

Hearing that Jason had been found kissing another woman, Hunter finds himself not being surprised. After everything Katie had told him about what had been going on, this came as no shock. It did, however, make him somewhat irritated... no, maybe it was even angry. Katie was a great woman - kind, funny, considerate, smart, passionate. Jason was a fool for playing that game with her. 

Seeing Katie take several more swigs of beer, Hunter could tell now that this whole thing - her coming here tonight - was an act of desperation. He knew that look in her eye all too well from seeing it in the mirror too many times. It was when he wanted so bad just to numb the pain with whatever he could. It had gotten him in trouble more than once.

Leaning his elbows on the bar, Hunter purses his lips grimly and nods. "I'm sorry... Jason's a jerk for doing that to you. Nobody like you deserves something like that." 

Picking at the label on his beer bottle, he really isn't sure what else to say. "What did you do when you saw him?

Hearing Victoria's voice, Garret looks up and gives her a small smile... it was all he dared, and all he could muster. 

Continuing to study the roses, he listens, finding it difficult not to feel the small stabs to his heart. Victoria did love her mother... in spite of everything she'd had to deal with her whole life, she did still love her mother. Cassandra was the only stable thing around here... and it was soon to be over. 

"She's a strong woman," he confirms. "Perhaps in a place like this, death is more welcomed than dreaded." 

Taking a few steps forward, he leans in to smell the sweet scent of some taller roses. It was all he could do not to walk around and take Victoria in his arms. Hold her. Comfort her. He could see how much torture she was enduring. To others it wouldn't be seen, but to him it was obvious. And to make matters worse, he had a job to do. 

Straightening and finally looking over at her, he squares his shoulders. "It's going to happen tomorrow," he informs quietly. "No one is supposed to know. She's going to be taken to a different location so no one here will rebel against Medridge's decision." 

Swallowing hard, Garret isn't sure if he can voice the rest of it or not. It was a strange feeling. He could usually wipe away all feelings in order to do his job. But today, in front of Victoria, it was more difficult than he'd even imagined, and it made him feel weak. 

Caressing another rose, he jerks his hand back to find a drop of blood on his fingertip. No one was invincible. 

Eventually he looks up again. She had a right to know. "He chose me for the job."


Getting her beer and taking a swig Katie gives a nod and coughs for a quick moment. First time having beer it surprised her a bit the taste but it wasn't the worst thing she tasted it was rather smooth after the first shock of it. All in all, it wasn't bad and she...she kind of liked the taste.

Looking back to Hunter at his comment she shakes her head a little bit and than follows it with a nod and another sip of the beer before letting out a long sigh. She didn't want to think about it but she could tell Hunter was itching to know what happened and suddenly she wanted to drink. He deserved to know he was paying after all and he was her friend.

   "Well, I guess one would call it heavy. I'd say more painful, and angering to turn a corner and see your boyfriend, the man you have bent over backwards for in the embrace of another woman...."

Katie takes another long sip before continuing. It was easy to see the pain that was in her eyes and in her voice.

   "...kissing, in front of everyone. Yep thats pretty heavy."

   "Careful even the pretty flowers still have thorns."

Walking along the other side of the bushes Victoria had washed up and changed her close so no one would tell that all of last night she had been in the same times. Though her eyes had makeup on to hide the dark circles if one looked close enough they could tell sleep was something she lacked.

   "I spent the night with mom...I just...wanted to be close to her. All the time in the word and it still wouldn't have felt like I had spend enough with her."

Finally looking up at Garret she new that if anyone took note on camera it would look like just a normal conversation, or if anyone saw them from a distance they wouldn't know any better. Victoria's face held little to no emotion though she new Garret would be able to see the pain written all underneath.

   "She's...she is doing alright surprising enough. As for me...I'm trying to hold it together like its just a normal everyday thing."

Ryan can't help but laugh at Tal. He was such a sweet heart and did know how to make the best of a situation. She was thankful for that because he always kept the mood light and never let it get him down to much.

Coming close to him again Ryan is gentile not to bump him wrong or lean on him to hard. Pressing her lips to his she just lets the moment continue for a few minutes before pulling away and giving him a smile.

   "Alright what about those puppy's?"


"Ah, there, ya see? You know more than you think you do." Hunter turns and waves at the bartender, ordering the beer for Katie. 

