

"I give up." Carson throws his hands in the air. "Talking to you tonight is like talking to a brick wall." Following Misty's route, he aims for the refrigerator.

Fishing out his last bottle of beer, he pops the lid with his opener and takes a swig. He should be on his way to bed is what he should be doing. It was late. But his nerves were shot. His eyes fall back to Misty again and he gives her a cold stare for several moments. "How about you just drop this whole thing and not ask me about it again, ay? I think we'd both feel a whole lot better."

In order to end the conversation, he returns to the living room and flops down in his chair in the corner, glaring into the dark. Sipping his beer, his anger simmers and he listens to the dishes being washed. He imagined soon he would hear Misty preparing for bed. He knew that he'd hurt her, and she would probably let the topic drop for now in order to avoid more fighting tonight. But all that did was make him more miserable.


Turning back around the door slamming had been an honest mistake and yes maybe she could of not called him a lier but usaly Carson didn't react like this. Misty was at a lose for what was going on.

"Me PMSing!!!!! Whats wrong with you Carson? Your not normally like this, your usually calm and we are able to talk things out. Tonight you just think I am out to get you like I want to get in a fight."

Misty's look went from angry to almost sad. She really couldn't believe they were fighting right now. It had been such a long time it hurt to be doing it now. But Misty wasn't willing to say sorry when she hadn't done anything wrong.

"Snap out of it. I'm not the bad guy so don't treat me like I am over one question."

Shaking her head Misty head's to the kitchen she had dishes to do and she was angry, and sad at the same time. A bad combanation, maybe smacking some soap around would help.


Carson grits his teeth as he picks up all the cards and tries to straighten them out to fit back in the box. Spinning around as the closet door slams, he glares at Misty.

"Yeah... yeah, I usually go around making excuses to you, don't I?" The more upset he became, the thicker his accent got. "You could have at least asked me why my phone when off, instead of outright calling me a liar."

Finished with the cards, he tosses them to the side of the table carelessly before crossing his arms. His glare remains. "I honestly cannot believe we're even having this conversation. Anything else I've done lately that you'd like to accuse me of? Or is it just PMS and I need to avoid you til you're in a better mood?"

I've Never

Misty can't help but let her own eyes narrow at Carson's retaliation. She hadn't expected him to get that angry over a simple questions. It hadn't been that big of a deal and she thought he would of stayed calm and explained it to you.

"You know if you stayed calm and didn't fly off the handle maybe you could of explained that to me. I simply asked you a question because of what it looked like. You really had no right to yell at me like that. So why don't you get a grip and get over it."

Walking into the living room to fold up the extra two chairs Misty couldn't help but be upset. Carson and herself didn't fight a lot so doing it now caused her to get even more upset.

"I just asked because I've never seen you make a mistake like that before since we have been married. I figured maybe you new I would be upset you didn't call so you made up the excuse your phone died. I wasn't accusing you of anything other than telling me your phone was dead when clearly it wasn't."

Putting the two chairs into the closet Misty didn't mean to close the door hard it just kind of happened and she herself cringed when it did.


Carson's eyes widen. He stares at Misty with disbelief until his surprise evolves into irritation, his brow furrowing. "Lied to you?" The nice little romantic moment had vanished in an instant.

"I can't believe you just asked me that. Seriously..." Something close to anger flickers in his gaze. His hands move to his hips, displaying a defiant stance. "I have no idea what happened. Maybe I made a mistake. Maybe I thought my phone was dead and it wasn't..." He shakes his head, his eyes still narrow, his frown remaining. "Why on earth would I out and out lie to you about that anyway? And in front of company, no less?" He scoffs and shakes his head. "Get a grip... It'd be nice if you gave me the benefit of the doubt. Apparently I lost that privilege somewhere along the way."

Sidling past her, he goes back to the table to clean up the cards, clearly thinking their conversation was over.


Looking at her own cards trying to figure out what to play next Misty gives a slight jump when Carson's phone goes off. For a moment she checked her own but remembered it was sitting on the kitchen counter still. Giving Carson a sidelong glance Misty could feel her cheeks get a little red and she didn't laugh at his comment about Dani.

"For a dead phone that one sure does text good still."

Seeing it was her turn Misty lets it go for now just ending with that comment. She'd rather not get into it with Carson while there was company or make it worse than it was. Though the question still lingered on her mind she'd wait till a little later.

...Once everyone was gone Misty let out a sigh. The question was burning a hole in her mind and she had to ask before it drove her crazy. Maybe Carson had a good explanation or he hadn't though about calling and didn't want to get in trouble....it had to be something an Misty needed to know.

Letting him finish with the kiss to her head and the hug Misty gives a nod. She loved Carson and hated doubting him. Taking a few steps back she looks up into his eyes and study's them for a long moment.

"Carson, how come you lied to me about your phone?"

It was straight, simple and right to the point. Misty didn't really feel like beating around the bush tonight. She felt tired, and just worn out. Maybe it was because the night had been off to a bad start with Carson being late but now she wanted the truth.

As Axel pulls Jess closer to him Jess dosnt resist. She loved being wrapped in his arms, feeling safe, loved. It was not often that Axel showed this emotion but when he did there was no way Jess wanted to turn is down.

Shifting a little to get more comfortable Jess leans into Axel and lets her eyes fall shut. Her one hand bracing herself on his chest so not all her weight was leaning on him and the other to the side of his face just cradling it.

Her own kiss was soft, but deep just letting Axel know how much she loved him, and all the emotions she could never say. It was moments like this Jess was happy for the few times they shaired like this. It made them feel special and she welcomed them, and returned them as well.

