

Watching her brother as he goes off into the other room Ryan lets out a sigh. She new, that Eli could tell something more was wrong and that he found her behavior strange. She herself found it that way and it bothered her. Right now though she couldn't even work through why to herself everything was going the way it was.

Standing Ryan takes her water and heads to her room patting her leg for Zidan to follow before she shut the door. Flopping down on her head she lets out a long sigh just looking up at the ceiling. Feeling a wet toung on her hand Ryan looks down and gives a smile to the puppy snuggling next to her. Moving her hand over just a little bit so he could come snuggle closer she gives a small laugh before petting his head.

   "Why do things have to be so complicated huh? They are not meant to be you know....I like Tal now, not Alec."

As Zidan gives soft bark Ryan brings a finger to her lips giving a soft hush before gently patting the dog on the head. After today she probley would not see Alec again for a long time. She hadn't till today, so maybe just maybe she wouldn't again and than she wouldn't have to worry about any of this. It was just something she didn't want to deal with not when her heart had been broken by him before.

Letting out a small sigh Katie keeps her hand where it was. Hunter's tone made her jump just a little but only because she hadn't been expecting it. She must of hit a nerve and its not like she meant to but this was different from that other stuff he'd been keeping from her...this was different. 

   "Alright well...I was just letting you know anyways."

Taking the last sip of her coffee Katie sets the cup down on the step before her before giving a little stretch. What would she do today? On a normal day she would suggest doing something with Hunter but now that he was cooped up they had to think of something with limited movement.

   "So, its my job to clean up the mess hall today after lunch. Care to join me? I could use someone to chat with while I clean."


Eli wasn't particularly glad to know that it had indeed been Alec Ryan had seen at the store, but he was satisfied to find out that he'd read her tone correctly. Now, however, as she gives him the briefest explanation possible, followed by a change of subject, all it did was increase his concern. She hadn't even given him time to respond. Was it just because she knew he wouldn't be happy? Because she didn't want to upset him? Or was it that she just didn't want to think about it?

Studying his beer bottle, his thumb picks at the label and he shrugs. "She's coming home tomorrow I think." It was probably the first time enthusiasm wasn't in his voice when talking about Scarlet returning from one of her trips. He always hated it when she was gone and counted the days until her return, whether it was fifteen days or two days. Tonight though... perhaps his enthusiasm was just held back by the confusion he felt for his sister's odd behavior. First her reaction to Alec's phone call and now this. Not that he thought it wouldn't upset her, but... she usually would talk to him about anything. He didn't really feel badly, just... well... maybe just a little he did. 

Finally looking up at Ryan, he forces his own smile before standing up. "I guess I'm gonna head to bed." Though he wanted to question her further, he wouldn't. She had a right to her own privacy and if she'd wanted to say more, she would have.

Picking up some of the trash from the coffee table, he walks past the couch, giving Ryan's shoulder a pat. "Sweet dreams." 

Going to the kitchen, he puts a few things away, along with gathering up a few tools they'd missed earlier. He really didn't want to go to bed, come to think of it. But he supposed he didn't want to stay up either. And maybe... just maybe, this whole thing with Alec bothered him simply because he himself had been Alec's friend and he didn't know what to feel now.

Hunter doesn't mind when Katie moves closer. On the contrary, he enjoyed her soft affection. He wasn't expecting what she said though, and he didn't know whether to be appreciative or offended. 

Something between a groan and a scoff comes up before he takes another sip of coffee. "Katie, I've probably got a few cobwebs that need swept up, but bottles aren't my thing. And even if they were, I like them to stay on my own shelf, not spilled out to the public." 

It wasn't until after the words were out that Hunter realizes his tone had been just a tad sharp, and it surprises even himself. Katie had never made him bristle like that before - why now? Glancing at the ground, he fiddles with his coffee mug. "I appreciate it," he thanks her, his tone much more soft. "But I'm fine. My knee is the worst of my worries."


