

Hearing Alec's words it sends a pang to Ryan's heart. Alec still loved her, he was having a hard time letting her go, she'd known that but there was something about how it said it now, it was different. She couldn't explain it but it was different and she could tell.

As Alec comes near to her and places the kiss on her cheek Ryan was a bit surprised but she could feel the chill. She hadn't been expecting that and it was...soft. Much different than she would be use to with Alec, there was just something different even if she couldn't put her finger on it.

Not able to say anything maybe it was best seeing as Ryan didn't know what to say. Just watching Alec walk away Ryan waits to go back into the shop for a moment as she trys to compose herself. Her cheek felt warm and her eyes burned a little. Taking in a deep breath Ryan cleans her thoughts, she had to, she still had more work to do.

Returning to the shop Ryan say nothing else to the guys but just gets back to the next car that rolls in. She had more work to do a little time to do it. Not to mention if she threw herself into work maybe no one would notice the small tear in her eye.

Katie gives a big smile to Jeff. She liked hearing about her mom even if it did make her sad a little bit that she had left them. It was nice though knowing about her mom and being able to at least get to know her though him.

 Hearing that Jeff had been thinking about moving to Nevada Katie perks up a little bit. That sounded like a good idea to her. She missed her dad very much and if he was closer...that would be nice.

   "Like you really think you could smother me? I would love it if you moved closer. I miss you very much! But...wouldn't you miss it here? This is your home."

Dang it

Alec shakes his head before glancing back over his shoulder. "Right." He knew good and well Ryan had fixed his motorcycle, but there was obviously no arguing with her. 

Wandering back to the counter, he retrieves the keys and stops for one last moment to look at Ryan. It was the wrong thing to do, because tears suddenly spring into his eyes before he can stop them. Oh how he hated himself for the choices he'd made. 

"Dang it, Ryan." His voice was but a hoarse whisper. "Why do I have to love you so much?" 

Stepping towards the door, his feet seem to have a will of their own as he stops right beside her. And in the blink of an eye, he'd planted a soft kiss on her cheek. 

Turning quickly, he exits the building and aims for his bike.

Jeff grins, knowing Katie was right - if Hunter did her wrong, he'd have this whole ranch on his tail. He seemed too smart for that though.

As quietness lingers while they ride, the last thing Jeff expected was for Katie to choose the new subject that she did. A lump rises in his throat, and he fiddles with his reins for a few moments. He knew exactly what she was referring to. Was it that obvious where his mind had been.

"Yeah..." A weary sort of sigh slips out before he can stop it. Spotting a clearing along the trail, he turns Hawk towards it, stopping just short of the small field of tall grass and wild flowers. The sun shone down warmly on the scene, creating an almost surreal picture.

Leaning forward to rest his arms on the saddlehorn, Jeff's eyes roam the clearing. "Some days are harder than others," he admits. "Especially when I forget I'm surrounded by family and I get to feeling lonely." He couldn't help it that there were days it just didn't matter how much family he had around or how much they loved him. There was just a hole in his heart that left him lonely in ways the others here couldn't remedy.

Watching a butterfly flit from flower to flower, he gains a small smile. "She would have loved it here. Your mother, I mean. I think she would have taken to the ranch just like you have."

Swallowing hard, he looks down for a moment, finding it just a little difficult to keep a handle on his emotions. "I'm so glad she left me you," he continues softly. "I've even thought about moving to Nevada just so I could be closer to you but... I wouldn't want you to feel smothered."


Hearing Alec's comment Ryan looks up at him and blinks. It would seem as though everything she just had told him meant nothing and everything was not heard. Letting his eyes lock with his for a second Ryan can feel her heart beat even faster than it was as she smells the sweet smile of Alec's soap, or it could have been his shampoo.

   "I still don't know what your talking about. I did as you asked and looked over your bike and there is nothing wrong."

Feeling his hand on her face Ryan's instinct was to lean her head into it but she did her best not to do so. She shouldn't, she couldn't, no She was with Tal she reminds herself once more and she was happy, she was safe with him and things were good.

As Alec takes a step back Ryan was glad in a way. She didn't know how much longer she could stand like that with Alec. Him stepping away had been the breaker and Ryan was happy, she never wanted to cheat on Tal. He was to good of a guy for that, and she cared for him way to much.

   "Umm...Your welcome and don't worry about paying me back, it was just a simple evaluation."


As Ryan comes around the counter to stand next to him, Alec can feel an awkwardness rise. He shouldn't have come. He never should have come here, and he knew it. As she explains the job slip, her words fall on deaf ears, and his eyes have no intention of looking at what she was showing him. Instead, he's caught gazing at her face... listening to her voice... watching her stand there with graceful confidence. He had no idea what she was saying about his bike. He was overcome with confusion, awe, gratefulness, and more humility than he thought he'd ever have. He had broken this woman's heart and harmed someone she loved... yet here she was, having just done one of the nicest things for him. 

Not caring what she'd just tried to explain, he reaches out with a gentle finger under her chin to turn her face towards him. Staring into her gaze, his eyes were the eyes of a broken man, overwhelmed by her kindness. "I thought nothing would ever amaze me again," he mentions softly. His thumb moves to brush her cheek lightly. "But you just can't help it, can you?" 

Only now does he realize that his heart is racing. His arms ached to hold Ryan. His lips burned to kiss hers. His soul cried out for her companionship. 

Sensing the danger of his position, Alec quickly lets his hand drop and he retreats a couple steps before turning his back on her. Setting his hands on his hips, he takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. His eyes stare out the window as he tries to keep his thoughts together. 

"Thank you," he finally concludes. "You've been most kind. If I can ever repay you... let me know."