
Ten Seconds

Gunner only made eye contact with Hope when she leaned down to his level. Locking his gaze with hers, he listened, though his expression didn't change.

"No." His eyes narrowed with his stubborn response. Standing so abruptly that he almost tripped over a pile of papers, he put more space between him and Hope. "I'm never going back to that place." His tone had grown angry. "And if you or anybody else try to make me, I'll go walk off a bridge instead, and we can just be done with this whole thing." 

There was fear in his eyes now. Fear of going back to the place of forced counseling, psychiatric evaluations, medications and locked doors. Perhaps there had been some good in it - he'd been forced to face his problems and give up the notion of suicide, while also getting to know Bree. But he never wanted to go back.

Pacing like a caged animal in front of the living room window, Gunner scuffed his bare feet on the carpet. He folded his arms tight around himself and wouldn't look back at Hope again. "What is so wrong with just letting me be? Why can't I just...just..." He gestured at the mess on the floor, but found it difficult to say what he wanted. "Just do what I'm doing?"

He spotted a particular piece of paper on the floor and snatched it up. "See? A loose end. But nobody lets me wrap them all up." His voice went quiet again. "Nobody." He found a pushpin on the coffee table and pinned the paper to the wall, next to a couple others that he'd already put up. Quiet abruptly, his body language shifted, putting him in his own little world again, as if Hope wasn't even there. "If I could just find the missing piece," he whispered, while staring at the page. "If I could just...find it..."

Jared grinned as he looked at Grace out of the corner of his eye. Sliding his hand towards her, he took her hand, running his thumb through her palm. "Is this what you call working hard?" he teased softly.

He leaned his head against hers and just soaked up the sunshine and the gentle breeze. Closing his eyes, he sighed deeply. Was this what peace felt like?

"You wouldn't want to come over for dinner tomorrow night, would you?"

"Hey, KT!" Kyle set down his paint brush and wiped his hand on his jeans. Hearing Katie's question, his brow furrowed a little. Katie didn't usually start out conversations like this. "I always got at least ten seconds for you," he teased. He wandered in the direction of the house's back door, but kept his steps slow. He knew Alice was inside doing some cleaning, but he wanted to hear what Katie had to say first, before involving Alice. 

"So what's up?"


Or Else

Looking at Gunner and listing to him Hope can't help but shake her head at his gibberish. He was sounding completely insane or disoriented or something. Hope wasn't sure what but she new it wasn't good and it worried her.

   "Gunner...what is this all about?"

Not hearing a reply Hope steps into the room and around to the front of Gunner bending down to be level with him. Cocking her head she trys to look him in the eye and lets out a sigh. This whole being nice thing was not working out, not with Gunner and if Hope didn't do something...she didn't want to think about that.

   "You need to talk to me. This is not an option anymore because every day I see you, your sleeping away a little more. You need to talk to me Gunner or your going back to Northside and they will make you talk."

Continuing to work on Jared's legs Grace gives a small nod listent to what the Dr had talked to him about. In a way it really was one big circle but it was the slow work they were doing that was helping and making everything come into place.

   "Yes you did and that's worth it. I am very proud of you for that."

Finishing up with Jared's legs Hope stops and scoots back to lean against the tree. Leaning her head on Jared's shoulder she she smile at him. She loved spending this time with him and just being here.

   "So...I was thinking maybe we could go on a real date some time soon. Maybe dinner and a movie?"

 Finishing up with Gunner and heading back to work Katie thinks about there whole afternoon. It had been a nice one, it always was. Katie enjoyed her time with Hunter and talking a little bit about Kyle was nice too. Kyle...thats right she needed to call him.

Pulling out her phone once she pulled into TJY Katie dials Kyle's number and waits for him to answer. Hearing his voice she can't help but smile. Kyle would always be special to her, he was one of her close friends now and always.

   "Heya Kyle. Do you have a second to chat? I wanted to ask you something kinda important. Well you and Alice."


Missing Puzzle Pieces

Gunner's ears heard the knock at the door, but somehow the sound just didn't register in his brain as anything he needed to pay attention to. He also heard someone's footsteps, but made no move to get up and see who it was - friend or foe.

Only after Hope said something did Gunner's mind focus enough to realize who it was, and that she was standing right here in his living room with him. Even so, his eyes didn't move, as if his senses had grown too sluggish to react.

He shrugged at her question. "I guess." His gaze remained in a stare, not really focusing on all the scattered papers. There was a lot of information here. And all had been read by him over and over, countless times. What should have been burned was now at the surface again, being studied and dissected once more. The case of his family's car accident. All of the trails he'd been on. All the leads. All the dead ends. It was all right here. Yet instead of reading them closely, they looked liked a puzzle that had been dumped in a pile with no rhyme or reason. And he sat on the edge. Just watching.

He swallowed hard and let his head lean back against the wall. "Missing puzzle pieces are never really lost," he commented quietly. "Just...misplaced. That's all. They still exist. Somewhere. You just have to find them...to make it all fit... Somewhere." His eyes never left the mess. "The piece is just misplaced... But it's here... somewhere."

Sitting in the grass felt nice, and Jared was glad Grace had suggested going outside. Even the sun was out, and that felt good too. He'd wanted to stay locked inside for so long, but maybe being outside wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Leaned back against a tree, he watched Grace work. She made it look easy, her hands seeming to know exactly what to do. It still hurt sometimes, but even so, he was starting to realize that it was all part of the process, and she was only helping him.

He scrunched his nose at her question. "Eh... kind of. I was talking to the doctor the other day and complaining that things weren't going faster. He explained I'm dealing with muscles that weren't used for a while so they need work, but also nerves that are healing and that's why I can't control much movement yet." He knew Grace already knew all that, but repeating it helped him process the information. "Kinda feels like a vicious cycle... Damaged nerves hinder movement, but without movement, my muscles don't get strong." He sighed, but managed a wry grin. "Guess that doesn't really answer your question though, does it?"

Without warning, he flinched, wincing at the pain in his lower back and leg that Grace was working on. He bit his tongue from complaining though - he knew from experience that griping just made her dig deeper. "I suppose I feel a little stronger," he admitted after the pain subsided. "I mean, I made it to the door today without falling on my face, so that's an improvement."

"Well, duh." Hunter grinned and gave Katie's hand a teasing tug. "If I didn't go out with you, I'd just go get myself in trouble, you know that." 

How true that would have been, not all that long ago. Of course, at the moment, there was still a little bit of truth. He hadn't done anything crazy since getting back from Texas, but the temptations were still there - some days stronger than others. But having Katie around helped keep him in check, especially when they had evening dates. Avoiding the bar scene wasn't easy, even though he'd been dry for a short while now. Getting together with Katie guaranteed a clean evening.

Their food being brought interrupted the conversation, and Hunter let Katie's hand go to sit back and make room on the table. A short prayer preceded the meal - a habit Hunter was trying to get back into, though still often forgot. 

Talk was kept light while eating, but the back of his mind continued to think about Kyle. Would Katie really call him? What would Kyle say? Hunter deserved the worst. Would Kyle forgive or turn him away? Yes, he was a good guy, but Hunter had displayed despicable behavior...more than once. And then, there was Alice. Maybe she wouldn't want him at the wedding either. She had just as much reason to keep him away. Even if Kyle forgave him, if Alice didn't want him at the wedding, Kyle could still say no. And then...it wasn't so much about the wedding...Hunter simply had a hole in his heart where his best friend used to be. And he missed him.



Hearing that Gunner had called in Hope frowns a little bit. That was odd that he would call in. After all it was not like Gunner at all to do that. Hope lets out a small sigh and wonders if this is connected with everything else.

   "Ok Reese thanks for letting me know."

