, the sudden arrival of someone else startled Clint from his thoughts. He turned his head quickly, doubly surprised that it was Ashlee. Having a witness, though, took the edge off his temper for now.

He scoffed and shook his head before he straightened and reached for a hammer that had landed at his feet. “That’s one good thing about tools,” he muttered. “You can’t kill ‘em.” Even though his anger lingered, he knew well enough that he couldn’t leave the mess he’d just created. Only after picking up a few more tools though, did he realize Ashlee was still there.

He set a couple wrenches back in their place before pausing to give the girl a long, hard look. They rarely spoke to each other…mainly just because they had very little in common, including age. Tonight though, he knew he should tread carefully. She might be a lot younger than he, but she was very smart, and mature for her age – at least as far as he could tell. Having her see him lose his temper was a blow to his pride, and also a threat that someone else might hear of this episode.

Breaking his gaze, he returned to cleaning up. “Isn’t everybody eating supper by now? How come you’re not over at the dining hall?”

Gunner mustered up a new, small smile and reached up to take Bree’s hand, and kissed it lightly. “Thanks. See you… in the morning.” One more hug, and he let her go, aiming himself to the spare room again. This time though, he took what he should have earlier, and was finally able to sleep again. Sleep without nightmares…that’s all he wanted. But someday…he wanted it without a pill. Oh how he longed for a mind and heart clear of the darkness that haunted him.

Scott held the door open for Hope, and joined her outside in the cool evening air. He tucked his hands in his pockets and grinned a little as he nodded. “Yeah…okay. I guess you’ll be hearing from me then.”

He couldn’t help the light laugh that surfaced. “I’m assuming that sounded just as corny as I think it did.” He looked down at Hope, studying her face by the light of the streetlight. It was so strange…how looking at her, he saw a close friend and a stranger all at once.

“Have a good night, Hope. I’ll catch ya at work soon.”

“Ordering in is always good, so you don’t have to cook,” Jason teased. He kept his concentration fixed on stirring the pasta, even when Misty asked him her question.

“Yeah…yeah, sure.” He finally glanced at her and smiled. Opening his mouth, he was ready to say more, but was cut off as Mackenzie shot through the kitchen, almost running into them both, and being followed just as fast by Alec. She was screeching, he was yelling, and had Jason not already known they were roughhousing, he would have thought the place was on fire. “Good grief! Alec! You’re a bad influence!”

“It’s her fault, not mine!” By now, Alec was already in the other room, and from the sounds of things, had caught his prey.

Jason just shook his head and laughed. “Okay…I think this pasta is about done. Good thing too, so I don’t pass out from starvation.”

The rest of the evening, he didn’t bring up about tomorrow night any more. Plans were set, and he really didn’t want to make a huge deal if he didn’t need to. Not only that, but he wasn’t so sure he’d actually have the guts to accomplish what he intended…

…The day had been way too long. Jason hadn’t been able to concentrate on work all day, and over lunch, he’d gone to see Con to tell him he just couldn’t go through with having a talk with Misty. His friend had reminded him why he’d set out to do this in the first place though, so after regaining his courage, Jason had kept his date with Misty at her place.

Ordering out Chinese had been fun, although the meal had been quieter than usual. Now sitting on the couch listening to music, Jason knew if he waited any longer, it would just make things worse.

After a sigh, he scooted back a little on the couch and turned sideways so he could see Misty better. It wasn’t time for cuddling though. All he did was take one of her hands and let his thumb run gently over her knuckles. “Misty, there’s…there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

His eyes found hers, and he swallowed hard. “Before I do though, I just want to make sure you know how much I care about you.” A small smile surfaced. “Actually, I’m pretty sure if you pressed it, I’d probably wind up admitting that I’ve started falling in love with you.” A little color entered his cheeks, but he kept going. “That’s why…that’s why this is gonna be really hard for me to say, but…I just want you to hear me out, because it’s really important to me.” He gave her hand an extra squeeze.