Taking another swig of his own, he eyes Katie for several moments, still wondering what had been so horrible about her own day. He gives her a shrug. "My day was alright. Nothing short of boring, somewhat depressing and rather non-motivational." He grins. "But that's me every day." 

Shaking his head, he sighs, although his grin remains. "Ah. So you were avoiding me. I thought so. Don't worry about it though... I had it coming to me after I pulled the stunt of showing up at the Elite building. Wasn't the smartest thing I've done." 

He pauses as her beer comes before resuming the conversation. "I'm a bit surprised you're here tonight though..." He lifts one eyebrow in question. "Must have been some pretty hefty crap." 

Carson doesn't respond right away, but finally nods before picking himself up. Standing, he waits for Misty and takes her hand to lead the way to the bedroom. His balance seemed to have already improved. 

Sinking into bed, it isn't long before he has his arms wrapped around her from behind, holding her as if he thought he might lose her if he didn't. "I love you," he whispers. 

Having just managed to get to his feet with his one crutch and begin hobbling towards the hallway, Tal just about falls over as he laughs at Ryan's comment. "Don't worry," he calls back to her. "If I can't do this by myself, I'm in a whole lot worse shape than I thought." 

Thankfully he makes it to the bathroom and back without too much trouble, although the short trip in itself is tiring. Getting back to the couch, he has to figure out the best way to sit back down again, not really sure which position hurt the most. 

"Okay now that you have all that stuff, come here for another kiss," he teases. "I need some more motivation." 

Garret's walk was more tense today as he roams the garden area. It wasn't necessarily the safest place on the grounds, as there were cameras that swept this area, but it was one of the least busy as far as traffic and ears went. Today was a day of waiting for tomorrow, and he was already dreading it.

But dreaded even more was seeing Victoria today. She hadn't come to him last night, and while he'd heard nothing from Medridge, he hoped everything was alright and that she hadn't done anything foolish concerning her mother. He knew that she was smarter than that though.

Today he wanted to see her and he didn't want to see her, both. But he knew he had to, and he knew what he had to tell her. And it wasn't going to be easy.

Pausing by a rose bush, he reaches out and feels the soft petals. How delicate it was... just like life.


Thinking about all the different kinds of drinks Hunter was talking about Katie felt a little confused. Different kinds of drinks for different moods. She couldn't help but feel a little nervous she never had done this so who know what she liked at all.

   "Well...lets not start with the shot, how about...starting with a beer. Humm...how about something with a sweeter taste. I was told Labatts is good for that."

Katie gives a another smile as she hops up on the bar stool. She didn't feel to bad for being here, she'd broken up with Jason so now she wasn't do anything wrong. Not that she though she was before thinking about it only made her angry again though.

   "So, my night might have been crap but...how was yours? I'm sorry I have been avoiding you."

As Carson answers her and than places his head in her lap Misty lets out another sigh. Something about the way Carson was acting...she didn't find it cut like normal. Maybe it was because she was slightly irritated. Holding Carson like he asked she leans her head back against the couch. She had no idea what to say to him now so many nothing was the best thing to say.

   "How about we head to bed hmmm?"

As the night draws on and laughs were shared, tears were shed, and memories remembered Victoria dreaded the sleep. When she mother finally did she slowly walked to the balcony again and looked out at the heavens.

   "I don't know if your out there God, but spare my mother. She lived this life because she had not, there was no other choose."

Letting out another sigh and walking back in Sleep was not something Victoria would find. Stay by her mom's side like she promised she held she hand and continued to just watch her sleep. Remembering her, imprinting her image into her mind so she would never forget when she was gone.

...Draw came all to soon and Victoria's eyes were heavy from not a wink of sleep. She new it was time, it was time for her to leave the room while she still could. It was not something she wanted to do but it was something she had to do.

Leaning over to her mom's sleeping form Victoria gives her a soft kiss on the for head brushing her hair gently with her fingers to not wake her.

   "I love you! I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

A tear trickled down her cheek and she new it was time to go. Gathering her things and slipping silently out the door Victoria makes her way for her room. So much seemed to change in the matter of days, thats how its always been but having it be so close to home, one of her family members it seemed to just be quicker. 

But the worst thing of all where the screams and crys in her own head of the familys she helped destroy. This was no different than anything else she had done...maybe in a round about way this was her punishment for everything she had done.

