

Rolling onto his back Chad gives a stretch as his internal clock goes off. He felt stiff but wasn't sure why till he realized he was on the floor and the night before comes back to him. Rosalyn had been with him, she'd fallen a sleep and her had too forgetting to wake her, Sitting up quickly and looking to the side he finds it empty and for a moment his heart sinks. Rosalyn must have gotten up in the middle of the night and slipped away. Though there was a little pang of sadness Chad new it was probley for the best. He didn't want to get anyone in trouble even if they had done nothing wrong.

Getting up and doing his normal ruteen Chad takes his shower, does his devotions but opts out on the run today. He was to stiff right now to even think about it so maybe a little later he could take a walk, and maybe a cretin someone could join him. Chad smiles at the though as his mind goes back to the night before and he can feel the grin grow just a little bit.

...Making his way to the mess hall today like he had yesterday he was pleasantly surprised to see Rosalyn was in the kitchen alone again. He was hoping she would be before anyone else was awake. He felt strange sneaking around but at the same time it was kind of exciting. They weren't doing anything wrong but he got the impression that Rosalyn's family might not to be happy and he'd rather not start any trouble, at least not yet. 

   "Good Morning Sunshine!"

Coming up behind her Chad puts his arms around her before grabbing a spatula to mix the eggs a little bit while she was busy with the bacon. Breakfast smelled all to good and so did Rosalyn. Turning his head a little to look at her his eyes sparkle with a new life.

   "Sorry I fell asleep last night. I wanted to stay awake so I could wake you in a few hours but I guess...I was just to comfortable myself. I didn't get you in trouble did I?"

Red Flag

Rosalyn doesn't even feel herself being repositioned as Chad makes her and himself more comfortable. Feeling a soft pillow under her head, a warm blanket and a safe arm draped around her, she sighs deeply...

3am. Rosalyns' eyes flutter open. The light was still on, but it felt like it was really late. Something felt strange though. Not moving, she figures out she was on the floor - the floor of Chad's bunkhouse, and she suddenly realizes that he is directly behind her with his arm around her. Smiling a little, her hand rests on his arm, soaking in his warmth. Mmmm, she was comfortable.

3am?! Suddenly coming to her senses, she knew that she needed to go. She'd have to get up in another couple hours, but if she waited that long, she would more easily be found out. And no matter how innocent this whole thing was, it would look really bad and she'd never live it down.

Despite not wanting to, she slowly eases out from under Chad's arm. Rolling over and sitting up, she looks back at him for a moment, smiling a little to herself. He looked so peaceful sleeping. What was this flutter in her heart? It was unfamiliar. Leaning down, she gives Chad's cheek a soft kiss before she stands up. Tiptoeing to the door, she looks over her shoulder one last time before turning off the lights and slipping out into the cool night air...

...Rosalyn stifles a yawn before turning over some of the strips of bacon sizzling on the stove. After getting home from Chad's, sleep had not come easily, leaving her exhausted by the time she had to get up and head over to the dining hall to fix breakfast again. Not that she minded... It was an awfully hard secret to keep, but so far, no one had indicated they knew a thing. She knew she'd done nothing wrong. She'd spent some innocent time with Chad. There had been nothing more than a kiss - a passionate kiss, but just a kiss. But despite her knowing good and well she and Chad were both innocent... there was a red flag in the forefront of her mind that warned her to keep quiet. Chad was a guest. A male guest. A bit older, and more mature male guest. A guest that she had known for one day. And something warned her to keep quiet unless she wanted her father to jump down Chad's throat. She could only hope that Chad would have sense enough to keep his mouth shut too - at least if other people were around.

Sliding one batch of bacon from the frying pan, she starts another, keeping an eye on the scrambled eggs too. Her mother had come down with a cold after feeling under the weather yesterday, so Rosalyn had offered again to take care of the morning meal. Jade hadn't shown up yet, but that was okay with Rosalyn. It... gave her more time to think about... pleasant things.

A small smile creeps across her lips. Just because she was tired didn't mean she didn't remember feeling so warm and comfortable. And if she could get just one more of those kisses... she wouldn't mind.