Once everything was quiet again Hope sits back running a finger along her lips. Sitting forward again and picking up the phone Hope dials Gunner's number waiting for someone to answer. Not getting anything it made Hope a little worried. She couldn't hold this off any longer, for Gunner's sake.

...It wasn't to much longer that Hope was outside Gunner's place. She would come and see him if he wasn't coming into work, and if he wouldn't answer the phone. Giving a knock on the door Hope waits till no one answers. Knocking and trying the handle again it opens and Hope steps inside making her way down the hall and to a door that was open.

Seeing papers and pictures on the floor through the crack Hope pushes it open a little more seeing Gunner. Looking around at everything he had quite the collection. Hope would definitely say this was borderline obsession and it made her worry.

   "This is quite the collection Gunner. This why you didn't come into work?"

Grace can't help the laugh that escapes her lips. Jared's humor would always do that to her. Even if at times it was kind of dry she did understand it and it did make her laugh slightly anyways. Maybe it was that feeling in her stomach that said she cared that did that to her.

   "Alright outside it is than."

Gathering everything and helping Jared outside Grace gets to work on his legs with the heat and ice like so many times before. Once done with that Grace takes his one leg and starts to move it helping him with his muscles.

   "So...how have you been feeling? Feel like your legs are getting stronger?"

Searching Hunter's eyes Katie can see a small spark of hope in Hunter's eyes that was masked with pain still. She would talk to Kyle as see if she could work something out. Maybe if Kyle new Hunter was sorry and changed maybe they could be friend again and things would be ok.

   "Ok, when our lunch is done than I will call him and see about talking to him. If he knows you changed I think he might forgive you. Kyle is pretty level headed."

Reaching across the table and taking Hunter's had Katie gives a small smile to him. They had been spending a good amount of time together as of late Katie was enjoying it. Hunter was doing so well since he got back and she was so proud of him.

   "So we still on for tonight?"


"Right. Okay. See you later then." Gunner scratched his head and yawned again as he watched Bree disappear down the hall. Something felt weird today. Uneasy. Off kilter.

Shrugging it off, he hunted for his sneakers and gathered up his jacket and keys to leave. Since he hadn't brought anything to stay overnight, he needed to go to his apartment first. Take a shower. Change clothes. Go to work. What time was he supposed to be there anyway?

In the end, it wouldn't matter. After getting home, there was no shower. No changing clothes. Only a call in to work...

"Susanne?" Reese held down the intercom button on his office phone. "Anything from Gunner this morning?"

"Whoops, sorry. He called in sick earlier. I forgot to mention it."

"Oh...did he say what was wrong?"

"No. He just said to let you know he called."

"Did he sound alright?"

"Well, I don't know. I mean, he seemed kinda out of it, but he didn't sound like he was on death's door. Is everything okay?"

"Uh, yeah...thanks." Reese ended the call and leaned back in his chair to think. It was Hope's office he buzzed next. "Hey, Hope? First, I apologize for being in such a rotten mood yesterday. It was as bad day, but that's no excuse. Second, and on the same lines, just in case you didn't know, Gunner called in sick this morning. I just thought...maybe that was something you'd want to be aware of." 

...In Gunner's apartment, odor from a burnt breakfast still lingered in the air, charred remains of forgotten toast still sitting on the kitchen counter. A faint beeping could be heard coming from down the short hallway where the phone was off the hook and stuffed under a pillow to hide the sound. Also under the pillow was Gunner's cell phone, even though it had been turned off. It was nearing noon, but food, let alone a lunch date, had been completely forgotten.

There was silence.

The living room floor was haphazardly plastered with photos, papers, folders and more. One might think someone had taken an entire filing box and simply dumped it out. Off to the side, Gunner sat. He hadn't changed out of his jeans and t-shirt, although now he was in his bare feet. Sitting cross-legged, he was leaned back against the wall, simply staring at the mess.

"Um..." Jared thought as he tried to walk slowly beside Grace, using her for support. "Going outside sounds rather appealing. I haven't been outside since walking from the car to the house when I came home from the hospital."

He paused their walk to regain some balance before he glanced down at her with a teasing little grin. "Besides...if we go outside, that means I need more help. And if I need more help, that means I can keep my arm around you like this a little longer." 

Kyle paused mid-stroke with his paintbrush to throw Alice a smile. After setting down the bucket and brush, he wandered to the picnic table to take a long swig of lemonade and smacked his lips in approval. 

Hearing her comment about time, he laughed. "You kidding me?" Taking both her hands, he pulled her into a bear hug and kissed the top of her head. "If life slowed down, we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves. With us getting hitched and the band taking off, time is gonna fly right on by." He withdrew a little to set a finger under her chin and tilt her face up. "But fast or slow, as long as I'm with you, it's a little piece of heaven." 

Only after he'd given her a warm kiss on the lips did he finally let her go to study their lunch. "Mm-mmm... yessiree... The only bad thing about us living here is we got room for the band to be over here lots. And that means me sharing some of your cooking, an I'm not so sure I'm gonna be good at that." 

Hunter studied Katie's eyes for a few moments before he shrugged. "I dunno. I mean, I want to go. I want to see Kyle again and make things right, I just...I don't know if he'll ever forgive me for being the jerk I was. I know I don't deserve having him as a friend anymore, it just...feels unfinished." 

He looked down at the wrapper he was toying with. "And I don't want you and me to cause trouble between you and Kyle either. I know you're good friends, and I'm glad...I just don't want you going to bat for me if that means it'll mess things up with you guys." He shrugged again. "So I guess if you wanna talk to him, that's okay with me, but it should probably just be you. And if he says no, I'd rather you just let it go and go to the wedding and enjoy it. I made some bad choices and I gotta live with the consequences." If there was any way Kyle would let him come to the wedding, Hunter would be thrilled. A little scared, but thrilled nonetheless. Unfortunately, it was a long shot. But if Katie wanted to talk to Kyle, Hunter wouldn't stop her. 

He slid his hand across the table to curl around Katie's fingers. "Thanks for trying though. It means a lot to me." 


Feeling the couch move again slightly Bree rolls on her back and looks up at Gunner squinting her eyes. The rest of the night had gone without anything else happening on Gunner's part put it didn't feel all the restful. Everything that had happened the night before still was fresh in her mind. Even if she wasn't going to call Gunner on it right now it was still there and it bothered her.

   "Umm...its Thursday and I think lunch and dinner sounds good."

Finally standing Bree looks around the room. She wasn't surprised it looked like JT had left already. He always did leave before her when he had to work. Looking at Gunner and giving a smile she searches his eyes for a second before coming over and giving him a kiss.

   "I'll see you for lunch. I however need to take a shower."

 Looking past Jared and seeing Lydia Grace raises her hand a in a little hello to her giving a small chuckle before looking back to Jared. Shaking her head and coming in letting the door close behind her Grace goes over to him and slings one of his arms over her shoulder. She would be his support and would help him back to his room.

   "Come on you crazy man...I guess since you did come all this way I can help you back. Don't this counts as your workout though for the day. This was just...extra practice."

Leaning in and giving Jared a soft kiss on the cheek Graces eyes sparkle. She was so happy that at least they were trying to get past was was standing in there way and moving on with there relationship. It was a start in the right direction and thats really what did matter.

   "Alright...so back to your room and want to sit outside in the grass? It's a pretty nice day out."

Leaving the house with a tray of sandwiches and some lemonade Alice goes around to the west side where Kyle was patching up a few area's that had started to chip. It was safe for Alice to assume that the wind blew the hardest that way.

   "Kyle...stop working for a second and come eat lunch. I made egg salad, and have some fresh lemonade."

Setting the tray down on the picnic table Alice gives a small smile to Kyle. She new about what happened with Kip and it broke her heart. Kip was part of there family and to lose him as a band member was like losing a peace of the family and it hurt. It wasn't totally clear why Kip left and maybe thats what hurt most of all. Alice felt worse for Kyle though than she did herself. And Karla...what was she going to do now as well?