Giving a laugh and shaking her head Ryan heads into the kitchen. Stopping at the table she looks for the papers for the puppys Coming across a stack of bills she looks through them before taking two and folding them slipping them into her back pocket. Tal would never let her help willing so she would do it without his knowledge. Yelling into the other room making he was making his way to the bathroom she grins.

   "Just whatever you do, dont need any help in there till Eli comes back because there is no way I am coming to the rescue."

Laughing Ryan spots the paperwork about the dogs and scoops it up along with the phone bringing it back into the living room and setting it down on the table. Looking through some of the stuff she had no idea really what she was looking at so for now she would set it aside and leave it for when Tal came back and directed her to do.


Waiting for Katie, Hunter sips his beer slowly. His concern was increasing and he really wanted to know what had happened today. He knew well enough that she wouldn't want to come have drinks out of the blue - it just wasn't like her. Though he'd only known her a short while, he'd learned a lot about her and this was not normal.

When she finally arrives, he offers her a smile. "Hey, you." A rough night? That was it? There had to be more to it than that.

As she admits she doesn't know what to order, a new grin surfaces. He wasn't making fun of her in the least - he just found her standing there like that rather cute. "Well, hop on up here." He gestures to the barstool next to him. "They don't have the best variety here, but it's not the worst." He turns in his seat and studies Katie for a long moment. "Although I might have a hard time recommending something until I know what it is you want to accomplish."

He holds up his beer. "Me, I'm just thirsty and want something cold that has more kick to it than water. They got a couple different kinds of beer... I like the taste of the German brands. Budweiser tastes like..." He stops and grins again, not finishing his sentence. "If I wanted to relax, I might get a glass of red wine. And..." He looks her in the eye as all of a sudden he feels just a twinge of guilt. Not for being here, but for what he doing - recommending beverages Katie wouldn't have touched yesterday. Not that he thought drinking itself was bad - he certainly did enough of it. Katie though... she was different. And having her here with him right now felt just a bit out of place. But, who was he to stop her? She obviously wanted to try something new, and the least he could do was help her out. "If I was trying to forget about something and just wanted to feel it burn, I'd order a double bourbon straight up... at least once."

He cocks his head. "But that's just me. I'm not too adventurous and the fruity foo foo stuff doesn't do anything but make me silly." He shrugs. "Take your pick. And since you had a rough night... I'm buying."

Carson returns Misty's kiss rather gently for someone in his state, and he doesn't ask for more. Her question sends his eyes to the floor and he picks at his fingernails. 

"I j'st... met some'n there fer j'st one drink was all... honest..." His eyes remain down, his shoulders slouching. "And then we... well I... I guess I had more'n I thought y'know? And all'f a sudden it was late an' I's s'posed to be home an' I didn't want ya mad at me." 

He nods at the floor, concluding his reasoning. Shifting a little on the couch, he lies down on his side, putting his head in Misty's lap and bringing his feet up, curling almost into a ball. "Thank you... fer not bein' mad." He lets out a long sigh, his eyes falling shut as he pulls himself in even tighter. "Hold me?" His question was almost a whimper as if begging for comfort. 

"Oh, Victoria." Cassandra cradles her check with a hand as a tear glistens in her own eye. "Sometimes love means letting go. But I won't argue with you. You may stay - but if I suspect that anybody believes you are here for any other reason besides being my daughter, I will have you leave." 

Walking slowly from the balcony, she enters her room through the open doors and sits on the edge of her bed. "Come..." She pats next to her. "Let's talk of when you were a little girl. I like remembering those times." 

It was a quiet time between mother and daughter that followed. Stories, quiet laughter and an occasional tear. Eventually though, weariness overtook Cassandra and she knew she must sleep, no matter what tomorrow was going to look like. Before drifting off though, she took one last look at her daughter, knowing that in the morning, she would be gone. 

Tal grins up at Ryan and then finally laughs. "I think there's a pile of papers by the fridge in the kitchen. Somewhere in there is a number for a Gary Harrison. He's the guy I gotta call about the pups."

His own expression turns a bit sheepish. "And while you hunt down the number I gotta use the little boy's room, but it will probably take me an hour just to get there and back, so take your time."

Have to Admit...

Hearing where Hunter was Katie takes a moment to get her bearings she gives a small nod even though Hunter couldn't see here. She wouldn't make him go anywhere else she would just meet him there. Katie new where the place one.

   "I'm not to far away. I'll just meet you there. See you soon."

