

Looking up at Nate, Dani wipes away some of her tears as she shakes her head. "No... no news. And I'd be holding up a lot better if that jerk brother of mine wouldn't have come." She scoffs. "Like he thinks I'd want his company." 

It wasn't that she enjoyed feeling bitter, but after the stunt Carson had pulled, she couldn't just pretend nothing had happened and go back to the way things were. She knew she wouldn't hate him forever, but right now was not the time he should be trying to get back in her good graces. 

Waiting seemed like an eternity and longer. At least Dalton was stable, but that was providing little hope against the odds. As the nurse comes to inform them he was awake though, new hope rises. 

Dani is quickly on her feet, her heart beating a little faster. "Thank you..." She glances at Nate before heading for the door. She didn't care if he came along or not. All she wanted was to see Dalton and make sure he knew she was there. 

Returning to his room, she enters softly and cautiously approaches the bed, trying not to startle him. "Dalton?" Her voice quivers just a little bit, even though she'd told herself she was done crying. Finding his hand with hers, she gives it a little squeeze. "I just wanted to come say hi..." 

Eli manages a chuckle as he reaches up an arm to return a little hug to Ryan. There was no conclusion to their conversation about Alec, but maybe that was best. It was her job to think it through - not his.

Laughing at her question, he shrugs. "I dunno. Probably not. I do try to control myself when she comes back, ya know." His lips form a sly grin. "But hopefully I show how much I always miss her. The worst part is not having anything to do." He rolls his eyes. "What did I do before she came along anyway?" 

The sky had grown black. Stars twinkled from light years away, while a few clouds blocked some of the view. Rosalyn's eyes stare up at the darkness through the windshield of Chad's jeep as he drove back towards the ranch. It had been a wonderful evening. After such a nice dinner, they'd found a movie they both wanted to see and had enjoyed that together as well. Unfortunately, the inevitable always came, and tonight that meant they had to go back to the ranch. 

Rosalyn had been quiet since setting out again. She wasn't really sure what to think or say or do. Would her father still be up when she got home? What did her mother think? What about anybody else? Had her father caused more trouble after she'd left? Did she even want to go home tonight at all? She'd already toyed with the idea of sleeping on the couch in the living room off the dining hall. Anything to avoid her father. 

Sighing deeply, she leans her head over to rest it on Chad's shoulder, while her fingers find his free hand on his lap. "Can I just pretend that this night will last forever?"


Misty gives a smile and a nod she would let Jason clean up while she made the tea. Getting two cups and a few saucers she put some cookies on them setting them on the table. Pouring the tea and than sitting down again waiting for Jason to come back after cleaning up. She was looking forward to drinking the tea and enjoying it.

Coming out into the waiting room as Carson leaves Nate doesn't say anything but watches as he walks back down the hall. He'd gone home and gotten dressed talked with Laura before coming back for a little bit. Shaking his head Nate comes into the waiting room more sitting down next to Dani.

   "Hey Dani, how you holding up? Any new on a change?"

It wasn't till a few hours later that Dalton would start to stir. Things were hazy and he hurt so much not quite sure where he was. The last thing he remembered was he was on a missing, and than he thought he remembered he heart Dani's voice telling him not to give up but...everything seem fuzzy.

   "Hey...its good to see you awake Hun!"

Looking to the side and seeing a woman in his room Dalton squints. He was still confused on everything that was around him. Had he gotten hurt?


Coming closer to Dalton the nurse gives a smile laying a hand on his arm trying her best to be soft. He'd been through a lot and she didn't want to get him upset again.

   "Just stay calm ok? You were shot and things are rough still but your stable for the moment. I think you have some friends here too that might like to see you give me one second ok."

Leaving the room the Nurse heads down the hall finding Nate and Dani in the waiting room. Coming closer she gives a smile looking at them. It was a good sign that Dalton was awake. Even if he still had to take it easy and not get to excited about thing at least he was awake and doing things on his own.

   "Dalton is awake now if you guys would like to go in and see him for a little bit. Just...try not to upset him to much ok?"

Looking at her brother again Ryan gives him half a smile. His words were always made her feel better even if they were few. What Eli thought was always important to her, and having him talk to her just seemed to help a little bit.

   "Thanks Eli for dealing with my moody self. I hope to not be like this for to much longer."

Standing Ryan goes over to his chair and leans down giving him a kiss on the top of his head. Before giving him a little hug too. She really was so happy that he was here with her. She liked her alone time but she really enjoyed having her brother close too.

   "Better tell that woman of yours to come home soon or your going to go stir crazy. Thinks she really knows how much you miss her?"