  "The house is coming along real nice. I can't believe this is going to be our home. Time sure has slipped away. Once we are married though I hope it slows down a little."

Looking up from the bubbles that poped in her drink Katie gives a small nod. She couldn't believe Kyle was getting married already. It seemed like just yesterday she'd found out and now..now the day was almost here. 

   "Yeah, I RSVP with a plus one."

Searching Hunter's eyes Katie could see how much he hurt and her heart went out to him. She couldn't imagen how hard this must be to know someone who was close like a brother was having an important day and you couldn't go. She really did feel bad.

   "I was thinking about asking Kyle if it was ok if you went. Or maybe we could ask him together. I figure I want you to go with me but just showing up with you might be a little disrespectful. So what do you say...want to ask him and see?"



As Bree settled back in to sleep, Gunner's brow furrowed. Why was this bothering her so much? Hadn't what he'd just said been enough? Hadn't his words implied that he just had some stuff on his mind he was working through? The worst part was seeing Bree's feelings hurt and not understanding how to fix it.

Sinking in the couch a little more, he laid an arm over her and set his feet up on the coffee table. If he had to get up again, it would be less of an entanglement this way. Thankfully though, the rest of the night was quiet. Gunner didn't get much sleep, but he got a little, and he avoided anymore nightmares...

"Hey..." The couch moved slightly from being bumped. "I know vampires sleep during the day, but what time do you need to be at work?" 

"Hmm?" Gunner blinked and stretched, finding Bree's head still in his lap and his legs aching from being propped up half the night. 

JT tossed Gunner's t-shirt to him. "I said, what time do you need to be at work? I didn't want to leave and have a guilty conscience for not waking you up." 

Gunner yawned and took his shirt, though he looked at it, confused. "Um...eight...I think." 

"Well, you better get a move on. It's just after seven now."

"Yeah...yeah, okay, thanks." Gunner rubbed his face and tried to wake up. 

JT shook his head as he gained a wry grin. "You're welcome. There's coffee. I gotta head to the hospital." 

"Right." Gunner yawned again and ruffled Bree's hair. "Hey, sweet thing. I'm getting kicked out." He pulled on his shirt, still in a bit of a daze, before prying himself from the couch, careful not to jostle Bree around too much. Stretching tall, his back popped in several places and he groaned. "Hawaii's sounding better and better," he mumbled. Leaning down, he gave Bree a quick kiss. "I gotta go. See you at supper? Or lunch? What day is it?" 

Jared gave Grace a sheepish grin, and a little color came to his cheeks - it was just something about the way she was pleased to see the effort he'd made. "I'm alright...better now that you're here." 

Movement caught his eye and he glanced down the hall to smirk at his mother, who was watching intently. Lydia rolled her eyes before turning to go back to the kitchen.

Jared's gaze returned to Grace, and he bit his lip. "I, um...only got one problem." He'd been leaning on the door frame for a reason. "I made it this far but I didn't make a plan for how I was gonna get back to the bed again."


By now, Scott was rather used to the not-so-pleasant-tasting juices that Justin made, so he accepted the drink without complaint. Sitting at his kitchen table, he drank half the glass before setting it down and catching his breath. He wiped some sweat from his brow before just folding his arms and setting his head down on them. 

Justin grinned a little and joined him at the table with his own drink. Today it had been a vigorous game of frisbee at the park to get Scott up and moving. "You alright?"

Scott kept his head down, but nodded. 

It had been a week since Justin had been here last - the longest amount of time between visits than they'd had in a while. After Scott had started to backslide, Justin had kept a close eye on him, and though things didn't appear to be much better now, he sensed some of the fog was starting to lift. "So how's work going?" 

Scott slowly raised his head and took another sip of his drink. "Alright, I guess. Mostly just helping Dalton with stuff. Reese knows I can't handle anything else." 

"Can't? Or just don't want to yet?"

Scott shrugged. His eyes were downcast. "Maybe I'm just afraid I can't handle any more," he admitted. 

Justin nodded knowingly. It was Scott's choice and only he knew how far he could go right now, but Justin would continue to gently push. "And Hope?" 

"What about her?"

"Seen much of her lately?"

Another shrug was Scott's answer. "Just in passing at work." No lunches. No suppers. No walks in the park. They were just...coworkers. 

"And...how do you feel about that?" 

"Lonely." Scott swallowed hard. There was no point in trying to deny the truth. His eyes only moved when Domino put her front paws on his leg for attention. His hand went to her head to appease her. 

Justin sat back and studied him for several quiet moments. "You know...sometimes settling for what we think is our lot in life, is just us choosing to make it so." 

Scott frowned. "You mean I'm choosing to be lonely?" 

"I think you're choosing loneliness over happiness because of fear, yes." 

"We've been over this." 

Justin sighed. He understood, but he just wished Scott would lower those walls. "I know. But that doesn't mean I'll quit trying." 

"What are you trying to be? A matchmaker?" 

Justin rolled his eyes. "That was a cheap shot and you know it. If you could give me one good reason for avoiding someone like Hope, who still loves you by the way, I'd leave you alone and never bring up the subject again. But so far, you haven't given me a good enough reason." 

"Why do you care anyway? What's so important about whether or not I'm dating Hope?" 

"It's not about you and Hope, Scott. It's about you having a relationship with anybody. You've got me...you've got Dalton...but you're keeping your circle of friends at arm's length. Even your sister." 

Scott fiddled with his glass before finishing his drink. Things were okay with Sapphire lately. He talked to her at work, and once in a while on the phone. They rarely got together and did anything though. Gage was always around, and though Scott wasn't upset over that anymore, it was still an awkward enough situation for him to avoid. "Can't I survive without a bigger circle of friends?" 

"Sure. You've proven that. But why would you want to? Because it's easier? Safer? Why not live in a box the rest of your life? Or better yet, why not go back to Brookshire?" 

Scott's eyes snapped up angrily. "You're pushing it today, Justin. Back off." 

Justin sighed and sat back in his chair. He knew where Scott's limits were well enough to know he hadn't crossed the line yet. Scott needed a gentle hand, but also needed good firm shoves sometimes too. "Look...I know life can suck and be confusing. But you took yours back. You've fought tooth and toenail to beat the odds - don't sell yourself short now. Don't stop when you've gained back so much already..."

...It was those words that continued to play in the back of Scott's mind, even after he'd been left alone again. It hadn't been a bad morning with Justin...just a touchy one. Scott could handle those kinds of sessions now though. They used to knock him flat, but now they just gave him more to think about during the day - like he was now.

It was over. He was out.

Kip sat on the edge of his bed, feeling like crying but denying himself that pleasure. He'd just gotten off the phone with Kyle. He hadn't wanted a meeting...hadn't wanted a group discussion. He knew the band would be better off without him, so he had quit. And now...it was done.

"Kip, I'm making chicken salad sandwiches, do you..." Gram's voice trailed off as she poked her head into the open bedroom and saw his downcast face. "Is something wrong?"

Kip shrugged. "Not really. I just quit the band is all."

"Quit?" Gram's eyes widened and she came in to sit next to him on the bed. "Why? I thought you loved it."

"I do. Did." Kip shook his head. "I just don't think I'm cut out for anything more than a garage band."

"Well why on earth would you think that? I've heard you play and you do a great job."

"Yeah, I play okay I guess." He thought for a moment then shrugged again. "When we started out here, I had trouble memorizing stuff and I'd mess up all the time and just couldn't concentrate. Blamed it on my hyperactivity and everybody had a cure. Eat better. Burn off my energy. Try harder. So I did...and things got better, but it just made it worse for me in here, ya know?" He tapped his chest over his heart. "After a while it just made me miserable 'cause I was trying so hard to keep up and do it right. Then I started forgetting practices and being late and I never did it on purpose, it just...happened."

