

As Alec continues to sit in Ryan's car she just continues to watch him. She couldn't help but not take her eyes off him. She'd always thought he was good looking and now with a little bit of a calm edge to him it just seemed to add to his attraction.

   "I'd never want to go back and redo something. If I did than I wouldn't have learned the lessons I have. I wouldn't mind changing a few situations though with the knowledge that was gained from it."

Looking away for a second Ryan plays with a loose string thats was on her steering wheel cover. She missed Alec, he had been something special to her, but now...now things were different and they just couldn't be the way they were. Even if she did still care very deeply for Alec. 

As Alec comes close and gives her a kiss on the cheek Ryan can feel her heart start to race. Even when he'd backed away it was still racing. Bringing a hand to her cheek it was almost like she skin was on fire but in a good way. Watching Alec get out Ryan watches him as a tear forms in her eye. So many mixed emotions churned inside her. When did things get so hard? She loved Tal but...she loved Alec still too.

Pulling out of the driveway Ryan backs out of the parking spot and heads for home. This time though she would take the long way as a few tears stream from her eyes. She just wanted to be healed, not to hurt anymore. She didn't like this confusion.

Looking down at his lobster and steak Chad's lips watered. It looked and smelled so well he could hardly contain his own excitement. Taking his first bite it melted in his mouth as he looked across the table at Rosalyn. Hearing her words Chad puts his fork and knife down once again. Cocking his head as he looked at her his eyes were stirn but soft and his voice matched.

   "Rosalyn, this is the second time you've said this to me, and you need to stop. I'm not going anywhere or else I already would have left. Anyone can think what they want about me, and though it would hurt, I know what I want and I am not willing to let it walk away when I know she wants the same thing."

Reaching his hand across the table and letting it rest on Rosalyn's Chad gives a smile to her before closing her hand a little bit letting his just wrap around hers. He had strong feelings for her even over a short amount of time. Tomorrow was uncertain but he new how he felt now and he wouldn't give that up.


Watching Ryan's eyes, Alec's heart beat a little faster. Oh if only he could rewind his life to right before he made such awful mistakes. To back up and erase his choices. The things that had separated him from the one person who had gotten through to his heart - and he hadn't even realized that until it was too late. 

Realizing he'd been holding his breath, he turns his sights out the windshield for a moment, giving a quiet laugh. "I seem to have forgotten how to get out of your car." 

Looking down, he fiddles with the key he'd retrieved from his pocket, ready to go inside the house. "Ever wish that there were some magic words that could take you back in time so you could redo everything you regret?" 

His eyes drift back to Ryan's again. "I always thought fairytales were stupid... until I found myself wishing there was a way to rewrite my life and have it all magically turn out okay in the end. But..." He sighs deeply. "I suppose that's what a man gets for thinking he's got it all under control and forgetting about the things that mean the most to him." He shakes his head. "Seeing Carson make a similar mistake is like reliving it... and seeing you..." 

He reaches out slowly and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear with a gentle touch. "...Just makes me wish all the more for that fairytale." 

Without stopping to think, he leans over quickly and gives her cheek a tender kiss before pulling back and slipping out of the car. Shutting the door, he taps his palm on the roof before turning and heading to the house without looking back.

Rosalyn manages a quiet laugh at Chad's humor about the lobster. She hadn't thought of how his job might affect his food preferences. "I like seafood too. Actually, it's been quite a while since I've had any. Usually I only come to town for shopping during the week. Or church on Sundays. It's probably been about six months since I was in town for supper at all, and I think that was after some auction or something. I'm pretty sure the meal was hotdogs."

Closing her eyes and just letting herself relax next to Chad, she tries to forget about her dad for now so she could enjoy the evening. Easier said than done, but if anybody could get her to have fun, she had a feeling, it would be Chad.

"There's a decent restaurant I've been to once or twice - I can't remember what it's called, but it's basically a steakhouse and they've got some seafood too..."

...Though not remembering the restaurant name, she still knew how to get there, so once they finally arrive to town, she directs Chad the right way. By the time they get to the restaurant it was supper time, and by the time they get settled, order and receive their food, Rosalyn's stomach was ready to handle the scrumptious smelling food. She'd chosen a dinner with both shrimp and lobster, taking advantage of actually getting to eat here again.

"Thank you, Chad..." She pauses her eating to look across at him, truly thankful that he'd still been willing to stick around after what had happened. "I don't know what things will be like tomorrow... but I'd still understand it if you didn't want to stay. I wouldn't hold it against you."


Chasing out and than heading for her car Ryan can't help but laugh at Mackenzie as she makes comments about her car. It always made her feel good when someone would say something, and more so when it was the innocents of a child. It kind of felt like she was bringing a bright spot to there day to meet someone who to them was important.

   "Always remember even though your a girl you can do anything you put your mind too."

Getting into the car and making sure Mackenzie and Alec were all settled Ryan pulls out and down the road. The ride was a little slower than she normal went but that was because of Mackenzie being in the car. Ryan didn't want to put the girls life in danger and this gave her some time to think too.

There was something about Alec that was much different that Ryan had been use to. In the presents of Mackenzie, he seemed...calm,  with a good head on his shoulders and a deep love for the child. She wondered if that was just when the girl was around or had he changed to be like that now? Giving a glance to the side She can't help but noticed he looked much different too. He'd really cleaned up and looked like he was working twords being on the right road. 

Pulling in the driveway and helping Mackenzie out of the car Ryan smiles and gives a wave back to her as she heads up to the house. It had been a nice ride and Ryan had enjoyed meeting her.

   "Cut kid. She seems to like you a lot. I think its pretty cool your doing this for her."

Looking to Alec Ryan gives a smile letting her eyes linger on him for a moment. Now that she wasn't driving she was able to look at him a little better and he was starting to get life back in his eyes. Thought there was still a missing spark but there was life again. Emotions bubbled inside Ryan as her eyes run over his face and on his lips for a second before back to his eyes.

   "Anytime Alec, I dont mind at all."