
Head On

Still standing at the door Ryan feel a wave of releaf wash over her as she hears the door unlock. Tal was there and he was ok, but that just leads to a whole another group of questions. Maybe Tal forgot about breakfast? That would of been odd though they had been doing breakfast quite often lately it really was almost normal now. Maybe he over slept?

"What did you're alarm not go off or did you just want to blow me off this..."

Ryan's voice trails off and the smile quickly fades from her face as Tal opens the door all the way and she takes one look at his face. Stepping inside she can feel her heart start to race all over again it looked like he had been hit head on by a car and it frightened Ryan wondering if it was really as bad as it looked.

"Oh my goodness Tal...What happened? Are you ok? Do you need to go to the Hospital, please tell what what happened?"

Taking the hair tie from her wrist Ryan quickly puts her hair in a pony tail to get it out of her face. Bending down a little to get a better look at Tal's face it looked like he needed stichs in a few places, and to tick his head on the freezer for others. It was really bad.


Tal pries open his one eye, hearing Holly whine. His pulse quickens as for a moment, fear reenters his veins. He'd just dozed off... how long had he been asleep? Why was Holly anxious? Was someone here again?

Lying still, he hears Ryan's knock, not realizing she'd already been knocking for several minutes. Although her muffled voice sounded worried, Tal was somewhat relieved it was only her. Of course... that presented a whole new set of problems.

Setting aside the ice pack, he swings his legs off the couch, stifling a groan. His back hurt so bad, as did his ribs. Managing to stand, he keeps one arm around himself, but forces his body to straighten up. trudging to the door, his bare feet scuff the carpet. He was in his ratty jeans and t-shirt... hardly dressed in a fashion fit for company. But it wouldn't matter anyway.

Reaching the door, he slowly unlocks it. He'd been stupid. He should have answered his phone. He should have done something. Anything. Now he'd worried Ryan and had to face her instead of just telling her he wasn't feeling well. Why hadn't he thought of something better than this?

Swallowing hard, he musters up the nerve to open the door... slowly... partway... all the way. His gaze, however, remains glued to the floor. It would take just one look to see the damage on his face and he knew it. There was no hiding it. Stepping back so Ryan can come in, he still doesn't look up at her.


"Alright Eli thanks. Yeah I'll let you know whats going on if I find anything out. Thanks, later."

Hanging up the phone with Eli and putting out of her parking lot Ryan's heart thumped in her chest. It was confirmed through her brother that Tal had not shown up at work today, nor had he showed up for breakfest before work with Ryan today. Now he was also not even picking up his phone. It made Ryan worry because it was not like Tal at all. Her next option now was going over to his place.

A few minutes later Ryan pulls into Tal's driveway. Seeing his car parked in the parking lot she found it a little odd. No lights were on in the house by why would his car be here if he wasn't? Ryan could feel her heart start to race even more. Had something happened? Was he ok? Many questions entered her mind.

Getting out and quickly walking to the door Ryan knocks. Getting no answer she trys to look in the window on the door, and than the window by the door. But the shades were drawn and it was dark. Knocking again a little louder Ryan just wanted Tal to answer to know he was alive.

"Tal, are you there? Come on...You're worrying me."

Michaela liked listing to Rocky talk about his day. To some people it might bore them but not to her. She liked knowing what was going on in someone elses life and it was nice not to have to talk about school work at the same time.

"You're going to have to let me know when you consort is. I really would love to go and watch you guys place. It's usually for a good cause you guys use the money for too so I don't mind helping in that way either as long as I have the extra."

Leaning forward on the table again Michaela pushed a lost strand of hair behind her head as she grins a little bit her eyes giving a silly little twinkle.

"But if I go I have to get your autograph. Might be worth something someday you know."


"Rocky's world..." Rocky chuckles. "Oh, it's as interesting as normal. Which isn't saying much." He shrugs. "Got a concert coming up. First one Cryptic has had in a while. I think we're all half wanting things to pick back up again and half enjoying a normal life. As long as we still got locals who want to hear us, I guess that's alright."

His fingers fiddle with the salt shaker. "And work is... well, it's work." Actually, it had been quite hectic lately. He'd had to take over a different delivery route which meant longer hours and less time at home or with the band. But he had to pay his bills.

What else to talk about? Studying Michaela's face, he notices the sunshine coming through the window and caressing her cheeks in a gentle glow while bouncing off her eyes. His smile softens. "I guess... that's about it."

Alec chews on the inside of his lip, thinking about how much time he'd need. He'd wanted more than an hour, but he was already pushing it by contacting Trey this late. He'd make it work.

"An hour is fine. Your smokes will be brought at midnight and left around back by the dumpster for you to find."