Just a little

Starting up the game the time slowly slipped past. Joking, laughing, eating more Twizzlers and just having a blast. It had been a long time since Chad had, had this much fun and was just himself in a long time. It really felt nice and he didn't want the night to end to soon, because that was just one day closer to the end.

   "Yeah, so my job has dangers here and there but nothing to bad as long as I don't act dumb. Your turn!"

Looking at his card but not getting a reply from Rosalyn Chad looks down and to his side. Seeing her cards laying in front of her and her head leaning on his shoulder he can't help but smile. It was late lots had happened today and no matter how much he didn't want sleep to come he new it was a must. 

Rosalyn looked so peaceful asleep sitting up but at the same time she looked a little uncomfortable. His common sense told him to wake her up and have her head home but she just looked so at peace that he didn't want to wake her. Maybe he's just let her sleep a little but than wake her up. Just a few hours anyways.

Moving slightly to put his cards down and move hers Chad reaches up on the bed with his free hand and grabs the pillow and a light blanket. Putting them on the ground gently Chad shifts so Rosalyn shifts with him. Laying down his arm under her he picks the blanket up and lays it over her before getting comfortable on top of it. That way there was a barrier and if Rosalyn awake she wouldn't feel invaded.

Turning on his side Chad just watches her sleep for a few moments as a smile spreads across his lips. She did look so at peace sound a sleep it was hard not to watch her. Feeling his own eyes get tired though he finally lays his head down and drapes his other arm around her tucking it under her side and holding her close to him. Just a little bit than he could wake and have Rosalyn head home.

But the minutes turned into hours and Chad was so comfortable that sleep found him easy and a deep sleep it was feeling Rosalyn's warmth next to him. It wouldn't be till morning he would awake!

Too Comfortable

"I'm actually rather fond of Go Fish." Rosalyn keeps a straight face as she reaches for a Twizzler. Finally grinning though, she shakes her head. "Euchre is fine though." She'd learned to play quite a variety of card games since living here - it was a must for the night owls. She liked most of them though, so she never really minded what was played.

Getting started with the game, Rosalyn finds herself chatting and laughing with ease as they played. Teasing each other was the best, and she'd finally found someone quick enough with comebacks to make the banter fun. Losing all track of time, she really didn't care. This was the most fun she'd had in a while, and she wasn't yet ready to give it up. In a couple days, it would be gone - she wanted to soak up as much as she could.

Somewhere along the line, she ends up sitting next to Chad, either carefully holding her cards sideways, or just plain not caring if he saw them. And as her eyes grow heavy, she leans her head on his shoulder, forcing herself to continue the game. With each hand though, her eyes grew heavier and heavier, closing in between turns. And eventually, she misses a turn, her cards sliding from her limp hand. It was late, it had been a long day, and her body was just too comfortable.

Go Fish

Just sitting there longer with Rosalyn Chad didn't mind at all and how long they sat he wasn't sure but it didn't matter. Having her in his lap was ok with him, comfortable and didn't feel strange at all. She could sit there as long as she wanted and he wouldn't have a care in the world.

   "Ok I wont pull the button off the shirt. Some one might wonder why I have little blood dots on them all if that happens and I have to fix it."

Finally as she moves a little bit Chad moves his arms to the side so she could go witch ever way she wanted. Seeing her get comfortable he smiles before moving his own cup so he didn't dump it. Leaning over and putting a deck of cards and a package of Twizzlers out he sets them down before offering one to Rosalyn.

Taking a bite of one of the Twizzlers he picks up the cards again and start to shuffle. Thinking about the different kind of card games they could play. It had been a long time for him but he thought he still remembered how to play a few.

   "Well I liked Euchre the best if your ok with that, but I also know how to play Gin and Go Fish too"

Chad can't help but laugh at his own dumb comment. This night had turned out a lot better than he had planned and with the kiss finally exchanged it seemed like so much tension was gone. Now knowing each other on another level the feelings were free to just run between them, both of them secretly knowing what no one else did.

What kind?

Rosalyn laughs outright, giving Chad's shoulder a smack. "You rip that button off and you can sew it back on yourself."