He flopped onto his back and stared at the ceiling. "They've all been irritated with me and I'm letting them down right and left so I finally decided it was time to quit. They'll be better off without me."

Gram frowned, sorry to see her pseudo-grandson like this. "I guess I've never been to one of your practices, so I can't judge, but I'd be rather surprised if the rest of the band thought they'd be better off without you. But...it is your life. What are you going to do now?"

Kip smirked. "Find a real job so I can keep paying you rent or find my own place so I can finally get out of your hair."

"Hush your mouth." Gram swatted his leg. "You know you can stay here as long as you need. Me and Gramps love having you around here."

Kip shifted a little to look up at her. "Really?"

"Well of course! And not just because you do the oddjobs around here. We were without kids for so long, then the grandkids - especially Kyle - hung out here a lot, but now they're all doing their own things. It's kind of nice to have you around to fill that hole."

He managed a grateful smile. "Thanks. I like it here too. But I still need a job and I don't even know where to start."

"You start on a full stomach, that's where." Gram stood up after patting Kip's knee. "Come on. Lunch in five minutes. Maybe Gramps will have some ideas for you."

Kyle sighed and picked up the paint roller again. His hands and old clothes were speckled with paint - evidence of the work he was doing at the house. Not much needed to be done, but he and Alice were incorporating their own tastes. Today though, the excitement was tainted by Kip's call. He hadn't been surprised, but it hurt. They'd just lost a band member, and he wasn't even sure why.

"So...you're going to Kyle's wedding Saturday, right?" Hunter fiddled with his straw wrapper while waiting for their food. He and Katie had a lunch date today, and while he was thoroughly enjoying himself, there was a tiny part of his heart that was hurting. Not because Kyle was getting married...but because the man who had once been his best friend was having one of the most important days of his life...and Hunter knew he would not be welcome. And he was sorry. 


Letting out a long sigh Bree shakes her head looking at Gunner. She worried even more about him now than she had been before. Silence could be one of the most frighting things a person could face or so she thought. She couldn't voice how much it hurt that Gunner still wouldn't talk to her, and at the same time it upset her a great deal. 

   "You have no idea how much it hurts to want someone to talk to you and they wont. To have them tell you they are fine when there not. It really sucks."

Shaking her head and laying back down in Gunner's lap Bree lets out a long sigh. She didn't know what else to say or what else to do. If Gunner wasn't going to talk to her than he wasn't going to take to her but that didn't make it any easier.

   "Come on...lets try and sleep more."

Slinging his arm around Rosalyn and standing Chad walks with her to the door. He sure was going to miss her. Getting too see and spend time with Rosalyn really was nice and now it game him something to look forward to for next time.

   "Drive slow, I think I can do that. As long as I get to hold your hand the whole way."

Getting out of her car Grace takes a second before making her way to the front door. She new Jared and her had talked a few days ago about continuing to work with him but she couldn't help but wonder if he would change his mind again or not. He still didn't seem to fond of the idea and though she wouldn't give up it still was be a small let down if he had changed his mind.

Continuing to walk forward Grace gives a small knock on the door  before opening it and stepping inside. Seeing Jared standing there the best he could Grace couldn't help the smile that passed on her lips. That meant something on its own right there that at least he was trying.

   "Look at you standing there. You look to be doing ok on your own a little better than the last time I saw you anyways."

Coming on more and laying a hand on Jared's arm Grace new he was trying and it pleased her. This proved there was still hope and things might work out. Jared would get better and she would make sure of it.

   "How are you today?"



Because it hurt too much. That was why.

Gunner's shoulders dropped in disappointment. He'd hoped Bree would just settle back into the couch again so he could watch her sleep...instead of answering questions. Letting his head fall back into the cushion, he didn't speak right away. He knew Bree hated his silence, but he wished he could just pretend everything was fine. Not that that method had worked very well thus far. 

Eventually he turned his head to look over at Bree. There was just enough moonlight coming through the window that he could make out her face. And she looked worried. And hurt.

Reaching over to her, he ran a finger softly down her cheek. "I'm sorry." His apology was quiet. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." 

Even so, he fell silent again, continuing to study her face. Moving back in the couch, he sat sideways before pulling Bree into his lap, letting her lean back against his chest, and wrapped his arms around her. He'd rather she not be able to see his face. After kissing the top of her head, he sighed deeply.

"I remember those nights so clearly," he whispered. "When you'd come to visit me. Even if they had me drugged, I still remember. You were my light." He paused, hoping the churning emotions he felt were not evident in his voice. "And you still are. If it weren't for you, I..." He swallowed hard. "Well, I'm not sure I'd have anything worth sticking around for." 

He kissed her head again, leaving his face lingering close to her soft hair. "Sometimes I think I'm going insane...and sometimes it doesn't seem so bad if I did. If I went crazy, I might not remember enough to bother me. Yet I want to remember. Which only drives me closer to the line. And if I cross it, I might never come back." 

His words had grown listless...confusing. "If I just let go...I'd be free. But maybe insanity would be more of an imprisonment than my obsessions. I can't tell." 

There were several more moments of silence before he spoke again. "I just need time to figure it out. That's all...just a little time. And I'll be fine." He gave Bree a loving squeeze. "I'm okay now. Can we go back to sleep?"

Rosalyn fingered the dress while her other hand curled into Chad's. She nodded before looking up at his eyes, and forced a smile. "Okay...I'll write too. Mick got pretty good at getting my mail to me. I'm sure he will again so no one else can intercept." 

A bit of sadness flickered in her eyes, but she tried to keep smiling. "Drive slow back to the ranch, okay?" 

Hearing a vehicle pull into the driveway, Jared set aside his car magazine and pulled himself up a little straighter in bed. He knew it must be Grace coming for his therapy. He wasn't feeling all that great today, but he'd already made up his mind not to give her a hard time. His outlook on life itself maybe wasn't all that much better, but...after seeing how determined Grace was not to give up on him...maybe it had touched him a little deeper than he'd admit.

After thinking for a moment, he gradually slid his feet over the side of the bed and sat up. Things were made an awful lot harder by his one arm being in a sling, but he could do this, right?

Carefully and very slowly, he managed to stand - though shakily. Once he'd found his balance, he moved towards the hall, using the dresser to steady himself. It wasn't pretty, but he did manage to make it to the doorway. Leaning on the door handle to keep his balance, he waited for Grace, hoping his effort would show that he was willing to keep trying.



Heading back into the living room and laying her head into Gunner's lap Bree is quiet for several long moments. She new everything was not ok and it was really bothering her that Gunner wouldn't talk to her. It upset her and it made her wonder if Gunner trusted her or not.

   "No...Not really. Well...my body is, but mentally not really."

Sitting up and turning a little to look at Gunner Bree's face had a look of hurt. Her eyes were sad and she hated feeling this way. She wanted to know the truth she was tired of beating around the bush.

   "I know your not ok, and it hurts that you wont you tell and you keep lying to me. Why wont you tell me whats going on Gunner? Why wont you talk to me?"

Angelica can't help the laugh that came out as she nodded her head. As much as she would like to just up and go tomorrow she new that in a few days it would be a little better. At least it would still be on a whim but maybe a little more planned.

   "I think maybe telling my sister and Wyatt would be a good thing. Both of them would never let us down if we didn't."

Moving from the sink in the little kitchen Chad comes around to where Rosalyn sat. He didn't want her to go either. He liked having here there and spending time with her. It was nice to have someone he cared about to talk too.

Now dressed in her normal cloths Chad smiles. She still looked so pretty even out of the dress. No matter what she had on she shone like a bright spot. Chad loved that the most about her. Her spirit, her personality it was what truly made her amazing.

