
Nice Spot

Mmmmm...motivation that was what life was pretty much about. Being motivated to fight, win survive, move forward at all cost and not look back. It's what drove Misty on, it's what left her allow these feelings for Jason to come out freely now.

As Jason comes in again for a more light kiss Misty didn't mind. Rough was good, but soft was ok as well and it didn't bother her at all. Once Jason pulls away again Misty lets her smile show. She was happy, she was pleased.

   "I think going to the movie now sounds perfect."

Keeping her fingers locked with Jason's Misty slides out of the booth giving a smile. She might be done smooching with Jason at the moment but she wasn't ready to let go of his hand. She felt...young again like she finally got the chance with her crush. It was a feeling that was different but she liked it.

   "Onward, a movie, popcorn and two chairs are awaiting us."

Rosetta gives a smile and a nod of her head. She agreed with her brother, no matter what the other side of the story was things had gone sour and it was sad. But being able to see Katie smiling again was a good thing. Her smile was way to pretty to waste.

   "That she does. When she first came back I was quite worried about her. Maybe now I still am a little. But seeing her with her friend I think...she's gonna be ok."

As Hunter swings his arm around her Katie's hand goes to his and locks fingers. Was this normal for friends? Were they more than friends? Did it matter? Not really all Katie new is having Hunter there, having his affection it felt good and chased away the shadows that larked around. Even if it was just for a little bit it was something and it helped.

   "A little relaxation huh? I think I know the right place come on."

Going to the mess hall first and dropping off there left over Katie than leads Hunter around back to one of the barns. Walking through one of the pasture Katie stops at a loan tree that stood in the middle. It offered much shade, a nice view of the sky, and one could even watch the horses graze if they wanted too.

   "How this look for a nice spot?"

Comfy Seats

Jason grins, stifling another laugh as his cheeks grow warm. He wasn't sure he'd ever been complimented like that on his kissing before. 

"Um... no, not all the time. Just... when something motivates me." 

Just gazing into those never-ending eyes... holding her soft hand... feeling her fingers running gently through his hair... it was as if all his questions this past week about him and her and where they were going had been suddenly answered. He knew legally she was still married... but she had also initiated a divorce. He knew that it would be impossible for her to have rid herself of all love for Carson already... but he also knew that she was not a woman to stand still - she had made up her mind to move on. He knew that in a way, she was on the rebound, still struggling with being abandoned... but they had also known each other for longer than this past month and these feelings were not new ...or unexpected. So yes, there were some apprehensions lurking in the back of Jason's mind... but none major enough for him to withdraw now. He liked Misty. She was lonely. He was lonely. She liked him. They got along great. Why not just go with the flow and see what would happen? 

Leaning back in, Jason gives Misty's lips a more tender kiss this time before pulling back to rest against her forehead again. "How about we get to the theater, hmm?" His hand continues to softly move around hers. "I hear two comfy seats calling our names..."

Dani squeals as she's picked up, wrapping her arms around Dalton's neck. Laughing, she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek and nods. "Okay. I promise."

Grinning, she points to the kitchen. "Onward, my prince charming! To the chocolate pie!"

Jay smiles and nods slowly, agreeing with his sister's observation. "I get the funny feeling Hunter's on the edge of something... like one step will either take him in the right direction or a very wrong one. Then at the same time, he's so likable that I forget he hasn't been a lifelong friend of Katie's." 

He shrugs. "I don't know. You're right though - he's different. They're different together. I just hope things turn out well for the both of them, whether they're just friends or not. Katie could stand something to go right for once lately." 

Hunter chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm the odd man out here - how is it that I get to pick what we do?" 

Swinging off his bike, he stretches tall, twisting to pop his back before sighing with content. "I feel like I should choose to work, but if I'm going to be honest, I gotta say, just chilling for a while sounds like a good idea too." 

Slinging an arm around Katie's shoulders, he gives her a playful jolt. "I just wanna get rid of this city slicker label," he admits. "Maybe I can pitch in with chores later? If... you wanna help me find a nice shady spot to relax for the time being?"