Hanging up the phone Katie continues to sit on the side of the road for a long moment. Letting out a long sigh Katie tries to collect herself. She wanted to be somewhat clear headed before pulling out again and entering a rough place like a bar.

...It dosn't take to long for Katie to get to the bar. Leaving her purse in the car along with her cell phone Katie gets out and locks the door stuffing her keys into her jean jacket. Getting into the bar and looking around Katie spots Hunter up at the bar. Walking over and laying a hand on his shoulder she trys to smile.

   "Hey Hey, thanks for agreeing to meet me. I just...had a rough night and needed my friend. Though it might be nice to do something different too but...I have to admit I don't know whats good to drink and whats not."

Katie bits her bottom lip as she knows she feels kinda silly but hopes Hunter will understand and help her out a little bit. It was something new to keep her mind off things. Though Katie new sometime during the night she would talk to Hunter about what happened to night she just wasn't ready to yet.

Once Carson comes back again Misty looks at him for a long moment before finally leaning in and giving him a kiss on the lips. She still couldn't wrap her head around the idea of him being drunk and not know why was worse. It just didn't add up to her and the more she thought about it the worse it was.

   "So how come you got drunk at the bar tonight instead of going to your bible study like normal?"

Misty new his answer from earlier but there had to be a better one than that. That was an excuse not an answer to her question. She wanted to know that truth and that was all. She just wanted to be able to understand what was going on with her husband.

Looking back at her mother Victoria's eyes were filled with sorrow. She couldn't leave her mother, she just couldn't. No one should have to die alone and she wasn't about to let her mom share that. She might be as hard as stone when it came to the agency but her own mother, how could a wall no crumble to that.

   "No, I will stay with you the night...I need too. I will be gone by morning if need be but I will stay with you for now. I have too."

Victoria continues to stand with her mother there was just something inside her that would not let her movie. She just couldn't move, her body just wouldn't let her and her heart new this was right.

   "I love you, you are my mother and no body will think anything more."


Katie's outburst continues to overwhelm and shock Jason. He couldn't understand how she could be saying these things. He had just told her he was innocent and yet she didn't believe him? Her words hurt... deeply. And the more she speaks, the more his expression evolves from shock to dismay to irritation. His hands slide from her arms and his eyes pierce hers with confusion, anger and desperation. 

He opens his mouth several times to try and speak, but is just cut off as she continues. He didn't want to believe his ears. What on earth had happened here tonight? 

"...leave me alone... we are done." Jason feels as though he had just been stabbed straight through the heart. When Katie gets into her car, he doesn't even turn around, flinching as her door is slammed and he hears the locks. She had just locked him out... in more ways than one. 

Hearing her pull away, he finally turns to see her leave the parking lot. He couldn't remember a time when he had seen Katie so angry. Hurt, yes. Upset, yes. But never so angry, let alone with him. Even when Katie's car is out of sight, his eyes remain on the road, somehow hoping that she would come back. But she didn't. 

Jason feels like throwing up as new and strong emotions rise within him - and they felt horrible. He was embarrassed, angry, confused... Why hadn't Katie even listened to him? Surely he could talk to her again, right? Surely she would calm down and he could straighten out this whole mess... right? 

"You okay?"

Jason whirls around to face Phil and he sets his jaw tightly. "I... don't know." 

"What happened?"

"What, like you didn't see?" Jason's eyes narrow as he nods towards the building. 

Phil purses his lips grimly. "Yeah..."

"It wasn't me, Phil, honest! I had no idea Sandy felt anything, let alone the urge to kiss me!"

"I believe you."

"Katie doesn't." 


"Yeah." Jason shakes his head. "She said we're over. I can't believe she said that. She wouldn't let me say anything, she just kept yelling at me." He throws up his hands. "If she's gonna be like this, maybe it's good she's walking away." 

Phil sighs. "You don't mean that." 

Jason's shoulders drop. "Maybe not... But what else was I supposed to do?!"

"I don't know. But right now we got a concert to put on, so you gotta get your head back in the game." 

"After that?!" Jason rolls his eyes. "My girlfriend just dumped me and I'm supposed to pretend everything is fine?"

"No." Phil keeps his tone calm. "You're supposed to get up on stage, keep your cool for a few songs then deal with this later." He sets a hand on Jason's shoulder. "It'll be fine. She's upset, let her cool off and see if you can talk to her tomorrow, okay?" 