Looking over her shoulder at Tal Ryan blushes a little bit. She was great around cars and could name all the tools she needed like the back of her hand. There wasn't a wrench or a drill she couldn't see and name. But when it came to normal house hold tools, or something you wouldn't find in a auto shop she was lost and she new it.

   "What would I do without you around to make sure I know what saw is what hummm? Save me from some never ending teasing of my brother."

The rest of the night moved on all to quickly. Zidan had his door, everyone had there pizza, cuddles were shared and than before anyone new it goodbyes were being said with promises of eventful days tomorrow being said. 

...Sitting down on the couch with a cold glass of water in hand Ryan leans her head back against the clock. She had to work the early shift tomorrow and she new bed was calling but sleep was just not what she wanted right now. 

Hearing her brother comment Ryan brings her head up and looks at Eli. All night she hadn't though about Alec, she had pushed what happened today aside. Now though as Eli brings it up Ryan remembers and everything just comes back again.

   "I did say Alec you were listing, woot."

Smirking a little Ryan new Eli wanted more than that, and maybe at this moment it wasn't time to joke. But she felt better making it a joke and not so serous when really it wasn't.

   "I said Alec because I ran into him in the hardware store..and I mean literately. Nothing bad happened, everyone is ok, I'm ok. We exchanged a few words nothing to major and than we both went or own ways."

Giving a little shrug Ryan takes another sip of her water before just looking down at the ice cubes that were floating around. Letting out a small sigh she looks up at Eli again and gives a big smile. Maybe a subject change was in order to something more cheerful.

   "So when is Scarlet due back again? I feel like its been ages since I last saw her."

Continuing to just watch Hunter Katie new there was so much more going on inside of him that what he was letting on. Some might think she was a mind reader, or her powers where back now affecting everyone but in truth Hunter's eyes betrayed him. They always did and there was so much emotion locked inside of them it was hard not to read if she looked deep enough.

   "My day is going to be pretty boring, and your thoughts are not worthless."

Scooting a little closer to Hunter Katie lays a hand on his good knee. She continued to just watch him before taking another sip of her coffee and looking out into yard and just studying a few different things. She wasn't as good with words as she Aunt was, and sometimes she still had a hard time describing what she wanted to but Katie as always there and would always help when it was needed...no matter what.

   "I'm always here when your ready to talk Hunter, and so are many other people. Just...make sure sooner or later you do talk so everything your feeling wont have to stay bottled inside."

Walking with Reese behind her into the kitchen Angelica can't help the smile, and laugh that escapes. In a way it almost felt like they were married already. She was so comfortable in this house and around Reese that it was like she'd been here for years and it make it that much more perfect.

   "But it dosn't look as good if you cute it wrong and than it runes the taste because it looks funny....duh!"

Going to the fridge and taking out the cheesecake Angelica brings it over to the counter and sets it down. Looking at Reese and taking the knife Angelica just shakes her head before slicing into the cake. Cuting two pieces she hands on to Reese and one for herself.  It looks so delicious she could hardly wait for the first bite.

   "El postre es servido. Dessert is served!"


Following Ryan to the back room, Tal scans the rather messy area before flipping on the light. Glancing to the one drawer, he stifles a little laugh. "Uh, babe... skill saw... not hand saw. I doubt what Eli's looking for would fit in a drawer." 

Spotting a cord under a pile of old towels that were apparently stored there for rags, he points. "Now that... is a clue." Moving some of the towels, he nods. "Eureka!" Picking up the heavy tool, he grins. "Although we should give him a hand saw instead - make him spend ten times as long sawing through the door so you and I can grab the couch." 

Slipping an arm around Ryan's waist, he pulls her close and gives her another kiss. "On second thought, he probably wouldn't be too happy." 

"You guys coming or what?"