Putting away for a second Jess smiles at Axel before turning her head the other way and returning for another kiss. This time just letting her own passion show as she returned the kiss lightly but strong.


Axel was grateful for Jess' words. It didn't change anything. It didn't fix anything. But at least she believed in him. She didn't think he was a monster. She wasn't afraid of him. At least he had her to rely on for that. If no one else believed him... she did. And if he wanted anyone to believe him, it was her.

"Thanks." Reaching over, he takes her hand in his, running his thumb through her palm. "You're pretty special, you know that? Most people... well... they'd tuck tail and run from someone with a reputation like mine, true or not. I guess that's the only thing that worries me. I want to let it go... but it keeps following me. Right now things are quiet. But what about a month from now? A year?" He shrugs. "Next time I'm exposed or accused... what will it do to me then? To us?"

He sighs. He knew there wasn't an answer. He knew Jess was ready to stick it out with him no matter what. But it did still gnaw at his gut.

Shifting a little to sit a bit more sideways, he cradles her face with his hand. "I don't mean to push you away when I get worried. I just didn't want to scare you or take out my frustrations on you. I'd rather yell at a mirror than you and I didn't want you to get the brunt of it. You're too special to me for that."

Smiling a little, he leans in closer. "No matter what happens... no matter if I need time off... know that it's never because of you, and I will always return. Always."

Closing the gap, his lips brush hers lightly before returning with a firmer kiss. His one hand slips around her waist, the other crawling to the back of her head. Deepening the kiss, he doesn't pull away. Not this time. Not yet. Right now he wanted to show her how much he cared. So he lets the passion go.

Carson's head snaps up at Misty's comment and it takes him a strange moment to smile. "Of course not, love."

"Hey!" Con swats Jamie's hand as she elbows him. "Not on a full stomach." Grinning, he leans over and gives her a kiss. "But since I apparently twisted your arm, I guess that makes us even."

...Playing cards was a nice relaxing distraction from the day. Just being able to fellowship and laugh felt good, and the time was ignored...

Pursing his lips and studying the cards in his hand, Carson is about to make a play when his phone gives a short ring from his pocket. Smirking, he pauses the game and fishes his phone from his pocket to flip it open. He grins then shakes his head as he reads the text message. "Apparently Dani left a mess in the kitchen for me to clean up in the morning." Opting not to reply to her now, he tucks his phone away again and looks back at his cards. "I'm gonna need two."

Con tries not to look at Jamie. He knew his eyes would betray him if he did. He hadn't heard Carson's phone, but it was obvious he'd received a text message. It was also obvious that Carson had not plugged in his phone after arriving - it had been in his pocket this whole time. Yet... he'd said that the battery had died and that's why he hadn't called when he'd wound up late. Maybe Con had just heard him wrong - that wasn't out of the ordinary with his bad hearing. But... it was a bit hard convincing himself that that's all it was. He didn't want to think Carson had lied. What reason would he have? Wondering what the answer was bothered Con... a lot.

Realizing it was his turn in the game, he tries to focus and forget about that other issue for now. It was probably all just his imagination anyway...

... Con yawns as he lays down his cards, starting a chain reaction of yawning. No one wanted to quit, but it really was getting late. He looks to Jamie just a little sleepily and with a wry grin. "I don't know, but I think I've about had it."

"Party pooper," Carson teases. He shakes loose an ice cube from the bottom of his glass to chew on.

Con smirks and yawns again. "Yeah well... okay. I guess I am."

It takes a few more minutes to wind things down and actually decide to leave, but eventually Con and Jamie do depart, with plans to do this again soon.

Leaning on the open doorway, Carson gives a final wave to their friends before turning and stretching, now yawning too. "Mmm... that was fun." He closes the door and pulls Misty in for a hug and a kiss to the top of her head. "Thanks for making supper too - it was great."


Letting the night continue on Misty lets the odd feeling she had slide. Maybe she was just being overworked and there was nothing more to the situation. Maybe everything Carson had said really did happen. She had to believe him, he had no reason to lie.

Misty gives a small laugh at Carson's mention of cards and raises her hand too. She was ready to stay away and have a little more fun herself. Tomorrow she didn't have to be to work till a little later in the afternoon so this was perfect.

"I am as long as you don't cheat."

Standing up Misty heads into the kitchen to get refils of the drinks and the desks of cards they had stashed away for a time like this.

Giving a laugh and an elbow to Con Jamie's eyes twinkle. She new he was only joking and she didn't mind. The extra time with Con was always nice and Jamie would never rush that.

"I guess you twisted my arm enough. We can stay."

Sitting down again with Axel and listing to what he had to say Jess could feel her heart break for him all over again. She new how much this bothered him from day one and to know the whole scab had been ripped away again hurt.

"Axel, that might be something you never will be able to prove. It happened so long ago, and it was such a horrible thing yes but its time to just let it go."

Jess gives a smile to Axel doing he best to be soft and understanding but trying to give him encouragement at the same time. She new this was hard for him, and even if she told him she still loved and cared for him it would both him. Thats was just how Axel was.

"If it means anything I believe, and you have proven to me you didn't do it. I believe it in here..."

Jess puts a hand over her heart. She new Axel now and even if he had changed since back than she had gotten to know his heart and it was pure, and she would never do anything like that to hurt someone. Not now, not than, not ever.

"...You'd never hurt anyone Axel and I believe that whole heatedly."

Giving a nod Trey follows Pete inside. He was satisfied with his answer and would not help him with paper work. But this gave him extra time to think about what to say to Ariel tomorrow. Time he would need to try and put his thought's together.