Breath Away

As Jason returns the kiss Misty's deepens a little more. If this was anyone but Jason Misty might think things were going to fast or it was just a rebound but because it was Jason she new it was neither. They had always been close, they always had that attraction and they had always had these feelings. They had just been locked away knowing both could not step over that line till now.

When Jason pulls away and leans his head against hers once more Misty catches her own breath. It had been quite the exchange and it had taken her breath away but it had been worth it very much. Letting her one hand still play with Jason's hair and her other locked with Jason's feeling the soft motion on her palm Misty smile widens as she study's Jason's eyes again.

   "Not all the time, just....most of the time. Do you kiss like that all the time..because boy you took my breath away, and I liked it."


Misty's response shouldn't have surprised Jason. He knew better than to think being in a restaurant would keep her from doing whatever she wanted. Perhaps he just hadn't expected it to come tonight... this quickly. Either way, as her lips touch his, he doesn't resist. 

Closing his eyes, he immediately returns Misty's kiss, feeling a sensation comparable to an electrical shock shoot down his spine. Her hand brushing past his neck again almost causes him to break the kiss, but he manages to relax as her touch finds its way to his hair.

Still caressing her one palm, Jason's free hand slips around her shoulders to rub her back. Withdrawing only slightly from her lips, he tilts his head the opposite direction to lead the second kiss, forgetting about trying to think things through. Ever since waking up in the infirmary without knowing how to read his own emotions, nothing had felt as strongly as this. It was overpowering. It was immediately addictive and he couldn't get enough. It brought on warmth... a rush of adrenaline... excitement... passion... all those things he hadn't felt in so long. 

Almost growing dizzy from the unexpected rush, Jason pulls back slightly to catch his breath, once more leaning his forehead against Misty's. 

"Dang," he breathes, almost choking on a short laugh. His hands continue their soft movements, his eyes piercing hers. "You always kiss like that?"


Letting her smile turn into a little grin that danced with mischeaf Misty's fingers tingle as Jason's own move around her hand. His fingers soft yet strong, light yet powerful. Finally letting her own fingers lock with Jason's Misty lets out a breath that she had taken in.

Jason's comment makes Misty's eyes dance some more as she continues to look into his. Pure emotions, feelings flowing forth, not needing to be held back. There was no wall, there was nothing stopping them now.

   "Let them kick us out. It just means we got a free meal...and so much more."

Pulling her head away and tilting it slightly to the side Misty comes back again letting her eyes finally fall shut as her lips press against Jason's. Taking her free hand Misty bring its around brushing Jason's neck again before her hand finds the back of his head and her hand combs through his hair.

Letting her emotions oh her emotions, her feelings, the door that had been lock swung open now and in this kiss Misty bore it all. Her heart racing so loud she thought for sure everyone would hear it. Her skin had goosbumps though she didn't mind. No, nothing would rune this moment right here.

Any idea?

Dani squeals as she's picked up, wrapping her arms around Dalton's neck. Laughing, she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek and nods. "Okay. I promise."

Grinning, she points to the kitchen. "Onward, my prince charming! To the chocolate pie!"

Jay smiles and nods slowly, agreeing with his sister's observation. "I get the funny feeling Hunter's on the edge of something... like one step will either take him in the right direction or a very wrong one. Then at the same time, he's so likable that I forget he hasn't been a lifelong friend of Katie's." 

He shrugs. "I don't know. You're right though - he's different. They're different together. I just hope things turn out well for the both of them, whether they're just friends or not. Katie could stand something to go right for once lately." 

Hunter chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm the odd man out here - how is it that I get to pick what we do?" 

Swinging off his bike, he stretches tall, twisting to pop his back before sighing with content. "I feel like I should choose to work, but if I'm going to be honest, I gotta say, just chilling for a while sounds like a good idea too." 

Slinging an arm around Katie's shoulders, he gives her a playful jolt. "I just wanna get rid of this city slicker label," he admits. "Maybe I can pitch in with chores later? If... you wanna help me find a nice shady spot to relax for the time being?"