He pauses, looking over his shoulder at the apartment parking lot. "If you can't get the job done, call 555-0382 by one-thirty. That's the pay phone I'm using. Otherwise, I'll assume we're good to go." He thinks for another moment. "If it falls through and they catch me... you're going down too. Just remember that."

Ending the call, Alec heads inside and up to his apartment. He could take a cat nap and rest for a while, but he was too hyped up for that. No, he would think. He would plan. And at two o'clock, he'd be leaving...

Tal laughs. "Yeah, he'll be surprised all right. If he complains though, just tell him that you got the house training covered - tell him you've had plenty of experience training him, so he needn't worry about a puppy."

His eyes twinkle with humor and he gives Ryan another quick kiss.

"Are we ready to order?"

Tal's face reddens slightly, but his grin remains, even though he know the waiter had caught them. "Um yes... I believe we are..."

...The whole evening had been as close to perfect as ever. Tal stretches and yawns, shutting off the kitchen light after checking on Holly and the puppies one last time. After dinner, Ryan had come over and they'd had an absolute ball playing with the puppies. They'd talked and laughed and had totally lost track of time.

Ryan had picked out which pup she wanted - it was the special one of the litter - the only one with a white marking. It had also been rather rambunctious and seemed to take to Ryan more than any of the others. The only other oddball was the runt, and Tal wasn't sure if it would have problems later or not after its rough beginning. He also didn't know if his buyer would want that one or not. He'd have to wait and see. Though the runt was cute, he was just glad that Ryan had chosen the one she had - it would be easy to remember and would always be identifiable by its markings. Ryan had been so excited too... the whole thing was worth it just to see her face light up like it had.

Yes... the evening had been perfect. Tal shuts off the rest of the lights and flops down on the couch, turning on the television. He didn't have to be to work until noon tomorrow, and though exhausted right now, his mind was still very much awake. If he could fall asleep to a late night show, he'd be able to rest...

Alec approaches Tal's door quietly, having avoided being seen thus far. He'd had someone deliver the cigarettes to Trey at midnight and had not received a phone call, so he hoped everything was set. If not, he was dead meat. But if it worked out... then this would send his message loud and clear that he was not to be forgotten or replaced.

He reaches for the door handle and isn't surprised to find it locked. Fishing a small tool from his pocket, he knew he'd be inside within seconds.

Tal's eyes flutter open. He'd finally fallen asleep on the couch and the television was still droning on with the volume set at a quiet level. What had woken him?

Holly's low growl comes from the kitchen and Tal is immediately on edge. His dog rarely growled or barked at nothing. Sitting up, he listens carefully over the television but heard nothing. As Holly insists something is wrong, Tal finally stands up and aims for the kitchen to check on the pups. His timing couldn't have been worse.

As soon as Alec has the door unlocked, he opens it a crack and is surprised to see Tal moving about by the light of the television. Though it changed things a little, it wouldn't ruin the end result.

Turning on the light in the kitchen, Tal looks around and reaches over the child gate to pat Holly's head. "What's wrong, huh? I don't see or hear anything."

Holly bristles even more and her growl becomes a vicious bark with her teeth barred as she stares behind her master.

Tal whirls around, completely unprepared for the fist that meets his mouth. He's hit with such force that he stumbles back into the wall, sinking to the floor. Dazed, he tries to get past the pain in his jaw to see what was going on, but for several seconds, everything spins. He hears Holly growl again, someone wail in pain, then a sharp whimper and dull thud. Fear grips him as his heart races. Regaining his senses, he shakes his head and pulls himself to his feet just in time to receive a kick to the gut. Brought to his knees, he swings blindly at his attacker, only to have his face struck with the hard knuckles again.

"Who are you?" he demands, gasping for breath and now on his hands and knees. "What do you want?!"

Alec glares down at his prey, landing another hard kick to Tal's gut - hard enough to send him reeling back on the floor. Pouncing, he sits atop Tal's gut, pinning him down. "I want you gone," he hisses.

Tal struggles under the weight, trying to see his assailant was, but it was difficult with only dim lighting. The man was dressed all in black, his face hidden in in dark combat makeup. Was this a robbery gone wrong? Was this a personal attack? What? Who? Why? Tal bucks his hips and rolls, gaining the upper hand long enough to land a hit to the attacker's jaw. It lasts only a moment though before he's on his back again with several hard punches to his face. The taste of blood floods his mouth and his eye stings to the point he cannot open it. "Who are you?" he wheezes.

"Your worst enemy," Alec growls. "What you get tonight is nothing compared to what you'll get if you don't stay away from Ryan."

A cold chill runs down Tal's spine. Alec. "You swine!" He swings at Alec's face but misses, resulting in a crushing blow to his ribs. Crying out in pain, he's released and doubles over on the floor.