Sighing with content, she nods. It was late enough... she wouldn't be missed by anybody. "Okay... I'll stick around.... for a little while. However..." She grins again, her finger toying with the hem of his shirt. "I'm gonna need just a couple more minutes here until I can move again."

It was true - her legs did still feel like jelly. One thing was certain though.... her nervousness around Chad was gone. It was as if giving in to a few sweet moments of affection had curbed both of their silent wants. She could stand it if he wanted to kiss some more... but she was quite content just to spend some time with him now too. Kissing each other seemed to have allowed the admitting of passion, enough to simmer things down again. And Rosalyn was glad. She wasn't sure how much longer she could have stood the tension.

Finally prying herself from Chad, she slides off his lap to remain sitting on the floor. Scooting back a little, she makes room for cards between them. Picking up her cup, she takes another sip of fruit juice. "So... what kind of card games do you like?"


Just letting Rosalyn find whatever comfortable spot she wanted, and letting her snuggle into him he liked it. Feeling her close, her skin on his neck it was just so unbelievable soft. He liked it, even the little kiss to his neck brings out a soft humm.

   "You might be right! Something tells me if you cousin came in with you on the floor and me standing over top of you, I might be dead."

Continuing to hold Rosalyn close Chad was honor to have this moment, and he wasn't going to give it up. He'd found something special here and to think he'd almost opted to go home while the others came here. Now, Now he was happy April convinced him to come a long too. This moment he wouldn't give up and though he didn't know what would happen next he promised himself he wouldn't give up, not this time, he was gonna fight for what he wanted.

Looking down into her eyes those eyes that had captured the first time he looked into them from down the table  Chad new he could get lost in them. So bright and full of life, and so much yet to be discovered.

Hearing her comment he can't help but give a loud chuckle. Maybe he was a flirt with her but she seemed to like it and really thats all the mattered. Not changing that...he could handle it. Around Rosalyn it just seemed so easy and naturel.

   "Alright I promise I wont change the flirting as long as you promise to stay with me a little longer and play some cards. I don't think I really want to be alone yet. I mean if I have to I'll rip that button off my shirt again."

Everything Else

Eventually releasing from the kiss, only now does Rosalyn realize how out of breath she is. Breathing heavily, she leans her forehead against Chad's, her eyes remaining closed. If she opened them, would this dream be gone?

His words bring out a giggle though and she finally opens her eyes to stare into his gaze - that never-ending conduit to his soul. "Maybe it's a good thing you didn't get a chance to kiss me in the kitchen..." She continues to try and catch her breath. "'Cause I don't think I could get up now, even if I wanted to."

Every muscle felt like it was made out of jelly and she was so relaxed it felt almost exhausting. Only a few moments had passed in reality, but it felt as though it had been a lifetime.

Her fingers toy with his hair until she finally nuzzles into him, burying her face against his neck and breathing deeply his sweet scent. So this was what it felt like to be held close by a man. It was a good feeling. A wonderful feeling. Would it end? She didn't want to think about it. Forever, or temporary, tonight she'd received what she considered to be a special gift - she felt wanted and worthy.

"Your lap is really comfortable," she murmurs. Wriggling her fingers on his back and daring a light kiss on his neck, she giggles again. "And so is everything else."

Pulling back to look at him once more, her eyes twinkle. Her words from last night come back to her. "You sir, are a flirt." She cocks her head, biting her lower lip. "But if I'm gonna be completely honest... don't change, okay?"


Feeling Rosalyn relax with his arms around her sharing this moment together Chad himself became a little more confidant as he let his emotions show just a little more. Knowing he didn't frighten her or make her want to slap him and run he felt good, and that he was ok with this emotion, this feeling, with this new experience he was showing.

With Rosalyn's one had on his chest and the other on his back it felt good to have her arms around him. The warmth, the need to keep this woman safe in this moment and it was he she was clinging to. He couldn't help his heart that started to race even more so much that he thought for sure Rosalyn would be able to feel it and right now he didn't care.

As the kiss continues Chad can't help but murmur his approval. Rosalyn had never been this close with a guy before he certainly couldn't tell aside from a little awkwardness but hardly anything that mattered. She matched his affection well and challenged him back. She took his breath away and he himself almost felt dumb founded.

