
After work

Though on the inside Hunter was boiling mad at being arrested, he knew better than to fight. He'd been drinking - a lot. But he wasn't so drunk that he couldn't think, and right now he knew his best bet was to play nice guy so he wouldn't be detained any longer than necessary. He didn't much care about his record. It was already marred with a couple DUI's and a couple more instances of disturbing the peace. One more really didn't seem that big of a deal, especially when nobody got hurt.

Nobody? His mind suddenly flashes back to Kyle and his gut twists. He'd had no intention of running into Kyle ever again, let alone tonight of all nights. And when he'd seen Alice... he'd just... gone mad. He'd tried to forget the past. He'd tried to shove it as far back as he could, but tonight, seeing them... it had just brought it all back to the surface. Kyle had gotten everything handed to him on a silver platter while Hunter had just struggled to survive. It hadn't been fair, and still wasn't. And yet... deep down... there was a different kind of churning. One that reminded him he wasn't only feeling upset. He was feeling the pangs of guilt too.

His attention suddenly snaps back as he's shoved inside the car and he grumbles his displeasure. Situating himself in the middle of the seat, he waits for Katie, quirking an eyebrow as he looked at her in the rearview mirror.

"Bummer. You coulda had a fun motorcycle ride tonight. Nice warm breeze. Starry sky."

He jolts a little as the car starts forward, and he scoots up, resting his forehead against the metal bars between the front and back seats. He'd heard her comment to Gunner, and that, mixed with a bit of alcohol made for a looser tongue than normal. "Somebody who likes to work late needs a life. Seriously. What are you doing after you get off work tonight?"

Seeing Hunter and one of the other guys taken away, Kyle trudges beside Alice and Twila back to his pickup. He looks to Twila, making sure she was okay. "You be alright driving?"

"Yeah... yeah, I think so." She was still a bit shaky, but was better now. "I'll see you guys later."

Kyle nods and opens the passenger door for Alice before going around the other side. Sliding in behind the steering wheel, he starts up the engine, remaining quiet. The silence keeps up all across town until they're pulled up to the curb for Kyle to drop off Alice at her place.

Fiddling with the steering wheel a moment or two, Kyle finally turns his gaze to Alice. He knew that his eyes would give him away, but there wasn't much he could do about that. Alice knew him better than he knew himself. "I guess when Hunter and I parted ways, I never thought I'd later be looking up at him from the ground, only to realize it was him who'd put me there." The pain in his gut had subsided. But not in his heart. His heart still hurt - a lot. What had happened to their friend? What had he done to himself? Why was he hanging out with such a group of people? Kyle hadn't even known he was back in Nevada at all. Why hadn't he contacted him? Did he really think nothing of their friendship anymore? There were so many questions.

Better Hope

Rolling her eyes at Hunter's comment if she could of Katie would have whacked him over the back of the head. Katie does her best to try and hide a smile that wanted to come out. She had to hand it to him this guy was pretty smooth. Maybe two smooth.

   "Sounds like a plan to me. I'll take this one in the car with me and when we get back I'll book them both so you can come back out."

Pushing Hunter into the backseat of the car she stops for a second before closing the door. Studying him for a long second she shakes her head. She never understood why someone would get drunk and than start harassing others. If you were going to drink just stay in your own home.

   "We are taking my car so yours is just gonna have to sit here in an empty lot. You better hope the people around here treat property better than you do till someone can come back to get it."

Closing the door behind her she opens the front door and yells over to Gunner before getting in. It looked like it was going to be a long night for sure.

   "Hey, I wanted to work late...I guess I got my wish. Gonna have to get someone down here to clean up this mess too."

Getting into the car Katie starts it up and pulls out of the lot and head back to TJY. Maybe it was a good thing Jason had been busy tonight. Oh well.

Yours or mine?

Hunter never even sees Katie coming. Hit from the side, he goes down hard, the wind knocked out of him as he hits the pavement. Dazed, he can't react much other than grunting as he tries to right himself, but finds that this young woman was stronger than she looked.