He wouldn't remember much after that. Everything was a blur...

...Tal finds himself surrounded by quiet darkness. Swallowing hard, he tries to get his bearings. The feeling of carpet brushes his face and he realizes he's still on the living room floor. Rolling onto his side, he yelps and abandons the effort for a moment. Rolling the other way, he succeeds in getting to his hands and knees. The kitchen light was off and so was the television.

Crawling forward, he gropes for the lamp by the couch, accidentally knocking it onto the floor. After fumbling for a few more moments, he finally gets it upright and turned on. His head and face were throbbing as was his ribcage. He squints around the room, his left eye not wanting to open all the way.

Spotting a still black form by the kitchen, his heart leaps into his throat. "Aw no... no... Holly?"

Crawling over to her, he kneels, forgetting his own pain for now. Running his hand along her head and neck, he croons to her, tears filling his eyes. "Holly... c'mon, Babe... please..." His voice cracks. "Please be okay..."

Holly's eyes flutter open and she gives a start, but relaxes under Tal's hands. Looking around for a moment, she rights herself and stands, unbalanced for only a few seconds. Relief sweeps through Tal's veins. She must have hit the wall and been knocked out, but she seemed to be alright. He runs his hands all down her back and over her sides, finding a tender spot along her ribs where she might have been kicked, but nothing seemed to be broken.

Sliding to the kitchen doorway, Tal opens the gate and coaxes Holly back inside to be with her pups before latching the gate again. Sitting on the floor, he realizes just how much everything really did hurt. Finally pulling himself up on his feet, he bends, cradling his ribs. The room spun and he leans against the wall until he can regain his balance and make his way to the bathroom...

...It was nearing ten o'clock. The phone had rung five times. Tal knew it was Ryan. He was supposed to meet her for breakfast this morning but he hadn't dared leave his apartment. She was probably worried about him by now. He should have answered his phone. But he still didn't know what he was going to tell her.

Lying on his side on the couch, he didn't try to move. Half his face was purple and swollen, along with his left eye that now he couldn't even open. He had several bruised ribs, if none were broken, and his back was too sore to even lay on it. He'd managed to get a glimpse of his back in the mirror and it was plenty black and blue as well - probably from Alec's motorcycle boots.

First aid paraphernalia was spread out on the cluttered coffee table. Bandages, bloody washcloths and more. Setting a cold icepack on his face, Tal winces but keeps it there, trying to get the swelling down. What was he going to tell Ryan? He was so very angry. Alec's actions were childish and cruel. Tal knew Ryan would feel badly though, and he didn't want that. He didn't want her to feel like she was the cause. And, selfishly, he didn't want her to know he'd been unable to handle Alec. No... he didn't know how he was going to tell her.

He glances to the phone. If Ryan called again, he'd need to talk to her or else she'd show up at his door and he'd never be able to hide any of this.

Alec stares himself in the cracked mirror of his tiny bathroom. His eyes scowled back at him. He felt no better now than he had last night. Maybe even worse.

Scoffing at himself, he throws some water on his face and dries with a towel. Checking out the bite mark on his arm, he covers it with a bandage and pulls his sleeve down over it. Nobody would know. There would be no proof. It had gone without a hitch. So why...

He looks at himself again. So why was he not feeling good about it all?

Rocky World

"Oh I'm doing pretty good. Had a bit of a rough patch there for a little while but I got through it."

Smile at Rocky Michaela leans back again as she lets out a small sigh. Over the last month things had been a little rougher with money. Not as many people needed tutoring, and that made the money coming in a little less too. Now things had started picking up again she would be alright.

"The turkey on a bagel is good here. I personaly love the Turkey on a wheat roll with sharp cheddar cheese. They usally know that when they see me."

Michaela gives a little laugh her eyes twinkling.

"So how about you? How's Rocky's world?"

Pulling away and grabbing her glass of water Ryan takes a long sip from the straw the smile still spread across her lips. She ran through her head all the puppy's Tal had and what one she would want. She'd have to go there again and look at them, play with them and just see what one she wanted.

"That sounds great. Boy is Eli going to be surprised when he comes home to find a dog in the house one night."

Taking Tal's hand in her own Ryan gives it a squeeze as she smile couldn't fade. She felt so happy in this moment. All the bad had been washed away and right here and now was...perfect.

Picking up his phone and hearing Alec's voice on the other end Trey leans against his wall. He wondered when Alec would been calling and he's been waiting. Hearing his request Trey thinks for a long moment. It was late notice but Trey could still figure it out.

"Bring the smokes to me tonight, Late notice for me, a little inconvenience for you. I can get that done for you at two."

Trey thinks for a long moment running through his head when rounds where and how much time there would be in between and everything else.

