
Need Help

Dalton gives a nod to Scott. It sounded like a good idea to him for Scott to work than lunch. Maybe it would make a rutean out of things and in the long run help him get back into the rythem. Having that down pat would be important and continue to help him move forward.

   "I'll see you tomorrow than Scott. Have a good rest of the day."

As Jason whips her tears away Misty just looks at him for a moment. She was sad, she was down in the dumps, but his words broke through. Even if they didn't make her feel much better they still broke through and gave her a little hope that everything would be ok, even if it didn't seem like it now.

   "Thanks Jas. I guess...Its just gonna take some time to mend again. I was just completely blindsided by this. It's just eating me alive that I was so blinded and with all the strange things that had been happening over the last month or so I never once saw this coming."

Still the whole reality of everything seemed to be sinking in. Misty new she would have to tell her Uncle, and a few other people and she new it was going to be hard. She wasn't sure though when the whole thing really sank in and when it did how it was going to affect her. The world was just all turned around right now.

   "I think the scariest thing right now is the unknown. I know I need to move forward and stay healthy not for just my sake but for my baby's sake too...but not know what is going to happen is scary."

Leaning her head back on the couch Misty just closes her eyes for a second. She was emotionally tired, but she couldn't help but wonder if sleep would come easy or not. Maybe getting her mind off everything and one something a little more exciting would be better.

   "I think I want to turn the spare bedroom upstairs into the babys room. Make it look really nice and everything. If I need any help...can I call you?"

No Reason

Jason's heart breaks all over again, watching Misty. Oh how he hated what Carson had done to her... this woman full of life, love, energy, spark. He had reduced her to this... broken, lonely and scared. 

"Hey now." He reaches over and wipes a tear away with his thumb. "I know it's not the same, but you got an awful lot of people behind you. None of us are gonna let you down when you need help." Just wait until Rick, Susanne and Reese knew about this. They alone would do all they could for Misty. Not to mention just about everybody else on the Elite force. Misty might not realize it, but she was very much loved at the office - enough so that nobody would leave her high and dry.

Shifting so he's sitting sideways on the couch, Jason tries to give Misty a smile. He knew that whether his words were encouraging or not, they probably wouldn't make her feel much better at this point. She would still be alone tonight. And the next night. And the next. 

"And... you're gonna make a great mother. I mean you're awesome. There's no way you could make a bad mom even in the slightest." He wipes another tear. "You have a right to feel a lot of things right now... but there's just no reason to be scared." 

It was getting late and was dark outside. A light rain sprinkled down, just enough to be irritating. A pickup parks out by the curb and two figures work quickly to gather the items from the yard. A few things were left for garbage pick-up or anybody who wanted them. But the majority was cleaned up within minutes, thrown into the back of the truck to be sorted through later. Though the two people seemed to have a heated argument once they were back in the cab, their doing had been silent so that they would not disturb anyone in the house.

Returning Dalton's handshake, Scott stands. "Thanks, Dalton... I needed this today to prove to myself I really am ready to get back to work. I appreciate it." 

Invited to lunch, he thinks for a moment then nods. "Yeah... okay. Last I knew, Saph had lunch plans with Gage so I can ask Hope. I know she won't turn me down." Though smiling, there was a small bit of weariness in his eye. He knew good and well that Hope was still waiting for a deeper relationship - to be more than friends again. She never pressured him and they hadn't talked about it since he'd gotten back, but he knew. He knew it was still there, lingering... waiting on him. 

He tries not to show any of that on his face though, not wanting Dalton to think he didn't really want to do lunch. "Maybe I'll come in and work the morning then, and after lunch I can just head home."