Yanked to his feet, he stumbles forward, cursing under his breath. "Sheesh, woman. If you'da wanted me to go with you, all you had to do was ask." He looks over his shoulder as they walk, a sly grin quirking his mouth. "Are we taking your car or mine?"

Gunner has his own quarry to his feet by now - sluggishly as it were - and is shoving him towards his own Elite vehicle. Looking around, he spots Katie with her hands full as well. "I got one," he calls to her. "The other three took off, but my guess is they're not gonna get far. I'm gonna take this guy in, then come back out to look for the others - they'll be driving around drunk and causing accidents if they're not stopped."


Giving a nod to Kyle Katie takes into consideration what information he shared. That was a ticket itself right there drinking and driving, having opened bottles, and starting a fight. Katie was sure she could add even more things to the list if she had time.

   "Kyle take the girls and get out of here. As for you..."

Turning around again and seeing Hunter take off Katie lets out a small sigh to herself. She wanted excitement, she wanted a case, but...she didn't want to have trouble doing so. Glancing and seeing Gunner busy with his own trouble maker and than hearing the two other bikes start up Katie new there was no point in trying to stop them so she'd just go after Hunter.

Darting after Hunter Katie watches his moments and take a different path than the one he did. Going around a few other she predicted she'd come out in front a little ways and thats just what she wanted. Timing it just right Katie tackles the guy from the side and sends his flying. Wasting no time she was on top of him pinning him to the ground her voice gruff.

   "You might as well stop fighting your already making it worse on yourself than if you had just let me write you a few tickets. Now I'm going to arrest you."

Taking out her handcuffs Katie puts them on Hunter reading him his rights. Standing she pulls Hunter up as well and giving him a push forward guiding him to the car she keeps her eyes out for Gunner and if he needed her once she got this one to the car.


Dylan follows along behind Ashlee, not really minding whatever they did next. Entering the tack room with her, he looks around at the mess. It always ended up this way, especially after Mick's riding lessons. Nobody misplaced things on purpose - it just always happened when there were more important things to be done.

"Yeah, okay..." He picks up a bridle that was hanging on a saddle horn instead of a wall peg and gives a little scoff. He knew the tack in here better than anyone else might think. "This would belong to Remington. Way to go, Dad." Shaking his head, he goes to the wall to hang it up.

Hunter backs up a step as Alice approaches, even though his buddy was still bugging him to "finish him off." Staring down at her and Kyle, he grits his teeth. As Alice speaks to him, his eyes lock with hers for a moment - just long enough for a flame to shoot across his gaze. It was anger. It was jealousy. Regret. Guilt.

Kyle pulls himself up with the help of Alice, still bent slightly, his abdomen throbbing. "You're right," he agrees. Before going though, he turns to look at Hunter again, pain filling his eyes. There was so much he could say. Wanted to say. But no words surface. Instead, it's a simple look passed between two men that were once best friends.

Kyle has no idea where Katie had come from or why she was here, but he nods, standing a little straighter. "Yeah... yeah, I'm okay. Just got slugged but I've had worse. There's five drunk guys here - they all got bikes and loaded beer bottles so watch yourself."

Everyone had been so focused on what was happening, that no one had noticed the two new arrivals. As Katie approaches quickly, Hunter backs up a couple more steps, glancing over at his howling buddies, then back again. Something told him they needed to leave. Then he sees the badge on this woman's belt, reflecting in the parking lot light. Yep. Time to leave. He whirls around, signaling to his nearest friend to get out of here.

Seeing Katie wave him over, Gunner wastes no time. En route, his eyes sweep the parking lot, counting men and checking to see where all the exits were. Halfway to Katie though, he spots one of the rowdies start to run for his motorcycle. Breaking into a sprint, he goes after him, determined to catch at least one guy tonight. If he went back to TJY empty handed, he'd be quite annoyed at the waste of time. "Stop!" Of course, that didn't work. Running across the lot, he closes in on the guy and jumps up onto a hood of a car to vault off and fly right into the drunk. Both go down - hard. Wrestling for a moment or two, Gunner gives him a quick punch to the jaw. "Night night." Breathing heavily, he looks around for more.