"You'll have till three to get back before they know your gone. Will that be enough time or am I gonna have to do a little more finagling?"


Scott gives a quiet little laugh. "Ditto."

Sighing, he looks around one last time. "Well... I guess I better let you get back to work. I'll um... I'll be around."

Rocky gives Michaela a wide grin and sets his menu down. "Yeah, well ya know... someone said they were gonna come here for lunch with me today."

Laughing, he shakes his head. "I've actually never been here before. I like it. Cute. Not to mention, their turkey bagel sounds really good."

He leans forward with his elbows on the table and just looks at Michaela's face. "So... how've you been anyway?"

Tal had expected Ryan to be pleased, but had not been prepared for quite that big of a reaction, and his eyes go wide. "Yes, I- mmm..." Caught in her kiss, he leaves his sentence hanging as he willingly returns the gesture. Laughing as she cuddles into him, he slips his arm around her, giving her a hug.

"I take it you like it then?" He laughs again and cocks his head down to see her face that was half-buried against him. "I've been planning this for ages, you know. Soon as I found out you could have a dog at your apartment."

Kissing the top of her head, he squeezes her again. "You're very welcome. You can come pick out who you want, then in just a few more weeks or so, you can take it home."

Still listening, Alec's napkin had become a pile of shreds on the table. The rest of his food was forgotten as his stomach churned. He could hear everything going on behind him. He could visualize it all, knowing from the sounds and the booth jostling that Ryan had very enthusiastically accepted Tal's gift. Knowing they'd just kissed too though... that's what sent Alec's blood to the point of boiling.

He couldn't stand it. He couldn't sit here for who knows how long and listen to all of that. Ryan had been his. He'd been hers. He'd been the one allowed to kiss her... hold her. He'd been the one she'd been excited to see. He'd been the one spending the evenings with her and cuddling on the couch until they fell asleep. It had been him. And now... he was forgotten. He didn't matter anymore. All their good times... it was all lost in the wind. Everything they'd said and done... it was fading history. He meant nothing to her anymore.

Alec's eyes shoot to the back of the diner. There was an exit sign above a door that probably led out into the back alley. If he was careful, he could slip outside without being seen. He couldn't stay here any longer. Swallowing the growing lump in his throat, he quietly eases from his booth without turning around and heads to the back, going unnoticed by any other customers.

It took him a while to get back to his apartment, but when he did, he stopped by the pay phone first. "Trey? It's Alec. I know it's short notice, but can you do that favor for me tonight?" His fingers curl around the phone cord as he stuffs his hurt down deep and lets himself be angry instead. "I got your smokes and can get them to you tonight if you want payment first. I need to look as though I'm at my apartment at about two in the morning for an hour and a half. Can you do it?"

Dull Moment

Dalton gives a smile to Scott. He new Scott had been hurt and had a right to have been angry at him He couldn't hold that against him. Giving Scott a nod anyways Dalton new it would make Scott feel better not to have him protest.

"You are forgiven and very welcome. There is no way I could even think about replacing you. Your one of a kind and I love ya for that."

Entering the Cafe and scanning the room Michaela giving a smile and wave to the younger man behind the counter. She had been here many times before with some of the people she tutored. It was quiet, they had good stuff to drink and it didn't cost a lot.

Seeing Rocky sitting at one of the far tables she walks over and slides in across from him giving a smile. She didn't need a menu she already new what she would get without even looking.

"Well howdy stranger! Fancy meeting you here."

Michaela gives a grin as she leaned on the table a few stray strange of hair falling in her face. She was happy that Rocky and herself were able to finally come up with a time to meet up again. It was nice to chat with a friend and just share some fellowship.

Entering the dinner and sitting down with Tal Ryan can't help but laugh picturing everything Tal was talking with Eli. It was all to funny that she couldn't help that her laughter was loud. Spending time with Tal had become more and more and Ryan loved every moment. It was getting to the point that if one was around than the other was close by too.

"Thats my brother never a dull moment."

Looking down at the menu Ryan tried to deiced what she wants to eat. There were always so many things to choose from she had a hard time picking. All was last though as Tal's next comment follows. Ryan's head shoots up and her eyes go wide for a moment as she looks at Tal. A puppy, she could pick out a puppy, anyone she wanted...one for her very own. She's always wanted a dog and never dreamed Tal would give her one.

"You really mean it?"

Not being able to contain the squiel Ryan gets out from the both and goes over next to Tal throwing her arms around him and planting a big kiss on his lips before nuzzling her head into his neck. She felt like a little kid all over again being able to FINALLY have the pet she always wanted. Ryan was so happy, so excited she just couldn't wait.

"Oh Tal...I...thank you...thank you so much. This is the best gift ever."