“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately…maybe you’d call it soul searching. And…I’ve realized that sometimes what seems right on the surface…underneath it really isn’t. And what my heart says to do isn’t always right either.” He paused for just a moment to make sure his thoughts remained on track, while his eyes remained on Misty’s. “When I…first heard what Carson did to you, I was so angry. I couldn’t understand why he’d do something like that. I still don’t understand it all. I wanted so badly to help you, because you deserved better than that. So…I did…and…I found out I cared for you more than I thought.”

He readjusted her hand between his own, and cleared his throat. “I, um…I don’t know much about marriage, and I don’t pretend to. But what I’ve learned is that the vows made aren’t to be taken lightly. And…I think I’ve taken your vows with Carson too lightly.” He cringed on the inside, but knew he had to keep going. “Mine’s not to judge whether or not you should divorce Carson. That’s between you, him and God. But what IS mine is a choice. A choice to stand between you and the man you married, or to be the man of integrity I’m trying to be, and not get in the way of a relationship promised for life in front of God.”

At this point, Jason knew there was no going back. And though he was sure Misty knew now where he was headed with this, he still had to say it. “Misty, I love spending time with you…being over here…just…everything about you, I enjoy. All I can do is hope you believe me, because it’s true. From the bottom of my heart, I care for you, and…and I desperately want to stay friends.”

Friends…that word sounded so cold, suddenly. Jason’s eyes dropped and he touched her ring finger tenderly. His voice became quiet. “But…but even though you took off your wedding band…you’re still married. And as desperately as I want to be close to you…it just isn’t right. Not as long as you’re still married to Carson.”

His eyes rose once more, his gaze full of fear. Fear for what she might say. Fear for what might happen between them now. He was breaking up with one of the best things that had happened to him, and most people might call him crazy. But in his heart of hearts, he knew it was right. And doing what was right was more important to him than doing what he wanted.

“I’m so sorry.” He was whispering now. “I feel like I led you on, and I didn’t mean to. My feelings haven’t changed. Just my choices.” He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so terrible inside. “I know your goal is to divorce Carson, and I can’t tell you want to do or not do. And when it’s all over, you may not ever want to speak to me again, but…but I hope you do. I just know that for now…this is the right thing for me to do.”


Good Thing

  "A few days is better than not seeing you at all before you left again."
Keeping her arm around Eric's wast and leaning into him slightly. She really had missed him more than she'd ever tell anyone. Having him around was something she'd gotten use, to and she looked forward to his return.

   "Exciting, exciting...does watching someone fall off a horse, or seeing horses escape from the south fence and everyone running around like chickens with there head chopped off count as exciting?"

Stacy gives a laugh looking up at Eric, her eyes sparkle. She always saw things around the ranch. It was her job anyways. Sometimes people new she was watching and sometimes they didn't. But her got to see everything.  Laughter, crying, daily life here at the ranch and it always made her smile even if she was only watching. It was an amazing place, full of magic indeed.

   "So are you hungry? I hear Rosalyn was the one cooking tonight."

Sitting in the open window Chad lets his out foot dangle out, whole his other was propped up his arm folded over his knee. Looking out over the tall buildings of Landon he watched as the rain pelted the roofs and made tiny pools. It seemed the rain matched his mood. When he'd left the ranch Rosalyn and himself seemed to be ok, but deep down he new it wasn't. Playing her sad look in his head over and over again made him miss her even more. He wished he could hold her, hug her...so close, but worlds apart.

   "Hey Chad we are going to get someone to eat. Want to come?"

Turning his head to his brother he gives a little shake. Strange as it was food was the last thing he wanted right now.

   "No you guys go, I'm good."

Looking back out the window once Chad heard the door close he leans his head back and lets out a long sigh. The day was gloomy, he felt gloomy, Chad missed Rosalyn, but he was trying to give her space, and a small place in his heart was thinking maybe she really had though it best they ended it.

