
Kick your butt

Fighting? With Stacy? Eric's eyes widen slightly and he looks quickly at Ashlee, not even knowing how to respond to that one. He'd thought maybe she'd be a little disappointed he wouldn't be around as much, but how had she come to that conclusion? Before he even has time to gather a response, Ashlee's second remark hits him straight through to his heart. First, because she'd actually said aloud her feelings that he was like a dad to her, and second, because she'd somehow thought he wasn't pleased with her. 

"Ho there... whoa..." He reins in Static to a halt, making sure Ashlee stops Moonbeam too. Tipping his hat back, he shakes his head, just studying Ashlee for a moment. "Girl, where on earth did you get the notion I was upset with you or that your mom and I were fighting?" 

As soon as the words left his mouth though, it suddenly clicked. She'd just said he was the only dad she'd ever known... because her own father had abandoned her and her mother. Had she really put the pieces together in such the wrong order to have thought he just wanted to get away from them and that's why he was going to drive again? 

Sighing, he dismounts, motioning for Ashlee to do the same. Once on the ground, he sets his hands on her shoulders and looks down at her square in the eye. "I care for you and your mom like nobody else. And if I had a daughter, I'd want her to be just like you." Saying it brought a lump to his throat, but he remains composed. "Your mom and I ain't fighting at all - we're still great friends, okay? And you've done absolutely nothing to make me want to leave. You got that?" He gives her chin a teasing tap with his finger and offers a smile. 

"I'm taking these truck driving jobs because right now because I need the money." He didn't want to burden the girl, but he also knew she was old enough to understand and there was no point in him beating around the bush. "A while back, somebody wasn't so nice to me and I lost a lot of money, and I need to pull my fair share around here at the ranch." And...maybe, just maybe in the back of his mind, he was also planning for the future. But that didn't need to be said right now. 

"So... it has absolutely nothing to do with either you or your mom making me mad, okay?" His smile returns. "Besides, if you ever did anything to tick me off, I'd kick your butt and we'd talk about it - I wouldn't just walk away. I don't work that way." 

Just holding Jamie close, Con eases his eyes shut and enjoys the moment with her. He hoped it was true - that she was proud of him, even though he felt like a failure. He did know she loved him though. Why, he'd never know, but he hung on to that to keep him going. 

"And you've made me so happy too," he mentions quietly before kissing the top of her head. "I don't know what I'd do without you." 

Being drawn into Destiny's kiss, Chance murmurs his approval, immediately returning the affection. It had been far too long. It seemed like forever ago that they had been together before his mistakes had torn them apart. Before he had been forced to leave. Come back. Forced to leave again. And now, finally, finally, he was in her arms once again. The odds had been stacked against him - and he'd never take this for granted. 

Wrapping his arms around her, his hands roam her back while returning her kiss with passion.  Shifting her to the side, his palms wander up her arms and to the sides of her face while he gently pushes her back against the wall. 

Withdrawing only to tilt his head the other way, he offers her a series of shorter kisses before finally pulling back just far enough to rest his forehead against hers. Catching his breath, his eyes remain closed. "I don't want to open my eyes," he whispers, breathless. "I'm afraid if I do, I'll find this is only a dream." 

Wont be

Riding with Eric Ashlee was enjoying the nice time, fresh air and the chatting with Eric. This was the time of day she looked forward to the most just being able to relax, learn and just have a nice time not really having to worry about anything. Today though, something seemed different. As if things were heavy on Eric's mind.

Hearing about Eric's new of driving truck again Ashlee turns to look at him for a long moment. That meant he would be on the road again. He wouldn't be around to see as much and...why? Did he not like spending time with her mom and herself anymore? And she lessons she didn't want to have Sparky teach her. She liked that Eric did and he was good at it too.

   "You're going to be leaving...Do you not like spending time with Mom and me anymore? I am sure if you guys are fighting or something you can work it out."

Moving forward a little bit with Eric Ashlee falls silent for a moment as she takes in a deep breath trying to keep her horse steady. She remembered Eric had told her the horse could read someones emotions So she wanted to stay calm but it was hard.

   "Riding wont be the same without you, and I'll miss you Eric. You're...the only dad I've even known. I'm sorry if I did something to make you want to leave."

Being pulled down to lay on Con's chest Jamie didn't mind one bit. She loved having his arms around her, and just laying comfortable on him. They seemed to fit so perfect together no matter what position they were in.

   "Mmmmm...every day when I look into your eyes I am reminded about how much you love me. It's the best thing a woman could come home too."

Wrapping her arm around Con's wast and burying her face into his chest a little more Jame soaks up his comfort and returns it with her own. There were some days when a little extra of this was needed and Jamie didn't mind offering it at all.

   "Did I ever tell you how proud of you I am always? You've made me so happy Con."

Taking the flowers from Chance and bring them to her nose to smell them Destiny couldn't help the bit of color that came to her cheeks as well with Chance's comment. Stepping back inside Destiny places they on the table before turning back around to Chance and right into his arms. As the door falls shut behind them Destiny can't help the smile that grows on her lips. 

   "Mmmm...I guess it would be ok to kiss you now."

Bringing her arms around Chance's neck Destiny leans in to give him a kiss. Bringing her lips to his own her just lets her pent up emotions run free. Her one hand finding the back of his head as the other slipped down his arm, around his side to his back, and back up playing with his hair line. 

Time seemed to stand still and in the saftly of her house Destiny didn't mind. Chance had been gone for so long that now being able to share how she felt, she was going to rush it or pass it up. This moment she was going to saver and show Chance how much she missed him.