Rejected Again

Jason nods numbly before turning to look at Misty and reaching out to pull her into a hug. What if it had been him tonight? Kissing the top of her head, he gives her an extra squeeze. "Tea sounds good... I need to settle down. Just give me time to change out of these clothes." 

Being released from Rick's care felt good, especially since Carson wasn't sure how much longer he could survive just a room away from Misty without being allowed to see her. What he hadn't planned on was the day he was able to get out, being informed of Dalton's condition. And despite the rift between him and his sister, he wanted to make sure she was okay. So before going back to the apartment, his destination was the hospital. It also gave him more purpose for leaving TJY... otherwise he might stick around and try to see Misty again, but he knew he was not wanted. As hard as it was for him to accept, he knew that his company was no longer welcomed, whether he'd told the truth or not.

Getting to the hospital, he goes inside and asks around to finally be pointed in the right direction. Though still feeling more depressed than ever in his life, he at least had regained physical strength under Rick's care. Color was back in his face again and he had slept enough the past few days to make up for most of his exhaustion. He'd been warned though, to take better care of himself. Another attack like that and he could wind up spending more than just a few days at TJY.

Finding the waiting room, he hesitates a moment before going inside. For the moment, Dani was the only one there. "Dani?"

She looks up quickly from the magazine she'd been browsing, her eyes going wide at seeing Carson. She hadn't expected him to come here at all, and her surprise is quickly overcome by a bitter tone. "What are you doing here?"

Carson hadn't known what to expect, but he hadn't thought she'd be this cold, especially at a time like this. "I... I came to see if you were okay."

"Me?" Dani stands up, tossing the magazine back on the table. She was upset about Dalton, she'd had very little sleep, and she didn't want to deal with her mixed emotions about her brother right now. "I'm not the one who got shot. If you want to go see Dalton, be my guest, but I'd prefer it if you left me alone."

Carson's shoulders drop. "But... didn't anyone... I mean..."

"Did I hear the so-called truth that you didn't really let your life go to pot? Yeah, I did. And all I know now is that you're an even better liar than I thought."

"But I-"

"I don't want to hear it, Carson." Dani points to the door. "Please leave."

Dani too. First Misty, now his own sister. Both knew the truth, and both chose not to let him back into his lives. How could he have been so wrong? "Can I just... sit a while with you?"

Dani looks away from his pleading eyes, fearing she would give in. She'd never seen him like this before. He looked terrible and he was so... so... crushed. It was heartbreaking, but she still didn't want to deal with him. Especially not now. "I'd rather not."


"Out, Carson!" She points to the door one more time. "Take your good will and stick it up your butt. I don't need it, and I don't need you."

Swallowing hard, Carson finally backs away before turning around and leaving. How had his presence just made things worse? He'd come to help... come to make sure his sister was okay. And she treated him like this? Why? He'd been so sure that the truth would make everything right again. But it was as if it had almost made things worse. How could he have misjudged everyone so much? It made him feel sick. And worse, it made him feel worthless.

Sitting back down in the chair, Dani leans forward to put her face in her hands as she cries. She did want company. She did want comfort. She did want someone to talk to and a shoulder to cry on. But not Carson's. Not the man who lied to everyone and broke their trust. Not the man who knowingly hurt those around him because of his pride. No... she just couldn't do it. But how it made her heart ache. And more tears come.

Eli purses his lips as he thinks, trying to subdue the irritation he felt below the surface. Not against Ryan - against Alec. Alec was not to be trusted. He had hurt Ryan and hurt Tal, almost killing him. And now he was obviously trying to get back into Ryan's good graces, and in the process, he was upsetting her. If he hadn't shown back up again, Ryan wouldn't be struggling with her feelings now. But Eli knew he couldn't be harsh. He knew his sister, though tough, had tender feelings deep down and he wasn't about to step on them. She couldn't help it that she still loved Alec. 

Sighing, he gives Ryan a good long stare. He wanted to advise her. He wanted to tell her to quit being so nice to Alec. He wanted to tell her that Tal was the better man - that Alec was scum and would just hurt her again. But he knew it was her life, not his. This was her choice, whether he liked it or not. 

"Well... I guess I can't say I've ever been in that position, so I don't know what it feels like, but..." He shrugs lamely, not even knowing where that train of thought had been going. "I guess if you hate to love Alec, then you have the choice of either not hating it anymore, which would separate you and Tal, or resist it and tell Alec he has no business in your life anymore. I just hate seeing you stuck like this... I miss your smile."