   "I'd say you don't have to leave if you didn't want to, but...I dont think that would make me to good of a person."

Coming over to the bed and sitting down next to her Chad holds the dress out to her before putting his hand on top of her and cocking his head to look her in the eye.

   "I'll be back....I promise...and my letters will continue to come to you for as long as I can write."


Still Silent

Startled, Gunner looked quickly in Bree's direction, but it was the only moment he made eye contact with her. Looking back at the sink, he nodded slowly. "Yeah...yeah, I'm okay."

He finally turned off the water and grabbed a hand towel to dry his face, but he was still rather shaky and pale. Just standing there in his jeans, he stalled, taking longer than necessary to dry his hands before eventually returning the towel to its rack. Back in the hallway, he slung an arm over Bree's shoulders and aimed her back to the living room, leaving his shirt in the bathroom for now. "Sorry I woke you," he apologized quietly. "I just...um...had a bad dream." 

Returning to the couch, he picks one end to sit, coaxing Bree down to use his lap as a pillow. He'd rather sit up and avoid sleep for a while. That was his routine lately anyway - get woken up by the nightmare, then not be able to sleep for the rest of the night. But he'd been so relaxed. He'd felt so at peace. Why did the nightmare have to find him here too?

While he stared into the dark, his hand absentmindedly combed gently through Bree's hair. He knew his silence was not his norm. Would this little episode just make her worry more? Probably. But telling her what was on his mind could prove to be the worst choice.

Realizing his hand had gotten particularly tense, he ceased playing with her hair and pulled the blanket up over her a little more. "Comfortable?" 

"Mmm..." Reese wrapped his arms around Angelica and willingly returned her kiss. A chuckle surfaced as he looked down into her eyes. For a man who had thought he'd never love again, he felt awfully happy. 

"I suppose if we're going to do something this crazy, maybe we should at least give a couple people a chance to come too, if they want? Like Wyatt, or your sister? What do you think?"

Rosalyn wondered if her smile was permanently pasted on her face. She shook her head and gave Chad another little hug. "You, sir... are a flirt." 

And while she perhaps wished the evening never to end, reality was that the night was becoming late, and morning would come all too soon... 

...It was with a sigh that Rosalyn sat on the edge of Chad's hotel bed. Her dress was back in the bag and she was back in her jeans and t-shirt. While she'd thoroughly enjoyed getting dressed up and being treated like a princess, her limbs were pleased to be back in more comfortable clothes. Unfortunately, it meant the evening was coming to an end. 

Her eyes studied her boots that made little prints in the soft carpet. "I don't want to leave," she admitted quietly. She knew she had to though. After all, here she was, in Chad's hotel room - staying any longer would not be the right thing to do. But she didn't yet feel ready to go home either.


Being in a deep sleep didn't stop Bree from waking up as Gunner moved around on the couch. It was to small of an area, he's woken to violently, and she'd almost gotten tossed off the couch. Regaining what was going on and what just happened Bree blinks a few moments peering into the dark and trying to get her heart to calm down a little bit.

Seeing the light in the bathroom go on and light up the hallway Bree new that Gunner was in the bathroom but not using it. Getting up the blanket still wrapped around her Bree head to the bathroom and stands in the doorway for a long moment just soaking in his sexyness before finally saying something.

   "For a second I thought the house was on fire. Are you ok?"

Angelica could feel her heart start to race a little faster as excitement ran through her veins. She had to admit the thought of this really was exciting and fun.She had never been a fly by night kind of girl but there was something about Reese that just told her it was ok.

   "Mike, I dont know what it is about you but...caution in the wind comes so easy when around you."

Smiling and turning to press her lips to his Angelica cant help the passion that came forth. This while thing was kinda romantic and Angelica wanted to show that. Letting the kiss linger for several long moment she finally breaks away and smiles at him looking deep into his eyes.

   "How about tomorrow? Or think we should wait a few days?"

Bringing his hand to the side of Rosalyn's face Chad smiles his eyes twinkling. He'd enjoyed the night and there was nothing about it he wanted to take back. Even this moment here was something he wanted to hold on top, to cherish, it was the good and the bad that made people stronger.

   "You didn't rune anything and don't ever think you did. This get away, this whole week couldn't have been any better. Being with you...its enough and I am sad to be leaving tomorrow."

Having Rosalyn play with his button Chad can't help the smile that grew even more himself. It would always be the buttons, or the sheets that linked them in a way no one new. It was there little thing, and it would be something remembered forever.

   "Oh trust me, I have many more shirts that need to be fixed so I will definitely be back. That wont be the main reason though...only a little addition."

Rosetta can't help the smile the passed her lips as Mick reads the letter. It was a surprise how they were making money month after month and just getting by. Things seemed to be getting tighter and tighter but they were still there. This was there home and they wernt going to let it go under. It was God who alway provided the next month and kept there home, there salf haven.

   "Wow...I think the little bit of time he was here really did him good. God sure works in wonderus ways. Even if we struggle sometimes its the moments like this that make it really worth it. To know we helped, we made someone a little closer to God. Thats what this is about."



Gunner just grinned and accepted Bree's kiss, tightening his arms around her again. Returning her sweet affection, he said no more about her worry or what might be bothering him...and he ignored his own thoughts that were looming in the back of his mind.

After a short while of just cuddling and enjoying each other's attention, Gunner finally settled in on the couch with Bree in his arms. It had been a tiring day, even if he hadn't done much, and sleep came more easily than he thought it would. It felt nicer here than alone in his apartment. It felt...safer.

Night, though, has a way of bringing to mind the things we fear the most...

Gunner woke with a start, his mind in a thick fog. Not knowing where he was, he sat bolt upright, accidentally knocking Bree around without even realizing it. With racing pulse, he untangled himself from her and stood abruptly, his eyes trying to adjust to the dark living room. Somehow figuring out where he was, he stumbled towards the hallway. If anything was said to him, he didn't hear.

By the time he made it to the bathroom, he'd woken up enough to gain his full bearings, but that didn't stop his pounding heart, or the fact that he was shaking all over. After shedding his sweat-soaked t-shirt, he leaned on the sink, turning on the cold water to splash on his face. Just staring at the swirling water, he tried to regain control, but it wasn't easy. The images were still too fresh in his mind.

Reese reached over to place a finger under Angelica's chin and turn her face towards his. Smiling, he leaned in for a tender kiss. "Yes, it's a thought, and I haven't had such a hairbrained one in years." His eyes started to twinkle. If there was one thing Angelica did, it was bring out the fun in him. Around her, he could just be himself and live without worrying about what others might think. It was a side of him that few saw, and that she so expertly brought out in him. Tonight was just further proof. 

"I say we throw caution into the wind and do it." Standing, he took both her hands and pulled her up too, before swinging her around in a little circle. "All I've been doing lately is putting my personal life, including you, on the back burner, and I'm tired of it. We can go the traditional route if you want - I'll do whatever you want, as far as a wedding is concerned. But if you really like the idea of Vegas...I think we should do it." 

Eventually gaining back control of her emotions, Rosalyn sniffed and just let her head rest against Chad's shoulder, letting him continue to hold her. "That sounds terrible," she mumbled. "About me not having anything to worry about once you're gone. None of this is your fault, and you know I'll miss you." 

Sighing deeply, she finally pulled herself away so she could look up at Chad's face and study his eyes. Those beautiful, deep, alluring, shining eyes. "I'm sorry...I hope I didn't ruin your evening. I really have had a wonderful time, and I'm so happy you came for a visit. I just wish things were different." 

Her eyes lowered and her fingers found one of his shirt buttons to fiddle with. A little giggle surfaced, even though tears still lingered in her eyes. "You're gonna have to come back so I can fix more of your buttons." 

