

Getting pulled close Chad can't help that his arms went lightly around Rosalyn to hold her for a moment looking down into her eyes. Returning the kiss to her lips he can't help but let his eyes dance with her enjoying the short moment.

   "I have no idea whats your talking about. I simply don't want anyone here to eat off a dirty plate and get sick. Nothing conniving about that..."

Hearing a noise that sounded a little close Chad lets go of Rosalyn and cleans his throat going back to the sink and picking up the sponge in the water and washing a plate. Before putting it in the dish rack.

   "Better get back to work before someone thinks you'er the one taking advantage of a poor mans kindness to help you."

Taking a scoop of ice cream and licking it before putting the spoon in her mouth Misty was quiet for a second. Sometimes she was so strong people might not even know something was really bothering her. Today though she was having a hard time holding those feelings at bay for people not to see them. Just something about Mackenzie being here had reminded her of Carson and how much he was missing of his daughters life, and what he would miss of his soon to be child as well. It really made her sad.

   "It's sad Alec, to see Mackenzie and think about how much of her life Carson has missed. Than I think about our baby and how much of his or her life he's going to miss too. Maybe thats why I want to help Mackenzie so much."

Looking down at the ice cream and taking another scoop Misty lets out another sigh. There was no dwelling on things like this because they couldn't be changed but it was just telling a little on how she was feeling right now. But why should she worry Alec with this stuff? Maybe it was awkward for him she didn't know.

   "How's the shed coming? I haven't been out there to look."

Take advantage

Getting dragged into the kitchen, Alec squirms until Misty lets him go. "What are you..." 

Finally let go, he realizes she's going for the ice cream. Giving her a wry grin, he's about to decline, but... maybe one little bowl would be okay. Perhaps it was more the company than the ice cream that was really needed right now anyway. 

"Oh, alright." He accepts the spoon. "A little. Then I gotta get back out to the shed." 

Flopping down in a kitchen chair, he sighs before letting his thumb rub back and forth with the wood grain. He wasn't sure why he liked Mackenzie the way he did. He'd never liked kids before. She was just... Well, she was his niece, that was all. And Misty... maybe having the girl here had been too much of a reminder of Carson. 

Having the dishes put back into the soapy water, Rosalyn gives a wail before slapping a hand over her mouth, hoping no one had heard her. "Chad, you turkey!" she whispers hoarsely.

Getting snapped with the towel didn't help matters, and her scowl was half a smile as she tried not to laugh. "Why do I get the feeling you want this to take all night, hmm?" 

Grabbing at the towel, she gives it a hearty yank, pulling Chad towards her. Winding up closer than planned, her hands go to his chest and she looks up at him with a smile. "You are not only a flirt, but you're conniving as well, sir." 

Standing on her tiptoes, she gives his lips a little kiss. "But for some really weird reason, I rather like it. So you better not take advantage." 

All Night

Looking over to Alec Misty gives a smile and a small nod. Just looking at Alec for a long moment Misty couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips. Slinging her arm around Alec's shoulder she pulls him close to her and ruffles his hair pulling him into the kitchen as she walks.

   "He's alright huh...Well Mr Motcho, He is a pretty good guy. And the fact he's gonna try and making it so Mackenzie can see us more makes him better than alright."

Still dragging Alec into the kitchen Misty finally lets go of him before going to the freezer. Pulling out some ice cream and grabbing a spoon she holds one out to Alec to see if he wanted some too.

   "Want to join me for a little? Gotta sent Jason a text in a little bit but...I could go for some good healing medicine first...ice cream fixes everything."

Taking up his position for drying the dishes and putting them to the side he didn't mind helping or drying the dishes. Cleaning never bothered him and he rather enjoyed it. Life was better when stuff was clean, and didn't sit around to have time smelling, or just looking junky.

   "I have lots of shirts with buttons. I think they are a lot more airy than tshirts."