Hearing his phone go off in his pocket Chad was about to ignore it but if  it was is brother, he'd never hear the end of it. Much to his surprise though it wasn't, and it was a long awaited text from Rosalyn. Reading it he can't help but smile. He did wonder if she really was ok, but he smiled non the less. She cared enough to still text him and that made him feel good.

From: Chad
To: Rosalyn

Hey there! I was wondering when
I'd hear from you. It been quite quiet
around here. For the next few weeks 
we are in London. It's been rainy here,
but its still nice. It would be even better
with you though.

Opening his camera Chad take a pic from the window looking out over all the houses at the sun rising. It was a pretty amazing picture to look at.

Here you go. This is my view right now.
Anything new with you?

Hearing a loud noise in the garadge as she walked by made Ashlee jump. She should be in the dinning hall getting ready for dinner but she didn't much feel like it today. Maybe she'd get something to eat later. Now, now her mind was wondering what was going on in there. Everyone else should be eating. 

Slipping inside quietly and seeing a light on Ashlee wonders farther in. Partly because she was nosie, and partly because she wanted to make sure everything was ok. Seeing Clint Ashlee just stands there for a long moment watching him. He was the last person she ever would of expected to see get frustrated. Finally clearing her throat a little bit she give a half smile.

   "Man, good thing those tools don't know you're looking at them like that. I think they would keel over dead."

At Jason's comment about dinner tomorrow Misty would normally be excited but studying his face for a moment Misty had a sinking feeling there was more the the invite of dinner, than he was letting on. It could be all in her head, hormones running over time or something.

   "Yeah that sounds great to me. I can cook again, or we can order in. I dont mind either."

Going back to what she was doing for a second Misty lets out a small sigh before looking to Jason again. Now she was going to worry all night. That feeling in the pit of her stomach just was going to eat away at her.

   "Is everything ok?"

   "I love you too, no matter what, now and forever. No matter what crazy adventures, or mystery we have to uncover. Nothing will ever make me love you less."

Being scooped up in Gunner's arms Bree lets out a small squeal wrapping her arms around his neck, leaning her head on his shoulder she just lets him carry her. She liked it when he picked her up, or put his arms around her. It showed his true strength and she felt safe in his arms.

Once being put back down Bree looks up into Gunner's eyes bringing her hand to the side of his face and just softly brushing his cheek. Somewhere deep in his eyes she could still see the glimmer that made her hope things would be ok. She new they would be, with time and pashents.

   "Who ever thought a vampire would need something to help him sleep."

Giving a smile and leaning up to kiss his lips Bree backs away still her hand on his cheek.

   "Try and get a little sleep. If you need anything I'm right down the hall. Than tomorrow we can work on a plan of attack for finding out the truth."

   "I think we were pretty good at supporting each other. My lifes not all roses either. Not exactly a weed patch but there are some here and there."

Taking the last sip of her own tea Hope pushes her glass aside looking around the dinner before looking back at Scott and giving a small smile. The little dog had become her friend too and she new the little attitude she could get.

   "Now that would be a horrible thing. She might not come and get treats from me anymore."

Gathering her things and grabbing her jacket to put it on, Hope follows Scott to the door walking slowly. She really didn't want this moment to end. It had been a nice night and she'd enjoyed the company so much. But hear Scott suggestion for lunch made her feel a little better. This wouldn't be the last, but the first of many she hoped.

   "I think lunch sounds great. I'll even let you pick the day you are feeling up to it. You know I dont do much, and where to find me. Thank you for the coffee and chat tonight Scott. It was really nice."


Buried Anger

Eric chuckled and slid his arms around Stacy to give her a hug and kiss the top of her head. “Mm…I missed you too.”