Jason finally relents and heads back to the building with Phil. The concert would go as planned, but it wasn't their best. Jason tried to concentrate and perhaps the audience would never notice anything was off kilter, but Phil, Mike and Axel knew. Sandy had not stuck around, and it was just as well. By the time the concert was over, Jason was ready to go home and wanted no part in going to get pizza. They could go without him. 

It would be hours later when home alone that Jason would send several text to Katie.
• Im sorry Katie. Please believe me. I have no feelings for Sandy.

• We can work this out. Just talk to me please?

• I never meant to hurt you. Youre the only girl that means anything to me.

• Please can we just talk and fix this?

But he would receive no response. Falling asleep later was not easy, but he would, in the hopes that tomorrow he could talk some sense into Katie.

Swiveling on the bar stool, Hunter had just ordered his first beer. Hearing his phone ring, he was surprised to see that it was Katie. She'd seemed to have been avoiding him the last few days - not that he could blame her, after that little encounter with Jason. Hunter had all but thought his friendship with her wasn't meant to last and he'd been ready to accept that. But now she was calling him? 

"Hey, Katie." Hearing her voice, he's immediately put on edge. Then even more so when she mentions a drink. Her? Katie? Wanted a drink? What was going on? 

"Well, um... I just got sat down at Micky's if you wanna come..." He wanted to ask what was wrong, but figured he'd wait until he saw her. Something didn't feel right at all. Had Jason been a jerk again? "Or I can meet you somewhere - up to you. Where are you?" Micky's was usually his place of choice but only because it was so close to his apartment.

"Okay." Carson nods his agreement and pats Misty's knee before standing and wobbling before heading down the hall to the bathroom. It would take him longer than usual to take a shower, but he finally emerges with wet hair and a clean set of clothes, the scent of the bar now gone. 

Wandering back to the living room, his balance isn't quite what it should be, but he's not running into things anymore. Coming around to the couch, he once more sits down beside Misty, and her purses his lips, giving her an apologetic look that silently said, "I messed up, didn't I?" 

"Can.... can I h've that kiss now?"  He tried his best not to slur but there was still a drunken edge. His eyes stare back at her with genuine hope.

Victoria's fingers curl around her daughter's as her eyes remain on the starlit sky. "Don't fear for me... there are worse things than death."

Silence lingers for a few more moments before her gaze lowers to meet Victoria's. "I love you. Be strong." Pulling her close, she gives her a gentle hug before retreating again. "Now go... we don't want to raise suspicion that you know anything you're not supposed to."

Being in Medridge's office, was an honor as far as the Agency went. The fact that Garret was often here said a lot about his status. The fact that Medridge would use him as a sounding board or to vent to said even more. Garret might technically only have a level three security clearance, but that had often been overruled by Medridge himself by the things he spoke to Garret about - things that only level one agents should know. But he was the boss and no one questioned him. Everyone knew that Garret's security level basically was void when he stepped into this office. And he'd earned a lot of respect for it.

But even with all that, all the status, all the perks... standing here today in his usual "at ease" stance near the desk, he didn't want to be here. No one must know though, and his eyes kept his secret well, even from the mastermind himself.

"Why? Why?" Medridge thumps his cane on the floor as he paces in front of the wall map. "Why would someone like Hans side with the losing team?" He shakes his head. "It puzzles my mind how anyone would want to chose the side that, in the end, will be crushed under our heels." Stopping in front of the map, his eyes roam the names, locations marked with pushpins, and the web of connections he was constantly altering. "Granted, the Underground is formidable foe. More so than the Elite since they are currently unbound by law, acting out as vigilantes."

Garret cocks his head slightly. "The Elite was once a small band of vigilantes."

"Very true. Perhaps the Underground should be exposed for the law to fight instead of us." Medridge pauses then spins on his heel to stare at Garret as new ideas come to mind. "Perhaps instead of battling the Underground directly, we can learn more about them so that we can, shall we say, 'inform' the authorities. If they disband, we are free from that particular pest. If they transform under the law, they will be much less a rival. Yes... yes, that is worth pondering."

Watching Medridge continue to pace, Garret clears his throat. "I assume Hans is scheduled for termination?"