Tal rolls his eyes. "Yes, dear," he hollers back to Eli. Walking with Ryan back to Eli, he presents the saw. "This what you're looking for?" 
"It is. Thank you. Now..." Eli stands from where he'd been kneeling, studying the door. "We need to get this thing up off its hinges so we can cut it..." 

Once started, it really didn't take all that long to finish the project. It didn't turn out quite as planned, but close enough and at least Zidan could get in and out easily on his own, and that was the whole point. Though finished in relatively good time, it was still late for supper and stomachs were hungry. Pizza was in order, topping off the evening with a tasty meal in front of the television. After that, it was late enough that Tal needed to get home...

...Sitting in the quiet living room, Eli taps his empty beer bottle absentmindedly on his knee as he leaned back in his chair. It was his turn to clean up the plates and pizza box... and he would... but first, there were just a few things he wanted to know. 

"So..." It was the first chance he had with Ryan alone, and the topic had not come up at all during the evening - so far from it, that neither man had dared ask her. But now Eli just wanted to make sure everything was alright. 

"That phone call... when you were at the store..." He rocks a little in his chair. "You said... Alec?" 

"Hmm?" Hunter looks quickly to Katie, bringing her back into focus. "Oh..." He forces a small grin. "My thoughts aren't worth a penny." 

He takes another swig of coffee, wishing that he wouldn't be so transparent to Katie. She could read him like an open book. Staring down into the almost-black liquid, he runs his thumb along the rim. He'd like to go for a walk is what he'd like to do, but unless he wanted to swing around on crutches, he was stuck finding somewhere just to sit. Maybe that big old tree would be a good spot for a while. 

"So what are you plans for the day?" Changing the subject was as good idea as anything.

Seeing Angelica back into the wall, Reese laughs and quickens his pace to catch her before she could slip around the corner. Sliding both arms around her waist, he walks behind her, giving her neck a kiss. 

"How was I supposed to know that a round cake is cut in silly triangles instead of squares?" he defends. "I mean, who cares? It all tastes the same..." 

Arriving at the fridge, he lets Angelica go while he retrieves a knife from the drawer. "But I'll let you do it anyway." He hands her the knife, a teasing glint still in his eye.

Million Miles

Ryan can't help but laugh at her brother. He was always quick with his comebacks much quicker than Ryan ever could be but she didn't mind it gave her more fire power and something to strive twords. Some day she would leave hims speechless she just had to wait for that say to come.

   "Personaly I am all for the make out session with Tal. I mean I am the one who went to the store for stuff. So technically I did help already and you see Tal would be helping you by keeping me out of your hair."

Bringing her hands up to Tal's that was around her Ryan holds them close to her pushing everything out of her mind. This was what was important, what she had here and now nothing else. This was her life, and she loved it.

   "I guess we should get the saw though so he doesn't whine more. Come one we can make out on the way."

Giving a smile and leaning over to Tal Ryan places a kiss on his lips before making her way to the back room. Still her arm was around Tal and his around her and she didn't mind one bit. She liked being close to Tal. It felt nice, it was comfortable, and she wouldn't complain about it ever.

Getting to the back room Ryan looks around before lifting a few things up and than taking some steps back putting her hands on her hips. Now where was that thing.

   "Now I have to figure out where Eli put the saw...Can you look in that draw over there? I'll look here again."

Katie gives a smile and a nod. She had her mornings when she wanted to be lazy to so she really couldn't hold it against him. Though she did feel bad that he had to be stuck doing nothing and she could imagine what it must be like. For someone liked her and Hunter that always liked to be moving around being forced to sit still was not an easy task.

Looking off to where Hunter was looking Katie couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about. His emotions had to be going haywire from what happened the other day and though she hadn't asked he did wonder.

   "You look like your a million miles away today. Penny for your thoughts?"

Hearing Reese's growl Angelica can't help the laugh that slips from her lips before returning the kiss. It was amazing how life could change so quickly to something no one ever expected but maybe that was the best thing about life the surprises around every turn.

