
Lose Control

A smile finally comes to Chance's face and a little laugh slips out. "I'm not gonna say no to that." It had been so very long since his lips had felt hers. The mere suggestion sent tingles down his spine. 

Letting Destiny go for a moment, he bends to pick up the dropped flowers and hand them to her. "I thought theses were pretty.... til I saw you. But I suppose they'll look alright in a vase or something." 

Smiling again, he follows her inside before taking her arm to turn her back around to him once more. Without looking, he stretches his foot back to coax the door shut. "There. No eyes watching us." 

Resting his hands on her shoulders, his thumbs run up and down her neck. "Now..." His voice had turned to a whisper. "You better kiss me before I lose control." 

Seeing Jamie, Con isn't surprised. He hadn't heard her approach, but he'd felt her footsteps. He offers her the best smile he could muster - which wasn't much, but it was all he had in him today. 

Her offer for lunch didn't make his stomach growl like it usually did. He usually ate like a bear to match his size. But lately he just hadn't been very hungry. It wasn't her fault though, and he'd eat lunch with her if it would make her happy. 

He nods slowly. "Yeah... Anything is okay with me." 

Reaching out his hand, he runs it up Jamie's arm before pulling her down to rest on his chest. Wrapping his big arms around her, he kisses her lips warmly before just hugging her. "Have I thanked you lately for being the best wife a man could have?" 

"Mm... well then, if you miss me that much, maybe it'll just make my coming home that more special." Eric grins and gives Stacy's hand a squeeze. 

"For now though, let's talk about going to town this weekend."  Now with her knowing about his job, he'd just as soon move on to another subject and think about hitting the road later. It would make for a much more pleasant morning anyway...

It wasn't long before breakfast was over and the rest of the day had to be faced along with the work that awaited...

...Keeping a close eye on Ashlee and Moonbeam, Eric rides alongside, letting Static pick the pace. It was a nice afternoon - perfect for a ride out in the fields. He'd only had Ashlee out of the corral a couple times, but pretty soon she'd be just fine on her own. Which was a good thing, unless she wanted lessons from someone else while he was gone. He wasn't sure what she'd decide about that one - he'd been working with her almost every day since getting her on a horse and she didn't seem to be tired of it. 

"So... I was telling your mom today about some things I'm gonna have to be doing soon." Straightening out his reins he pulls Static's head back over to keep him from munching on some leaves as they rode alongside a wooded area. 

Eric glances over at Ashlee, pleased that he hadn't had to remind her about keeping her posture yet today. "I've signed on to a couple truck driving jobs." She knew he used to be a truck driver, and he was sure that this news wouldn't bother her in the least. He'd only be gone a week or two at a time, and he'd only signed on for two runs. Of course... what he knew was that driving truck wasn't something you easily hopped in and out of. You were either in or not, and there was a good chance he'd be on the road even after these first couple runs. He also knew that even though he and Stacy hadn't talked about that aspect, that she was well-aware of it too. 

Regardless, he was still sure that Ashlee wouldn't mind as much as her mother thought she would. After all, there was plenty here to keep her busy, she could ride by herself now, there was a lot in the barn to keep her occupied, and she still had Dylan to hang out with too. His absence would surely not disrupt much in her daily life. 

"I take off Monday for the first run and I'll just be gone two weeks is all. Then I'll have a few days back here and the next run won't be quite as long." Nudging Static with his heels, he chides his horse for wanting to veer off the path. "You're doing great with your riding, so while I'm gone you can either get some tips from Sparky maybe, or fly solo, that's up to you." He tosses Ashlee a grin. "I bet Dylan would ride with you too."

I want to

Continuing to just keep her arms around Chance and her head buried into his neck Destiny soaked up the kiss and the warmth of his arms around her. His voice like music to her ears, and with every word he said she took it in, understood it and listened.

   "I'm so happy your ok. I'll never give up on you again."

Finally pulling away and looking up at Chance Destiny gives a smile bringing a hand to his face. He was really here this time, and it wasn't a rescue mission, or him begging for forgiveness. He was really here this time and it was for her.

   "Come inside, I want to kiss you but I think it would be better if we didn't have eyes watching us."

Giving a smile to Rick and a nod Misty didn't mind at all helping him out. It was nice getting to know Clay and it was part of her job to help those who needed it. Even if it was only lending an ear to someone who wanted to talk.

   "Not a problem Rick. Take care Clay, hope to see you again sometime."

Lifting her hand and giving a small wave Misty turns and heads back to her desk  and sitting down. She had a little bit more work to do and than with any luck she would be ale to leave. Jason and herself had a date tonight and she been looking forward to it all day. Spending time with him always seem to just get better and better.

Coming home for lunch was not unusual lately since Con had left TJY. It was boring eating there alone and she would rather be with Con to eat lunch. Entering the house and making her way into the living room Jamie stops by the couch and looks down at Con. Her heart really did go out to him. She new how hard he had been looking for work and how much it was not working out for him. He was stressed and she new it and it made her sad.

   "Con, I'm home for lunch."

Coming around the couch and sitting down on the edge next to him Jamie lays a hand on his shoulder. She would always love him no matter what, no matter where he worked, and no matter how she had to talk to him. He's been the one to save her along time ago and she new her heart would always be his.

   "Want me to make us some lunch?"