"Oh yes." Medridge was quick to reply. "We can't have him running free after this. He was the one that informed the Underground that Harkins would be here. They has already begun a correspondence with Harkins in an attempt to gain his prestige for their cause. When they found out he was coming here, they sent in their own assassin - the dear fool that you laid to rest. If they hadn't acted so stupidly, Hans' identity might not have been revealed."

"I see." It all made sense now. Garret usually didn't mind talking of such things. He had learned long ago how to not feel anything towards the violence. He shot and killed without batting an eye. It simply didn't feel like anything. But something about this time was different. It involved the mother of someone he loved, and... he cared. Yet how many others had been killed who were mothers? Father? Sons and daughters? Every one of his bullets lodged in someone's head represented someone being erased from a family. He'd learned to not care. Should he have? Were there lives worth less than Victoria's mother? "And Cassandra?"

"Ah." Medridge wanders behind his desk where he eases down into his chair. A weary sigh is expelled. "Yes... Yes, she was participating with Hans as an informant."

"Do you want me to inform Dirk to have her taken into interrogation as soon as they are finished with Hans?"

Medridge is strangely quiet for several moments. "No. She is already scheduled for termination without torture."

Garret tries not to act surprised. A family member had betrayed him and he chose a route of lesser pain? Why? Was that... compassion he saw in Medridge's eyes? "Sir?"

"We need not spend time and resources on gaining information we have already extracted from Hans," Medridge states flatly. "We have enough intel."

"Is she aware of our knowledge?"

"She has not been informed. And she will not be terminated here." Medridge shakes his head. "Too many others here respect her - I don't want to start a rebellion. She will be taken from here under the guise of something else, and will simply not return."


"This requires a quiet execution." Medridge finds Garret's eyes. "Prepare to leave in two days' time."

And deep inside, buried under a mask of unemotional calmness, Garret wanted to kill Medridge right here and now.

It wouldn't be until the next evening that he would see Victoria again. He had purposely avoided her path, lest they be caught in too deep of a conversation where there were listening ears. No, it was safer to be cautious at a time like this...

...Leaning against one of the trees, Garret stares into nothingness. Hans was dead. Cassandra would be next. Had Victoria heard that it was a sure thing? He thought not. Medridge probably wouldn't want her knowing, and Garret certainly wasn't supposed to tell her - not that it mattered to him. He broke the rules all the time. 

Sighing, he glances at his watch. If Victoria didn't come to their secret spot soon, he would have to catch her another time. He couldn't stay here much longer without being missed.

A Drink

Hearing Jason call after her Katie doesn't stop. She couldn't breath, she couldnt think, she was hot and needed to cool off. Her worst fears where coming true in the matter of moments and her mind raced wildly as the anger and pain seemed to take over her.

Continuing to make the rout to her car she stops short as Jason steps in front of her. She just wanted to be left alone before she said something she shouldn't and now here Jason was again standing infront of her and it made her even more angry.

   "You had no part of it? The last time I checked Jason a girl just doesn't hall off and kiss a guy unless she has a reason...So...what was your reason? Lead her on till I found out and than play it off? Just leave me alone, its over, I've had it and I am tired of trying to make it work. Specially when you have random girls kissing you."

Katie can't help the tears that stream out of her eyes now. She'd sacrificed so much for Jason for a long time not in the matter of months, but in the matter of years. She'd never want to go back and change anything she'd done but to have it all amount to this...it was heart breaking and she felt less than dirt.

   "I've done everything for you, gave you space, stopped spending time with my friend...I've held on when I felt like letting go because of you. I loved you Jason, with every inch of my heart and now...not its shattered on the floor. Just leave me alone, I have nothing more I want to say to you. We are done. Enjoy the concert."

Getting into her car Katie closes the door with a loud thud and locks them. She hurt, she hurt so bad right now she just wanted to cruel up, she felt like crap...she just...wanted a friend.

Starting her car and just driving for a few moments Katie finally pulls over to the side of the road and pulls her phone out. Dialing Hunters number she new her voice still sounded crappy but she just wanted her mind of things, cool down, and go some place no one could find her in case they looked.

   "Hey Hunter, I was wondering if you wanted to come join me for a drink."


Stunned from Sandy's gesture, Jason froze. When Katie's voice is heard though, his hands quickly move to Sandy's shoulders, pushing her back to whirl around and stare wide-eyed at Katie. She thought... this wasn't... it... she had it all wrong!

Sandy's face goes from bright red to white in a matter of seconds and she takes a step back out of the way.