Jason holds his gaze on Misty's eyes, feeling as though he couldn't look away even if he wanted to. With her forehead against his, his pulse quickens slightly but he doesn't move.

As she trails her fingers down his cheek and to his neck, he sucks in his breath, tensing slightly. Did she have any idea what that did to him? Feeling her touch come to rest on his hand, his face grows warm and he wonders if she could tell, being this close. 

Still not moving his eyes, he turns his hand so they were resting palm to palm. His scarred surface was ultra sensitive, sending tingles up his arm as he shifts his hand to gently caress hers. His fingers slide up beyond hers then down again, intertwining then shifting to caress again before finally locking and curling around her own fingers.

With pulse racing, Jason swallows hard. He hadn't exactly planned this... now... like this. But there was no denying how he felt, or what she was giving him permission to do. How long had they kept their feelings to themselves? Locked away safely - and rightly so - always believing there would never be this chance? And right now... in this moment... they were both free. 

"Do you have any idea how badly I want to kiss you?" he whispers. His grip on her hand tightens slightly. "I just don't wanna get kicked out of here before paying the bill..." 

O.O; \ o.o /

Once getting back to the ranch Katie takes her own helmet off and shakes her head for a little bit. She couldn't help but feel special coming back to the ranch with Hunter on his bike. It made her feel in a way like a princess to a much different story.

   "It was really nice. We will have to do it again for sure. Thank you as well for just...being there for me like always."

Swinging her leg around the bike and sliding down Katie's hand dags along Hunter's shoulder and down his arm. Resting it on his hand for a second Katie gives it a pat smiling. She really had enjoyed the ride and having Hunter with her at the hosp just seemed to make it a little easier to deal with.

   "So what one the agenda after I drop the extra stuff off at the mess hall. More work? A little relaxation? It's your pick."

Following Jay's gaze outside the window to Hunter and Katie who had just made it back to the ranch Rosetta gives a small smile. She had her own thoughts about those two but no solid prof and the last thing she wanted to do was spread a bunch of rumors around. 

   "At times it would seem they would be close than friends but that is only an assumption. As far as fact go though Hunter became friends with Katie unexspectiny and when she needed a friend, because she was feeling ignored and useless he didn't turn away. He stuck his neck out, and didn't take advantage when he could of so easily."

Rosetta new the young mans history. It was part of her job to know and letting him come here to work without paying it was a requirement. And though he had made a lot of bad chooses Rosetta could see something good inside of him too. There was something good there waiting to flower if given the chance.

   "So yes I see it too, there is something special there. It's hard to put a finger on and something much much different than what Katie and Jason had but as far as anyone knows they are just friends."

Standing with Dani and watching her struggle to walk Dalton can't help but laugh a little again. Not wanting to have her hurt herself anymore than she already was he bends down a little bit and puts his arms behind her legs before scooping her up off her feet and standing straight again holding her close to him.

   "I promise I wont tell anyone if you promise not to let everyone know my two weakness ok?"

Looking down at the screen with Jason Misty understood what he meant about reviews. How could one really go by just that? Everyone had different tastes and maybe theirs wasn't the same as the critic. So just going and seeing the movie would really be the best bet.

   "Alright than it sounds like we know what movie we are going to watch."

Turning her head and looking up at Jason again Misty now realizes just how close she had gotten to him. With in inches of his face she eyes lock with his as she can feel her heart pick up a few beats. Looking deep into Jason's eyes Misty couldn't help it. They just drawed her in, they always had.

   "We....can do popcorn just...tell Rick I told you not to so I don't get chewed out."

Her voice was but a whisper as she gives a shy little smile. Leaning her for head against Jason's her eyes never leaving his. Something had always been there...a forbidden attraction so friend they had stayed both respecting each other but now they were free...would more become?

Bringing her hand to Jason's face Misty brushes his cheek for a moment with her fingertip before retreating them around his jawline, down his neck, shoulder, arm and than resting on his hand. She could never describe why they had such an attraction to each other from day one...they just did, not that she minded at all.