Drawing back, he offered her a smile. “At least we got a couple days here before I leave again, eh?” He turned, keeping one arm around her shoulders, and picked his bag back up again. Continuing his route to the bunkhouse, he kept her by his side. “So…anything exciting going on? Wait, don’t tell me. I don’t wanna know if I missed anything.”

Jim stood at the window of the dining hall, a hot cup of tea in hand. Supper would be soon, but he knew his stomach wouldn’t tolerate very much, and tea seemed to help. Or maybe it just helped soothe his nerves, which was the whole cause for his stomach issues recently anyway. Not that he’d admit it. Becky kept wanting him to go see Angel, but he refused, already knowing he didn’t feel well because of his own stress.

“Was that Eric’s truck I saw?” Becky comes up behind her husband and laid a hand on his arm.

“Mm-hmm.” Jim took a sip of his tea.

“Oh good. I’m glad he got back alright. I’ll have Rosalyn set an extra place.”

“She working tonight?”

“Of course.”


Becky’s eyebrows rose slightly at Jim’s odd tone. “Why wouldn’t she be?”

Jim shrugged. “I could think of plenty reasons.”

A sigh was Becky’s only response. Studying Jim’s face, her concern only grew. He looked so very tired. Thin. His eyes were dark, and he still showed lingering signs from his brawl with Mick. He never talked about it though, always refusing to speak of it. And his relationship with Rosalyn was no nearer mending than it had been with Chad here.

Jim glanced over his shoulder as his wife walked away. There was a part of him that felt sad and broken. But it was that part he didn’t let surface. All he allowed to be seen was the bitterness. If his family didn’t want to respect him any more, then he didn’t owe them any more effort.

Looking back out the window, he scrunched his eyes shut and opened them again before squinting, then rubbing them with the heel of his hand. That was something else he wasn’t talking about either.

In the kitchen, Rosalyn worked quietly…more quietly than normal. Jade had the night off, which was fine. Keeping busy was the only thing Rosalyn had lately to keep her mind off that which would just make her sad anyway.

“Rosalyn? Set an extra place. Eric just got home and I’m assuming he’ll be in for supper and will probably be hungry.”

“Huh? Oh. Yeah. Okay.” Rosalyn wiped her hands on her apron and moved to retrieve another plate, glass and set of silverware. Others were filing in, and she took a moment to observe as she set the extra place. It was a normal evening. As normal as it could be, anyway. Her father was back to socializing…or rather, back to being present. Socializing was a different matter altogether. Since his fight with Mick, he’d remained withdrawn. Rosalyn theorized that he felt embarrassed and guilty, but Jim, of course, had never opened the subject.

Going back to the kitchen, she checked the beef and potatoes in the oven, deciding to give it a few more minutes. Leaning back against the counter, she felt the cell phone in her pocket. She pulled it out and scrolled through recent text messages, none of which were from Chad. She didn’t expect anything else though. She hadn’t contacted him since he’d left. He was probably waiting for her to make the first move, and she just hadn’t yet. Not while her feelings were still so messed up. But the longer she waited, the more she missed him.


She turned quickly to see Kaylee bounding into the kitchen. Rosalyn smiled and pocketed her phone before she scooped the little girl up in her arms. “Hey, Pumpkin… Hungry?”

“Uh-huh.” Kaylee nodded emphatically, making her pigtails bounce.

“Where’s mommy and daddy, hmm?”

“Ou’ dere.” Kaylee pointed to the dining room.

Rosalyn looked back out into the other room and spotted Cindy and Wes. She smiled and gave Kaylee an extra hug. It was so nice to see the little family all together again. She hoped her observation was true – that Wes was settling in well and starting to get used to being back here again. The only thing she didn’t understand was Clint’s behavior. She knew he was upset with Jim, but it seemed her brother was overall more withdrawn since Wes had returned. As close as they’d been before, it really was rather puzzling.

The timer on the oven broke Rosalyn’s thoughts and she gave Kaylee a kiss on the cheek before setting her down. “Better get back out there before you’re missed.”