Being yelled at, Jason's face turns a shade of crimson - not from anger, but from embarrassment at the others witnessing this whole absurd thing. "But, Katie, it's-" He cringes as she continues. Seeing her turn and walk away, he immediately takes off his guitar. "Katie, wait!" Setting his instrument carelessly aside, he's already partway to the door.


He stops for a moment and looks over his shoulder at Sandy, not even sure how to respond.

She swallows hard, a look of horror on her face. "I'm... I'm sorry."

"Later," he retorts. Spinning back around, he sprints out the door, his eyes looking around wildly for Katie. Finally catching up to her in the parking lot, he stops her with a hand to her arm. "Katie, stop! Please!" Slipping in front of her, he takes both her shoulders to keep her in his sight. "It's not what you think - I have no idea where that kiss came from. Sandy took me totally by surprise. There's nothing between her and me, please believe me! It's not what it looks like."


Giving half a smile to Carson Misty nods still very confused but a shower would make him smell better and maybe just maybe sober him a bit so he could tell he what happened.

   "I think I shower sounds like a good idea. I'll be waiting here when you're done."

Still confused Misty watches as Carson staggers away. Whats was going on with him? The last few weeks something had been off. He always looked tired, like something else was on his mind and often she would wake to find him just looking out a window, or sitting at the kitchen table. It made her feel uneasy a feeling she hadn't felt in a while.

Beth was happy Justin wasn't going to argue about the dessert. She loved baking and having a person to eat it with her made it even better. So all in all it was fun to make and eat.

Leaning back again on her elbows Beth thinks for a second. Justin's mom was pretty wise, and she was smart too. Maybe if Justin did tell Jared what happened is might help him as well. It was only a theory though.

   "I think you should tell him. He has a right to know and whats the worse that can happen right? From what you told me before he don't want to be a bad person so if you maybe explain things to him it will help him change and not revert back to how he was before."

Beth smiles and gives a nod to Justin. She new it was a hard situation and probley pretty awkward for Justin but it was something he'd have to get over and do sooner or later. Jared was his brother and he needed all the help he could have right now in this rough moment.

Ryan laughs and shakes her head at Eli walks out the door. Her brother was so funny, but she loved him that way. He never had to worry about her making the wrong destitution, and she always felt comfortable and not under pressure with Tal. He was a good guy and she loved him.

   "Alright sell the puppys we shall...."

Getting up Ryan walks out of the room only to come back seconds later and look down at Tal a little sheepishly. Her hands behind her back as she twists a little bit with a silly look on her face.

   "I guess...it would help if I new where the stuff was so I could get it for you."

The last few days had been good ones. Katie had texted with Hunter but she had done her best to avoide going any place with him alone and not making him feel bad about it. She still didn't see where Jason was coming from but to stay out of fights its just what she did.

Today was a good day and she got to do her bodyguard duty. That was something she liked doing more than sitting in an office and she was good at it. Being a body guard was her passion. Something she enjoyed so much.

   "Hey Jase...Sorry I'm...l...."

Coming around the corner Katie comes to a stop as she see Jason and Sandy in a kiss. Right there...in front of everyone. Her heart dropped, racing a million miles an hour and she could feel an anger burn inside her. The accusations Hunter had made were...right? After the last few days of trying and now...now this?

   "Really? I can't believe you right now! After the last few days when things were starting to get better I now find you here kissing with her?"

Shaking her head a tear rolls down her cheek. She'd raised her voice and she new it but she had every right too. Finally turning Katie starts to walk away. She didn't want to talk right now, she didn't want to look at Jason, she didn't want to be here anywhere close to any of them. She needed to good down...she needed to just get out.


Receiving no affection, Carson retreats, his silly expression turning to one more like a dog that knew he'd displeased his master. "No..." His finger traces an imaginary design on the coffee table. "I w's just.. um.... thirsty." 

He nods and gives Misty a sidelong glance. "Maybe I sh'd go take a shower? So... I c'n g' a kiss?"

A new smiles spreads on Justin's face as he remains lying in the grass. "I'm not gonna say no to dessert - especially if you make it." And... maybe a part of him wanted to take advantage of their time... days like today might become a rarity. 

Rolling onto his side, he props himself up on an elbow and studies Beth for a few moments. "Ma thinks I should tell Jared why he and I didn't get along." The subject was out of the blue, but it had been bothering him for quite a while. "What do you think?" 

