

Hunter sighs deeply and lets his eyes travel up to Katie. "I suppose reality demands a look at the clock. I think all clocks should be gathered in one pile and A-bombed." He knew they should at least start heading back towards the bike. He was enjoying himself, but after all, he was with someone else's girl... alone... late at night. The last thing he needed was an irate boyfriend coming after him.

Getting to his feet, he brushes the sand off his shirt and jeans. "Okay... if we must."

Ambling back the way they'd come, his pace is much slower this time. It was dark but at least the moonlight was bright enough to see enough details in the sand not to trip and fall or step on driftwood. Getting back to their shoes and socks, he puts them back on, lacing his boots back up again. Once they were back at the bike though, he doesn't mount up right away. Instead, he goes for the treat he'd bought earlier.

Retrieving his Mountain Dew and the two Milky Way candy bars, he takes a long swig of the drink and nods with satisfaction. He then holds out a candy bar and the bottle to Katie. "I promise I didn't backwash and I don't have cooties."

Dylan realizes that Stacy's eyes were aimed at this end of the table and he exchanges a quick glance with Ashlee. "I'm... just along for the ride," he responds. A movie sounded okay. Miniature golf sounded kinda fun. But he really did feel that he was just tagging along and whatever the others decided would be okay with him.

He shrugs. "I'm okay with whatever Ash wants to do."

Eric leans back in his seat and grins. He knew a movie would be enjoyed if that's what was chosen, but miniature golf might provide more interaction and result in more fun for the group. Ultimately, it was up to Ashlee since it was her birthday though. "What'dya say, birthday girl?" 

"Hey, Grace," Jared greets, perking up as she enters the room. After she started on his legs then brought him the food, his eyes widen. "I didn't think you were kidding but... you weren't kidding." He chuckles. "Good thing I passed on the oatmeal this morning." 

Taking a nibble of bacon, he smiles. "Mmm... Bacon had to have been one of my weaknesses." 

Glancing up at Grace, his eyes, were a bit dark from a hopelessness that had begun to settle over him. But despite the shadows, there was a depth there that held a world of potential just waiting to be released. A flicker of spirit...life. "So are you this nice to all your patients?"

"Reese - Alec's outside city limits."

"Aw for crying out loud." Reese glares at his phone as Hal called him on the intercom. "Do you know anything else?"

"Nope. I think he's probably on his motorcycle. He's stopped though, right outside town, so I don't know what he's doing."

"Idiot." Reese sighs. "Okay, thanks." Collecting his thoughts, he dials Wyatt but can't reach him. This time he dials Gunner. "Brent?"

Gunner cringes. Reese only called him that if he was in a bad mood. "Yeah?"

"Connect with Hal then go pick up Alec. He's outside town."

"He's not supposed to be?"

"No!" Reese's exasperation is evident. "He knows good and well he's not supposed to be outside town. We let him roam free and he finally pushed it too far. I want him back here now."

"Okay, okay." Gunner grabs his badge and chain and slings it around his neck. "I'm on my way."

Alec sits on his motorcycle, parked along the shoulder of the main highway. He sat ten feet on the other side of the city limits sign, staring off down the road at passing traffic. Holding his helmet, the breeze combed his hair. He didn't feel it though. He was waiting. Just... waiting.

The past week had felt as if he'd been running in place - never accomplishing anything, but feeling utterly exhausted anyway. Nothing felt right. Nothing was anything more than miserable. He'd gotten word that Tal was still in the hospital but recovering well. Surprisingly, he was glad to hear it. But all it did was remind him what a wretched being he was. So here he sat... awaiting what he deserved.

It wasn't long before he sees a black vehicle pull up behind him. Watching in his mirror, he notes that it's Gunner. He sighs but stays seated.

Confused, Gunner exits the SUV and approaches slowly, finding this whole thing very peculiar. He almost expected some kind of ambush. "Alec?"

Alec turns his head slightly. "Here to take me in?"

"Yeah, well, that's pretty much the case." Gunner searches his eyes. "What's the deal?"

Alec shrugs. "Gonna cuff me?"

Gunner's apprehension lingers. Why was Alec so calm? It was almost scary. "I don't think I need to do that. If you're willing to go in, I'll let you ride and I'll follow you."

"Okay." Alec dons his helmet and starts the engine.

Still confused, Gunner just tries to shrug it off. Maybe Alec was always this weird and he just hadn't noticed. Once inside the vehicle again, he waits for Alec to leave first, then follows him back into town and to TJY...

"So what is it this time, huh?" Reese glares at Alec across his office desk. "Just decided to play hooky so one of my men would waste his time coming after you? Do you think this is some kind of joke?"

Alec's eyes remain on the floor and he says nothing.

"If you want me to take your bike away, I can," Reese threatens. "You won't get as far on foot. I know you came by it through under-the-table deals but I turned a blind eye because I wanted to let you have some freedom. But this is ridiculous. What were you doing anyway?!"

Alec finally raises his dim eyes. "I broke the rule. You gonna report it and have me sent to prison?"

"For sitting alongside the road and wasting our time? Unfortunately, that would seem a rather petty reason, don't you think?"