“Otay!” Kaylee trotted back into the dining room to make her rounds to her favorite people, as was her habit.

Rosalyn shook her head in amusement before returning to the oven. As she was letting the meal cool a little though, her thoughts returned to where they’d been before.

Although hesitant, she finally took her phone back out of her pocket.

From: Rosalyn
To: Chad
Just had a free moment. Wanted to say
hi. Hope all is well with u.

She paused. What else could she say? She’d ignored him since he’d left. If he had any  brains at all, he probably thought she’d backed out completely by now. That notion was still a possibility in her mind, but she hadn’t chosen it…yet. The question was, would she? If she could convince Chad she really didn’t want to see him ever again, there would be far less stress on her end.

I’m doing fine.

She swallowed hard. That was pretty close to a lie.

Are you somewhere exciting on the
job? Send pix.


Out in the garage, the activity of the ranch was drowned out by loud rock music blaring from the radio. Clint knew what time it was. He knew supper would be in just a few minutes. But that had no bearing on his current activity. No one would miss him. He’d told Wendy he had to get the ranch tractor fixed, so she knew he probably wouldn’t be eating until later. And more than likely, no one else would notice his absence. No matter the case, his current task was not going well.

As another problem was found, Clint growled in frustration. Moving to step down from the tractor, his foot slipped, which sent him to the concrete floor much more quickly than planned. Stumbling and twisting his ankle, he winced in pain. That was it. That was just…it.

With his temper getting the best of him, the next sound was a toolbox being sent across the workbench at high speed to crash into a shelf then onto the floor, sending tools everywhere. The radio had barely been missed, continuing to blare despite the tantrum.

Clint leaned on the workbench and glared at the tools. He hated this. All of this. The work, the stress, everything. Nothing was going right, he was stuck in the same place day after day, and nothing he did would ever change it. He hated the ranch, and he hated this shop.

Jason kept his arms around Misty and grinned. “You kidding? I wouldn’t want to get in the middle of that for anything. Those two would gang up on me, and I wouldn’t have the slightest chance of survival.”

Only after giving her a little squeeze did he move to the side to take over the noodles. “So I was thinking… Alec said he’s gonna work late at Mom and Pop’s tomorrow night and Mackenzie won’t be here, so…” He shrugged, his eyes remaining focused on the stove. “I thought maybe it could just be you and me for supper or something.” Truth be told, his stomach had just formed a little knot. It wasn’t just supper he was aiming at, and he knew it. But he didn’t want to worry Misty by telling her they needed to talk, and he still had yet to decide just how he was going to say what he needed to.

A light laugh surfaced at Bree’s comment about kicking someone in the shin, and Gunner’s dark cloud passed for the moment. He yawned and reached up to ruffle her hair. “I’m not sure how good I am at convincing myself of anything…but I’m glad you think so highly of me.”

He moved to place a tender kiss on her cheek. “I do love you…and I just wanna get out of this mess.” Without much warning, he stood, picking Bree up in his arms. While much of his mind was confused and depressed, there was still a part of him that appreciated Bree, loved her, and knew that somehow, some way, he had to make it through this – if not for himself, then for her.

It wasn’t until they were back in the house that he set her down again. “Thanks for looking after me,” he mentioned softly. “I think I’ll be okay now. I got something to help me sleep…just hoped I wouldn’t need it, but I guess I do. Just, um…wake me up when you leave in the morning if I’m not up."

As Hope touched Scott, his eyes drifted down to their hands, but he didn’t pull away. He’d forgotten how caring her touch was…how warm she was…how much he missed her.

His gaze rose again as he listened, and he searched her eyes. He could see everything he did before. Her hope. Her love. No matter how much he’d fought it, he knew without a doubt that she still loved him and wished for the return of a relationship. But tonight…tonight, instead of it upsetting him, he found it strangely comforting. Perhaps it was just knowing that even though he felt as though he’d spun out of control, there was still one solid place to land that hadn’t changed. It was still there. Still safe.