Finally pulling away and opening his eyes slowly Chad brings his hand from behind Rosalyn's hear around to her cheek and runs his finger down her jaw, around, over her lips before settling to cradle her face. Leaning in and giving another kiss to the lips but not letting it linger as long he pulls away once more. His eyes sparked with a new life, a spark that had been lite once again, something new, exciting, his eyes shown deep and bright as he gasped for a little air. Rosalyn had taken his breath away for sure.

   "Wow, I think your the first person ever to make me at a loss for works...and thats a good thing."


Chad's words were sweet, but Rosalyn does shake her head a little. No, she really didn't have anybody to go do things with. She wasn't sure when she'd started to feel trapped. She'd been homeschooled, but had then gone to high school and even took two years in college before going out and getting a job. From the outside, it wouldn't appear she'd been sheltered. Perhaps though, it was more of what had happened on the inside than out. Perhaps her feeling trapped had spawned from obligations at home - constantly being with her mother, whom she knew was lonely. Getting a job to help support herself and her mother - not just having her own place. Making very few friends because she was too busy and taught that taking care of oneself and family came before fun. Rarely leaving town or doing fun things because there were too many responsibilities at home. Missing out on parts of life because she'd grown up without a father. It's just... the way it was.

Then moving to the ranch a few years ago, the world had only gotten smaller. And perhaps while there were things about her previous life that she hadn't minded, as she grew older and her dreams grew bigger, it just proved to her how small her world really was. Maybe it hadn't been up until recent years that she had even outgrown that world. But now she had. Whether for a long time or just recently. And she did feel trapped.

Feeling Chad's hand on her face, she could feel her heart beat just a little faster again, but she can't help but lean a little into his touch. It was more than just a warm physical touch. In his hand was a strange form of comfort that Rosalyn didn't recognize, yet she craved.

Looking into his eyes, his words rang sweetly in her ears - and her heart. She knew that people here valued her. Her family loved her and she didn't doubt that. But coming from someone else... coming from a man outside of her family circle... it felt different. It felt like something she needed without even realizing it - a man's affirmation that she was worth something.

As Chad leans a little closer, Rosalyn doesn't move. He was so close she could feel his breath on her skin, and for a brief moment, she recalls their close encounter that morning in the kitchen.

His next words stun her. He was warning her - not asking. And even though she could feel her face growing ten times hotter, she felt glued in place. There was a part of her that felt petrified of being this close to a man, and she wanted to turn and bolt out the door. And there was a part of her that wanted to stay right here and find out just what a man's affections could be like.

Without any more time to think, Chad's lips were suddenly pressing against hers. That alone makes her pulse race, and she tenses, shocked by the sudden wave of tingles down her spine. But something kept her from pulling away. Intrigue. Mystery. Enjoyment.

As she feels his hand go to the back of her head and rake through her hair, her muscles automatically relax. One of her hands rises to rest against his cheek, perhaps wanting power should she decide to run, or perhaps just wanting to feel his face under her fingers again. Just beginning to lean into him a little more, she's suddenly being moved. Giving a little gasp of surprise, her hands go to his shoulders as she's set in his lap. Without time to react though, he was kissing her again. Letting her eyes fall shut, she felt as though she were melting. Everything about this... about him... was just... tantalizing. As his kiss becomes more... deeper, she feels awkwardly inept, never having been kissed like this before. But following his lead, she falls further into his embrace, returning the affection as she figures it out. In the back of her mind, she hoped that he wasn't disappointed that she obviously didn't know what she was doing, but being held so gently and warmly, she lets that worry slide.

Moving her arms around him, one of her hands cradles his neck, the other settling onto his strong back. And for a moment, the rest of the world simply didn't exist. The walls of her trapped existence were gone, and in this man's affection was freedom.

Caution, may cause burns....O_O

Watching as Rosalyn slip down on the the floor Chad gives a little bigger grin. Eh, why not the floor could be as comfortable as any other place too. Walking over to her and squatting down he takes his position next to where she was and lets out a small sigh leaning against the bed.