Alec shrugs. "A rule is a rule. The judge wouldn't be too happy to know I'd done that."

"No, he wouldn't. But I'm not going to report it."

"Why not? I thought you were honest."

"I am honest! I'm also trying to save your hide! Can you not see I care?!"

Alec jumps a little at Reese's loud tone. "If it's just your program you're worried about, I'm sure you can find some way of making it so the program doesn't have to end even if you put me away. Obviously I'm a unique case, and besides, you already have Carson and Gage and Phinox, and even Misty, as proof of rehabilitation."

Reese furrows his brow, just not understanding. "You make it sound as if you want to go to prison."

"It'd be better than this."

Reese was still confused. He didn't know why all of a sudden Alec would choose prison over this. But if that was the case, then keeping him here was a better punishment. "Fine. Then you stay and let this be a lesson to you."

"You can't keep me here if I keep breaking the law."

Reese gets to his feet and leans halfway across his desk, wearing a stern glare. "Alec Banks, if you're trying to bring this program down by getting yourself thrown into prison, then I got news for you - it isn't going to work. This is just a game to you. But you're losing. Guys like you don't win. You just keep playing til we tell you to stop. That's the way it works. Do I make myself clear?"

Alec swallows hard. "Perfectly."


Still leaning against the rock Katie breaths deep still catching her breath. She wondered if the small things like looking at stars, going for a fun, playing with seashells where the same things in life she'd let pass her by. Not having a connection now they took on a whole new meaning. Maybe all she and Jason needed was some time to slow down, to do something special together, just them.

   "I think we both need to take more time to look at them and remember life is to fast to just ignore the small things."

Finally leaning away from the rock and looking over at Hunter Katie smiles. It was getting later...than it already was but she had, had such a good night. In a way she didn't want it to end. Spending time with Hunter as a friend was nice and she wondered would this be the last? If it was, it was fun while it lasted.

    "It's getting late, you think we should call it a night or wast a few more hours?"

Once everyone had ordered Stacy looks around the table again and gives a smile. She'd been paying attachen to Dylan and Ashlee but not as atently as one would think. She wanted to give them there own place to chat and have a nice time. So far she though she'd done a good job. 

   "So, after this would you guys like to see a movie, or go mini golfing or something?"

Stacy new it sounded kind of kidish to say it the way she had but thats not how she meant it. She just wanted Ashlee to have a nice day and have some fun with Dylan. Sometimes acting like a kid was the best way specially if you missed out on that part of your life.

Walking down the hall holding a brown paper bag Grace smiled to the drs and nurses and she walked. She been up late last night cooking and putting a few things together for Jared today. She didn't mind she never fell asleep till one or two anyways so it didn't bother her to much. 

   "Good Morning Jared."

Entering the room Grace slightly closes the door behind her just leaving enough room that it wasn't closed, but no one could see in least she get in trouble for feeding Jared stuff he new she shouldn't.

Setting the bag of food down and removing her jacket Grace sets to work setting everything up on Jared's legs like she had the day before. This would also help the time pass quickly for him so he wasn't bored out of him mind.

Finished with that She goes to grab the tray she could set a few things down on before pulling out a place. The portions for each item were not big but that was so Jared could try everything and not get full.

   "Alright first up we have...Eggs, Bacon, Toast, Sausage and a little pancake. I figured we could start with some breakfast food. Also have some Milk, OJ, Apple juice, and grapefruit juice."

Foot O.o

"Okay.... See ya tomorrow." Jared gives Grace a little wave. Once she was gone, he leans his head back into his pillow, and wonders if all that had really happened. Why was Grace being so nice to him? Not that he minded... On the contrary, he had really enjoyed her company today. It was just interesting that she was giving him this much attention. Already he was looking forward to tomorrow. And it was the first time since being in here that he was looking forward to anything. 

The next morning, being woken early again doesn't seem quiet as bad, and instead of trying to go back to sleep, he flips on the television to stay awake.

Eric own face flushed crimson as he choked on another laugh. He didn't know if he was all that special, or if what Ashlee said was true, but the girl's innocent statement, coupled with Stacy's embarrassment was too much not to laugh at. His foot taps Stacy's under the table, letting her know he was more amused than anything else, and she need not be embarrassed. He was sure he wasn't the only man she'd paid attention to, but it was probably time to end this conversation.

Spying their waiter, he waves him over, trying to control his laughter. "I think we're ready to order now.... And if we're not, we're ordering anyway."

Once they've all ordered, things quiet down a little bit. The restaurant was starting to fill up now, so the chatter and noises around them were enough to fill any silences. Eric runs his finger around the rim of his water glass, a slight grin still visible on his lips. He'd let Stacy pick the next topic though - he wasn't going to be to blame for another subject that might get out of hand again. Although... it was still funny.

"Oh my... and I only wanted one nice thing. I should have asked for more." Hunter laughs and just stays lying where he is, still trying to catch his breath. "I'm not sure me being me is really a good thing though. At least you might find some opposition on that one." 

A shooting star suddenly zips across the dark sky and Hunter smiles. "Been a while since I've taken time to watch the stars... I guess I kinda miss it."