"Good." Eli nods his agreement. "I'll go hunt down some food then and I'll be back in a while." 

Tal sighs and rolls his eyes, knowing that fighting these two was pointless. "Alright, I'll behave myself..." A teasing glint enters his eye as he looks at Ryan. "With you around though, it's awfully hard for a guy to take it easy." 

"Okay, I'm gone." Eli covers his ears and aims for the door. "You two... go through bills. And only bills," he warns. Though his back was turned, a grin forms on his lips. He had no worries in the world about Tal and his sister. Even if Tal wasn't in bad shape, Eli had rarely seen a man with as much respect for a woman as Tal had for Ryan. 

Tal chuckles and winks at Ryan. "Yeah, okay. If we have to."

"You do." Eli waves at them before heading out of the apartment. 

Left alone with Ryan, Tal leans his head back in the couch, letting just a little bit more of his weariness show now that Eli was gone. "First thing I gotta do is sell those pups. Otherwise... I'm gonna lose everything." 

Jason's thumb runs along Katie's hand and he nods. "It'll come... I know it will." The sunrise had to. It had always come for them before. This wasn't  the first time they'd faced a rough patch. They'd had plenty of bumps along the way. Maybe this was the most severe, but they could make it... couldn't they?

Getting back to work after lunch, Jason felt a little better. And anything in that direction was good. Going to the movie with Katie later was fun. They didn't talk much, but just holding hands during the movie made Jason feel a little closer to her. Maybe Con was right. Maybe they just needed some good old fashioned dates, just the two of them. 

Things seemed to go fairly well over the next couple days. Jason was glad simply for lack of arguing with Katie. It still felt... awkward... but he was doing his best. Though still not spending as much time together as they had once, he hoped that it was a good enough balance between them having their own space but still doing some things together. Once the night of the concert rolled around, Jason hoped that maybe going to Mom and Pop's afterward would be like old times again...

Backstage, JetStream hustles to get ready for the concert after they'd been misinformed about the starting time and were now running late.

"Phil! Throw me that duct tape!" Mike is promptly beaned in the head with a roll and he smirks. "Thank you... very much." 

Phil snickers from where he's leaned over an open bin. "You're welcome. Jase, you got those cords?"

"Yeah... I think." Jason rummages through another box and pulls out an extension cord. "Yup."

Phil jumps up onto the stage to set up the mics, his eyes scanning the auditorium. "Hey! There he is!"
Axel had just entered the building and he waves. "Sorry I'm late."

"We're all late." Phil grins. "Come on back, we're just setting up. We're making good time, considering."

Axel sheds his jacket and tosses it to the side. "Good deal. Where do you want me first?"

Remaining backstage, Jason kneels on the floor and opens up one of his cases, pulling out his electric guitar. Plucking a few notes, he fiddles with tuning it by ear.

"Ah, here you are."

Jason's head snaps up to see Sandy and he smiles. "Well hi there. Didn't expect to see you 'til afterward." He'd actually been on the lookout for Katie, figuring she'd be showing up soon to scout out the area and keep an eye on things.

Sandy chuckles and wanders closer, her hands tucked in her jeans pockets. "Didn't have anything better to do and I figured seeing JetStream backstage would be pretty cool."

Jason laughs and introduces her to Mike and Phil, then Axel as well. "And he's here helping with sound since Jen can't make it tonight."

"Isn't he from..."


"Ah yes. Very cool." Sandy nods and watches with fascination as Jason straps on his guitar and continues to tune it. "Well... I don't want to keep you."

"Naw, you're fine." Jason stands up straighter and continues to fool with his guitar. "People started coming in out there yet?"

"Yeah. Nobody knows you're running late."

Jason chuckles. "Good. Don't tell them."

"I won't." Sandy takes a couple steps closer and bites her lip. "I guess I better go see if the guys made it. They weren't too far behind me and we were gonna sit together."

"Alright." Jason nods and finally lifts his eyes to her. "I'll be lookin' for ya while I'm up there."

She smiles, her eyes sparkling. "Knock 'em dead, Jase."

His own smile forms. "I'll do my best."

"Well... for a little extra luck then..." Sandy closes the distance between them and sets a hand on his shoulder, pulling him down a little closer. "Not that you need it but..." Before Jason can react, her hand slides behind his head and she lifts herself on her tiptoes, bringing her lips to his in a warm kiss.