Hearing about how Rosalyn's brother had given her the fifth degree Chad was a little surprised, but he kind of understood. Mark was the same way and already with the twenty questions he new that he thought something was going on but had no proof to actually say anything. Sometimes having an older sibling was a pain even if you new they did it out of love.

   "Yeah, I guess its a good idea not to having anymore ideas. Seems like he might have lots of his own already and boy does he seem like the kind of guy with an active mind."

Having some bubbles flicked at him Chad gives a laugh as his eyes twinkle and give a little spark. Looking down at the plate he was holding and than looking closer he looks back at Rosalyn before putting the place into the bubbly sink again. 

   "Still dirty, I think there is cheese stuff on it or something. Better clean all these again."

Picking up all the dishes that had just been washed Chad putts them back into the sink with the water giving a laugh at Rosalyn as he does. Backing away a little bit he winds his towel up before flicking it at her leg with a little snap.

   "Better get on it or we will be here all night."

Awfully long time...

Justin nods slowly, letting the wheels in his mind turn. He knew a bit about Misty, and after seeing her today, he would trust his sixth sense that she was a good woman. He knew a bit about Alec too, and though he didn't appear to be the best of characters, it would seem some changes had been happening. Also knowing that Carson would not be around would probably help the cause. 

"Okay. Well... I'll work on that then." He'd like to say more, but he knew he'd better wait until things progressed. One thing at a time. "I'm sure I'll be in touch." He nods his thanks. "You two have a good day." 

Once he was gone, Alec still hadn't gone out back to work again yet. He folds his hands across his chest, obviously deep in thought until he glances at Misty. "Ya know... I didn't think I'd like a guy like him. Counselor, I mean, but..." Seeing the way he'd worked with Mackenzie had been impressive. "I guess he's alright." 

Receiving the nudge from Chad, Rosalyn automatically grins. "Hey. Thought you mighta cleared out with the others." 

Rinsing some silverware, she watches him out of the corner of her eye. His offer to help really was sweet, and she had a feeling it had nothing to do with the task needing to be done. It would seem he'd wanted to spend more time with her as much as she had wanted it too. Still grinning, she tosses him a dishtowel. "Here. You can dry while I wash." 

Having him stand next to her, she found herself sidling a little closer, even if it made washing dishes a little less easy. "I... thought you might need another button fixed," she muses quietly. "But... my brother already gave me the fifth-degree after he spotted me leaving your bunk last night." 

She hadn't told Chad about it earlier, but now she didn't want him to think she didn't want to see him tonight or something. It was just... a better idea if she didn't do the same thing again.

She rolls her eyes. "I love him, but he can be a pain." She flicks some bubbles in Chad's direction, also tossing him a sly smile. "Might take an awfully long time to finish these dishes though..." 


Misty gives a smile to Justin and a small nod. She'd love to see her more often., she did care about her and it help her than she was happy. Life was hard and cruel, everyone needed people they could trust and lean on. Misty new what rejection could do and she'd seen so many people who have gone to work for the Agency because of different situations and that was the last thing she wanted to see with Mackenzie. She new Alec would understand that too.

   "That's something I was hoping would happen. I'd mentioned maybe even having her spend the night. I know it'd be one night but I have the extra room upstairs and it would just be nice to have have her here."

She wanted Mackenzie to know she was loved and they missed her very much. Also it was important for Misty to let her get to know her brother or sister. There was so many family she didn't have or see now that this was important and Misty new it. In a small way she kind of understood too. Even though her own brother had his problems Misty missed him at times too.

   "If you talk to Ken about it you can let him know Carson is not allowed to be around here either in case anyone is worried about that."

Dinner was finished bring tomorrow even closer and Chad couldn't help but give a little sigh. He'd had a nice dinner and though he didn't interact with Rosalyn to much it was still nice to have her close and every once and a while feel that tap on his foot. Just knowing she was there and paying attachen to him.

