

Hunter enjoys his walk with Katie, soaking up all the sights and sounds, and being introduced to a few more people. He was putting faces to names and he liked it. It had been a while since he'd been out in the fresh air like this. Away from the city and all the hustle and bustle. It was rather nice.

Ambling beside Katie, he nods. "Yeah... when I first pulled up I wasn't sure what to expect. Now I see there's a whole lot more going on here than you can see from the road." 

Heading slowly up the lane back towards the ranch, he hooks his hands in his pockets and lets his eyes roam the area quietly for several minutes. "So, um.... looks like you're doing good..." He gives Katie a sidelong glance. "Looks can be deceiving though... Is being here helping you like you wanted?" 

"Yes!" Jason spins around and points at Misty. "That's exactly what it is! Okay, Alec it's your turn."

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute..." Alec reaches to the table and picks up the card Jason had drawn. "And electrical charge? Seriously?" 

"Oh, that's the wrong card."

"It is not!" Alec smirks at him. "You just don't want to admit you're a crappy artist." 

"Ha!" Jason throws his own smirk before capping the marker. "Put your pen where your mouth is."

"Nuh-uh. I'm done." Alec shakes his head and grins. "You've seen enough of my bad artistry for one night." 

Jason rolls his eyes and comes to sink back down in his chair, throwing a smile at Misty. "I guess this troop is about done." He glances at his watch, his eyes widening. "Whoopsies... I had no idea how late it was. I better go before I get thrown out."

"...and I think he's been here quite a bit after hours." Pete shrugs as he leans on Reese's open office doorway. It was late but he'd come in for some paperwork and had found Reese still here. 

Reese sighs deeply. "You really think Carson would be involved with the Agency again?"

"I never thought he'd leave Misty. That leaves things pretty wide open."

"Yeah." Reese didn't want to admit it, but it was true. Carson had surprised him with one thing - what was to say he wasn't in something deeper than he thought. "Okay, thanks. I'll do some checking and see if there's anything to what Carson's been doing here and maybe I'll have you start keeping an eye on him from a distance."

Ten minutes later, Reese was in Dalton's office. "Don't you know it's past time to go home?" he chides. He knew the big guy liked to work late sometimes though, especially when he didn't have a date, and Reese didn't mind. "Listen... I know Carson's been coming here late at night for a while and using computers. He told me once he was just doing some research but..." He shrugs. "Well, I just want to know exactly what he's been researching. I think he's been using Misty's computer. Think you could find out what he's been up to and let me know?"

thing a ma bob

Katie gives a laugh as she stands again. Looking at Hunter she just shakes her head. At least if she ever needed a laugh he was good at that.

   "Well good because I never said you didn't have to earn your keep."

Walking outside and down off the pourch Katie takes Hunter for a more indeeth grand tour. Past the few houses on the property, where Mick and Rosetta stayed, along some trails, where tp stay away from. Katie had fun showing him around and pointing everything out. It was fun and it was exciting.

   "Most people don't realize how big the ranch is till they get here. From the road it looks big but not being able to see how far it goes back because of all the trees make for an illusion."

Misty can't help but break out into laughter with the guys. It really was to funny watching everyone else draw something as much as it was funny watching herself. None of them were the best drawers and under pressure was ever....more of a mess. This really had been a good game to play so the banter could go around and warm everyone up.

   "Box....its definitely a box..."

Looking to Alec and raising an eyebrow Misty does her best to keep a laugh hidden while she continues to watching Jason draw. She had no idea what on earth he was doing but she would keep the guessing going.

"I KNOW...its a whoza whats it thing a ma bob."

Misty gives a knowing nod like she just solved the great puzzle.


Hunter ducks but still gets whacked before looking up at Katie with a silly grin. "Okay okay... but I'm still gonna earn my keep." It felt strange enough being here, he wasn't going to feel like a moocher too. 

Standing up, he stretches, stifling a yawn. He liked roadtrips, but it had been a long bike ride. "I'd say lets go for a ride but I'm not sure I'm awake enough to stay in the saddle." He laughs. "How about keeping our feet on the ground and going for a walk instead? I still want to see more around the ranch - it's bigger than I thought."

As Misty leaves her picture, Jason and Alec just laugh all the more, only serving to throw Alec into a coughing fit. Jason snickers as he stands to take his turn. "See what you did to him, Misty? Poor guy. You're gonna kill him."

"I'm okay!" Alec holds up his hand as his eyes water and he stifles another cough. 

Jason grins and reaches out to take a card from Misty. "I'll do my best not to get an easy...." His sentence trails off as he reads the card and he rolls his eyes. "Oh this ought to be good." 

Alec lifts his pop in a toast. "To the great artist."

"An artist I am not." Jason smirks but goes to the white board anyway.

As he starts to scribble, Alec cocks his head then leans over closer to Misty. "I dunno but... I think whatever it is, it's related to your wind." 

Jason throws a glance over his shoulder. "Hers was round. Mine is square."

"That's a square?"

"Well yeah, it has four sides."

"Dude, it looks like a diamond."

"It does not!" Jason uses his hand to wipe off his original picture and starts over. "Stop distracting me."

"It's good practice to do this under pressure."

Jason keeps his eyes on the board, trying not to laugh again. And "electrical charge" was not something he'd ever thought he'd have to draw. "Stop talking."

Alec snickers and takes another sip of pop. "Hey, I know! It's a spider!" 

Jason's eyes widen. "A square spider??" 

"I saw one of them once."

There's a pause of total silence before the guys burst out laughing again. 

"Misty, help me!" Jason begs. "Start guessing before I start throwing things at your friend there!"