As Rosalyn starts to speak again Chad was a bit surprised by her answer. How could someone as pretty as she was not think she was worth it or deserved to have someone in her life to call her own. It seemed obserde. Knowing she felt trap was slightly sad too and sent a pang to his heart. He new what feeling trapped felt like even if it was a different situation and he new it wasn't good at all.

   "Feeling trapped is never a good feeling even if you like being with your family and your job. I'm sorry that you do feel like that. Do you have anyone you can just go out and do something with maybe to feel like your getting away?"

Giving a smile to Rosalyn Chad sets his cup down and brings his hand to the side of her face and brushes a stand of hair out of her face. Just continuing to look down at her he studys her. She was young but mature, perhaps to mature for her own age as her younger life slipped away behind many things she'd not shared with him. What if he was here to show her, show her life was so much more than four walls and working yourself to death.

Moving a little closer to Rosalyn Chad brings his hand down to take her chin and tilt her head up to look at him. Looking deep into her eyes and just smiling it was a flood of emotions he felt for this woman, this woman that had so much to offer the world and yet held it back. 

   "You are worth more than you think, and you deserve more than you know some people are just to blind to see it. There is nothing wrong with you, you're amazing, pretty smart, can good and have a good head on your shoulders. After only knowing you for a day I'd argue that fact with anyone if they tried to say different."

Lowering his head a little bit Chad brings it closer to Rosalyn's his eyes still looking into hers. His breath soft above a whisper and still so strong with so many of his own emotions behind it.

   "Rosalyn, you're not like anyone else I have ever met and now I'm going to kiss you."

Letting his lips press against hers before she could tell him no thing time Chad's hand slips behind her head as his fingers comb through her air. Letting the moment linger, his heart beat so fast, his other arm slipping over her shoulders to bring her a little closer before gently lifting her and setting her in his lip moving his lips from her own for only a moment to tilt his head the other way as the feelings, emotions rushed through him, his heart awaking after a long cold sleep.


Just looking back at Chad, Rosalyn could hardly believe he'd had no one since his wife. Thirteen years? Someone like him? Last night she would have said he was just flirting again and stretching the truth. But as she looked into his eyes now, she was shocked to realize that it was true. No one had sparked his interest... until now. 

Feeling her cheeks flush all over again, she looks down, unable to accept such a high compliment. To her, it really was a compliment, coming from a man like him. Someone so sweet and charming. What he saw in her, she really didn't know. 

As her eyes find him again and she's offered something to drink, she nods. That would at least give her hands something to do. She was done with the shirt but... now that she was here... it was rather... nice. 

Not wanting to mess up the bed with her boots still on, instead, she slides off the bed to sit on the floor, using the mattress as her backrest. Stretching out her legs, she crosses them at her ankles, getting comfortable. And in all reality... she really was more comfortable than she'd started out. Talking to Chad and getting to know him was taking the nervous edge off - even if he still was  a could-be-model standing only feet away. That thought brings a little wry grin to the surface, but she'd never tell him those thoughts. 

Asked about men in her own life, she laughs outright. "Who, me? You kidding? I haven't been on a date since high school." Reaching up and accepting the cup of juice, she smiles her thanks. 

"Oh, there's been a couple guys who tried to get my attention I guess, but it was never mutual. Now that I'm a little older, every time a guy turns my head, I find out they're already married." She quirks an eyebrow. "Or worse." 

She pauses and takes a sip of juice. "I suppose living out here in the boonies lowers a girl's chances anyway. No prospects at church, and guys that come here are clients and off limits." She shrugs, speaking of the whole thing much more casually than what she really felt. Many a night she was so lonely it hurt. But she'd never told anyone that. She'd gotten very good at throwing on a smile, pulling up her boostraps and going on. 

Looking down at her drink, she watches it for a moment or two. "I... suppose a part of me started to wonder if maybe there was something wrong with me that I was undesirable or... undeserving." 

She bites her lip before finding the courage to look back up at Chad. "Then last night you showed up. And to be honest, I'm still not sure if you really mean all those nice things, but... I guess all of a sudden I kinda feel like a woman."