Clint slowly wandered from the shop after cleaning up and putting a few tools away. It was late by now, and the ranch was quiet. Peaceful. As peaceful as it could be with all the inner turmoil he was feeling.

Heading home, he slipped inside quietly. It was the norm now for him to get home after Wendy and Chase were in bed. Some nights he felt badly about it. He was working, but that still left Wendy alone and getting Chase to bed on her own. She never complained, but Clint wished he could settle down sooner in the evenings so he could spend more time with her. Lately though, he just felt...uneasy. Unsettled. Stifled.

After a quick shower and changing into some comfy clothes, rather than going to bed, he flopped down on the couch and turned the tv on without sound. All he'd do if he went to bed would be toss and turn anyway, and he didn't want to keep Wendy awake with him.

Though his eyes focused on the screen, his mind was busy with thoughts of his dad...his sister...even his brother whom he never saw. He thought of Wes...the shop...things he couldn't do anymore because they lived and worked here. It wasn't that he was ungrateful or that he didn't know the good things he had here. He had so much and he loved his family dearly. But...wasn't there more to life than this ranch?

"Wow." Though he should be in bed by now, Mick was still up with Rosetta, going through today's mail that he hadn't had time to look at until now. It wasn't the most romantic thing to do, but since BJ was in bed, at least it was a little time with Rosetta before heading to bed themselves.

He held up a letter and a check. "Listen to this...

Mick, We probably texted already today..."

He paused and nodded with a chuckle. "We did.

...so I won't waste your time chatting. I just wanted to send you this check for the ranch. I know things can be tight and I wanted to help. Hit it big at a race the other night, and I figured sending part of my profit to you guys instead of blowing it on partying was the better option this time. You all help a lot of people (this I know) and I just wanted to give back. Tell everyone hi. Can't wait to come visit again.  - Hunter."

Mick shook his head and smiled as he showed Rosetta the check for two thousand dollars. "I was just asking God this morning how we were going to finish making this month's payments."

As it should

   "I'm going to worry specially when you tell me not too. It's not like you to say that at all...but...I'll let it go for now. Just....don't keep me in the dark to long ok? I'm here to help you."

Feeling Gunner's leg run up her own Bree can't help but giggle a little bit because it tickled.  Looking up at him and grinning again Bree leans in and brushes her lips against his before whispering softly.

   "I can always give kiss specially if they make you feel better. And who said I was abandoning you for the night? I plan on staying right here...if you are. Can't have any other vampires biting me."

Pressing her lips harder against Gunner's Bree lets what they were talking about before go. For now she would just kiss him and enjoy it. They could talk more in a little bit or tomorrow, or at least Bree hoped Gunner would. She didn't like this feeling of being worried and would rather not have it at all.

Thinking for a long second Angelica looks down at her hands. Had she really just said that? Was she really thinking about doing this? It seemed so crazy to her and yet on the inside it make her stomach jump, and twitter.

   "Maybe it would be a reason...for both? Kill two birds with one stone. It's a thought anyways."

Wrapping his arms around Rosalyn and leaning his head on top of hers Chad's hands run up and down her back gently. He could see how conflicted she was, how much pain she was in and it killed him on the inside. She wished she could have both too. With all his heart he did.

   "No thats not wrong at all my dear."

Just letting her cry into him he didn't mind. He could feel the tears soaking through his shirt but it didn't matter. Letting her cry into him, sheltering her and trying to comfort her the best he could  was what he had to offer at the moment and that alone could mean a lot.

   "Just think of it this way. In a few days I will be back to work, and you wont have to worry about any more problems till I come back again. And maybe between now and than...things will change a little. No matter what though its in God's hands and he will let everything be as it should." 


Perfect excuse?

Gunner loosened his grip a little around Bree, and a slight bit of disappointment appeared in his eyes. "First chance we get alone and all you wanna do is talk? You're no fun tonight." He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, just letting her lie on his chest. Looking up into her eyes though, he knew better than to tease too much. She really was worried.

Sighing deeply, he closed his eyes and let his head sink back into the couch's throw pillow. He wasn't ready yet to talk about what was bothering him. How could he be, when it was all still so muddled in his own mind? Besides no one could help him anyway. It was his own battle...whether he was losing or not. "Quit your worrying," he directed softly. "I'm fine. Everything's fine. I just had a bad day is all." 

His foot crept up her leg, then back down again before he opened just one eye at her. "Your kisses help a lot in that department though...if you have any more to spare before abandoning me for the night." 

Reese's eyebrows rose and he looked quickly at Angelica. She'd taken his suggestion seriously? Had he even meant it to be serious? Come to think of it...it really didn't seem like such a bad idea. 

"Vegas?" He blinked as a grin toyed at the corners of his mouth. "As in...just a fun vacation or...a perfect excuse to finally get married?"

Chad's words were so soothing...so captivating. Could Rosalyn trust them? Could she, after all this, after all their letters and short time together...could she still trust those words? What was holding her back? Her father? Her own wisdom? Oh, but just to trust Chad and leave caution behind... 

With her hand under his, she could feel his heartbeat, and it reminded her of their time under their apple tree. She had felt his heartbeat then too. It hadn't changed. He was just as passionate tonight as he had been then. Her own pulse raced as well. 

Forgetting her inner battle, Rosalyn fell into Chad, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his chest. Everything about him...his strength...his voice...the way his touch felt...even the way he smelled...It all gave her unexplainable tingles. Could she be...falling in love? Was it real?

"I don't know what to do," she mumbled into his chest. "I don't want to give up either...but I'm causing so much trouble." Tears stung her eyes. "I just want to forget it all exists and just be happy... Is that so wrong?" 

Wast of time

Getting pulled into the kiss Bree really didn't mind much though it just made her worry more. Letting his own eyes fall shut for a long moment as she just soaks everything in. She loved Gunner's kiss and feeling his emotions, she loved his touch and just being there with him. Returning the kiss with passion Bree doesn't break away till Gunner does.

   "Talking isn't a wast of time when I can tell something is definitely wrong. It's not like you to not talk to me, or dodge questions and it makes me worry even more."

Searching Gunner's eyes hers reflect how much she really was worried. Even if he told her not to be Bree new something was wrong and it just made it worse. She wanted to help Gunner if he needed it or just be there for him but she wanted to know what was wrong first so she could try to help.

Leaning against Reese  Angelica just listens to him. She new he's had a rough day from start to finish of his day so she didn't mind being the sounding bored at all. Hearing his invitation about running off together and leaving everyone else behind she stops for a moment turning and looking at Reese for a long moment. She wasn't sure if he was being searous or not. Would she do something like that? Would he? She could hear Charlotte  voice in her head. Live a little sis, do something just because.

   "Lets do it...maybe...vagus?"

Looking down at Rosalyn Chad just searches her eyes. Maybe he seemed a little strong in his statement? Did he startle Rosalyn? He hadn't meant to his feels were just strong for her even if he couldn't understand it. There really was just something about her.

   "Forever is a long time, and I can't see whats going to happen year, month, week or even tomorrow but I know that I can tell you that my feels for you are strong and I want to see you happy and I think its sad your family can't see that. No one is going to scare me away, and I'm not going to tuck tail and run from you. There is a reason God let me find you, and I'm not about to give that up."

Taking Rosalyn's hand in his own and linking his fingers with her he brings her hand to his lips and gives it a kiss and than placing it on his chest. Giving a soft smile he continues to look down at her, his eyes twinkling slightly in the lights on the path. He really hoped he hadn't frightened her to bad. He just wanted her to know he really meant it when he said he wasn't going to give up that easy.


No Fun

Gunner returned Bree's kiss softly, his eyes falling shut as she ran her fingers lightly over his face. Her question didn't surprise him, but he could feel his inner walls rising anyway. He didn't want her to worry, but he wasn't sure he was ready to talk yet either. 