Having taken off behind his buddy, Hunter sees the cop take him down. Skidding to a halt, he turns and sprints the other direction, planning to swing wide and get back around to his own bike. By now, the other rowdies were hollering to each other to scram, and at least two bike engines start up.

See Better

Thinking for a moment Ashlee goes over what she still had to do on the small list Eric had given her. It was only odd jobs but it didn't bother her. It was something to do and better than nothing. She'd never complain anyways. Every day it was something new and she liked that.

"Next I am going to go straiten out the tack room and see if I can organize it a little bit."

Ashlee walks outside the barn going around to the tack room right next door. She could of gone through the entrance in the barn but she wanted to see how the weather was outside and get a little fresh air clearing her nose so she could enjoy the smell of the tack room better.

"Pretty much everything is labeled where it goes but nothing is actually there, so I am gonna try and get it where it needs to be and maybe group it a little better. Having you there will help too. You might see a better what that I wouldn't have though of."

Moving off to the side Alice takes her own protective stance in front of Twila. It was easy to see she was startled, and shaken up and it made Alice feel sick herself. She never understood why guys would act like that and treat a woman in such a manor.

Standing and staying alert Alice ready's herself for anything just in case. Hearing a voice her new though the hair on the back of her neck pricked up. Why was Hunter here out of all places with a group of people like this? And for a moment a pain shoots through her heart. Had things really gone that wrong for him?

The next few moments seem to fly by and Alice can't even keep track of everything. It was all over the place and when Kyle was hit and falls to the group all she can do is gasp. She can feel her eyes water up as she takes Twila's hand and brings her over to Kyle with her. Bending down next to him she lays a hand on his shoulder before looking back to Hunter. 

   "What's happened to you Hunter?"

Looking back to Kyle her heart ached for Kyle, for Hunter, and for this whole situation. It made her said, mad and just left her wondering what really had happened to Hunter. She new he was upset when Kyle had taken intrust in her but had he really become that bitter?

   "Come on Kyle, lets get going. We don't need to be here anymore."

Reaching up to take the papers from Gunner Katie was a bit surprised to see Reese come over. She hadn't even realized he was still there tonight. She found it odd even though he stayed late lots but it just seemed different than normal.

   "A normal case...thats odd sounding."

Not saying much more Katie grabs her Elite jacket throwing it one. Clipping her  badge to her belt and her gun to the other side Katie gives a nod to Reese and than one to Gunner. They didn't know how many people there were or how out of control it was so two cars would make sense encase they needed it.

   "Yeah two cars sounds good. I get number four though its my lucky number."

Katie gives a small grin. She'd tried to make a joke but she wasn't sure if it came out right or not. Now a days it was hard to tell but she tried anyways. Least it would give her something to do. Jason was off with his friends Katie hadn't even gotten a call from him and all she was sitting and doing was wondering how it was going and it was driving her crazy.

   "Alright lets go!"

...It doesn't take long for Katie and Gunner to get to the cars and hit the road. Katie followed Gunner and was on the look out. Getting to the concert Katie can see the goup of people and the ones that looked like they were part of the rough crowd. There were broken bottles everywhere and car horns going off. It looks a lot worse than she had seen in a while.

Parking the car and getting out Katie scans the lot. Squinting a little she looks and thinks she see Kyle on the ground along with Alice. It looked as though Kyle was in a bit of pain and her blood raced as the other guys stood over her.

   "Hey Hey, break it up guys. Whats going on here?"

Going over to Kyle Katie looks down at him and gives a wondering look as to what was going on and what happened. She never would think he started something like this but she had to treat everyone the same.

   "Are you alright Kyle?"

Katie waves Gunner over to the group. She wasn't sure how things were going to go or if Kyle was even ok but she'd like the backup just in case since she was slavery out numbered in this one. She could handle one or two but she counted a total of five and she new her limit.

Taking the napkin and giving a smile Michaela nods. She'd go to both services and that would be quite ok with her. More fellowship, listing to music, it was something she definitely wouldn't mind.

   "I think that sounds great. I'll probable come to both services and than head out with you after. If it's one thing I don't mind its spending a little extra time in church."