As everyone was getting up and moving around Chad spots a card game going on and than quickly looks to the kitchen where he new Rosalyn was. He really wasn't to tired yet and tomorrow on there drive he could always fall back asleep. Maybe stealing a little more time wouldn't be a bad thing.

   "Hey guys I think I'm gonna stay and join in the card game."

   "Are you trying to get out of driving tomorrow?"

April gives a grin at Chad. She new he loved driving but often Mark took his spot scared of how fast he was going or some other random here and there. Could never keep those to happy with each other even though they really did care.

   "Never, I'll just do the later driving. Anyways I'm always up before you guys so I don't know what makes you think I sleep late."

   "Maybe April just wants to make sure your not getting yourself in trouble."

   Shaking his head Chad whacks Mark over the head before standing and heading over to the table with the cards. He loves his brother but he was a pain in the butt sometimes. He always had been and probley always would be. Taking a longer rout though he did feel kind of thirsty and he thought maybe a drink was calling his name.

Entering the kitchen and seeing Rosalyn was alone Chad smile before going over to her and giving her a little bump while he picks up one of the glasses. He'd steal all the time he could.

   "I was hoping you'd be in here by yourself. Need any help? Was going to play cards but...I wouldn't mind help you either, after all you are the one who cooked the dinner."


Jade laughs at Chad and Mark going back and forth. "Hey... just because I'm engaged doesn't mean I don't like a compliment. Besides..." She gives Dan a sidelong glance. "Some people get too used to things around here and start taking them for granted." She sticks out a teasing tongue at him, while her hand gives his leg a pat. Dan was very good at never taking anything for granted and she knew it. It was fun to tease sometimes though.

Rosalyn rolls her eyes, taking another bite of stew. "Mm... well, I'm not so sure about the charmer part. A blatant flirt, yes." She shakes her head. "Don't worry about him sucking up to anyone though. We're all pretty good and seeing through shallow remarks."

Looking to the side at Chad, the corners of her mouth twitch, making it impossible to believe she was serious. "Now... finishing one's plate and going for seconds.... that's a compliment."

The rest of the meal continues with light chatter and banter. Rosalyn being somewhat careful not to go overboard with her interactions with Chad, but unable to help but at least enjoy herself. Soon though, stomachs are full and last-minute chores needed to be finished. People start slowly filtering out of the dining hall, some promising to return in a while for some card games. There were quite a few takers tonight.

Rosalyn finds herself in the kitchen with Becky to do the dishes until she convinces her mother to take the rest of the night off - she'd finish the dishes herself since she didn't have anything better to do. 

Standing at the sink, she rinses some of the bowls out, preferring to spend time watching bubbles than putting everything in the dishwasher tonight. Sometimes it was nice just to clean them with her own two hands. And... it gave her mind time to wander too. Specifically, wander to Chad. She'd liked  being able to sit with him at supper, but was somewhat sad when they'd had to part ways again. She was tempted to go to his bunk tonight - she knew he'd let her. But after Clint's little speech, she knew it would probably be best if she avoided that again. And... without the excuse of sewing on a button... maybe it was a little inappropriate for her to just go to Chad's bunk after dark. 

Sighing, she stares down into the mound of bubbles. It was like a dreamland far away with castles made from clouds and rainbows at every turn. She cups her hands and brings some of the bubbles up to her face, blowing on them softly to watch some of them float on the air until they popped. Dreams were sometimes like bubbles.

Mackenzie swallows hard, trying not to cry. She wanted to stay here. She liked Misty and Misty liked her too. Why couldn't she see her more? She finally pulls herself away and heads quickly for the door, her head hanging so she wouldn't look back. Ken thanks Misty and Alec briefly before following his daughter and all too soon, they are gone. 

Justin lingers a few minutes though, also thanking Alec and Misty. Shaking their hands, he signals he's going to leave too, although he doesn't quite yet. 

"As Mackenzie's counselor, I'm considering recommending that she see more of you two. If.. that's something you'd also consider?"