Ignoring her question, he rolls onto his back, taking Bree with him so she was lying on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her, one hand bringing her head close so he could press his lips to hers again. Kissing her with passion, his fingers raked through her hair, while his other hand gently ran up and down her back.

"Talking's no fun," he mumbled between kisses. His foot nudged her leg playfully. "And you're uncles gone." He sent a line of kisses down her neck then back up to her lips again. "So why waste time talking?" Holding her tight, he just wanted to enjoy being with her. No thinking about anything else. Just him and her. He didn't want to talk about what was on his mind. He just wanted to block it all out and pretend that this moment was the only thing that existed.

"I need a vacation." Reese leaned back in the couch and took a sip of iced tea before returning his glass to the coffee table. With his arm around Angelica, he sighed deeply, not really paying much attention to the B movie on television.

"When I was yelling at Gunner today, all of a sudden I felt like Carter, or Austin. I don't want to end up like them - unable to let go of control, and ordering people around because of stress. But I've already started." His hand rubbed her shoulder absentmindedly before he leaned over and kissed her head. "You're the only thing that keeps me sane anymore."

Things used to be so simple. Was it because the Elite was no longer in secret, or was it just because of growing responsibility, that now things seemed so complicated? Grinning, Reese gives Angelica a squeeze. "We should just run off together and let everybody back here fend for themselves for a while."

As Rosalyn looked up into Chad's eyes and heard his words, she could feel her stomach flip. No one - let alone a man - had ever said so many nice things to her, ever. It just never ended. His caring words never stopped. His kind intentions never ran out.

Sighing, she ran her hands down his arms to find his palms and linked her fingers with his. Her eyes found the ground in the small space between them. So much of this still felt like a dream. Still felt unreal. Still felt like something that wasn't supposed to happen to someone like her. Yet here Chad was, standing with her and reassuring her he wasn't going to leave her.

"You sound so serious when you talk about us," she commented softly. "It seems wonderful, the things you say, but..."

She finally looked back up at him again, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness, hope, excitement and fear. It was as if with all the trouble they'd had, suddenly things weren't the same. There was no innocent flirting tonight. No rolling her eyes at his flowery speech or poetry. No playing hard to get. With the way her father was acting, it seemed there could be no casual dating - it was either serious or nothing at all. 

"The end of time is a long time," she finally finished. Her voice was still quiet - almost timid. "Are we...are you...really that serious? After knowing me for such a short time?" She searched his eyes for answers. "I like you a lot, Chad, but...when you talk about forever...I'm not sure what you mean." 


Thats why

Walking with his hand in Rosalyn's Chad is just quiet letting her talk. The moment he'd asked her what was wrong and she opened up he could feel his heart break for her. He really did feel bad with the big mess he has caused though he wouldn't go back and change anything that didn't mean his heart still hurt that family...a family the Rosalyn loved so much would let something like this come in the way of them. Didn't they see she was happy? Could Jim see she would be taken care of?

   "You do what you need to do Rosalyn and I will completely understand. Family is always first, its just sad that they can't see how happy you are and you have to give up that happiness for them. And its for that reason that once again no matter what you do it wont push me away, I wont change my mind and I will keep trying to win you over."

Stopping Chad brings Roslyn to in front of him and looks down into her eyes for a long moment. He refused to give up, he refused to give in. She was amazing, so very pretty in every way, and she just had something about her that was exciting, yet calming at the same time. She was special, and he new that form the start.

   "I haven't known you for long, but I am already to involved, and to wrapped up in you, and what happens to you to stop now. I'll fight for you till he end of time Rosalyn I can promise you that, and it will never change."

Leaning back a little bit into Gunner as he asks his question Bree thinks for a moment. She was going to go home but if Gunner was staying than so was she. After all she still have that lingering feeling that something was wrong.

   "Mmmmm...if your staying than I am staying too. It's to comfortable here to want to get up."

Moving a little bit to face Gunner Bree looks deep into his eyes for a long moment before pressing her lips to his. Backing away again Bree gives a smile bringing her fingers to his face and running them over his face, lips and eyes. He looked worn out and tired and it made her heart break.

   "So, you hide it well, and I didn't want to bother you but...the less you say the more worry I get. Whats going on Gunner?"



Gunner took a bite of spaghetti to stall his answer to Bree, even though his stomach really didn't want any more. Him not having an appetite was unheard of though, and he didn't want to worry anybody. 

"Eh..." He chewed and swallowed his mouthful before he shrugged. "Typical day with Tyrant Reese. Nothing exciting enough to talk about though." 

He took his fork and toyed with a meatball until looking up again at Bree's suggestion for a walk. Normally he'd jump on the chance. Normally he'd love to take advantage of the opportunity for a walk while holding her hand. Normally he'd have too much energy just to sit in the house all evening. Tonight though, it was a rather tired smile he offered. Being alone with Bree meant more opportunities for her to ask him if anything was wrong. "If we take off, your uncle might eat all the ice cream and rootbeer," he teased. "Not to mention, it's too cloudy to see the stars this evening." 

JT scraped the last bit of sauce from his plate while still studying Gunner out of the corner of his eye. Was he really looking for a way out of going for a walk with Bree? Talk about unusual. He did look awfully tired though. More than tired. Worn out. Stressed out. What wasn't he telling them? 

Opting to give Gunner a gracious way out, he interrupted the conversation. "Yeah, you two better not go anywhere," he agreed. "Never leave me alone in the house with ice cream." He tossed Bree a wink. "Besides, I thought we'd watch that action flick on tv tonight."

"Dibs on the couch." Gunner threw Bree a silly look. "As long as I get the warm pillow too." 

JT rolled his eyes as he stood up to start clearing dishes. He wasn't going to make Gunner stay here and choke down any more food. It was quite obvious he wasn't hungry - famous spaghetti or not. "Alright, I'll take the chair, but no making out while I'm present." 

...It was still a rather odd evening with a strange sort of tension in the air, but regardless of Gunner's mood, the three still enjoyed their floats and still settled down in the living room for the evening. 

Hours later as the movie credits rolled, Gunner made no move to leave. On his side on the couch, Bree was tucked in front of him with his arm around her, and he was awfully comfortable. Normally he would have fallen asleep like this, but tonight, his mind was too full to relax to that point. Sleep wouldn't come easy, no matter where he was. At least the movie had provided a nice long time when talk wasn't needed.

Sighing, he gave Bree a squeeze. "I should get going." 

JT stood to stretch and yawn before looking down at the couch. And something tugged on his heart...and his good sense. "You're welcome to occupy the couch for the night," he offered. "Up to you." He shrugged. "Me, I'm heading to bed, so goodnight, you two." 

Left alone with Bree, Gunner nuzzled his face into her neck. "Are you staying?" he mumbled. He knew she still spent half her time here, but wasn't sure if she was taking advantage of her bedroom here tonight or not. 

Rosalyn finally laughed as she slipped her arm around Chad's waist. "I like it the way you say it." Aiming for the door with him, she shook her head. "I've never been there, by the way. Heard it's good but...it's always been sort of out of my league I guess. I'm...kinda excited to go with you...Thank you." 

It took a little doing, but Rosalyn did eventually let herself forget about the day and just enjoy her evening. It really felt more like a dream than anything. Being with Chad...being treated so well...going to a fancy restaurant with fine food and soft music to slow dance to. It was all so heavenly. Rosalyn hoped she would remember everything just like it was, so she would never forget her first real date. 

It was now late, but it didn't seem to matter much. Walking hand-in-hand in the park seemed a perfect way to wind down the evening. It was a little chilly, now that it was dark, and Rosalyn felt a little funny wearing her denim jacket over such a nice dress, but she didn't care too much if Chad didn't. The only thing to make this more perfect would be a clearer view of the stars, but here in town, they were somewhat hidden. Soft lights made the path glow, and walking under the park trees felt enchanting rather than spooky. 

