
Risky Business

As Misty holds his hand for a moment, Jason lets his fingers curl around hers. He did care about her... and he knew that she understood that. 

Glancing back up as she does, his own soft smile forms. As she retreats though, he just stays where he is, watching her... trying to figure out what these feelings he had meant. His worst fear was misinterpreting what he felt since emotions still felt somewhat numb part of the time. But gauging Misty's response... he'd done no wrong and... what he felt was mutual. 

Finally letting the whole thing drop for now, Jason stands and brushes himself off, walking the few feet to where he'd left his guitar. Easing back down under the tree, he plucks a few strings before retuning a couple by ear. Picking another relaxing song, he plays and sings quietly. He wanted to play for Misty - not the whole park. 

Catching Misty's glance, Alec smirks at her. "Yeah, don't leave me alone too long with this stuff - I'm addicted already." Only after snitching another couple marshmallows does he let her have the bag. 

Roasting two on the end of his stick, he waits until they're brown before pulling them back from the fire. Content just with them, it's an awfully sticky, ooey-gooey mess, but as he licks his fingers, he realizes that it's kinda fun. 

Scooting over on the grass nearer Misty, he gives her an inquisitive look before tackling his second marshmallow. He didn't say anything though. He didn't ask. It really was none of his business, even if he was curious. Rethinking his speech, he simply thanks her instead. "Thanks for having me come with you guys tonight. It's been fun." 

Dani looks over at Dalton and smiles, grateful for his support. It really did mean a lot to her. "Thanks, Dalton. I know I can always count on you." 

Eventually the dark topic of Carson is dismissed and forgotten, leaving the lighthearted chatter once more. When dinner is finished, Dani opts to wait a while for dessert since they were both full, and a movie is popped in to watch. 

Settling in on the couch with Dalton, Dani curls himself in front of him, letting him drape his arm around her. Feeling his chest on her back and his strong arm holding her, she felt safe... protected. He was like a big blanket to keep her warm and ward away the shadows of the night. 

"Don't let me fall asleep," she muses. "If you do, you'll probably miss out on several kisses at least, along with that pie." 

Hunter laughs at Katie's enthusiasm. "I feel like I'm at Subway. I didn't know they made house calls." 

Jeff grins and shakes his head. "You know what I like... just throw a little of everything on there. I guarantee it's better than what I had for breakfast." 

"Anything is better than hospital food," Hunter agrees. For a brief moment, the image of the hospital back home flashes through his mind, and his friend lying in bed after the accident. And again, he felt the pangs of guilt for his recklessness that had hurt somebody. 

Realizing he was staring at the floor, he snaps up his gaze and stands, coming to help Katie. Snitching a little piece of cheese that had broken off a slice, he elbows her. "You sure you know what you're doing? Making subs is risky business." 

Is best

Misty's gaze doesn't break Jason's, she continues to study the depth of his eyes. The warmth that just seemed to blanket her Misty didn't want to go away and if she broke her gaze would it? Would this moment be over, gone in the wind to never be spoken about again? There friendship remaining as it always had.

Feeling Jason's fingers on her own Misty finally looks down. His touch so soft, so light, one might think because he played the guitar his hands would be rough with callouses but they went at all. They were the complete opposite.

   "Music...yes I think more music would be lovely."

Closing her fingers around Jason's for a second Misty just holds his hand. There was something about him that was so different, something about them, there friendship, and the feelings that ran deeper. And so the though lingered as Misty's fingers ran over Jason's hand for a second.

Finally looking up at him again Misty gives a smile. Letting go of his hands she lets her fingers brush over his before she retreats back to her seat. Looking over to Alec she gives another smile and than looks to Jason again now with a silly little grin on her lips.

   "I guess this would be a good time to make my own s'more before they are all gone."

Giving a small nod Dalton picks up his drink and swirls the ice around in the liquid for a moment before taking a sip. He understood what Dani meant even though he'd never been in that situation before. He could see the pain as clear as day on her face though and his made his own heart hurt.

   "Yeah, I get what your saying Dani."

Maybe one day she would be able to have some kind of relationship with her brother again. Even if it was small talk here and there at least it would be something even if at this point Carson didn't deserve it. 

   "Well no matter what you deiced Babe I am behind you one it. You're a smart woman and I know you will do what you think is best."

Turning to look at Hunter a little bit Katie listen's to his story. She wondered what the moral was behind it or what it even had to do with everything going on. Not stopping him though Katie herself just keeps listing. By the end of the story she was nodding her own head. She'd found the meaning and understood it. 


Giving a smile and nod to Hunter Katie was pleased. Hearing Jeff's comment she turns back to him and gives yet another nod. Today she almost felt like a bobble head with all the head bobbing.

   "He sure is, a smart one too once you get through that thick outside layer."

As Hunter changes the subject Katie could tell he was feeling slightly uncomfortable with the spot light being pointed on him or maybe it was the simple fact he didn't want the point of his message to be over looked.

Just moving along with him Katie stands and goes back to where she had placed everything out. Giving a smile and pointing to each item she says what it is along with the fresh sub rolls that still smelled of so good. 

   "Alright boys what are ya having...tell me and you wish shall be done!"