   "Ah the best of both worlds huh? But I guess I can't blame you for like cheesecake too. I'll let that one side."

Giving Reese another kiss Angelica stands from the couch and offers her hands out to him to help him up as well. There was cheesecake and she liked it as much as Reese did so there was no stopping them both. 

   "This time I get to cute the slices though...last time it didn't work out so well for you. He can cook but he can't slice the cake."

Angelica eyes twinkle as she heads for the kitchen walking backwards as she beacons Reese with her finger to follow. Another laugh slipped out as she backs into the wall. Her aim a little off and missing the door by inches.

Thank Goodness

Feeling the kick to his butt, Eli swats behind himself but isn't quick enough. Throwing Ryan a smirk, he shakes his finger at her as a warning he'd be getting back at her. 

Pulled into a hug, Tal wraps his arms around Ryan warmly. Something felt... off. He wasn't sure what or why, but something was just different and it only served to increase his concern. Why hadn't Ryan said what happened at the store? Why was she avoiding it and acting like everything was fine? After seeing her reaction to that idiotic phone message, Tal knew if she'd seen Alec today, that she wouldn't be able to brush it off just like that. Yet she wasn't leaving any openings for questions. Maybe though... maybe it was just her way of dealing with it, and he would have to let it go. Even if he wanted to talk about it, maybe she didn't, and he'd just have to respect that. She'd never said a word to him about that phone message either. Way deep down though in the pit of his heart, something warned him to tread with caution. 

Back to reality, he has to let Ryan pull away, and he gives her a smile. "You call this stalling?" He quirks an eyebrow. "I guess maybe I could just stall all day then." 

"You have been stalling," Eli responds. Grabbing his toolbox which he'd brought in earlier, he heads for the back door. Although it looked like he'd done nothing on the project, he really had thought the whole thing through and knew exactly how to tackle it. But he didn't mind getting razzed by his sister - at least she was in a good mood... on the surface. He was dying to ask her if it really was Alec she'd seen at the store, but it was pretty obvious that she didn't want to talk about it. Which... in itself confirmed that it had been Alec. Which also bothered Eli to no end.

Still with an arm around Ryan, Tal doesn't let her go completely yet, even when they follow after Eli. For some reason, he just wanted her... close. "We could always just go make out and leave your brother to do the door," he suggests.

"Hey, hey, hey now." Eli was already kneeling at the door. "This is our project, remember? What you guys can do is go get the skill saw from the back room."

Accepting the cup of coffee, Hunter smiles up at Katie. "Thanks. I'm just being lazy this morning." Taking a small sip, he sighs with content. Still wasn't a strong enough drink for what he really wanted, but whoever made the coffee around here did do a good job. 

Katie's question brings a shrug. "Eh, I'm feeling alright. Knee hurts like a..." He stops himself and gives her a sheepish grin. "It hurts," he concludes. "Not sure what I'm supposed to do with myself at the moment, but... I guess there's not much I can do about that." 

Staring off past the bunkhouses to one of the pastures, for several moments he's lost in thought. His soul writhed with questions and confusion. His heart burned to find answers. But nothing made sense to him. It was all one black abyss... just like the river.

Forgetting Katie was even there, the quietness lingers. 

Reese wondered if Angelica even knew how good her words made him feel. For a man who thought love would not come again, this... this was a blessing he'd never take for granted. Tightening his arm around Angelica, he chuckles. "I'd have to agree with you on that one. Although I'm sure we could think of something to do..." 

Grinning, he leans his head down and gives a teasing growl before laughing and giving her lips a kiss. Sighing with content, he rests his forehead against hers. "Of course... cheesecake would be good too," he muses. "Although I don't know if I could choose which I'd rather have..." He grins. "Thank goodness I don't have to choose. I have you and cheesecake... if could pry myself up from this couch, that is."