Swinging Chad's hand a little, Rosalyn enjoyed the quiet. But she also knew she'd put off talking about the day long enough. She could tell Chad had been waiting to hear what had happened, though he had been a gentleman and not once had asked her about it. She owed him an explanation though, and she knew it...

"...and that's what happened." Rosalyn stopped under one of the lights to turn and look up at Chad. The tears were gone, though her eyes had returned to their dimness. It wasn't fun telling Chad about Mick and Jim's fight. About how it had, in essence, been about her. How she'd made Clint tell her about it. None of it felt good at all. 

She swallowed hard and reached up to run a finger gently along Chad's jawline. "I don't know if I can keep doing this," she finished quietly. "You're amazing and you make me feel wonderful, but...I love my family and...my choice of having a relationship with you is tearing everybody apart." 

Her eyes dropped to stare at the dark ground as she retracted her hand. "I can't remember ever having such a nice night, and I'll always be grateful. I'm just not sure where to go from here." 

The sound of a clanging tool broke the silence, followed by Clint's growl. Absolutely nothing had gone right today. He'd hardly slept the night before, Chase had been a holy terror this morning, he'd seen the fight between his dad and Mick without being able to do anything about it, and nothing was going well in the shop. It was getting late, almost everybody had started for their homes or bunkhouses for the night, and Wendy was waiting for him at home, but he wasn't ready for bed yet. This shop was his shelter. And yet, tonight, it was just adding to his frustrations.

Picking up the wrench, Clint hurled it at the far wall where it hit a shelf with a loud bang, before falling to the floor, taking a few other tools with it. Setting his hands on his hips, he sighed deeply before leaning back against the tool bench and staring at the mess he'd made today. He was tired. He was frustrated. And he felt like quitting. 

Vampire Walk

Having Rosalyn come close to him Chad automatically wraps his arms around her. He could tell she had, had a bad day and though he wanted to ask about it now just did not seem like the time. Maybe later on there walk they could talk more. Right now he just wanted Rosalyn to forget and have a nice time.

   "Mmm...I think just being with you makes anything amazing too. Your just simply amazing on your own."

Pulling away and looking down at her Chad brings his hand to the side of her face just letting his fingers map over her skin. She was so pretty just the way she was. How luck he was to find this diamond in the rough. This treasure that no one else had found yet. Yes he was a lucky man indeed.

   "Well I did a little looking around and research, asked a few people in town and finally settled on a place outside of town...I think its pronounced Du'la clair. Maybe?"

Chad can't help the crocked smile as he tried to pronounce the french name. It came off very badly but he'd tired anyways and thats what mattered right? Wrapping his arm over Rosalyn's shoulder Chad gave a laugh. I guess I am going to have to work on that.

Sitting around talking with Gunner and JT was one of Bree's favorite pass times but tonight something just seemed off.  She wasn't sure what it was still there was something she just new it. Gunner was to far away in thought more than normal to think everything was ok.

   "So what did you do all day babe? I know you said not to ask but...you seem...far away tonight."

Bree cocked her head to the side for a second as she studyed Gunner. He was trying to hide the fact that something was wrong that she could tell and though he was good at it Bree new the little signs here and there that told her something was wrong.

   "Maybe we could go for as nice vampire walk?"



"Uh...yeah." Gunner nodded to Bree. "Yeah, everything's okay. Just, um...yeah." He brushed her cheek with his hand while hoping his eyes didn't betray him like they sometimes did. He forced a smile and winked at her. "With you around, how could things not be okay?" 

Opting to avoid any questions about his day, he turned to JT, wandering over to the stove. "Burned anything yet?"

JT glanced over at him and smirked. "No, but if you keep hovering, I might." 

"Hear that?" Gunner looked back to Bree. "I can hover. I must be part hummingbird."

"More like part buzzard," JT retorted.

Gunner's eyes widened. "I'll have you know, I've never eaten rotting roadkill." 

The banter continued - as it usually did between the two men - until supper was finally ready. As the three sat around the kitchen table, much of the conversation revolved around JT's hectic morning at the hospital and how fed up he was with the system. 

"...so I don't know. I want to make a change, but I don't know what. Amanda and I hardly have any time to see each other, and it's like our work is just constantly getting in the way." JT shrugged lamely before he took another bite of spaghetti. "I mean, I'm not sure how far to push the limits, ya know?" 

When there wasn't a response, JT glanced to his side. Gunner had eaten a little, but not much, and was twirling his fork through his spaghetti, but never picking it up. With downcast eyes and elbows leaning on the table, it looked as though he were a million miles away. 

"Was I that boring?" JT nudged Gunner's leg under the table. "Earth to Gunner." 

"Huh?" Gunner looked up quickly before he realized he had totally spaced off the conversation. Even worse, it was very much out of character. He forced a silly grin though. "Sorry. What were you saying?" 

JT chuckled and shook his head. "Never mind." He did glance at Bree though, to shrug. Something definitely felt off tonight with Gunner, but what the problem was, he hadn't a clue. 

Chad's reaction sent heat into Rosalyn's cheeks, although deep down, she cherished his compliments. Just like everything else tonight, it was something she was not used to. His kiss was soft and warm, and also something she cherished. 

At Chad's question, her eyes found the floor again, though there was a hint of a smile on her lips. It was all so overwhelming. Everything he was doing. Everything that was planned, just for her. After the kind of day she'd had, it felt so unreal. 

Tears filled her eyes and she shook her head before closing the gap between her and Chad. Nuzzling into his chest, all she wanted was to soak up any comfort she could find. He'd stolen her heart, and no matter how hard she tried to take it back, she just couldn't succeed. 

"I just want a hug," she answered quietly. "And maybe to run away and never come back." She knew that part wasn't possible, but it was a nice thought. 

Sighing, she finally lifted her gaze, although remained close. "All those things sound wonderful as long as they're with you. I can't think of anything else I'd rather do tonight." It took some doing, but she mustered up a smile. No matter how crappy her day had been, she couldn't let it ruin her evening. 

"So where have you picked for dinner?"


Waiting in the hotel at the small table Chad would wait as long as Rosalyn needed to get ready and he wouldn't rush her. It was easy to tell from her reaction she was not use to it and that was ok with him. It was something he was happy to do and letting her get ready in her own time would make her feel more comfortable.

Hearing the door open Chad stands and gives a smile as Rosalyn comes out. Seeing her his jaw drops just a little bit. She looked amazing and the dress seemed to fit perfect. He was going to have to thank Clint for helping him. There was no way he could of done it on his own.


For a second thats all Chad could say as his heart rate went up and he could only keep looking Rosalyn over. She looked so amazing he could hardly believe it. Some people might think she looked to plane for the dress she had on but to him it was perfect. Anything else added might just be to much.

   "You look amazing Rosalyn, you have no idea."

Coming closer to her and leaning down to kiss her on the lips Chad looks deep into her eyes for a long moment his own sparkling so much. Going out tonight he was going to be proud of having Rosalyn on his arm, showing her off. She could be dressed and her normal clothing and it would still be the same. 

   "Dinner, Dancing, making a walk under the stars...anything else you can think of you want to do?"

Hearing Gunner come Bree perks up a little bit, than seeing him and hearing about the floats Bree squeels a little bit before wrapping her arms around Gunner. She was always so happy to see him and having him bring something extra special was always nice too.

   "Bad day huh?  Mine was long but could of been worse. Everything else ok?"

It was something Bree comanly asked. She liked knowing everyone was ok, Today though something seemed a little off more than normal. Maybe it was just her but she wanted to aske anyways just in case.