“I guess I never thought of it as me understanding you,” he responded wryly. “Always seemed to me that I was the one leaning on you.” He didn’t mean to put himself down – it just truly was the way he’d seen things.

After picking up his cup once more, it was then that he discovered he’d finished his coffee, and a new grin creased his lips. “Huh…guess that’s that.” He sighed and checked his watch, unsure how to end their time here, and feeling awkward again. “I, um…suppose I better get going before Domino disowns me…”

He looked back up at Hope and cocked his head a little. “Maybe…we can do lunch sometime…or something…since I’m working more now.”


Bonny and Clyde...

Smiling at Eric Stacy just couldn't keep it in. Some people would think her joking was to dry and maybe not even know it was a joke but Eric was good like that. He new she was and just rolled with it. She liked that most about him, he got her, and understood her.

   "Did I miss you?! What kind of question is that?"

Stacy closes the gap between herself and Eric she puts her arms around his wast and rests her head on his chest for a second. He might not smell the best right now but he smelled like Eric and thats all she wanted, to know he was close to her once again.

   "Of course I missed you. It just wasn't the same without you where."

Misty couldn't help but give a chuckle at the group at the table. She didn't mind they entertained themselves while she was cooking. She liked hearing them go back and forth with each other and just have a good time. It made her feel good inside, and seeing Jason join in, it was nice.

Having Jason come up behind her Misty stops the veggies she was cutting for a second and places her hand on top of Jason's leaning back on him slightly. She loved the quiet moments, Jason's arms around her, they were the moments she liked the most. He'd been distracted as of late, But Misty didn't push it. It could be work, it could be something else but Jason new he could talk to her.

   "Mmmm...I've only part way cooked the chicken, maybe it's just your mind thinking you smell something good."

Looking over her shoulder Misty's smile grows a little more. Leaning up a little bit Misty places a kiss on Jason's cheek before looking back at the food and going back to work happily letting his hands stay wrapped around her.

   "I'm making only one of the best things in the world for everyone. Chicken Parm. If you want to help I could use you to stir and drain the noodles. That is, unless you want to get in the middle of whatever is going on in the living room."

   "So lets remember."

Bree leans her head on Gunner's as it rests on her shoulder bring her arm up around his head to lightly run her fingers through his hair. The moon was covered by a little by clouds but there was still enough peeking through the light up the yard and let the shadows dance with each other. Bree really did mean what she said. She wanted to help, anyway she could really.

   "I'm sure we will run into more dead ends but at least we wont be running alone anymore. We can be a regular Bonny and Clyde minus the robbing banks, and the gun part. I'd probley shoot my own foot. I can kick someone in the shin though if I have too."

Giving a small chuckle before falling silent again. Hearing Gunner's words about not being good for anything Bree turns around so she can look at him better. She wondered if he really believed that. How could he honestly he meant everything to her, and he was good at loving her back.

   "Really? I think you are pretty good at loving me, and rescuing me, and many other things. I think you just need to make yourself believe it."

Gently Hope rests her hand on Scott's and just gives a small smile. She new he'd zoned out for a moment but she didn't want to draw much attachen to it. She new it must make Scott feel awakeward and if it was her, bringing it up would make it worse at the moment. Small steps.

   "That was a nice window. If nothing else, I'm happy I was able to give you that to hold on too."

Moving her hand and taking another tip of her tea Hope was quiet for a seconded. She remember when Scott had pushed her away. It was almost like yesterday. She new it wasn't Scott's fault with everything he'd been through it was rather normal, but it was still there and now they were here. Hope didn't dare dream that there friendship was being rebuilt but here they were, talking. And she couldn't help but hope.

   "I didn't exspect to hear that tonight, let alone sitting here with you. But I'm really glad we are Scott. I've missed our friendship, and out long chats. No one understood as well as you."