

Carson grins and nods, standing up. "Sure. I'd be happy to." And he knew he better go now and make it a quick trip before Dani got back. Otherwise she'd have a fit he was there and then it really would be a bad time for a proposal... 

...Accomplishing the task wasn't hard, and as planned, Carson was back and had left before Dani returned a couple hours later...

"Hey, handsome." Dani steps into the room once again, this time looking more refreshed after having taken a long hot shower and a nap as well. She still hated seeing Dalton like this and was still worried, but at least she could function for a while again. 

Wandering over to the now-familiar chair, she sits beside the bed and puts a finger to her lips. "Shh....  I brought a peanut butter cookie for you."

It was getting late. But Alec didn't care. Still on his bike, he hadn't been home since that morning. He'd left his phone back at the house and he hadn't left Misty a note like he usually did if he wasn't going to be there when she got home from work. Which meant right about now she'd notice he was gone, but wouldn't be able to get a hold of him. He cared and didn't want her to worry... but... he just wasn't ready to go home yet. 

The sun was to his back as he rode along the highway, miles out of town. He didn't know where he was going. Where he wanted to go. If he ever even wanted to go back. Who needed him? Who cared? 

Finding a back road, he takes that out to a secluded spot he'd learned about from Eli. The path led up to the edge of a cliff that looked down over the city. One could see for miles up here, as if the horizon went on forever. In the evening light, an orange glow was spread across the scene. It was a scene that he would normally enjoy. A scene that he'd like to share with someone else. 

Riding up to the edge of the cliff and letting the engine idle, Alec's eyes glance down the sheer dropoff where trees and rocks lined the earth below. If he wanted to, death would be on impact. 

A chill runs down his spine and he backs up a couple feet. His stomach gives an odd churn and he forces himself to turn his bike around. He'd had suicidal thoughts in his life more than anybody knew. He never spoke of it. He didn't want to. It scared him to think about it. And now he was at that place once more... and it was dark... and frightening. 

Swallowing hard, he revs his bike engine and heads away from the cliff. Where he'd go next, he wasn't sure. When and if he'd go home, he wasn't sure either.